Team Charter 2

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Plans and Decisions

Team 1: Katrina Hempelman, Ashley Estrada, Jeremy Tod,

Sasha Mokhtartoroghi, & Robert Roxy


Team Charter and Work Breakdown

September 22, 2019

Arizona State University


Plans and Decisions


Our mission as a team is to enrich our learning through application of course

materials and hands-on team experiences. We want to ensure a successful team

experience by outlining a team charter that sets the tone for how we are going to work

together for the duration of the project. In this charter, we will discuss what our

organization is about as well as our team expectations. We also describe the

communication methods we have agreed upon, how we will collaborate, and how we will

resolve and manage any potential conflicts that may arise during the project. We will also

discuss the consequences of non-participation that we have each agreed to. This team

charter also includes a breakdown of the project including who will lead each section,

when it is due and the duties that have been assigned to each member.

Our Organization

Our organization, “Operation: Downtime” is focused on protecting those who

protect us. We do this by providing tools to the local hero that allow them to turn off the

mental “emergency mode” button when their shift is over. We will focus our efforts to

continually study and improve the “emergency off switch” for those who depend and rely

on constant vigilance. Operation: Downtime will primarily focus on the mental health of

the first responders in our own communities. Our organization has not only recognized

the dangers of carrying around the mental fatigue and stresses of their duties but have

also recognized efficient ways to turn those receptors off when not on duty.

Operation: Downtime is a local non-profit organization hoping to reach the

national status with the help of its expanding local community outreach. The help being

provided to our heroes does not solely come from the organization. In fact, our

organization predominantly relies on the help of local thought leaders and sponsorships

from local businesses and supporting individual contributors. We partner with local

businesses and contributing individuals to sponsor a local hero through our program. This

sponsorship provides funds for the program needs and also drives fundraising through

social media, crowdsourcing, and advertisement campaigns. We offer a few different

partnered social media campaigns that the sponsor can select to have their business

promoted with our organization. This partnered promotion shows their community that

they are helping save the life of a specific local hero and will get frequent updates on the

healing of that hero as they progress through the program.

Our plan is to broadcast a win-win program for the local hero finding help and

treatment for their heavy daily stresses of their duty as well as bring thought leadership

marketing to those local sponsoring business. The purpose of the win-win aspect is to

give back to the sponsors in a way that will help them for wanting to help others. This

style of “cause marketing” will bring more organic business to the sponsor by showing a

socially responsible effort philanthropy. This business model was designed for the

organization to come around full-circle and show that more than one can be helped when

looking to help for a good cause.

Team Expectations and Project Plan

Our team expects to achieve greatness for this group project by allowing for a

cohesive work environment to encourage everyone to contribute equal shares of the

project while working with one another to bring all the puzzle pieces together. By

applying coursework and citations to back up our arguments, we, as a team, will bring

what we have learned from in class and our life experience into this project. We intend to

execute a high-quality final product that will ensure we meet our goal of an “A+” grade

for this assignment. Working screen by screen in our virtual environment and keeping an

open communication line between the group members will ensure questions get answered

and deadlines are met in order for us to achieve our goal.

Goal: We strive to work collaboratively as a team to leverage our team capacity as a

strategy to achieve an “A+” on our team project submissions.

Mission: To enrich our learning through application of course materials and hands on

team experiences.

Communication Method(s)

Our team has chosen to communicate primarily through the use of Google

Hangouts and Zoom video conference. We have agreed to check in at least once daily on

our Google Hangouts chat and we conduct a weekly video conference meeting as well to

ensure we are on track for the project. We have agreed that our conduct will be

respectful, professional, and mature in the chat as well as in our weekly meetings. We are

not going to hide our mistakes and we will be open and honest with each other if we have

any concerns or questions regarding the project.

For our weekly video conference, we will come prepared and we will ensure that

everyone is provided an equal share of time to speak. If unforeseen events may make us

late on submitting individual portions of the project on the team designated deadline, we

have agreed that we will immediately alert the team to our situation and figure out a

solution. The leaders will be setting expectations for their respective parts of the project

and will discuss these within the chat and/or the weekly video conference. Our team has

agreed upon these terms and feel confident that these will ensure a successful experience

during the team project.

