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Old Charles Manson Articles + More about

Scientology’s Drug and CIA Connections

This is a blog post originally published March 27, 2015 at 10:15 AM now archived in this

(original url:

March 2020 note: for the most current research on the drug-trafficking aspect related to
Scientology please see the Scientology Drug-Trafficking Timeline.

Yep, you guessed it. I was perusing the recently declassified FDA records – in Cd #3, Vol 12
of 18 PDF, and came across the odd inclusion of a couple of old newspaper articles about
Charles Manson, starting on p. 63.
The Dallas Morning News: Free Love, Blind Obedience to Manson Features of Cult,
Thursday, December 4, 1969 –
The Washington Daily News: “Manson” may be tied to more deaths, Wednesday December
16, 1969

“Aha!” says I after seeing these, “That reminds me.”

I think it’s time to get further into that whole rats nest.

Notice that the second article is about the horrific deaths of two young scientologists.

In a newspaper interview Gaul’s father said that she had recently become disenchanted with

From the files of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice, Washington,

The following article regarding two members of the Church of Scientology appeared
in the November 25, 1969 issue of the “Los Angeles Times’:

Motive Sought in Slaying of Youth, Woman

Only Clue Discovered Was Common Membership of Pair in Scientology Sect


Times Staff Writers

Miss Gaul, the eldest of four children, was graduated in the spring of 1968 from a
parochial high school in Albany, N.Y. Friends said that until she became devoted
to Scientology after graduation, the attractive young woman had been a devout
Roman Catholic.

Her father told a newsman in Albany that she had apparently become
disenchanted with Scientology in recent weeks.

Oh, hey, look at that. She was yet another Roman Catholic.

As an aside, getting into scientology really seems to often get the Catholics going in wonky
catholic directions. Are they really that big of suckers for all this hoodoo and voodoo? It
seems that’s exactly what happened with Doreen, and the next thing you know she’s getting
into the darker ‘cult’ version of the Process church, as well, and then shows up stabbed
repeatedly in the manner of the Manson murders?

By the way, in Auditor #43, there is a James Sharp(e) listed as a recent ASHO graduate of
Power processing, in 1968, perhaps this is the same person that was also murdered.

Right exactly in the same time frame as the two murders, the Church of Scientology comes
out with a statement.

Scientologists Deny Murder Link

Saturday, December 13th, 1969

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 13 – The Church of Scientology said Friday a “vicious and
well organized rumor campaign” has sought to link it with the Sharon Tate
murders. It offered a $30,000 reward for information bringing conviction of those
responsible for various rumors.

Six black-suited ministers of the “applied religious philosophy” denomination,

which claims 15 million members worldwide, held a Los Angeles news conference
where a spokesman said:

– That “totally groundless” rumors have pictured the church as attempting to

block police work on the Tate case and also “tie the church into the practice of
black magic.”

– As in past “similar campaigns” against the church around the world, indications
are that “the same national and world mental health front groups” are responsible.

Church officials have given police every assistance and have been commended
by police for their efforts, the spokesman said.

Here’s a PDF of the above, for those who prefer that.

Here’s a 1970 article about the Process church and Charles Manson – The San Bernardino
County Sun.
Even The Realist got in the action, and had an article titled: Charles Manson’s ‘bunkmate’ by
Richard Meltzer in issue 87, May/June of 1970.
Here’s a PDF of that article and here’s the images –
Also, here is a look at the “Death” Issue of the “The Process” magazine from January 1972
which had included the infamous “Manson Article” written by Charles Manson himself.

OK, so it’s obvious there is something going on with all this.

I think it’s time to load up the time machine and go have a look!

The year was 1967, the Brotherhood of Eternal Love LSD front for the CIA had just been
incorporated as a tax-exempt religious organization the prior year (Oct. 1966 – ten days after
LSD became illegal in California).

They had declared a dedication to:

“bring to the world a greater awareness of God –

through the teachings of Jesus Christ, Rama-Krishnam Babaji, Paramahansa Yogananda,

Mahatma Gandhi and all true prophets and apostles of God.”

Oh no – not again!
Just even that, if you know your history, pretty much tells you right away its just another dang
Catholic/British Slavemaster lets-control-the-world operation.

This former motorcycle gang promoted that LSD had ‘cured’ them of their addictions and
violent behavior, and that taking LSD would transform American society into a glorious

Their guru (who told them to start a religion) Harvard professor Timothy Leary, later
described, it’s head “Farmer” Griggs as the “holiest person who has ever lived in this


Good ole Terry Milner was back (from training in England under Hubbard) in Los Angeles
being the Deputy Guardian for Intelligence for the United States (scientology’s intelligence
organization – the Guardian’s Office) and selling investment shares in something called
Theta-Line Speculative.

Auditor #26 – 1967


For Sale: Investments. Money back guarantee.

Write: Terry Milner, Clear 5, Theta-Line Speculative

953 S. Parkview, Los Angeles, California, 90006.

Meanwhile, on March 21, Charles Manson gets released from the McNeil Island Penitentiary,
where he had received 150 hours of auditing, and is sent to San Francisco. Rumor has it he
went right to the main scientology organization there.

A cell partner turned me on to Scientology. With him and another guy I got pretty
heavy into Dianetics and Scientology. Through this and by other studies, I came
out of my state of depression. I was understanding myself better, had a positive
outlook on life, and knew how to direct my energies to each day and each task.

— Manson: In His Own Words

While L. Ron Hubbard is bouncing around the Mediterranean with his Sea Organization
ships – the Kandahar-based Tokhi brothers [CIA connections] were supplying the
Brotherhood of Eternal Love with hashish which was being shipped inside of surfboards.
(Hynson was a surfer who had been introduced to Griggs and the Brotherhood by Chuck

Hynson and Haley (Brotherhood)
Hynson, Griggs, et al.
It was Hynson who gave Griggs another idea to ‘raise money’: Why not use surfboards to
smuggle hash from the Middle East or India? – he thought, nobody knew anything about
surfing in India, so customs wouldn’t know the difference if a surfboard weighed 20 or 30
pounds more than it should.

Hynson suggested the idea to Griggs’ friend Dave Hall, who promptly borrowed a board and
set off for Nepal, returning a few weeks later with the board and the best hash anyone in
Laguna Beach had ever smoked.

Beginning in 1967 and expanding over the course of the next several years, the Brotherhood
became not only America’s biggest acid distribution network (for the CIA and MKUltra) but
also the nation’s most prodigious group of hashish smugglers.

Brotherhood smugglers flew to Europe; purchased Volkswagen buses, Land Rovers and
other vehicles; drove them overland to Kandahar, Afghanistan—later to become the
birthplace of the Taliban (another ‘gift’ to humanity from British and American intelligence)
—and then shipped them home to California from Karachi, Pakistan.

During the next several years, the Brotherhood of Eternal Love was shipping up to a dozen
hash-stuffed Volkswagen buses and Land Rovers being from Afghanistan at any given
Kandahar is one of the 34 provinces of Afghanistan and is located close to Pakistan.

Mr. Bartels. At some point late in 1967 or early 1968. members of the brotherhood
developed their most important foreign contact for hashish.

According to subsequent indictment, this was the Tokhi brothers who reside in
Afghanistan on the outskirts of Kabul, its capital city.

– Hashish smuggling and passport fraud : ”the brotherhood of eternal love” : hearing before
the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other
Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-third
Congress, first session, October 3, 1973

Brotherhood smugglers developed elaborate and successful means of getting the hashish
into the United States. One of their earlier techniques was to hide quantities of 15 to 20
pounds of the drug within the interiors of fiberglass surfboards which they manufactured.

They began by smuggling the hashish inside of surfboards, the idea of Brotherhood member
Mike Hynson, as mentioned earlier.

Aman Tokhi, the Brotherhood’s chief supplier in Kabul, also worked as a janitor at the U.S.
Embassy, although he referred to his position as ‘maintenance supervisor’.

It’s 2 a.m. in New Delhi [India], halfway through a hot night in August 1967, and
Mike Hynson is still awake and sweating in his hotel room.

Using a spoon he borrowed from the hotel restaurant, Hynson has carved a giant
chunk of foam out of the bottom of one of the boards he’d delivered to India a few
weeks earlier. He’s filled the hole with a watertight bag of hashish oil that he and a
friend from Laguna Beach obtained in Kathmandu. He seals the compartment shut
with carefully concealed tape and resin. – they are sent to california

– Orange County Weekly article, July 9, 2009

From the Congressional Hearings –


Mr. Sinclair. But, that was not enough; and in the latter part of 1967, Glenn Lynd
and two other brotherhood members traveled to Afghanistan in search of a
permanent source of supply for brotherhood hashish.

