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Harrell−Ghosh−Bowden: I. Study Chapters 8.

Model Verification and © The McGraw−Hill

Simulation Using Validation Companies, 2004
ProModel, Second Edition



“Truth comes out of error more easily than out of confusion.”

—Francis Bacon

8.1 Introduction
Building a simulation model is much like developing an architectural plan for a
house. A good architect will review the plan and specifications with the client or
owner of the house to ensure that the design meets the client’s expectations. The
architect will also carefully check all dimensions and other specifications shown
on the plan for accuracy. Once the architect is reasonably satisfied that the right
information has been accurately represented, a contractor can be given the plan to
begin building the house. In a similar way the simulation analyst should examine
the validity and correctness of the model before using it to make implementation
In this chapter we cover the importance and challenges associated with model
verification and validation. We also present techniques for verifying and validat-
ing models. Balci (1997) provides a taxonomy of more than 77 techniques for
model verification and validation. In this chapter we give only a few of the more
common and practical methods used. The greatest problem with verification and
validation is not one of failing to use the right techniques but failing to use any
technique. Questions addressed in this chapter include the following:
• What are model verification and validation?
• What are obstacles to model verification and validation?
• What techniques are used to verify and validate a model?
• How are model verification and validation maintained?
Two case studies are presented at the end of the chapter showing how verifi-
cation and validation techniques have been used in actual simulation projects.

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204 Part I Study Chapters

8.2 Importance of Model Verification and Validation

Model building is, by nature, very error prone. The modeler must translate the
real-world system into a conceptual model that, in turn, must be translated into a
simulation model. This translation process is iterative as the modeler’s conception
of the real system changes and the modeling approach continues to be refined (see
Figure 8.1). In this translation process, there is plenty of room for making errors.
Verification and validation processes have been developed to reduce and ideally
eliminate these errors.
Model verification is the process of determining whether the simulation
model correctly reflects the conceptual model. Model validation is the process of
determining whether the conceptual model correctly reflects the real system.
Model verification and validation are critical to the success of a simulation
project. Important decisions may be based on the outcome of the simulation ex-
periment, and, therefore, demonstrable evidence should exist for the validity of
the model. For simulations that are used on an ongoing basis for operational deci-
sions such as production scheduling, model validation is even more important.
The Department of Defense (DoD) has recognized the importance of model
validation and has established a defined set of criteria for determining model
accreditation. Accreditation, as defined by DoD (
mspolicy/glossary/9801glss.doc), is “The official certification that a model or
simulation is acceptable for use for a specific purpose.”

8.2.1 Reasons for Neglect

Despite their importance, seldom is adequate attention given to verification
and validation when doing simulation. The primary reasons for neglecting this

Two-step translation
process to convert a
real-world system to
a simulation model.
Concept a tio

r ific

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Simulation Using Validation Companies, 2004
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Chapter 8 Model Verification and Validation 205

important activity are

• Time and budget pressures.
• Laziness.
• Overconfidence.
• Ignorance.
Time and budget pressures can be overcome through better planning and in-
creased proficiency in the validation process. Because validation doesn’t have to
be performed to complete a simulation study, it is the activity that is most likely to
get shortchanged when pressure is being felt to complete the project on time or
within budget. Not only does the modeler become pressed for time and resources,
but often others on whom the modeler relies for feedback on model validity also
become too busy to get involved the way they should.
Laziness is a bit more difficult to deal with because it is characteristic of
human nature and is not easily overcome. Discipline and patience must be devel-
oped before one is willing to painstakingly go back over a model once it has been
built and is running. Model building is a creative activity that can actually be quite
fun. Model verification and validation, on the other hand, are a laborious effort
that is too often dreaded.
The problem of overconfidence can be dealt with only by developing a more
critical and even skeptical attitude toward one’s own work. Too often it is
assumed that if the simulation runs, it must be okay. A surprising number of deci-
sions are based on invalid simulations simply because the model runs and pro-
duces results. Computer output can give an aura of validity to results that may be
completely in error. This false sense of security in computer output is a bit like
saying, “It must be true, it came out of the computer.” Having such a naive men-
tality can be dangerously misleading.
The final problem is simply a lack of knowledge of verification and valida-
tion procedures. This is a common problem particularly among newcomers to
simulation. This seems to be one of the last areas in which formal training is re-
ceived because it is presumed to be nonessential to model building and output
analysis. Another misconception of validation is that it is just another phase in a
simulation project rather than a continuous activity that should be performed
throughout the entire project. The intent of this chapter is to dispel common mis-
conceptions, help shake attitudes of indifference, and provide insight into this im-
portant activity.

