Chinese Oral Project of Term3

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Chinese Oral Project of Term 3 for P5

一些吉祥话(Lucky Sayings and Phrases)祝福别人。今年的新年你想
“Xīn nián hǎo !Wǒ zhù yé ye nǎi nai lóng mǎ jīng shén 、shēn tǐ jiàn
kāng !Bà ba mā ma cái yuán guǎng jìn !”

Make a short video for Chinese New Year Greetings:

1. Need to memorize the words, cannot read the script.
2. Length of video: about 10 seconds.
3. Shall wear traditional Chinese clothes or red clothes.
4. May use some props like Chinese couplets, posters, dolls, red
packets, etc.
5. Please WA(085727272198) to Huang Xuyu Laoshi by Monday 1 Feb.
1. Popular Chinese New Year Greetings
and Sayings
1. 新年好 5. 春节快乐

Xīnnián hǎo Chūnjié kuàilè

Happy New Year Happy Spring Festival

2. 过年好 6. 吉祥如意

Guònián hǎo jíxiáng rúyì

Happy New Year Good fortune according to your

3. 新年快乐
7. 年年有余
Xīnnián kuàilè
Niánnián yǒuyú
Happy New Year
Surplus year-after-year
4. 新春快乐
8. 吉星高照
Xīnchūn kuàilè
Jíxīng gāozhào
Happy 'New Spring'
Fortune will smile on you ('lucky star
high shines')
9. 心想事成 10. 大吉大利

Dàjí dàlì
Xīnxiǎng shì chéng

Lots of luck and profits

May all your wishes come true.

2. Greetings and Wishes for Health

1. 龙马精神 2. 身体健康

Lóng mǎ jīngshén Shēntǐ jiànkāng

The spirit of the dragon and horse Enjoy good health

3. 机灵活泼

Jīlíng huópō

A bright and lively spirit (especially used for children under the age of 10,
wishing them to be active and smart)
3.Greetings and Sayings at Work and for
1. 恭喜发财 6. 马到成功

Gōngxǐ fācái Mǎ dào chénggōng

Happiness and prosperity Instant success

2. 财源广进 7. 步步高升

Cáiyuán guǎngjìn Bùbù gāoshēng

'Enter broadly wealth's source' Promotions at every step

3. 工作顺利 8. 一帆风顺

Gōngzuò shùnlì Yīfān fēngshùn

May your work go smoothly May your life go smoothly.

4. 事业有成 9. 升官发财

Shìyè yǒuchéng Shēngguān fācái

Success in your career Win promotion and get rich

5. 平步青云 10. 生意兴隆

Píngbù qīngyún Shēngyì xīnglóng

Have a meteoric rise (usually to wish Prosperous business

for promotions)
4. Greetings and Wishes for Students
1. 学业有成 2. 学习进步

Xuéyè yǒuchéng Xuéxí jìnbù

Prosperous business Progress in studies

3. 金榜题名

Jīnbǎng tímíng

Success in the examination (for those taking an important examination,

including students.

5. Greetings and Wishes for the Family

1. 阖家欢乐 2. 阖家幸福

Héjiā huānlè Héjiā xìngfú

Felicity of the whole family Happiness for the whole family

6. Funny New Year Greeting


Gōngxǐ fācái, hóngbāo ná lái

Wishing you happiness and prosperity; give me a red envelope.

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