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1. Name : A.FAUJIANOR 6. Dept./Divisi : Operation

2. NIK : 18010017 7. Company : PT Tanjung Power Indonesia

3. Join date : 8 January 2018 8. Location : Tabalong
4. Position : Operator 9. Period : 1/1/2020 - 31/12/2020

5. Start Date : 8 January 2018 10. Level : Director x Manager & Below


1. Job Goal : Maintain operation to achievie company objective ( Availabilty Factor-80%,NPHR:2,903kcal/kW) '
►Can operate the
equipment according to the Standart Operation Prosedure ( SOP )
► Report TM, send to unit control room and Spv
► Monitoring all parameter operation using log sheet

Target : ►carry out a new S.O.P for handling coal when it is wet
►Making TM in PMMS is there any problem at area Coal Handling and Monitoring update of that ►Monitoring
all parameter and recording log sheet per 2 hours of Coal Handling Local

Achievement : ► follow new S.O.P for handling coal when it is wet

►Make Trouble memo in PMMS if pound Abnormal Codition equitment Coal Handling System
►Make a report for unit operation in log sheet every 2 hours Score

2. Job Goal : Perfect Operation Preparation for excellent operation

►Take Over Job For Coal Handling Local
►Secure performance equipment
►Efficiency and optimization operation

Target : ►Making Report in PMMS and Explain the condition of Coal Handling Control 30 minute before change shift
all equipment in ready condition before start, system normally running Coal Handling '►Make sure
the supply coal to silo Unit #1 and Unit #2

Achievement : ►Make a report in PMMS about Condition equipment running at coal handling system and
Coordination with other shift before change shift
'►check equipment before/after start and stop at local Score
►Ensure all
equipment is safe to operate and normal running

3. Job Goal : Condition silo reached

►Metting with Performance and material handling ►Coal
silo Boiler Condition High ►Transfer
Coal To silo Smooth

Target : ► Commutication between material handling so smoothly

► so that the electrcity supplied remains stable
► The condition of the coal
that is sent is fit to enter the boiler

Achievement : ►The silo is reached

► does not drop power when needed ►The
use of coal in the silo fine Score

INTEGRITY Point Remark

1. Protect the company’s assets from fraud, theft, and unauthorized use -2
2. Prioritize the company’s interests above the individual interests -2
3. Only provide factual data and information -1


1. Compete fairly and ethically by building competence and delivering the best performance -0.5
2. Support subordinates’ growth by giving equal opportunity -0.5
3. Appraise subordinates’ performance objectively -0.5

OPENNES Point Remark

1. Dare to express different opinions for the best interests of the company -0.25
2. Dare to admit mistakes and wrongdoings -0.25
3. Welcome others’ constructive inputs and feedback -0.25

RESPECT Point Remark

1. Demonstrate good manners and avoid using rude language -1
2. Treat everybody with full respect by appreciating their differences -0.25
3. Show respect to others by listening to them attentively -0.25


1. Execute PDCA consistently for the achievement of the company’s objectives -0.5
2. Do the best to reach the optimal balance between quality and efficiency -0.5
3. Strive to exceed customer expectations -0.5


SUCCESSION PLANNING * Not Applicable for Dept Head & Below Point Y/N
Availability of successor with readiness R3 (more than 3 years but less than 5 years)

MANAGING OUT * Not Applicable for Dept Head & Below Point Y/N
Dare to take decisive action against subordinate who violated Adaro Values or had poor performance


No Criteria Demerit Points Summary

1 Company Values Average Job Goal
2 Succession Planning Total Demerit Points
3 Managing Out Final Rating
Total Demerit Points Predicate

Approved by Direct Superior Approved by Next Lv. Superior Communicated to Employee

Name : Name : Name : A.FAUJIANOR

Date : Date : Date :

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