Mr. Sourwine. That is Glenn Lynd, L-y-n-d ?

Mr. Sinclair. That is correct, sir. They purchased 125 pounds of high-quality
Afghanistan hashish from their suppliers in Afghanistan for $15 a pound and
smuggled it back into California where they sold it for $900 a pound. This was to
be the first 125 pounds of nearly 24 tons of hashish smuggled into the United
States from Afghanistan, Lebanon, and India by the Brotherhood of Eternal Love.

– Hashish smuggling and passport fraud : ”the brotherhood of eternal love” : hearing before
the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other
Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-third
Congress, first session, October 3, 1973

Other references regarding the Tokhi Brothers:

1. Nick Schou Thu, Dec 03, 2009 3:36 pm

Glenn Lynd had CIA connections, probably through either Ashbrook or Bevan, that helped
‘find’ the Tokhi brothers in the first place, accordingly, Lynd was later used to bust-up the

Lynd’s partner in this first smuggling trip to Afghanistan was Brenice Lee Smith.

Testifying under oath, Lynd described how he and Smith had flown to Germany, purchased a
Volkswagen van and driven it to Kandahar, where they met up with Tokhi brothers who had
just previously supplied Brotherhood men Rick Bevan and Travis Ashbrook.
By the time they got to Kandahar, however, Lynd was sick with dysentery, and flat broke.
Ashbrook flew to Kandahar, and sent Lynd home wearing a jacket lined with hash and
instructions to sell the drug to a trusted friend and wire the proceeds to Karachi, where
Ashbrook used the cash to ship the Volkswagen to Los Angeles.

Lynd did as instructed, and shortly after Ashbrook and Smith flew home, the Volkswagen,
along with a few hundred pounds of hash, arrived safely at the Port of Los Angeles. They
circumvented inspection and drove straight to a safe house in the desert where they
unloaded the hash.

Reference – Distant Karma Catches up with Brotherhood’s Brenice Lee Smith, December
10, 2009

Brotherhood member Glenn Lynd at the Oregon coast, circa 1968.

Brenice, finally caught and in shackles – 2009


Here’s a map overview so you can get an idea of who’s (Hubbard, Brotherhood) doing what
where. The left red mini-arrow marks where Hubbard was.

Ron Hubbard discussed that a man named Baron Berez had been booted out of the Sea
Organization for using and running drugs in 1968.
You should write all your friends to correct field impression of Flag with brutal
ethics and cat-o-nine.

I worked out what really happened. In Melilla in the Spring of ’68 we had a flood of
raw, relatively untrained, unaudited people arrive. We also had five people who
were very heavy handed and suppressive, since blown or dismissed (Berez was
booted out of the SO for drug use and is in jail for drug running and possibly
Taunton). […]

– Flag Order titled: Flag Rumours, by L. Ron Hubbard ‘Commodore’, June 22, 1970

In October of 1968, Hubbard was still happily talking to Berez about “finishing up OT VII” and
then just two months later? He’s kicking him out!

Well, as I told Baron tonight, I really want to finish VIII first.

VII is a long level, a lot to write up. A lot to do. Not an easy level.

So when?




December 17, 1968


Goodbye, Mr. Berez. You who used ethics most wrongly were found with a huge
tin of marijuana to be the most out-ethics person aboard.


3. Berez, you were the longest aboard in all the out ethics days of the old RSM.

We can blow some charge on that.

So goodbye Mr. Berez. I trust you will soon go up in smoke.


– Writing OT VIII, a Pot Bust, and More From L. Ron Hubbard: Sailing the Apollo Dec 11 – 17,
by Tony Ortega, Dec. 16, 2011

In the summer of 1968 the Brotherhood was getting a lab set up in San Francisco to
produce Orange Sunshine (LSD). Timothy Leary had just been busted for a small amount of
pot, imprisoned briefly because the Brotherhood had helped him escape to Algeria, and then
ended up in Kabul where he was again arrested.

Mr. Sinclair: In the summer of 1968, brotherhood members traveled to San

Francisco in an attempt to secure a permanent source of supply for LSD which
they found. The LSD was to be called orange sunshine and the laboratory was to
be set up in December 1968.

– Hashish smuggling and passport fraud : ”the brotherhood of eternal love” : hearing before
the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other
Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-third
Congress, first session, October 3, 1973

The elusive Jerry McDonald (see post) had joined up with Hubbard’s Sea Organization
around the same time as all this is going on.

Jerry, our jack-of-all-trades intelligence agent, had appeared on board Hubbard’s ships in
1968, just in time to help carry out Operation Sheepskin [underneath Operation Gladio] for
the CIA, in Greece.

1969 was a busy time for Terry and Jerry. Jerry has been made the Commander of the
Pacific Fleet (of Sea Organization ships) by L. Ron Hubbard personally. Scientologists are
part of, and working with The Brotherhood of Eternal Love – a major drug smuggling ring
that imports marijuana from the biggest drug dealer in Mexico, “Papa”, Pedro Aviles and his
right hand man Quintero.

Jerry McDonald’s ship the Blue Fin had just been raided in 1968, the Ares, Neptune (Mary
Sue Hubbard’s ship), and the Bolivar were all raided for drug smuggling and suspected gun
running in 1969; the rock group People! had just joined the Sea Org to be the “band” for
Jerry and Terry’s 3-ring circus of smugglers, and were reporting to Jerry for “Sea Org
training”; Geoff Levin (of the People!) had a history with Jerry Garcia and Robert Hunter (real
name Burns) going back to 1961;

Robert Hunter was a scientologist, also with connections to the Brotherhood, and had been
an MKULTRA volunteer test subject at the Palo Alto, California VA Hospital under Gregory
Bateson, and in concert with Stanford Research Institute LSD studies Willis Harman
(who would later support the MKULTRA spin-off “A Course in Miracles” as well as help
produce Changing Images of Man); the Grateful Dead is the official house band of
MKULTRA LSD producer “bear” owsley (who doubles as sound engineer for the Dead); Ken
Kesey and Ron Stark of CIA fame, are “good friends” with scientologists DeGrimstons (the
Process Church) and Charles Manson – Kesey and Stark had previously (1965) been
joyfully spreading LSD around the country while driving in a psychadelic bus called “Further”,
and The Grateful Dead’s Robert Hunter and Jerry Garcia do a benefit for Church of
Scientology San Francisco June 11 1969 – and that’s only the half of it!

In March of 1969, the Brotherhood of Eternal Love (who had members involved with
Scientology) produced its first batch of Orange Sunshine.

Mr. Sinclair. In March 1969, the first batch of “orange sunshine” LSD was made bv
brotherhood members in a laboratory located outside of San Francisco. Slightly
under 1 million tablets were produced in this first endeavor. Numerous millions
were to be made in the next 4 years.

At this point in time, the Brotherhood of Eternal Love was the largest supplier of
hashish and LSD in the United States.

Mr. SouRWiNE. Let us get the reference. That phrase “point of time” has meant a
lot of things. You are talking about March 1969.

Mr. Sinclair. That is correct, sir.

Mr. SouRWINE. Go ahead.

Mr. Sinclair. The center of their operations was still Laguna Beach, Calif., although
they were fast becoming international travelers and were purchasing property in
Hawaii, Canada, Central America, and several States neighboring California. From
1966 to 1971, members of the brotherhood traveled throughout the world using
false identities with passports obtained under assumed names. Their operations
were virtually untouchable during this period of time.

Mr. SouRwiNE. Why was that?

Mr. Sinclair. Because of their mobility, because no one was really aware of the
extent of their activities.

– Hashish smuggling and passport fraud : ”the brotherhood of eternal love” : hearing before
the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other
Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-third
Congress, first session, October 3, 1973

Meanwhile Mike Hynson – the surf board smuggler, and become best friends with talented
young surfer and Dodge City’s biggest drug dealer John Gale.

Together, they opened their own company (to also make those smuggling surf boards from)
– Rainbow Surfboards.
Jerry McDonald, with Scientologists and Brotherhood members was merrily making drug
runs between LA, San Francisco, to South of the Border, where the Church had a “ranch”
conveniently located just across the bay from the stomping grounds of Drug Lord Aviles. A
historically unnamed boat ( my research shows it was the Aafje) was held off the coast of
Mexico, carrying members of the Brotherhood coming from Hawaii and loaded with drugs,
and was busted by U.S. and Mexico customs.

