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An active NSW

February 2011
An Activ
ve NSW

Labor reccognises th
he importan
nce of sport in buildin
ng stronge
er, healthier and more e inclusive
communitties. Sport empowerrs, inspiress and motivates. Imp portantly, it also brin
ngs people e
and comm munities tog

hy we have and will continue to build on

That’s wh o the suppport and iinvestmentt we have
made to our
o sporting
g facilities and clubs across the
e State.

Building on
o the ven nue legacyy of the 2000
2 Olymmpic and Paralympic
P c Games, the Laborr
Governme ent has invvested a re
ecord $306
6 million intto sporting facilities a
across the State.

This mean
ns fans across the State will en
njoy their sporting tea
ams in worrld class facilities.

We have delivered d significannt upgradees to succh as the Energy A Australia Stadium

S in
Newcastlee, the WIN
N Stadium in Wollong gong, the Blue
B Tongu
ue Stadium
m in Gosford and the e
NRL stadiums in Pe enrith, Parrramatta an
nd Campbe elltown and
d the AFL and cricke
et centre off
e in Blackttown.

Labor’s Plan
P will co
ontinue thiss investme
ent, deliverring new state-of-the
s e-art netba
all facilitiess
at Sydneyy Olympic Park, and we will invvest in hocckey trainin
ng fields in
n Parkes, Tamworth,
Sutherland, Macarthhur, Blacktown, Moorrebank and d Pennant Hills.

Labor alsso recognisses the impportant role

e that local grassrootts sporting
organisaations playy in bringin
ng sport to
o our comm munities. That’s
T whyy
we will continue to provide e ongoing funding fo or our spoorts grantss
program. A progrram which last year alone
a delivvered moree than $21
million to more thhan 870 loccal grassro
oots projeccts across the
t State.

We will alsso equip our

o surf lifee savers wiith the besst possible resourcess
to keeep our beau utiful beach
hes safe fo
or all to enjjoy.

Thrrough thesse initiative

es we will continue tto ensure NSW is a
eat place to
o live and play.
What this policy means for our community
We know that sporting clubs need state of the art facilities for training and competing.

The new state-of-the-art netball facilities at Sydney Olympic Park and hockey facilities
across metropolitan Sydney will mean that these sports can continue to grow and be

This will be the biggest investment in netball in Australian history.

Our ongoing commitment to surf life saving in NSW will see our dedicated volunteers
equipped with the most up to date rescue equipment and ensure our clubs are able to
flourish by providing them with the best possible local headquarters.

Continued support for local sporting groups will mean that communities across the State
will continue to stay healthy and enjoy their favourite sport.

In NSW, there are 107,580 registered members with numbers continuing to grow each
year with 111 registered associations.


Supporting Netball’s Growing Numbers

„ Invest $27 million to build a new state of the art netball facility at Sydney Olympic Park
to meet the demands of its growing membership base and the hosting requirements of
our bid for the 2015 World Netball Championships.

„ Allocate $5 million in this financial year to start work immediately on this state of the art
netball centre.

Providing Better Playing Fields for Hockey

„ Invest $5.1 million to develop and upgrade a number of hockey fields throughout
Sydney, including in Sutherland Shire, Macarthur, Blacktown, Moorebank and Pennant

„ Invest $400,000 to construct two regional hockey facilities in Parkes and Tamworth.

Supporting Our Surf Lifesavers

„ Invest an additional $6 million over the next three years to enable local surf life saving
clubs along the NSW coastline to upgrade facilities to keep our beaches safe.

NSW Labor | An active NSW | February 2011 2

Our Record
„ $306 million to upgrade sporting „ The Coalition’s silence is deafening when
infrastructure for top level sporting clubs it comes to Sport in NSW

„ $29.5 million towards the development „ The Coalition has decided to demolish the
of more than 1300 local and regional Sports Portfolio
sport and recreation facilities
„ The Coalition has no policy to support
„ $1.65 million on more than 230 not-for- grassroots sport or our elite athletes.
profit and local government programs
that seek to increase regular and
ongoing participation opportunities

„ $1 million directed to more than 280

programs that improve opportunities for
people with a disability to participate in
sport and physical activity

„ $1.6 million in funding to enhance sport

and athlete development opportunities
for clubs, coaches and officials

NSW Labor | An active NSW | February 2011 3

Our Record
The NSW Government under Labor has invested a record $306 million to upgrade sporting
infrastructure for top level sporting clubs. No Government in our State’s history has
invested more in sport than the NSW Labor Government.

After delivering the best ever Olympics, we set out to revitalise sporting facilities regional
NSW and Western Sydney.

Over the last 10 years the NSW Labor Government has invested more than $93 million to
transform Energy Australia Stadium in Newcastle into a start-of-the art facility - one which
Knights and Jets fans will enjoy for decades to come.

At WIN Stadium, we have invested more than $32 million to build a new western
grandstand ensuring local fans can continue to cheer on their beloved St George-Illawarra
Dragons in Wollongong.

On the Central Coast, the NSW Labor Government contributed $12 million towards the
construction of Blue Tongue Stadium in Gosford - support that enabled the facility to host
2003 Rugby World Cup matches and provided a top class base for the Central Coast
Mariners and any future local NRL team.

The NSW Labor Government has also ensured traditional stadiums in Western Sydney
remained first rate major sporting and event venues, at a time where other capital cities
were closing down their suburban facilities.