8.2.2 Practices That Facilitate Verification and Validation

A major problem in verifying and validating models occurs because of poor mod-
eling practices. Beginners often build models with little or no thought about being
able to verify or validate the model. Often these models contain spaghetti code
that is difficult for anyone, including the modeler, to follow. This problem be-
comes even more acute as models grow in complexity. When the original model
builder moves on and others inherit these models, the desperate efforts to unravel
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206 Part I Study Chapters

the tangled mess and figure out what the model creator had in mind become
almost futile. It is especially discouraging when attempting to use a poorly con-
structed model for future experimentation. Trying to figure out what changes need
to be made to model new scenarios becomes difficult if not impossible.
The solution to creating models that ease the difficulty of verification and val-
idation is to first reduce the amount of complexity of the model. Frequently the
most complex models are built by amateurs who do not have sense enough to
know how to abstract system information. They code way too much detail into the
model. Once a model has been simplified as much as possible, it needs to be coded
so it is easily readable and understandable. Using object-oriented techniques such
as encapsulation can help organize model data. The right simulation software can
also help keep model data organized and readable by providing table entries and
intelligent, parameterized constructs rather than requiring lots of low-level pro-
gramming. Finally, model data and logic code should be thoroughly and clearly
documented. This means that every subroutine used should have an explanation
of what it does, where it is invoked, what the parameters represent, and how to
change the subroutine for modifications that may be anticipated.

8.3 Model Verification

Verification is the process of determining whether the model operates as intended.
It doesn’t necessarily mean that the model is valid, only that it runs correctly.
According to Banks, et al. (2001), “Verification is concerned with building the
model right. It is utilized in the comparison of the conceptual model to the com-
puter representation that implements that conception.” Model verification in-
volves the modeler more than the customer. During the verification process, the
modeler tries to detect unintended errors in the model data and logic and remove
them. In essence, verification is the process of debugging the model. A verified
model is a bug-free model.
Errors or bugs in a simulation model are of two types: syntax errors and se-
mantic errors. Syntax errors are like grammatical errors and include the uninten-
tional addition, omission, or misplacement of notation that either prevents the
model from running or causes it to run incorrectly. The omission or misplacement
of a decimal point in a number or parentheses in an expression can dramatically
impact the outcome of a simulation. Most simulation software has built-in error
detection that can identify inconsistencies and omissions. This feature is much
like spelling and grammar checking in a word processor. As with a word proces-
sor, however, it still remains the responsibility of the user to ensure that the in-
tended meaning has been conveyed.
Semantic errors are associated with the meaning or intention of the modeler
and are therefore difficult to detect. Often they are logical errors that cause behav-
ior that is different than what was intended. For example, an if–then test on a vari-
able may branch to the wrong logic simply because the condition was incorrectly
specified or the branching was not set up correctly. Or numerical values may
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Chapter 8 Model Verification and Validation 207

be misentered and therefore result in the wrong intended behavior. Verification

techniques discussed here, such as event tracing and code debugging, can help
identify and correct semantic errors.

8.3.1 Preventive Measures

Obviously, the preferred method of dealing with model bugs is to avoid building
models with bugs in the first place. In practice, this isn’t always possible as bugs
are often sneaky and difficult to prevent. However, a few basic practices can min-
imize the number of bugs that find their way into models. The most important
practice is to simply be careful. This means focusing on what you are doing and
eliminating distractions that may cause you to make silly typing mistakes. You
should check and double-check the data and your entry of those data into the
model to make sure there are no transcription errors. Another practice that has
been used successfully for years in software development for ensuring good code
is called structured programming. Hoover and Perry (1990) describe five basic
principles of structured programming:
1. Top-down design. The simulation model and the code begin at a high
level, and then lower-level areas are added that are congruent with, yet
subordinate to, the top level. It is a hierarchical approach to modeling.
A routing to a six-machine cell may initially be defined to the cell as
a whole and then later decomposed to route to each individual
2. Modularity. The model is built in modules or logical divisions to
simplify model development and debugging and to facilitate reuse.
Where possible, data modules should be separate from the logic
modules so that data can be easily accessed.
3. Compact modules. Modules should be kept as short and simple as
possible. Subroutines consisting of over 25 statements, for example,
should probably be broken into multiple subroutines.
4. Stepwise refinement. The model is built with complexity being
progressively added. In stepwise refinement, one goes from general to
specific so that generalities and assumptions are refined into precise
and accurate details. The idea is to create the model in multiple passes,
filling in additional details with each pass. At each pass, a test for
reasonableness can be made. It is easier to verify a model when the
model is built incrementally than when it is built all at once.
5. Structured control. GOTO statements or other unstructured branching
of control should be avoided wherever possible as they may lead to
unexpected results. Logic control should be based on structured control
statements such as
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208 Part I Study Chapters