Jerry, aboard the Makaira, was arrested on November 13, 1969*, along with
Brotherhood members, but was given immunity from prosecution as an informant by U.S.
Customs agents (who likely had no idea he was CIA).

Jerry? on board the Makaira

*See all the news articles in The Elusive Jerry McDonald post.

The schooner Aafje was also running drugs under the helm of Eddie Padilla, right around
this time.
As mentioned in the hearings, the Brotherhood went to some lengths to keep their true
identities hidden, in fact many of the higher-level Brotherhood members went by numbers,
as a sort of code. Attorney George Chula (who later came into possession of the schooner
Aafje as payment for past services (which had been used to smuggle drugs by the
Brotherhood), used this ‘numbers’ system so that no names would have to be exchanged.

Ramsey described Chula as “a gangster type.”

Ramsey said that Chula was on large permanent retainer from the Brotherhood
and that he obtained a boat that was given to him by the Brotherhood, a large
sailboat in payment for past services.

– Eszterhas – The Strange Case of the Hippie Mafia.

Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead are also getting busted for drugs, but for some odd
reason Garcia always gets set free….

Jerry McDonald would go on to play undercover agent between Terry Milner and his
“people” doing remote-viewing experiments at SRI, it is believed that it was HE that showed
up just in time for Scientologist Pat Price to die….

By 1970, L. Ron Hubbard had listed a number of groups and people as being suppressive
and ‘squirrel groups’. Note that this is two years prior to any busts of the Brotherhood, and is
probably an attempt to distance from the Manson-Tate murders and the murders of the two
young scientologists.

What is very interesting, is that he includes the Brotherhood in this, when most people would
not have had much knowledge of them at all, at the time.

Subject: Squirrel groups, 30 November 1970

The following people have been found by their consistent activities to destroy
Scientology to be dangerous to Scientology orgs and staffs.They are few in
number compared to our own, but regularly create more havoc than would be
expected from their apparent spheres of influence[.]”

The Brotherhood – USA

Church of the final Judgement – USA, UK, EU, Mex.

Church of Satan – USA, UK, EU, Mex.

The Process – USA, UK, EU, Mex.

Baron Berez

Marrianne De Grimston

Robert De Grimston (AKA Robert & Marrianne Moore or De Grimston-Moore)

Doug Rambo

Bill Deitsch

…Anyone who has PT or recent connections with any of these people isunder
suspicion and the information regarding the person should beforwarded to
Internal Security Bureau 4.

– From: (Martin Ottmann)Newsgroups:

alt.religion.scientologySubject: Subject: Squirrel Groups from November 30th, 1970Date: 3 Feb
2003 15:39:47 -0800

John Gale, the Dodge City drug dealer and man with obvious CIA connections (he never
seemed to stay in jail long) had been busily undermining the BEL by getting them hooked on

Gale (through his CIA Columbian connections) had become the biggest cocaine broker in

Hynson says he didn’t know the full extent of Gale’s business dealings, but he
does recall visiting his friend’s house one time when Gale suddenly remembered
that a truck full of Colombian marijuana was on its way from Florida.

– Nick Schou July 8, 2009

The cult-classic film Rainbow Bridge had been released, featuring a scene where Mike
Hynson and Potts ripped open a Rainbow Surfboard to reveal a stash of hash, a stunt that
takes place under a Richard Nixon poster that reads, “Would You Buy a Used Car From This

Just a few months later?

Comes the ‘Raid’.

1972 – August 5, In the largest narcotics raid that had ever taken place in California, police
from Laguna Beach to Oregon to Maui to Kabul, Afghanistan, raided dozens of houses and
53 members of Brotherhood were arrested, but not all of them and they secretly continued to
import hashish for several more years.

Of course, John Gale, Mr. Cocaine Dealer, managed to only be in prison for a matter of

Imagine that!
… A few months after Rainbow Bridge came out, a multi-agency task force
arrested dozens of members of the Brotherhood of Eternal Love in California,
Oregon and Maui, including Gale, who spent the next several months in prison.
“He wasn’t in for long,” Hynson says. “He was like a rabbit.”

– Nick Schou July 8, 2009

Grand jury transcripts from that case show that several Brotherhood members,
including Smith, were charged with shipping hashish from the Kandahar-based
Tokhi brothers – who had been supplying the Brotherhood since 1967 – after a
load was captured by police in the Bay Area.

Thu, Dec 03, 2009 3:36 pm

By Nick Schou

Most of the Brotherhood now shifts their base to Maui, Mike Hynson (the surf board
smuggler) Meryweather, etc.
Travis Ashbrook, turned off the increasing presence of cocaine and heroin at Brotherhood
parties leaves Maui for island off the coast of Honduras, apparently in order to help set up
the continuation of the hashish smuggling.

Travis, as we already know, had been with the Brotherhood since 1969 per Customs files,
when he was arrested for smuggling hashish back from Afghanistan.


1. Nicholas Schou book Orange Sunshine

2. Affidavit (January 20, 1982) and court case, 666 F.2d 134; UNITED STATES of
America, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. Kim Edward MINIS, Defendant-Appellee. No.

After the raid, press begins appearing trashing the now ‘out-of-favor” Brotherhood, who was
dubbed “the hippie mafia” in a 1972 Rolling Stone article.

Congress holds months of hearings on the need for this new agency (the DEA) in the spring
and summer of 1973.

One of these hearings is titled “Hashish Smuggling and Passport Fraud, The Brotherhood of
Eternal Love.” – that’s the one that I have been quoting from already. You can read it for
yourself at the internet archive.
● Edward Joseph May
● Gerald James Padilla
● Robert Lee Andrust
● Robert Dale Ackerly
● Dale Andrew Beckler
● Mark Patrick Stanton
● Brenice Lee Smith
● John Robert Dawes
● Jill Pratt
● Travis Ashbrook
● Charles Fendrick Scott
● Hayatullah Tochi
● Nicholas Sand
● Russell Harrigan
● Robert Tierney
● Amanullah Tochi
● George Albert Sexton
● David Alan Hall
● Donald Drury Pratt
● John Joseph (Jack) Harrington Jr.
● Lyle Paul “Lyncho” German
● Fat Bobby
● Robert Ackerley
● Mark Stanton
● Rick Bevan
● Robert “stubby” Tierney
● Daniel Caserta

More Brotherhood members get arrested on April 22, 1973 and HUGE stores of false
indentification was seized. Two days later, Nicholas Sand, Timothy Scully, Michael Randall,
and four other major figures in the LSD operation were indicted by a Federal grand jury in
San Francisco, Calif. Four of these higher echelon members are still fugitives.

Mr. SouRwinE. Now, for the record, would you identify the four that you did not
name, and indicate which of the eight are the four that are still fugitives?

Mr. Sinclair. Yes, sir. The individuals referred to are David Lee Mantel; Charles
Druce, currently a fugitive; Lester Friedman; and Ronald H[adley] Stark, currently
a fugitive. In addition to these four individuals, one of those previously mentioned,
Michael Randall, is also a fugitive.
[…]To date, the brotherhood investigation has resulted “in the arrests of over 100
individuals, including Dr. Timothy Leary who is currently serving 15 years in
Folsom prison.

Four LSD laboratories have been seized, along with over 1 million “orange
sunshine” LSD tablets, and LSD powder in excess of 3,500 grams, capable of
producing over 14 million dosage units of the drug.

In addition, the source of diversion for the raw materials needed in the production
of LSD was identified in Europe.

A total of six hashish oil laboratories were seized, along with over 30 gallons of
hashish oil and approximately 6,000 pounds of solid hashish.

– Hashish smuggling and passport fraud : ”the brotherhood of eternal love” : hearing before
the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other
Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-third
Congress, first session, October 3, 1973

Next –

About that ‘Stark’ person…

There are many, many discussions on the internet concerning connections between Charles
Manson and the Process Church, but one of them raises an interesting point.

The CIA connection.

The person wrote that the Process Church can be connected to the CIA through Ronald
Hadley Stark.

The curse of doing research out here in Weirdoland is that the really fascinating
people are nearly impossible to do research on. For instance, when you’re
covertly running the world’s largest LSD manufacturing and smuggling operation
for the CIA, you’re not going to be doing interviews in Newsweek or publishing an
autobiography. That’s precisely the problem with Ronald Hadley Stark, who is one
of the most insane characters in the history of LSD — and that’s really saying
something, don’t you think?