Collaboration Method(s)

In order for our group to stay connected and work together on specific areas of the

project, the methods displayed below will be our primary way of collaborative efforts to

stay on track:

● Video meetings scheduled each week on Tuesday at 5pm AZ time. Will allow for

our group to stay connected on a more personal level by allowing the face to face

interaction on screen to put words to a face.

● Google docs/slides will allow our group to be able to continuously work on and

help one another on the group project by allowing 24-hour access to documents

and work material to be accessed by the entire group.

● Open communication is encouraged and will ensure all ideas are being shared and

processed. Engaged discussion is needed in order to maintain a welcoming

environment and for different perspectives to be acknowledged.

● Brainstorming on video calls and in our group chat with google hangouts allows

for our group to continuously bring new ideas to light and for all of us to have

time to think and process what is being shared.

Conflict Management

We will proactively address concerns and always assume positive intent.

Everyone will be mindful of other teammates' opinions and use a collaborative response

when addressing a conflict (Thompson, 2018, p. 216). Relationship conflicts will be

addressed with the parties involved. This will be done on a one-on-one scheduled Zoom

chat, so nothing is lost in translation or up for misinterpretation. Any task or process

conflicts need to be addressed in a group setting through one of our Zoom meetings. If

we address these types of conflicts as a team this will avoid any perceptual conflict. All

team members will take an interest-based approach by focusing on satisfying both

parties’ core interest during a conflict (Thompson, 2018, p. 216).

Consequences of Non-Participation

As our team values open communication, assumption of positive intent, and democratic

processes with everyone being heard, our agreed upon possible consequences are as


● In the event that a team member does not meet the team’s high expectations for

quality of work, we will address this directly with the individual and offer

support. We expect active participation and requests for help and support to

prevent this from occurring. If it becomes evident that the team member is not

implementing strategies to improve or does not put forth obvious effort, further

action including involving the professor may be taken beginning with a group

discussion and obtaining majority agreement on how to proceed.

● In the event that a team member fails to participate in standing video meetings,

ongoing chats, and/or turn in individual project contributions according to the

individual team established deadlines highlighted in this document, the team will

discuss the issue together, evaluate possible actions, possibly inform the

professor, pick up the individual’s responsibilities, and vote on consequences up


to and including recommending the professor award a zero on the impacted

portion of the team assignment.

● In the event that a teammate has failed to connect after being addressed in our

agreed format for more than 24 hours and did not previously inform the team of a

leave, the team shall make every effort to engage the individual through email,

Hangouts, and module discussion boards before asking for the professor to

intervene. The team will discuss and decide if the individual’s work needs to be

reassigned and recommend a grade reduction for the individual to the professor.

These consequences address several possible events of team member non-participation

and failure to contribute in accordance with our team goals and mission. As a team, we

have highlighted our preference to engage actively, put communication at the forefront,

and assume positive intent of all team members. Should consequences become necessary,

they will only be enacted after full discussion and team majority agreement is reached.

Work Breakdown

Module 5 Deliverable: Team Charter (30 Points)

Team Lead Name Katrina Hempelman
Assignment deliverable ● Introduction
Team charter document with ● Our Organization
expectations and work ● Team Expectations Introduction
breakdown ● Communication Method
● Collaboration Method
● Conflict Management
● Consequences of Non-Participation
● Conclusion

Assignment Due Date: 9/22 Individual Submissions Due Date: 9/20

Identify each team member’s 1. Katrina-Consequences of Non-Participation,
prospective responsibility and Conclusion
when their responsibility needs 2. Ashley-Introduction, Communication Method
to be completed 3. Jeremy-Our Organization

4. Sasha- Conflict Management

5. Robert-Team Expectations, Collaboration

Module 7 Team Project Deliverable: Final Project Synopsis (50 points):