8.3.2 Establishing a Standard for Comparison

Verifying a model presupposes that some standard exists for comparison, pro-
viding a sense of whether the model is running correctly. Obviously, if you knew
exactly how the simulation should run and what results should be expected, you
wouldn’t need to be doing the simulation in the first place. Several reasonable
standards can be used for model comparison. One simple standard is common
sense (although someone has said that common sense isn’t all that common). If
your simulation is giving totally bizarre results, you know you have a problem
somewhere in your model. Say, for example, that you define a machine downtime
to occur every two hours for two minutes and yet the simulation results show that
the machine was down 80 percent of the time. Common sense tells you that the re-
sults don’t make sense and indicates that you should check how you defined the
downtime behavior.
Another way to establish a sense of correctness is to construct an analytic
model of the problem if at all possible. Because of the simplified assumptions
made in most analytic techniques, it may be necessary to scale back the model to
verify only its basic operation. It may be necessary, for example, to run the simu-
lation without downtimes because failures may complicate an analytic formula-
tion. As additional examples, we may operate a queuing system without balking,
or we may use instantaneous replenishment rather than random lead times in an
inventory model. In these cases, the simplified model may be one that can be an-
alyzed without simulation, and the mathematical results can then be compared to
those from the simulation. In this way we can get an indication of whether the
simulation model, or at least a simplified version of it, is correct.

8.3.3 Verification Techniques

Once everything has been done at the outset to ensure that the model has been built
correctly and a standard for comparison has been established, several techniques
can be used to verify the model. Some of the more common ways include
• Conduct model code reviews.
• Check the output for reasonableness.
• Watch the animation for correct behavior.
• Use the trace and debug facilities provided with the software.

Reviewing Model Code

A model code review can be conducted by either the modeler or someone else
familiar with both modeling and the system being modeled. The purpose of the
model code review is to check for errors and inconsistencies. The simulation
model can be tested in either a bottom-up or top-down fashion. In the bottom-up
testing method, also called unit testing, the lowest modules are tested and verified
first. Next, interfaces between two or more modules are tested. This is continued
until the model can be tested as a single system.
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Chapter 8 Model Verification and Validation 209

In the top-down approach, the verification testing begins with the main mod-
ule and moves down gradually to lower modules. At the top level, you are more
interested that the outputs of modules are as expected given the inputs. If discrep-
ancies arise, lower-level code analysis is conducted.
In both approaches sample test data are used to test the program code. The
bottom-up approach typically requires a smaller set of data to begin with. After
exercising the model using test data, the model is stress tested using extreme input
values. With careful selection, the results of the simulation under extreme condi-
tions can be predicted fairly well and compared with the test results.

Checking for Reasonable Output

In any simulation model, there are operational relationships and quantitative val-
ues that are predictable during the simulation. An example of an operational rela-
tionship is a routing that occurs whenever a particular operation is completed. A
predictable quantitative value might be the number of boxes on a conveyor always
being between zero and the conveyor capacity. Often the software itself will flag
values that are out of an acceptable range, such as an attempt to free more re-
sources than were captured.
For simple models, one way to help determine reasonableness of the output is
to replace random times and probabilistic outcomes with constant times and de-
terministic outcomes in the model. This allows you to predict precisely what the
results will be because the analytically determined results should match the re-
sults of the simulation.

Watching the Animation

Animation can be used to visually verify whether the simulation operates the way
you think it should. Errors are detected visually that can otherwise go unnoticed.
The animation can be made to run slowly enough for the analyst to follow along
visually. However, the amount of time required to observe an entire simulation
run can be extremely long. If the animation is sped up, the runtime will be smaller,
but inconsistent behavior will be more difficult to detect.
To provide the most meaningful information, it helps to have interactive
simulation capability, which allows the modeler to examine data associated with
simulation objects during runtime. For example, during the simulation, the user
can view the current status of a workstation or resource to see if state variables are
being set correctly.
Animation is usually more helpful in identifying a problem than in discover-
ing the cause of a problem. The following are some common symptoms apparent
from the animation that reveal underlying problems in the model:
• The simulation runs fine for hours and even days and then suddenly freezes.
• A terminating simulation that should have emptied the system at the end
of the simulation leaves some entities stranded at one or more locations.
• A resource sits idle when there is plenty of work waiting to be done.
• A particular routing never gets executed.
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210 Part I Study Chapters