The best I’ve found is that Manson can be connected to the Process Church and
the Process Church can be connected to the CIA, but I can’t find a direct link
between Manson and the CIA.

[…] Stark was a personal friend of Robert DeGrimston.

Ronald Hadley Stark entered the Brotherhood drug smuggling scene in the summer of 1969.

He had extensive connections with the CIA, especially the money-laundering and drug
supply aspect.

In The Elusive Jerry McDonald post, I go into quite a bit of history of something called Sea
Supply, which had been started by OSS (then CIA) operative Paul Helliwell.

In the early 1950s, his main job was to help Chiang Kai-shek to prepare for a future invasion
of Communist China. Helliwell created a pair of front companies to supply and finance the
surviving forces of Chiang’s Kuomintang Army.

He organized Sea Supply, a CIA proprietary a shipping company in Bangkok with a “sea
going bunch of vessels” that furnished weapons and other material to anti-Communist
guerrillas in the hills of Burma, Laos, and Thailand. He established Civil Air Transport (CAT),
a Taiwan-based airline, later Air America.

Using Sea Supply, Helliwell imported large amounts of arms that were ferried into Burma on
CAT airplanes. CAT then used the ‘empty’ planes to fly drugs (from fields of opium poppies
that this mercenary army had cultivated) from Burma to Taiwan, Bangkok (Thailand) and
Saigon (Vietnam). There the drugs were processed for the benefit of the Chiang Kai-shek’s
corrupt government on Taiwan.

When Helliwell was assigned to the Bahamas in 1964 (until 1975) to help launder LSD and
marijuana profits, he formed (and controlled) Castle Bank and Trust Company, which also
laundered Mafia money. It was initially ‘shelved’ for a few years, waiting…until it started
coming into real use in 1968.
Helliwell served the Mafia in a dual capacity as CIA banker and legal counsel. Helliwell’s law
firm also represented Louis Chesler and Wallace Groves, both partners in Resorts
International, another CIA front group.

That’s actually what he was assigned there to do, set up offshore banks for CIA use, and he
set up other banks as well. He established the Mercantile Bank and Trust Company in the
Bahamas, and then later the American Bankers Insurance Company based in Galveston,

Helliwell was an attorney, working out of Miami and he also served as legal counsel to a
Panamanian holding company that controlled a Bahamas gambling casino connected with
Meyer Lansky.

He also established a Miami office of the Sea Supply Corporation – the primary reason
was to create closer ties between the CIA and the Cuban Mafia. This included Santos
Trafficante, that brought in Chinese white heroin that the Mafia distributed in the U.S. Santos
Trafficante was a Tampa-based crime boss who was among those who lost out on gambling
revenues when Castro took power in Cuba.

Richard Helms, the new CIA director, was good buddies with the Mellon family and would
often visit Billy Mellon/Hitchcock’s estate where Timothy Leary was presiding over the CIA’s
project MKUltra LSD experiments.

When things got too hot, Leary and Mellon/Hitchcok moved to the West Coast, shifting over
to empowering the Brotherhood of Eternal Love which Leary and Mellon/Hitchcock helped
get going in 1966, after “Farmer” Griggs had visited Leary that summer.

So – now that Leary and Mellon/Hitchcock’s good buddy Richard Helms was heading the
CIA, and Paul Helliwell had everything all set up and hunky-dory for them with the offshore
banks they would use – lots of world-wide drug-running and money laundering operations
then began in earnest.

That’s who Paul Helliwell is.

And gee whillickers, there sat ole Ron Hubbard, the long-term intelligence asset, with his
newly formed mini-fleet of ocean going vessels just filled with young and gullible
“save-the-world” types, just nice and conveniently available.

Just one year after Helms, if you’ll forgive the pun, takes the helm of the CIA, the Sea Org
had been formed 12 August 1967.


In August of 1969, CIA agent Ron Stark approached the Brotherhood of Eternal Love with an
offer to bankroll their activities. Griggs, had just died of an overdose of synthetic psilocybin (a
CIA MKULTRA test drug) at their ranch near Idyllwild

They were looking for a new supplier and Stark kicked off the meeting by showing them a
large bottle of liquid LSD (it was 2.2 pounds), enough for up to ten million trips.

Stark also knew that he had to come in with some sort of propaganda about the “religious”
nature of spreading the good word of LSD – just as Leary (the CIA agent) had done when he
was recruiting Griggs.

Stark told them that he had a mission to use LSD in order to: “facilitate the overthrow of the
political systems of both the capitalist West and communist East by inducing altered states
of consciousness in millions of people.”

The Brotherhood was impressed, and the Golden Era of cheap, high-quality LSD began.
From then on through to 1973, Stark and the Brotherhood dosed almost an entire generation
of America’s youth.

Stark could speak ten languages fluently, by the way, and the Brotherhood was not the only
operation he was running – he had CIA ops going in several locations all around the world!

Some people think that Stark’s one-world ideas were influenced by Robert Heinlein’s The
Moon Is A Harsh Mistress.

Stark often cited it as a “revolutionary ‘handbook’, every bit as inspirational as the writings of
Che Guevara.”

The book is about a penal colony on the Moon, set in the year 2075. The million inhabitants
– who are housed in huge domes containing artificial atmospheres – are either Earth
deportees or their descendents. They cannot return because once their bodies adapt to the
Moon’s gravity they can never readapt to the gravity of Earth. This lunar prison is brutally
administered by a United Nations-appointed governor, who the revolutionaries try to
overthrow. One of them, a character called ‘the Prof’, explains:

‘…revolutions are not won by enlisting the masses. Revolution is a science for the
few who are competent to practice it. It depends on correct organisation and
above all, on communications.’
How this conspiracy is accomplished, the book tells us, is that it starts with three people…
these three in turn recruit two other people to form three new cells. This recruitment process
continues until a large network of cells is built up. The flaw being still that if one main person
is captured, it can lead to breaking all the other ‘cells’.

Heinlein’s book details a more sophisticated system discussed in Heinlein’s book is a

pyramid-of-pyramids setup – a sort of ‘Internet’ without the computers:

‘Where vertices are common, each bloke knows one in an adjoining cell…
Communications never break down because they run sideways as well as up and
down. Something like a neural net.’

Damage can be stemmed and repaired because the cell member who discovers a breach in
the network can pass warnings without having to know who receives the messages.

This is all not actually a new idea, but the difference in Heinlein’s futuristic vision, is that he
gives the idea a twist: the conspiracy is helped by a miraculous super-computer, which is so
powerful and complex that it ‘wakes up’ and becomes ‘self-conscious’. The computer
develops a sense of ‘humour’ about the ‘stupidity’ of the colonial administration, plus a
‘rational will’ to overthrow them.

The conspirators use the computer to set up front companies and fraudulently appropriate
funds on the terrestrial stock exchanges. They then use the money to set up secret facilities
for development of revolutionary war technology.

Heinlein, through his “professor” character, carries right along with the standard propaganda
of the New World Order – just like Hubbard did in his novella The End is Not Yet, where he
uses the character Martel to implant (Hubbard’s own words about it) the reader with
concepts it was desire for them to get – the main one being that Nationalism is the cause of

Heinlein through his character tells the reader that the concept of the State has no existence
except as ‘physically exemplified in the acts of self-responsible individuals.’ This implies that
collaboration with the state is justifiable as a disguise within the strategy of systematic
deception of everyone apart from those who are required to be ‘in the know’ for particular

So, when Stark said that he wanted to use LSD to:

facilitate the overthrow of the political systems of both the capitalist West and
communist East by inducing altered states of consciousness in millions of

You can easily see he’s forwarding the same old propaganda lines of the New World Order
He also told them, that they were all –

helping people find God


Spare me…

The previous people running the MKULTRA LSD outlet part of things, were caught up in
legal issues – such as Stanley Owsley (who invented ‘Orange Sunshine’), his protege Tim
Skully, and the off-shore banking man Bill Mellon-Hitchcock.

Ah yes, our Sea Supply contact! In this post I go into his background.

This is why Stark had been sent in – to take over things and expand them even more, but,
and this is very important –

He was also there to set them up to be taken down.

Taken down and replaced by other CIA assets, in a combined MI6/CIA covert operation.
I’ll get into that more in a minute.