More than $40 million has been invested to upgrade NRL stadiums in Penrith, Parramatta
and Campbelltown and create an AFL and cricket centre of excellence in Blacktown.

Similarly $25 million has been spent to upgrade Kogarah Oval from a suburban ground
into a premier sporting arena.

On top of this support, the NSW Labor Government has contributed $27 million towards
the construction of the Victor Trumper Stand at the Sydney Cricket Ground - an investment
that ensures the SCG remains one of the world’s most iconic sporting venues.

At Sydney Olympic Park $45 million is also being invested to consolidate the future of the
Sydney Showground as a long-term AFL stadium and major multi-purpose venue.

We believe regardless of where people live you should have access to viable sporting
clubs and quality sporting infrastructure. That’s why we have a grants program which
provides targeted funding for rural, regional, and disadvantaged communities.

We’re determined to ensure people with a disability enjoy the same benefits as everyone
else when it comes to sport and recreational opportunities in NSW and we’ll continue to
provide specific funding to reduce barriers for people with a disability to participate in sport
and structured physical activity.

NSW Labor | An active NSW | February 2011 4

That’s why our initiatives in recent years have been significant. Most recently we allocated:

• $29.5 million towards the development of more than 1300 local and regional sport and
recreation facilities;

• $1.65 million on more than 230 not-for-profit and local government programs that seek
to increase regular and ongoing participation opportunities;

• $1 million directed to more than 280 programs that improve opportunities for people
with a disability to participate in sport and physical activity; and

• $1.6 million in funding to enhance sport and athlete development opportunities for
clubs, coaches and officials.


Sport brings communities together, keeps our bodies fit and our minds healthy.

Yet like any activity, encouraging people to get interested and excited and active in sport is
sometimes a challenge.

The Keneally Government also understand that in order for our elite sporting clubs to run
effectively, and for fans to enjoy their spectator experience, venues need ongoing support
and funding.

That is why we have continued to deliver funding for local sporting organisations and have
invested in significant upgrades for stadiums and other sporting facilities across the State.

NSW Labor | An active NSW | February 2011 5

Supporting netball’s growing numbers
Netball is the largest participation sport for women in NSW. There are over 109,000
netballers in NSW taking to local netball courts each weekend.

The growth of the sport has put significant pressure on the current facilities available for
netball, and the sport has outgrown its current residence at the Anne Clark Centre in

That is why the Labor Government has committed to delivering $27 million to build a new
state-of-the-art netball centre at Sydney Olympic Park.

This brand new facility will be a hub for netball and will house:

• Six new state-of-the-art timber sprung floor courts;

• An elite netball “show court” with retractable seating for 850 spectators;
• Headquarters for Netball NSW and merchandise shop;

• Multi-purpose meeting/function room for up to 150 people;

• Gymnasium and Sports Science facilities;

• Physiotherapy and recovery centre;

• Player change rooms; and

• The NSW Netball Hall of Fame.


„ Build a new state of the art netball facility at Sydney Olympic Park
to meet the needs of its growing membership base as well as the
hosting requirements for the 2015 World Netball Championships

NSW Labor | An active NSW | February 2011 6

Providing better playing fields for hockey
Labor also recognises the strong growth of hockey in NSW.

In recent years the growth of the sport has meant that the available hockey fields are at
capacity, and more synthetic pitches are needed to keep up with the growth of the sport.

Labor will provide $5.5 million for the development of new hockey fields across the Greater
Sydney region. This investment accounts for a 30% increase in facilities for this growth
area alone.

A re-elected Labor Government will upgrade the following fields:

• Parkes
• Tamworth
• Sutherland
• Macarthur
• Blacktown
• Moorebank
• Pennant Hills

These improvements will not only enable more people to participate for longer playing
hours but will also underpin the long term growth and future of the sport.


„ Invest $5.1 million to develop and upgrade a number of hockey

fields throughout Sydney, including in Sutherland Shire,
Macarthur, Blacktown, Moorebank and Pennant Hills

„ Invest $400,000 to construct two regional hockey facilities in

Parkes and Tamworth

NSW Labor | An active NSW | February 2011 7

Supporting our surf life savers
In New South Wales, surf life savers volunteer in excess of 628,000 hours each year
patrolling the beaches along our coastline.

The work that surf life savers do to make our beaches a safer place to swim cannot be
underestimated. Last year they performed close to 6,000 rescues and provided 30,000
people with first aid.

Labor recognises the contribution Surf Life Saving NSW makes to the community.

That is why we have provided $12 million over the last six years to upgrade facilities at
more than 55 surf lifesaving clubs across NSW including Caves beach, Tathra and South

Following the success of this program, Labor will commit to providing a further $6 million
over the next three years, under the Surf Club Facility Development Program.

This commitment will ensure that funding continues for the enhancement of facilities at
local surf lifesaving clubs for the benefit of club members, the public and local community
groups that access the facilities.

This is in addition to the $1.7 million granted annually from our Labor Government to Surf
Life Saving NSW for safety and rescue services. This


„ Continue to support local surf life saving clubs along the NSW
coastline with funding to upgrade facilities to keep our beaches

NSW Labor | An active NSW | February 2011 8

Authorised and printed by Michael Lee, 377 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 2000.

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