Using Trace and Debugging Facilities

Trace and debugging information provides detailed textual feedback of what is
happening during a simulation. This allows the modeler to look under the hood
and see exactly what is going on inside the simulation. Most simulation software
comes with some sort of trace and debugging facility. At a minimum, manual
trace or debugging information can be coded into the simulation model that is ei-
ther deleted or disabled once the model is debugged. The following logic, for ex-
ample, might be inserted somewhere in the model logic to test whether a resource
is available at a specific time.
If OperatorState = busy
Then display "Operator is busy"
Else display "Operator is NOT busy"

Trace messages describe chronologically what happens during the simula-

tion, event by event. A typical trace message might be the time that an entity
enters a particular location or the time that a specific resource is freed. Trace mes-
saging can be turned on or off, and trace messages can usually be either displayed
directly on the screen or written to a file for later analysis. In ProModel, tracing
can also be turned on and off programmatically by entering a Trace command at
appropriate places within the model logic. A segment of an example of a trace
message listing is shown in Figure 8.2. Notice that the simulation time is shown
in the left column followed by a description of what is happening at that time in
the right column.
Another way in which behavior can be tracked during a simulation run is
through the use of a debugger. Anyone who has used a modern commercial com-
piler to do programming is familiar with debuggers. A simulation debugger is a
utility that displays and steps through the actual logic entered by the user to define
the model. As logic gets executed, windows can be opened to display variable and

Fragment of a trace
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Chapter 8 Model Verification and Validation 211

ProModel debugger

state values as they dynamically change. Like trace messaging, debugging can be
turned on either interactively or programmatically. An example of a debugger
window is shown in Figure 8.3.
Experienced modelers make extensive use of trace and debugging capabili-
ties. Animation and output reports are good for detecting problems in a simula-
tion, but trace and debug messages help uncover why problems occur.
Using trace and debugging features, event occurrences and state variables
can be examined and compared with hand calculations to see if the program is op-
erating as it should. For example, a trace list might show when a particular oper-
ation began and ended. This can be compared against the input operation time to
see if they match.
One type of error that a trace or debugger is useful in diagnosing is gridlock.
This situation is caused when there is a circular dependency where one action de-
pends on another action, which, in turn, is dependent on the first action. You may
have experienced this situation at a busy traffic intersection or when trying to
leave a crowded parking lot after a football game. It leaves you with a sense of
utter helplessness and frustration. An example of gridlock in simulation some-
times occurs when a resource attempts to move a part from one station to another,
but the second station is unavailable because an entity there is waiting for the
same resource. The usual symptom of this situation is that the model appears to
freeze up and no more activity takes place. Meanwhile the simulation clock races
rapidly forward. A trace of events can help detect why the entity at the second sta-
tion is stuck waiting for the resource.
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212 Part I Study Chapters

8.4 Model Validation

Validation is the process of determining whether the model is a meaningful and
accurate representation of the real system (Hoover and Perry 1990). Where veri-
fication is concerned with building the model right, validation is concerned with
building the right model. For this reason, stakeholders and customers should
become heavily involved in the validation process.
Because the process of validation can be very time-consuming and ultimately
somewhat elusive, we are not interested in achieving absolute validity but only
functional validity. As Neelamkavil (1987) explains, “True validation is a philo-
sophical impossibility and all we can do is either invalidate or ‘fail to invalidate.’”
From a functional standpoint, model validation is viewed as the process of estab-
lishing “that the model’s output behavior has sufficient accuracy for the model’s
intended purpose over the domain of the model’s intended applicability” (Sargent
1998). Through validation we convey to the user or the customer that the simula-
tion results can be trusted and used to make real-world decisions. A model can be
valid even when many simplifications may have been made and details omitted
while building the model. What we are seeking is not certainty but rather a com-
fort level in the results.
For existing systems or when building an “as-is” model, the model behavior
should correspond to that of the actual system. In the case of a new system that is
being designed, and therefore has no demonstrated performance, the input data
should accurately reflect the design specification of the system and the model
should be carefully verified.
A model may run correctly (it has been verified) but still not be an accurate
representation of the system (it is invalid). Validation can be thought of as a real-
ity check (not to be confused with a sanity check, which people who do simula-
tion may frequently need). If a model is based on accurate information, and the
model has been verified to work as intended, then the model can be said to be a
valid model. A model that has bugs cannot be a valid model (unless purely by ac-
cident), thus the importance of verification in the validation process.
Validation actually begins with the data-gathering stage of a simulation pro-
ject before a model is even built. It is the garbage-in, garbage-out syndrome that
should be avoided. If you use erroneous data in the model, the model may work
perfectly fine (it has been verified) yet still give misleading results. Data valida-
tion issues were addressed in Chapter 6, “Data Collection and Analysis.” By way
of review, data validation is a matter of verifying that the sources of information
are reliable and that source data have been correctly interpreted. For example, the
process used to fit distributions to sample data may be checked. Any assumptions
should also be reviewed and approved by those in a position to give an informed
opinion about the validity of the assumptions. Having valid information on the
system being modeled means that the conceptual model of the system is valid. At
this point, creating a valid simulation model essentially consists of creating a
model that is verified or, in other words, that corresponds with the conceptual
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Chapter 8 Model Verification and Validation 213