The authors of Acid Dreams, Martin and Lee and Bruce Shlain, note that Ron Stark’s ‘fateful
appearance at the Idylwild ranch’, coincided with certain ‘unpleasant changes’. One of which
was that not long after Stark turned up, BEL founder, ‘Farmer John’ Griggs died of poisoning
in circumstances his friends regarded as suspicious.

Not long before being sent to America, that same summer in fact, Stark had been over in
England working out some things there. By this time, psychiatrist R.D. Laing had been
caught up in the Tavistock Institute’s ‘radical psychiatry’ movement – and David Solomon
was amongst its accolytes. Solomon had been working with Richard Kemp, a drop-out
science student, and his partner, Dr. Christine Bott, to try and create liquid cannabis

After Stark had made contact with Solomon at Cambridge University, Solomon invited Kemp
to ‘come meet a man with a million dollar inheritance’. Stark convened a meeting at the
Oxford and Cambridge Club on London’s Pall Mall with Kemp, Simon Walton, Stark’s Scots
assistant, plus Solomon and his friend Paul Arnaboldi (then famous as ‘Captain Bounty’ in
the TV chocolate ad).

What some have dubbed ‘The Great British LSD Plot’ was inaugurated within weeks of
Stark’s first meeting with the Brotherhood in California. Stark also introduced Kemp to the
Brotherhood’s chemists, Nick Sand and Lester Freidman. Kemp was soon working wonders
at Stark’s lab in Paris and in the first run turned out a kilo of LSD.

Stark was also using the Brotherhood’s contact at the U.S. Embassy, Aman Tokhi, to
facilitate the huge amounts of hashish being imported into the U.S. – one of the main points
of ingress was Las Vegas airport, where rented trucks would pick up the haul and move it
into California.

Ron Stark visited Afghanistan at least once with a plan to set up BEL facilities for making
hallucinogenic THC derivative from Afghan hash oil. Kemp (his British connection) had
worked out the first eight of the fourteen stages of the THC synthesis.

By 1973, the Brotherhood of Eternal Love (BEL) was essentially replaced by a new method
(and new personnel) of running drugs – primarily using agency operatives and other

Hence the apparent ‘crackdown’ which really wasn’t. In a very real sense, putting these
smaller groups ‘out’ opened the door for the really big (and ongoing) drug smuggling
operations that would not only keep humanity lowered, but would fund intelligence agencies
in their evil operations to make sure it all stays that way. Such as putting in ‘approved’
dictators in the countries where slavemaster drug income was most important.

At this time (1973) authorities estimated that some 20 members of the BEL were in hiding or
in exile – including Stark.
Timothy Leary (after escaping prison with the help of BEL members and WEATHER
underground) ended up in Afghanistan after fleeing the US, but the US Embassy evidently
knew he was coming and got the Afghan authorities to deport him back to the USA.

In 1972 Stark’s lawyer in Paris, Sam Goekjian, who had drawn up the charters for Stark’s
front companies, was investigated by IRS agents and asked about Stark’s BEL connections.
The DEA, who had just rolled-up much of the BEL network in the US, organised a follow-up
raid on Stark’s Belgian laboratory on the campus of Louvain le Neuve, near Brussels, but
Stark escaped, spiriting away the BEL’s investments for his own purposes.

The CIA and MI6, through Scotland Yard and the BNDD, began the process of
commandeering the drug networks while appearing to be ‘cracking down’ on drugs.

Note: BNDD is a U.S. government term, it stands for Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous
Drugs (the predecessor of the DEA).

And that brings us to Mr. Terrence M. Burke, buck-toothed CIA operative-extraordinaire. Yep,
I’m being sarcastic.

In 2013, it was announced that Terrence had just completed an audiobook titled: “Stories
from the Secret War: CIA Special Ops in Laos”.

The announcement says that after he returned from his ‘ops’ in Laos (which remember, the
whole CIA involvement there in the first place was really about the drug trade) he received
the CIA’s Intelligence Star for Valor, presented to him by then CIA director Admiral Raborn
and Deputy/Director Richard Helms. Keep in mind, that Helms is overseeing the horrifyingly
invasive and violating of human rights, program MKULTRA at this time.

Terrence Burke (right)

At that time, only 16 medals had been given out since the Agency’s inception in 1948.

This PR announcement also tells us that Terry had been former Deputy Director and Acting
Director of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

Basically, that is direct proof of CIA control and involvement in the ‘drug enforcement’
policies and actions of the United States government.

THAT is really significant.

It’s interesting watching others try to portray this guy in a false manner – I guess no one had
actually seen a picture of him or these descriptions would clearly show themselves to be the
somewhat skewed propaganda that they were.

For example, he’s portrayed as “suave and swashbuckling” by Rolling stone.

They had just met agent Terence Burke [name apparently misspelled – PR web
has it as Terrence] Federal bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, ID card
number 107, which put him [Terry said] just “a single digit away from James
As Joe Eszterhas wrote in Rolling Stone, Burke was “suave and swashbuckling, a
CIA veteran fluent in Pashtun and Farse [sic’ who had “once served as an
undercover courier smuggling hashish from India to the United States and then
joined the German Interpol to bust the smugglers.”

– Timothy Leary: A Biography


Even Terry was (and still is, apparently) over-the-top in his inflated view of himself.
Terrence Michael Burke – age 76 apparently – has maintained several points of web

One of the most over-the-top is this one.

Check out this pic from his Brotherhood of Eternal Love/Afghanistan days.
Breaking Bad anyone?

Burke was the agent who had first identified Hyatullah and Amanullah Tokhi as the
“overlords” of the hashish trade in Afghanistan.

That’s actually significant to me for a different reason than I think most would take away from
that little tidbit.

Considering that Timothy Leary was a CIA asset for over twenty years by then, including
having helped Griggs set up the BEL in the first place, well of course the CIA knew where
they were getting the hashish from!

So…to appear to be ‘busting’ them is more of a show in the opposite direction to gain ground
for taking more complete control of the drug trade, while at the same time being able to ‘call
for’ and operate behind the very organization that actual CIA intelligence agent Burke would
later head.

There is no fucking way in hell any of this was really the CIA being ‘the good guys’.

By the end of Burke’s ‘investigation’ (cough) Leary was extradited back to the U.S. to be put
in Folsom prison.

Beaming, Burke handed Joanna her British passport with a first-class ticket from
Kabul to Los Angeles tucked inside. He then handed Tim his American passport.
Inside, every page had been canceled except for the last one on which someone
had stamped, “Valid only for return to the United States.” In addition to a
first-class ticket, Tim had also been issued a special ID card. Next to the entry for
“Profession,” someone had written “Philosopher.”

“Because of that,” Joanna recalled, “Time was in heaven. Unbelievable.”

– Timothy Leary: A Biography

Unbelievable indeed.

Prison is certainly one way to get people out of the way (and obviously kill their credibility)
who could certainly blow the whistle on just how complicit the CIA was the entire time of this
LSD/Hashish drug-dealing, wouldn’t you say?

And let’s not forget – it was Ronald Stark (lone wolf intelligence agent) who first got the
Brotherhood into bed in a BIG way with the Tokhi brothers, for Burke to then conveniently
ride on in on his white horse and ‘break up the drug ring.’

An interesting point is that people from California were often used as mules by the
Brotherhood, and given Terry Milner and Jerry Mcdonald’s complicit involvement in BEL
workings (by his own admission) one wonders if in fact Church of Scientology Guardian’s
office intelligence staff or ‘volunteer’ scientologist practitioners called FSM’s may have even
been some of those very mules that Burke would then ‘bust’.

Say it ain’t so
TV character – Columbo

Note: Burke worked with the West German Interpol to accomplish a lot of this supposed

If the BNDD had to give Woodland Drive a miss, the span of their organization
allowed them to find other places, vulnerable spots in the Brotherhood network:
places like Afghanistan.

Scotland Yard had sent over a copy of an address found during the Brotherhood
arrests in Broadstairs years before. It matched one provided by CAT of the Tokhis’
rug shop in Kandahar.

For the first time, BNDD had an agent in Kabul. Terrence Burke was a CIA veteran
who spoke local dialects fluently, having served as an undercover agent alongside
Interpol to break up a group of dealers running hash from India to the United

Burke formed a working partnership with the Interpol representative and adviser, a
formidable West German prepared to use unorthodox methods and disguises to
ensnare dealers.

**my note: like scientology cult members as mules, perhaps?

The American agent began by establishing cooperation with the Afghan

authorities. He arranged to get copies of embarkation and disembarkation airline
cards for American travellers; and from this basic information he got checks run
at home in the BNDD files to monitor who was coming and going. He rapidly
gathered considerable information on the many Californians who seemed to
favour Afghanistan for visits.