Team Lead Name Jeremy Tod
Assignment deliverable ● Provide a synopsis of what general subject
This will be an overview of our area your team has decided to address as part
project subject matter and of their campaign (public health,
supporting documentation environment, or social justice) as well as the
specific issue. (10 points)
● What type of organization has your team
decided to be? A small group of volunteers?
A non-profit? Or maybe a larger entity? (5
points) What is the name of your
organization? (5 points)
● How will your team help the cause? (10
● What is your public campaign? (10 points)
Assignment Due Date: 10/8 Individual Submission Due Date: 09/29
Identify each team member’s
prospective responsibility and 1. Katrina- General Subject / Specific issue
when their responsibility needs 2. Ashley- What type of organization (NP)
to be completed 3. Jeremy- Help the cause / Public campaign
4. Sasha- Non-Profit (looking to go national)
5. Robert- Name (significance)

Module 7 Team Project Deliverable Final Project Complementary Powerpoint (90

Team Lead Name Robert Roxy
Assignment deliverable ● Decide what general subject your team will
This will be a collaborative focus on: health, environmental, or social
PowerPoint to visually display justice and then a specific topic of that subject
and highlight the elements area. (10 points)
discussed in the synopsis ● What is the issue your organization is
concerned with? (10 points)
● How will your organization help the cause?
(10 points)
● What is your public campaign to make other
people aware and get other people involved?
(10 points)
● What motto or advertising slogan do you
think would be the most effective? (10 points)
● Who is your target audience? (10 points)
● Citation Slide (Backup sources cited)

Assignment Due Date: 10/8 Individual Submissions Due Date: 10/5

Identify each team member’s 1. Katrina- General Subject Slide (1 slide)
prospective responsibility and 2. Ashley- Issue/Goals Slide (1 slide)
when their responsibility needs 3. Jeremy-Help Slide (1 slide)
to be completed 4. Sasha- Motto Slide, Campaign Slide (2 slides)
5. Robert-Title Slide, Target Audience (2 Slides)

Module 7 Team Project Deliverable - Revisit Team Charter (10 points)

Team Lead Name Sasha Mokhtartoroghi
Assignment deliverable Format:
Each team member is ● Name
responsible for writing their ● Individual assigned tasks from original
own assessment and adding it charter
into the shared document. ● Collective assigned tasks from original
● Realized contributions
Assignment Due Date: 10/8 Individual Submission Due Date: 10/6
Identify each team member’s 1. Katrina- individual self assessment
prospective responsibility and 2. Ashley-individual self assessment
when their responsibility needs 3. Jeremy-individual self assessment
to be completed 4. Sasha-individual self assessment
5. Robert-individual self assessment

Module Team Project Deliverable -Entire Final Team Project

Team Lead Name Ashley Estrada
Assignment deliverable We will assign editing responsibilities and identify
This area is designed to the individual who will submit our final project
address final submission and deliverable.
editing duties.
Assignment Due Date 10/8 Editing will begin on each document the day after the
team submission due date and should be completed
by 10/7.
Identify each team member’s 1. Katrina- Team Charter, edit by 9/22
prospective responsibility and 2. Ashley- Submit Entire Project, 10/8
when their responsibility needs 3. Jeremy- Synopsis, edit by 10/7
to be completed 4. Sasha- Revisit Team Charter, edit by 10/7
5. Robert- Powerpoint, edit by 10/7


Our team places high value on team processes and maintaining a positive and

supportive work environment. Our goal to achieve a perfect 100 percent on our team

work paired with a mission to enrich our learning through the application of course

materials and hands on team experiences set the stage for a positive learning experience

with excellent outcomes. We have detailed how we will communicate, collaborate, and

manage conflict as well as non-participation in this document that was designed and

produced in a collaborative video conference with valued contributions from all

members. The included work breakdown schedules our team’s final project and

assignment of tasks and responsibilities to ensure that every member has an opportunity

to lead and learn in accordance with our mission. We intend to reach our goal through

adherence to these team norms and expectations as well as by following the work

breakdown details.


Thompson, L. L. (2018). Making the team: a guide for managers. NY, NY: Pearson.

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