8.4.1 Determining Model Validity

There is no simple test to determine the validity of a model. Validation is an in-
ductive process in which the modeler draws conclusions about the accuracy of the
model based on the evidence available. Several techniques are given here that
are described by Sargent (1998). Some of them tend to be rather subjective, while
others lend themselves to statistical tests such as hypothesis tests and confidence
intervals. Many of the techniques are the same as those used to verify a model,
only now the customer and others who are knowledgeable about the system need
to be involved. As with model verification, it is common to use a combination of
techniques when validating a model.
• Watching the animation. The visual animation of the operational behavior
of the model is compared with one’s knowledge about how the actual
system behaves. This can include dynamic plots and counters that provide
dynamic visual feedback.
• Comparing with the actual system. Both the model and the system are
run under the same conditions and using the same inputs to see if the
results match.
• Comparing with other models. If other valid models have been built of
the process such as analytic models, spreadsheet models, and even other
valid simulation models, the output of the simulation can be compared to
these known results. For example, a simple simulation model might be
compared to a validated queuing model.
• Conducting degeneracy and extreme condition tests. There are known
situations for which model behavior degenerates, causing a particular
response variable to grow infinitely large. An example is the number of
items in a queue prior to a server where the service rate is less than the
arrival rate. These situations can be forced in the model (by increasing the
number of arrivals) to see if the model degenerates as expected. The
model can also be run under extreme conditions to see if it behaves as
would be expected. For example, if arrivals are cut off, the model should
eventually run dry of entities.
• Checking for face validity. Face validity is checked by asking people who
are knowledgeable about the system whether the model and its behavior
appear reasonable. This technique can be used in determining if the logic
in the conceptual model is correct and if a model’s input–output
relationships are reasonable.
• Testing against historical data. If historical information exists for both
operating and performance data, the model can be tested using the same
operating data and comparing the results with the historical performance
data. This is sort of an “as-once-was” model.
• Performing sensitivity analysis. This technique consists of changing
model input values to determine the effect on the model’s behavior and its
output. The same relationships should occur in the model as in the real
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214 Part I Study Chapters

system. The modeler should have at least an intuitive idea of how the
model will react to a given change. It should be obvious, for example, that
doubling the number of resources for a bottleneck operation should
increase, though not necessarily double, throughput.
• Running traces. An entity or sequence of events can be traced through the
model processing logic to see if it follows the behavior that would occur
in the actual system.
• Conducting Turing tests. People who are knowledgeable about the
operations of a system are asked if they can discriminate between system
and model outputs. If they are unable to detect which outputs are the
model outputs and which are the actual system outputs, this is another
piece of evidence to use in favor of the model being valid.
A common method of validating a model of an existing system is to compare
the model performance with that of the actual system. This approach requires that
an as-is simulation be built that corresponds to the current system. This helps
“calibrate” the model so that it can be used for simulating variations of the same
model. After running the as-is simulation, the performance data are compared to
those of the real-world system. If sufficient data are available on a performance
measure of the real system, a statistical test can be applied called the Student’s
t test to determine whether the sampled data sets from both the model and the
actual system come from the same distribution. An F test can be performed to test
the equality of variances of the real system and the simulation model. Some of the
problems associated with statistical comparisons include these:
• Simulation model performance is based on very long periods of time. On
the other hand, real system performances are often based on much shorter
periods and therefore may not be representative of the long-term
statistical average.
• The initial conditions of the real system are usually unknown and are
therefore difficult to replicate in the model.
• The performance of the real system is affected by many factors that may
be excluded from the simulation model, such as abnormal downtimes or
defective materials.
The problem of validation becomes more challenging when the real system
doesn’t exist yet. In this case, the simulation analyst works with one or more
experts who have a good understanding of how the real system should operate.
They team up to see whether the simulation model behaves reasonably in a vari-
ety of situations. Animation is frequently used to watch the behavior of the simu-
lation and spot any nonsensical or unrealistic behavior.
The purpose of validation is to mitigate the risk associated with making de-
cisions based on the model. As in any testing effort, there is an optimum amount
of validation beyond which the return may be less valuable than the investment
(see Figure 8.4). The optimum effort to expend on validation should be based on
minimizing the total cost of the validation effort plus the risk cost associated
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Chapter 8 Model Verification and Validation 215

FIGURE 8.4 Optimum effort

Optimum level of
validation looks at the Total cost
trade-off between Validation cost
validation cost and Cost
risk cost.