Burke found the smugglers often favoured a route which took them from San
Francisco to Beirut to Kabul to Delhi, and back westwards. The agent’s researches
confirmed the Tokhi brothers as major hash dealers with an almost exclusively
American clientele, and linked with the information from the United States.

Burke was on hand in November 1971 when the Tokhis left Afghanistan to visit the
Brotherhood for Christmas details of the trip were known to the police in
California even before the Tokhis set off. All along their route they were under
surveillance. Once they arrived in California, the Afghanis found themselves the
centre of attention in more ways than one. Wherever they and their hosts went,
narcotics agents blatantly photographed and recorded almost their every move.
Andrist took them to Disneyland, and the police were close behind. The party went
to see wild animals at a safari park, attended by a police helicopter overhead.

– The Brotherhood of Eternal Love by Stewart Tendler and David May, chapter 19: The
Brotherhood of Eternal Self-Interest

You can see that as early as 1971, about midway through Ronald Stark’s new career as
head money-launderer (using the CIA established banks in the Carribbean) and drug lord for
the BEL, that Burke and the Tokhi brothers actually came right to Terry and Jerry’s
neck-of-the-woods in November of that year.


This is exactly when Terry and Jerry were deeply engaged in ‘working with law enforcement’
to bring down those bad nasty drug smugglers.

I think I feel a Gene Hackman coughing fit moment coming on…

What that actually means, is that Terry and Jerry were working with the CIA to restructure
the drug-gun-and money-smuggling networks of the CIA.

One could hope that Terry wasn’t that much of total dupe to not know what he was really
involved with there – but, somehow? I doubt it.
Burke’s role in playing the cowboy (literally) Marshall of Dodge over there in Afghanistan –
and just how ludicrous that really was, given his ‘audience’ – I think is well captured in these
images found at one of the several sites promoting his wonderfulness.
Afghanistan 1971.

The rugged routes to Kabul teemed with worldwide youth in search of cheap
drugs and enlightenment. With the idyllic dreamers came hard core criminals.
Sent to Kabul to take on the criminals was Federal Narcotics Agent, Terrence
Burke. Working undercover, often without backup, Burke dismantled smuggling
operations in Afghanistan and India. He used “renditions” to return fugitives like
Timothy Leary from Afghanistan to the U.S. and teamed with the Soviet KGB to
close a drug route through the USSR. He challenged criminals in the Royal Palace
and the Afghan Police. The issues he portrays in Afghanistan are still confronting
us today.

He sounds just so heroic – doesn’t he? Reminds me of articles about other nasty people in
current new. (ahem).

Some more pics –

Yea, looks real exciting.

Now let’s look at some other over-the-top portrayals of Burke.

“In his adventurous career, Terry Burke was known for his honesty, his integrity, his candor
and his courage, holding himself to the highest standards………”

Bernie Weintraub, New York Times journalist and playwright

In an online attempt to characterize Burke, we are treated to a picture of him as a ‘mountain
rescue’ man, while also spending his spare time landscaping and woodworking.

I’m surprised there aren’t pictures of him seen feeding starving children in Africa, as well,
guess they missed that particular smarmy PR angle.

And let’s look at some further documentation as to his CIA career in general –

From 1960 to 1970, Burke was a CIA intelligence operations officer, based
primarily in Southeast Asia. In 1965, he was awarded the CIA Intelligence Star for
Valor for action in Laos.

From 1970 – 1989, Burke held foreign and domestic positions at DEA, including
Kabul, Afghanistan, The Hague, Netherlands, Denver, Phoenix, and Chief of DEA’s
intelligence and enforcement operations in Washington DC.

From 1989 to 1991, Burke was Deputy Administrator of the DEA, and concurrently
served as Acting Administrator.
Burke regularly testified before Congress and appeared frequently on national and
international television networks.

– La Plata books

Terry Burke – face-man for the CIA

After ending his career in government espionage – Terry continued using his contacts and
formed T.M. Burke International LLC. in 2001.

Where a bio lists a real wrap-around word phrasing of his ‘skills’:

“The peak of performance in the international intelligence and investigative disciple..”

does that even mean?

Under services – top of the list is the very tongue-in-cheek choice of Hostile takeovers.
Considering his background – what a euphemism that appears to be.

A Linked-In page gives us a little bit more detail on where he was ‘on assignment’ –

Deputy Administrator Drug Enforcement Administration

1989 – 1991 (2 years)Washington, DC

Served a 21 year career with DEA with assignments in Miami, Kabul, Afghanistan,
Washington, DC. The Hague, Netherlands, Denver, CO, and Phoenix, AZ, ending as
Deputy Administrator and concurrently for a period, as Acting Administrator.

This followed ten years with the CIA in Laos, Thailand, and the Phillipines.
From a PR piece about his book, Stories From The Secret War, La Plata Books, LLC
September 20, 2012 –

In the early 1960’s, a handful of CIA paramilitary officers led a secret war in the
mountains of Laos against North Vietnamese and Lao Communist forces. One of
those secret warriors, Terrence Burke, gives a vivid account of primitive guerrilla
warfare that eventually led to an attempt by the North Vietnamese to capture him.

After a little further tracking down, this led to this picture of Mr. Suave (and could he be
MORE out of place) taking a bath in Bia Chan, Laos.

He looks like an escapee from Maybury (the Andy Griffifth show).

His time there, again, if you know your real history, is about the DRUG TRADE in that area.
Heroin, to be precise.

Our man Ronald Stark here, also managed to have himself involved in similar CIA
operations going on in Tibet.
Stark (who operated LSD labs in Brussels and Paris as well) claimed he was going to supply
the new BEL drug ‘orange sunshine’ as an offensive weapon to CIA-backed Tibetan rebels
fighting the Chinese occupation.

Great, right? And the Brotherhood can take the fall when the CIA turns on them and gets

Note: When Stark was arrested for drug trafficking in Bologna in 1975, Italian magistrate
Giorgio Floridia ordered his release on the grounds that he had been a CIA agent since
1960. Judge Floridia documented and justified this using a list of Stark’s numerous
intelligence contacts.

In terms of Floridia’s motivation, it’s worth considering the fate of the guy who came before

In June 1978 a Bologna magistrate, Graziano Gori, was assigned to investigate

Stark and his astounding web of associates. A few weeks later, Gori was killed in a
car wreck.

– web article

Now let’s get into the Manson angle a bit more.

Stark also was a close friend of the Los Angeles founders of a small breakaway Scientology
sect called “The Process Church of the Final Judgement,” headed by English expatriates
Robert DeGrimston Moore and Mary Ann McClean.
One of their first ‘disciples’ was Timothy Wyllie.
Regular attendees of the Process Church included members of the Beach Boys, the Rolling
Stones, and other prominent pop performers as well as an ex-convict and wannabe rock
musician named Charles Manson.

In London, even Mary Tyler Moore gets into the ‘promotion’ of it all.
Manson and his followers also became heavy users of orange sunshine — the trademark
“bad acid” of the day — which they were all on when, on Manson’s orders, they carried out
the brutal August 1969 Tate-LaBianca murders.
Note: so much for the propaganda about LSD “curing” violent tendencies, as the BEL first
tried to proselytize it as doing.

To a Processean, “The Process” means change – specifically, the changes

necessary to avoid the end of the world with its associated judgment.

The Process welcomed all through its doors. The Church legally ordained women
as Priests. The was an equal balance of the sexes in the ruling body and in the
operational and administration of the Church and its Chapters. It performed
wedding ceremonies, baptisms and ordinations.

They believe in the “Law of the Universe” which is “as you give, so shall you
receive”. All matter is seen as sacred, because it stems from God. In its earlier
days, Ministers wore large surrounding black capes to promote their “mourning
the death of the world unless we change” message.

Christ’s teachings to “love your enemies” became their prime rule of behaviour.
They love the individual, but not his/her evil deeds.

A book about Charles Manson, “The Family”, claimed that Manson was a member
of The Process. The Church obtained apologies and retractions to the book after it
brought about a suit against the publisher. Because of the time it took to bring
about the retractions, a large portion of book sales had occurred; so many of the
books (without retractions) are on shelves today. The connection between
Manson and the Process has not completely been corrected. Manson was never a
registered member of The Process.
– Process Church historical writeup found here

The above history page also included a PDF of over five hundred pages of internal Process
Church of the Final Judgment documents.