Risk cost

Validation effort

with making a decision based on an invalid model. As mentioned previously, the

problem is seldom one of devoting too much time to validation, but in devoting
too little.

8.4.2 Maintaining Validation

Once a model is validated for a given system specification, it is sometimes neces-
sary to maintain validation as system specifications tend to evolve right up to, and
often even after, system implementation. When simulation is used for system
design, rarely is the system implemented the way it was originally simulated,
especially when traditional, over-the-wall handoff procedures are used. These
continuous changes make it nearly impossible to validate the simulation against
the final implemented system. Unfortunately, results of the implemented system
sometimes get compared with the early simulation model, and the simulation is
unfairly branded as being invalid. This is another good reason for continuing to
update the model to continually reflect current system design specifications.
One method that works effectively for maintaining validation of a model
designed for ongoing use is to deny users access to the model data so that modifi-
cations to the model are controlled. ProModel, for example, allows a modeler to
protect the model data using the packaging option under the File menu. This pre-
vents anyone from changing the actual model data directly. Modifications to the
model can be made only through a custom interface that controls precisely what
parameters of the model can be changed as well as the extent to which they can
be changed.

8.4.3 Validation Examples

To illustrate how the validation process might be performed for a typical sim-
ulation, we look at two simulation case studies. The first one was conducted
at St. John Hospital and Medical Center for an obstetrical renovation project
(O’Conner 1994). The second project was conducted at HP for a surface mount
assembly line (Baxter and Johnson 1993). The St. John case study uses a more
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216 Part I Study Chapters

informal and intuitive approach to validation, while the HP case study relies on
more formal validation techniques.

St. John Hospital and Medical Center Obstetrical Unit

At St. John Hospital and Medical Center, a simulation study was conducted by the
Management Engineering Department to plan a renovation of the obstetrical unit
to accommodate modern family demands to provide a more private, homelike
atmosphere with a family-oriented approach to patient care during a mother’s
hospital stay. The current layout did not support this approach and had encoun-
tered inefficiencies when trying to accommodate such an approach (running new-
borns back and forth and the like).
The renovation project included provision for labor, delivery, recovery, and
postpartum (LDRP) rooms with babies remaining with their mothers during the
postpartum stay. The new LDRPs would be used for both low- and high-risk
mothers. The hospital administration wanted to ensure that there would be enough
room for future growth while still maintaining high utilization of every bed.
The purpose of the simulation was to determine the appropriate number of
beds needed in the new LDRPs as well as in other related areas of the hospital.
A secondary objective was to determine what rules should be used to process pa-
tients through the new system to make the best utilization of resources. Because
this was a radically new configuration, an as-is model was not built. This, of
course, made model validation more challenging. Data were gathered based on
actual operating records, and several assumptions were made such as the length of
stay for different patient classifications and the treatment sequence of patients.
The validation process was actually a responsibility given to a team that was
assembled to work with the simulation group. The team consisted of the nursing
managers responsible for each OB area and the Women’s Health program direc-
tor. The first phase of the review phase was to receive team approval for the
assumptions document and flowcharts of the processes. This review was com-
pleted prior to developing the model. This assumptions document was continually
revised and reviewed throughout the duration of the project.
The next phase of the review came after all data had been collected and ana-
lyzed. These reviews not only helped ensure the data were valid but established
trust and cooperation between the modeling group and the review team. This
began instilling confidence in the simulation even before the results were
Model verification was performed during model building and again at model
completion. To help verify the model, patients, modeled as entities, were traced
through the system to ensure that they followed the same processing sequence
shown on the flowcharts with the correct percentages of patients following each
probabilistic branch. In addition, time displays were placed in the model to verify
the length of stay at each step in the process.
Model validation was performed with both the nursing staff and physician
representatives. This included comparing actual data collected with model results
where comparisons made sense (remember, this was a new configuration being
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Chapter 8 Model Verification and Validation 217

modeled). The animation that showed the actual movement of patients and use of
resources was a valuable tool to use during the validation process and increased
the credibility of the model.
The use of a team approach throughout the data-gathering and model
development stages proved invaluable. It both gave the modeler immediate feed-
back regarding incorrect assumptions and boosted the confidence of the team
members in the simulation results. The frequent reviews also allowed the group to
bounce ideas off one another. As the result of conducting a sound and convincing
simulation study, the hospital’s administration was persuaded by the simulation
results and implemented the recommendations in the new construction.

HP Surface Mount Assembly Line

At HP a simulation study was undertaken to evaluate alternative production lay-
outs and batching methods for a surface mount printed circuit assembly line based
on a projected growth in product volume/mix. As is typical in a simulation pro-
ject, only about 20 percent of the time was spent building the model. The bulk of
the time was spent gathering data and validating the model. It was recognized that
the level of confidence placed in the simulation results was dependent on the
degree to which model validity could be established.
Surface mount printed circuit board assembly involves placing electronic
components onto raw printed circuit boards. The process begins with solder paste
being stenciled onto the raw circuit board panel. Then the panel is transported to
sequential pick-and-place machines, where the components are placed on the
panel. The component feeders on the pick-and-place machines must be changed
depending on the components required for a particular board. This adds setup time
to the process. A third of the boards require manual placement of certain compo-
nents. Once all components are placed on the board and solder pasted, the board
proceeds into an oven where the solder paste is cured, bonding the components to
the panel. Finally, the panel is cleaned and sent to testing. Inspection steps occur
at several places in the line.
The HP surface mount line was designed for a high-mix, low-volume produc-
tion. More than 100 different board types are produced on the line with about 10
different types produced per day. The batch size for a product is typically less than
five panels, with the typical panel containing five boards.
A simulation expert built the model working closely with the process
owners—that is, the managers, engineers, and production workers. Like many
simulations, the model was first built as an as-is model to facilitate model valida-
tion. The model was then expanded to reflect projected requirements and pro-
posed configurations.
The validation process began early in the data-gathering phase with meetings
being held with the process owners to agree on objectives, review the assump-
tions, and determine data requirements. Early involvement of the process owners
gave them motivation to see that the project was successful. The first step was to
clarify the objectives of the simulation that would guide the data-gathering and
modeling efforts. Next a rough model framework was developed, and the initial
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218 Part I Study Chapters

assumptions were defined based on process information gathered from the

process owners. As the model development progressed, further assumptions were
made, and decisions were made and agreed upon regarding the level of detail re-
quired to capture the essence of the process.
The flow logic and move times were built into the model, but processing and
setup times, since they were so varied and numerous, were put into a common
lookup table so they could be verified and modified easily. The particular board
sequence and batch size were also defined for the model.
The next step was to verify the model to ensure that it operated as intended.
The simulation output was reviewed for reasonableness and a trace was used to
check the model logic where it was complex. In reality, much of this verification
was performed as the model was built because it was necessary for getting the
model just to run. Note that the modeler was the one primarily responsible for ver-
ifying or debugging the model. This makes sense inasmuch as the modeler had a
clear specification and was the one responsible for fashioning the model to fit the
After the modeler was satisfied that the model was running correctly, all of
the assumptions were reviewed again by the production operators, supervisors,
and engineers. These assumptions were more meaningful as they were able to
watch their impact on the simulation performance. Animation was used to com-
municate model behavior and demonstrate the scope of the model. Those who
were familiar with the operation of the real line were able to confirm whether the
model appeared to be working reasonably correctly. When explaining how the
model was built, it was important to describe the modeling constructs using
familiar terminology because the process owners were not versed in modeling
At this point it would be easy to conclude that the model was valid and ready
for use in conducting experiments. The challenging question with the model be-
came “Is it the right model?” A simulation model is viewed much more critically
once it is running and it is realized that important decisions will soon be based on
the results of the simulation experiments. With the model running correctly and
providing output that was consistent with the assumptions that were made, it was
felt that the assumptions should be challenged more critically. Because the initial
data that were gathered—that is, processing times and setup times—were based
on average times with no reflection of variability, decisions had to be made about
how much more data should be gathered or what modifications in assumptions
needed to be made before there was sufficient confidence in the model. Compo-
nent placement times were studied using classical time-study techniques to
achieve more realistic time estimates. Next the average placement times were
used to calculate the average run time for a particular panel, and these were com-
pared to the recorded run times.
Historical data and further time studies were used to validate the output.
A particular sequence of panels was studied as it was processed, recording the
batch size, the start time, the finish time, and some intermediate times. The model
was then run using this exact same scenario, and the output was compared with the
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Chapter 8 Model Verification and Validation 219