The very first thing in that PDF, starts out talking about justification – a very clear
scientology influence there.

In scientology justification is a specific technical term basically covering how a person

explains away an “overt” (bad action) that they did, and that getting off the persons
justifications is an integral part of the auditing process (security checking) concerning overts.

The Process church, while not run by Hubbard and his little gang, is obviously certainly one
of the front groups being used to corral in all those darned rebels out there.
It’s also obvious that both it and the Manson involvement with scientology, are FACT. That
fact, and the mentions of it, are not part of some nefarious ‘plot’ by the psychs to do in the
Church of Scientology, as we already saw the church try to spin it as.
That’s just church members falling for Hubbard’s misdirecting rhetoric in this area at best.
At worst, it’s real live CIA/MI6 intelligence operatives trying to keep the public confused and
hopefully not catching on to the idea that this all a controlled operation, and who by.

And then there’s John Starr Cooke –


John Star Cooke in wheelchair, Pablo, Brenda and Bobby Bishop in Mexico

John Starr Cooke is another shady character who also factors into this mess.

A little family history –

Gysin [who Cooke tried to recruit into scientology] gives the following description
of John Starr Cooke:
John was a practising magician on a private income. He had been born rich and
far out in a family of rich far-out people from the Hawaiian Islands, descended
from millionaire missionaries.

John Starr Cooke was indeed born “rich and far out”, in 1920 in Honolulu. His
great-grandparents Amos Starr Cooke and Juliette Montague were missionaries
who established the Royal School, where the future monarchs of Hawaii were
educated. Juliette, who spoke fluent Hawaiian, was a gifted music teacher,
organizing an orchestra at the Royal School. Many of the royal children, and in
particular Queen Liliuo Kalani, had a gift for composing and playing music.

“The Himmers had founded the Farouts when the first Bishop Himself of
Hyannisport, Mass., got himself there first on a clipper…and waded ashore with
his Bible and his wife. I’m sure you think you know the rest of the story….”Stop
the music, stop the dancing, wear Mother Hubbards and get down to work….” but,
no! The Himmers were different.”

Amos later became a successful businessman, firstly in hardware before

investing in sugar, pineapples, irrigation, railroads and shipping.

The descendents of Amos and Juliette were philanthropists with interests in

education, the arts and mysticism.

“All the women in my family, for the last three generations in the Farouts at least,
have been ardent Theosophists, followers of Madame Blavatsky and Annie
Besant, in close contact with Swami Vivekananda and Krishnamurti; aunts,
great-aunts always talking about Gurdjieff, “prana,” and the hallucinatory effects
of superaeration –and all that sort of thing – or trailing around in trances at home.
Even Grandfather, who was the last Rajah-Bishop to officiate in the Farouts, used
to meditate in the lotus position wearing only a G-string.” – The Process, p 143

Cooke’s sister Alice said that “even as a child he was full of the mystic side”. She
says that by the time John was born, the strict puritan ethic of the Cooke family
had begun to relax, and intermingling with the Hawaiian natives was accepted.

“In the next generation, the family went native to conform some local prophecy
which allowed them to crown themselves rajahs with full native pomp. They
introduced sugar planting, built a refinery…a bakery, a brewery…and grew very
rich. Always under the American flag, of course, and…while they married no
native girls…the Himmers were always very much of the East. They shopped in
Singapore instead of San Francisco, for example…things like that.” – The
Process, p 204-5

According to his son Chamba, John Cooke attended secret Hawaiian ceremonies
from as young as three or four years of age.

“…we used to have that in the Farout Islands where I was brought up. The
servants all used to get psychic relief by chanting and dancing all night long until
they passed out. My amah, my nursemaid, took me to their secret services almost
as soon as I could waddle and I became an initiate at a very early age.” – The
Process, p 135

Cooke developed a lifelong interest in the Tarot at the age of 10. At 19, he and
Alice began to use the Ouija board, which became another lifelong interest.

Cooke had relocated to California by the early 1940s. He often stayed with his
sister Alice, who became a mother figure to John after their mother died in 1933,
and her husband Roger Kent, a lawyer and Democrat politician.

– Black Magic in Tangier

Cooke helped arranged the first human Be-In in the San Francisco area, where I believe this
was when the Brotherhood of Eternal Love helpfully dropped thousands of tabs of LSD on
the crowd.

As I said in my earlier post about Terry Milner –

CIA agents organized the first ‘Human Be-In’ in 1966 San Francisco. They printed up paisley
posters to advertise the Be-In. It was to be a ‘gathering of the tribes’ to join together in
Golden Gate Park for a love pow-wow, to celebrate “love, peace, compassion, and the unity
of mankind’. The CIA provided the LSD. John Starr Cook was the CIA asset in charge.
This was Cooke’s idea, and through his protege’ Mike Bowen (whom he had known since
1958) the goal was to get control of the young American cultural and political rebels (referred
to as the Radical Left) and to psychadelize them into ‘seeing the light’.

Cooke was the mentor of Michael Bowen. Cooke specifically sent him, in 1966, to become
one of the staff of San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury (drug and hippie area) based newspaper
called The Oracle – and it was from there that this ‘idea’ was first presented.

The Be-In was hosted January 14, 1967 on the Polo Grounds of Golden Gate Park, and over
twenty five thousand men, women and children gathered on that day.

More scientology-connected personalities were part of this; The Grateful Dead, Grace-Marie
Haddy, and so on.

See The Grateful Dead: Hunter, Garcia, and Grace-Marie Haddy 1961: The Brotherhood Part 5A
– Welcome to the REAL Scientology

“Welcome,” said a clear vice from the platform, “Welcome to the first manifestation of the
Brave New World.”

A none-too-subtle reference (and promotion of ) to Aldous Huxley’s book. Aldous being Mr.
one-world-order operative, continuing in the family tradition going all the way back to the
time of Cecil Rhodes, in true British slavemaster style.

Clad like a holy man in white pajamas, Timothy Leary tried to be profound, sort of like John
Belushi in Angel’s Dance, dropping one-liner propaganda ideas like “the only way out is in.”
and so on.

I would have laughed my ass off if I’d seen that, but then, I’m not easily fooled by
pomp-and-circumstance, in whatever form, and that’s exactly what this was.

A public relations campaign,

a con,

a used-car-salesman tactic –

to drug America’s youth.

It was San Francisco Chronicle columnist Herb Caen who branded the rebels “hippies” – in
case you didn’t know that.

While the Haight was in its heyday, Cooke, living off Mary Oser’s income from Peter
(Rockefeller) Oser, was comfortably ensconced in Cuernavaca, Mexico, where he directed a
small and dedicated band of acid evangelists called the Psychedelic Rangers – Mike Bowen
was one of them.

Timothy Leary had already traveled there with Anthony Russo to eat psiolocybin mushrooms
for the first time.

This gives us a connection between Leary and Cooke and another CIA/scientology/drugs
convergence point.
Note p. 66 of Total Espionage by Curt Riess, tells us that Cuernavaca was actually a hot
spot for Mexican ‘society’ (meaning the rich) as well as a number of German nobility during
the time of Hitler.

Some of the people that were frequent visitors of Cooke’s little kingdom, were Andrija
Puharich (whom some of you may recognize as being involved with some of the first
Stanford Research Institute mind experiments with scientologists Hal Puthoff and Ingo
Swann for the CIA) – as well as Cooke’s financial connection into those lovely offshore bank
accounts set-up by the CIA, Seymour “The Head” Lazare, a wealthy business associated of
Billy Mellon-Hitchcock.

Now we have this guy converging the same financial lines with Stark, the Brotherhood of
Eternal Love, and indirectly – the Grimstons and the Process Church who were sort of
‘helping’ with the whole evangelistic drug taker finding God ridiculousness.

To screw up America, let’s not forget, not to enlighten it.

This even went so far as to have Cooke pressing upon his Psychedelic rangers that they
were…and this is ever-so-Catholic/Jesuit of him… the Good Guys battling the Forces of
Darkness, soldiers in the all-out struggle that would ultimately determine the destiny of the

Maybe so, but certainly not in a good way.

Cooke had a master-plan for his rangers, and that was to seek out and target for
‘enlightenment’ selected individuals. They would give these people more than 10 times the
normal dose for a full-blown acid trip (which is 100 to 20 micrograms) – they gave them
2,000 to 3,000 micrograms in an effort to ‘bring about a rapid and permanent transformation”
of the persons…err….disposition.