output of the real process. The initial model predicted 25 shifts to complete a spe-
cific sequence of panels, while the process actually took 35 shifts. This led to
further process investigations of interruptions or other processing delays that
weren’t being accounted for in the model. It was discovered that feeder replace-
ment times were underestimated in the model. A discrepancy between the model
and the actual system was also discovered in the utilization of the pick-and-place
machines. After tracking down the causes of these discrepancies and making
appropriate adjustments to the model, the simulation results were closer to the real
process. The challenge at this stage was not to yield to the temptation of making
arbitrary changes to the model just to get the desired results. Then the model would
lose its integrity and become nothing more than a sham for the real system.
The final step was to conduct sensitivity analysis to determine how model
performance was affected in response to changes in model assumptions. By
changing the input in such a way that the impact was somewhat predictable, the
change in simulation results could be compared with intuitive guesses. Any
bizarre results such as a decrease in work in process when increasing the arrival
rate would raise an immediate flag. Input parameters were systematically changed
based on a knowledge of both the process behavior and the model operation.
Knowing just how to stress the model in the right places to test its robustness was
an art in itself. After everyone was satisfied that the model accurately reflected the
actual operation and that it seemed to respond as would be expected to specific
changes in input, the model was ready for experimental use.

8.5 Summary
For a simulation model to be of greatest value, it must be an accurate representa-
tion of the system being modeled. Verification and validation are two activities
that should be performed with simulation models to establish their credibility.
Model verification is basically the process of debugging the model to ensure
that it accurately represents the conceptual model and that the simulation runs cor-
rectly. Verification involves mainly the modeler without the need for much input
from the customer. Verification is not an exact science, although several proven
techniques can be used.
Validating a model begins at the data-gathering stage and may not end until
the system is finally implemented and the actual system can be compared to the
model. Validation involves the customer and other stakeholders who are in a
position to provide informed feedback on whether the model accurately reflects
the real system. Absolute validation is philosophically impossible, although a
high degree of face or functional validity can be established.
While formal methods may not always be used to validate a model, at least
some time devoted to careful review should be given. The secret to validation is
not so much the technique as it is the attitude. One should be as skeptical as can
be tolerated—challenging every input and questioning every output. In the end,
the decision maker should be confident in the simulation results, not because he or
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ProModel, Second Edition

220 Part I Study Chapters

she trusts the software or the modeler, but because he or she trusts the input data
and knows how the model was built.

8.6 Review Questions

1. What is the difference between model verification and model validation?
2. Why are verification and validation so important in a simulation study?
3. Why are these steps often ignored or given only little attention?
4. How can one prevent syntax and semantic errors from creeping into a
simulation model?
5. How does one establish a standard for verifying a model?
6. What techniques are used to verify a model?
7. Why is it philosophically impossible to prove model validity?
8. What is functional validity?
9. What techniques are used to validate a model?
10. Why is it useful to build an as-is model if a change to an existing
system is being evaluated?
11. What specific things were done in the St. John Hospital simulation
study to validate the model?
12. What specific steps were taken in the HP simulation study to validate
the model?

Balci, Osman. “Verification, Validation and Accreditation of Simulation Models.” In Pro-
ceedings of the 1997 Winter Simulation Conference, ed. S. Andradottir, K. J. Healy,
D. H. Withers, and B. L. Nelson, 1997, pp. 135–41.
Banks, Jerry. “Simulation Evolution.” IIE Solutions, November 1998, pp. 26–29.
Banks, Jerry, John Carson, Barry Nelson, and David Nicol. Discrete-Event Simulation, 3rd
ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1995.
Baxter, Lori K., and Johnson, Eric. “Don’t Implement before You Validate.” Industrial
Engineering, February 1993, pp. 60–62.
Hoover, Stewart, and Ronald Perry. Simulation: A Problem Solving Approach. Reading,
MA: Addison-Wesley, 1990.
Neelamkavil, F. Computer Simulation and Modeling. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1987.
O’Conner, Kathleen. “The Use of a Computer Simulation Model to Plan an Obstetrical
Renovation Project.” The Fifth Annual PROMODEL Users Conference, Park City,
UT, 1994.
Sargent, Robert G. “Verifying and Validating Simulation Models.” In Proceedings of the
1998 Winter Simulation Conference, ed. D. J. Medeiros, E. F. Watson, J. S. Carson,
and M. S. Manivannan, 1998, pp. 121–30.

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