Dick Gregory, Jerry Rubin, certain journalists so that they might ‘see the Clear Light’ – and
present a more favorable view of LSD in the press.

Notice the tongue-in-cheek parallel to scientology’s ‘become a Clear’ and ‘Clear the planet’

Cooke not only had direct CIA connections himself, he had familial ones. His sister Alice, to
whom he was very close, had married Roger Kent, who was prominent in the California state
Democratic party.

Roger’s brother Sherman, was head of the CIA’s National Board of Estimates (a very
powerful position) and had served as the right-hand man for CIA director Allen Dulles during
the 1950’s and 1960’s.

Cooke had relocated to California by the early 1940s. He often stayed with his
sister Alice, who became a mother figure to John after their mother died in 1933,
and her husband Roger Kent, a lawyer and Democrat politician. Alice and Roger
assisted the young John to manage his fortune.

– Black Magic in Tangier

Now, guess what?

This man, John Cooke, also forms another CIA connection into Hubbard and the early days
of Dianetics before he renamed it scientology.

In addition to Charles Parker Morgan, who was an operative for the precursor of the CIA, the
OSS during WWII, and had suggested to Hubbard to form the Dianetics Research
Foundation in the first place (which they did, Morgan was on the board) – we now have John
Starr Cooke mixed up in those early days, as well.

Cooke became a very close confidante of L. Ron Hubbard right there in the beginning.
Cooke, was actually the first ‘Clear” (Dianetic Clear, different than the later scientology clear)
ad helped Morgan and Hubbard get the whole cult/religion front group thing off the ground
and running – complete with colorful “departures” and kooky characters, a full-court press of
good ‘cover’ was put into place.

You know the one, Hubbard the con-artist, sci-fi writer, kook, cult head.

Nothing like a plan, eh?

In 1950, not long after Hubbard’s Dianetics book had been released, a pregnant Millen
Cooke and her husband John became involved with Hubbard and the newly formed
‘research’ foundation.

John Cooke and his wife flew to the New York area at about the same time that Mary Oser,
(married to Peter Oser, ultra-wealthy grandson of John D. Rockefeller) had flown in from
Switzerland to take part in the activities of the OSS/CIA front group of the Hubbard Dianetics
Research Foundation (the HDRF) in New Jersey – just across the water from Manhattan.

Peter Oser (right) John d. Rockefeller (seated)

Peter Oser’s mother Mathilde was a granddaughter of both Cyrus McCormick, inventor of
the mechanical reaper, and John D. Rockefeller, the oil tycoon and world’s first billionaire.

Note: This forms yet another odd convergence in my Family Tree, because one of my
relatives married Cyrus Bentley, who was the lawyer for Cyrus McCormick’s (and the
Rockefellers) family at around the same time as Peter’s mother got married.

Anyway –

John Cooke ‘mastered’ the techniques of Dianetics, and together with Mary Oser flew back
to Switzerland and began auditing Peter – Mr. got-bucks. With the result being, that Peter
essentially becoming a follower of Cooke and began funneling huge amounts of money to
John and the HDRF (Hubbard Dianetics Research Foundation).
It’s the usual –

Put the money over here!

And now we have a pretty good idea of where that million dollars came from that was
funneling in.

From my Charles Parker Morgan (Hubbard’s OSS/CIA connection) article that I wrote a few
weeks ago before I got into all this business –

In Cd #1, Folder #5 PDF, p. 156 of the Declassified FDA documents, Sara, as part
of her divorce papers from Hubbard, said that the HDRF received over one million
dollars in 1950.

To give you an idea, in today’s dollars that’s close to ten million dollars.
Where did all that money go?

Hubbard sure as hell didn’t have it, nor was he making that much from “book

More importantly, where did all that money really come from?

Sounds like the HDRF was a convenient money-laundering front for the CIA,
exactly the function of the later Human Ecology Research Fund during the
MKUltra period.

Look at that! Damn, I’m good.

When the heat came on the foundation in late 1950, and as part of ‘breaking’ those highly
visible intelligence connections (which could become part of court records, you see) in
December the entire Oser family moved suddenly to central Africa, led by Cooke and his
‘communications’ with his Ouija board – that’s what he told Peter, you understand.
The following year (1951) John Cooke, divorced Millen, Peter and Mary Oser divorced too
(three guesses where Peter got the idea from) and then John married Mary Oser a year later
in 1952.

This is also when he appeared to be ‘distanced’ from Hubbard, as well, for the same reasons
– too clear a connection to the intelligence community, but the truth was that he continue to
try and recruit people into Scientology as late as 1959 – such as William Burroughs and
Brion Gysin at a Tangiers restaurant. He was unsuccessful with Gysin, but Burroughs joined
up for a time and then left.

Gysin in Algiers
Burroughs (left) and Gysin

Also, per Michael Bowen (the Psychedelic Ranger protege’), our erstwhile CIA operative
Cooke, told Hubbard to start a religion. (that’s two different CIA operatives telling him to do
that, now).

L Ron Hubbard reportedly tracked down Cooke in Tangier. Hubbard made a trip to
London in 1952 to set up a Dianetics centre, and it may have been on this trip that
he met with Cooke. The meeting was not propitious and in the space of a single
afternoon, Cooke grew disillusioned with Hubbard and his teachings. According
to Michael Bowen, Hubbard came to Cooke with a tale of woe at how the Dianetics
business had failed, and Cooke advised him to relaunch it as a religion. This was
precisely what Hubbard did after moving to Phoenix, Arizona in March 1952.

– Black Magic in Tangier

In an October 27, 1959 letter to Allen Ginsberg, Burroughs wrote: “The method of directed
recall is the method of Scientology. You will recall I wrote urging you to contact local chapter
and find an auditor. They do the job without hypnosis or drugs, simply run the tape back and
forth until the trauma is wiped off. It works. I have used the method—partially responsible for
recent changes.” Burroughs thought that the Church was teaching techniques that might
help him resist social control.

Note: Just two years (1961) later Burroughs did a very strange film with Gysin (I assume
they were both homosexuals) called Towers Open Fire (warning: probably offensive to most
viewers). The film was like homophobia on acid, supposedly it was trying to show a process
control systems breaking down. There were scenes of Burroughs, in camouflage and a gas
mask, firing an “orgasm gun”; a boy in underwear; a spinning Dream Machine; a shot of a
man masturbating; among other intentionally disturbing images. Apparently, the film even
used snippets of dialog taken from a Scientology pamphlet.

Gysin and the Dream Machine

I think Cooke probably was recruiting these people in order to use them in the whole
scientology/LSD/culture control op, in the first place – to ‘get them going’, so to speak, which
truth be told? That’s what happened. And Burroughs later made clear that he knew
scientology was a control operation.

In a 1972 issue of Rolling Stone, where he expressed his support for Robert Kaufmann’s
exposé, Inside Scientology. He openly criticized Scientology, saying:

“Scientology is a model control system, a state in fact with its own courts, police,
rewards and penalties.“

For more information about the scientology influence on Burrough’s, please see this
excellent article.

You do notice, how all these things keep coincidentally (said as drily as possible) converging
with Scientology, right?

The CIA (involved with Dianetics from the beginning) and running drugs, the Brotherhood
(running drugs) had members in scientology, the Process Church was ‘former’ scientologists,
Manson took courses in a San Francisco scientology organization, Ronald Stark – THE
‘orange sunshine’ supplier – is friends with the heads of the Process; Terry Milner and Jerry
McDonald are running ships here, there, and everywhere for scientology’s version of the
CIA’s ‘Sea Supply” while Milner’s right-hand girl (Grace-Marie Haddy) is yucking it up with
the Stanford LSD experiments and the Grateful Dead – and meanwhile good ole Terry and
Jerry are RUNNING DRUGS AND GUNS while supposedly working undercover to ‘bust’
drug rings.

Ya mean those same drug rings that the CIA was running in the first place?

This is getting ludicrous. I mean really. How much of a dupe does somebody have to be to
not see what this is all adding up to?
Note: I refuse to believe that people really are that dupish, they’re just not. Some people
certainly want us to think that’s the case, however, and that smacks of a campaign. We all
see it, they just don’t want us to.

I for one, plan to continue right on misbehavin’ in that manner.

Quote from clip – “A year from now, ten, they’ll swing back to the belief that they can make
people… better. And I do not hold to that.” – Malcolm Reynolds

Like this:

There Could Soon Be a Pill to Make Us More Compassionate – Time magazine, March 21,


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