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Real-Time Compressed Sensing-Based Electrocardiogram

Compression on Energy-Constrained Wireless Body Sensors

Hossein Mamaghanian, Nadia Khaled, David Atienza and Pierre Vandergheynst
School of Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Abstract—Wireless body sensor networks (WBSN) hold the promise to to be further compressed using non-linear digital techniques. CS
enable next-generation patient-centric tele-cardiology systems. A WBSN- is a methodology that has been recently proposed to address this
enabled electrocardiogram (ECG) monitor consists of wearable, minia-
problem. The main idea behind CS is relatively simple. Suppose
turized and wireless sensors able to measure and wirelessly report cardiac
signals to a WBSN coordinator, which is responsible for reporting them the considered signal has a (potentially large) bandwidth Ω but
to the tele-health provider. However, state-of-the-art WBSN-enabled ECG has a sparse approximation, i.e., it can be represented by a linear
monitors still fall short of the required functionality, miniaturization and superposition of K elements of a dictionary. CS states that you only
energy efficiency. Among others, energy efficiency can be significantly need to collect roughly K samples (<< the number of samples
improved through embedded ECG compression, which reduces airtime
over energy-hungry wireless links. In this paper, we quantify the potential corresponding to Nyquist-rate sampling) using simple measurement
of the emerging compressed sensing (CS) signal acquisition/compression waveforms, thus sensing/sampling and compressing at the same time.
paradigm for low complexity energy-aware ECG compression on the To the best of our knowledge, CS has never been applied to
state-of-the-art ShimmerTM WBSN mote. Interestingly, our results show ECG. It has, however, been recently considered for efficient EEG
that CS represents a competitive alternative to state-of-the-art digital
wavelet transform (DWT)-based ECG compression solutions in terms of
acquisition and compression [8], [9], [10]. Accordingly, the present
overall energy efficiency and ShimmerTM node lifetime extension. work introduces 2 main contributions: (1) It is the first to thor-
oughly quantify the potential of CS for low-complexity energy-
I. I NTRODUCTION aware ECG compression on resource-constrained WBSN platforms;
The increasingly prevalent cardiac diseases are requiring escalating (2) To quantify this potential, it provides an exhaustive system-level
levels of supervision and medical management, which are contribut- comparison between CS-based and state-of-the-art digital wavelet
ing to skyrocketing health care costs and, more importantly, are transform (DWT)-based embedded ECG compression. This system-
unsustainable for traditional health care infrastructures. Wireless body level comparison is based on the embedded implementations of
sensor networks (WBSN) promise to allow inexpensive, continuous the two considered ECG compression algorithms, which have been
and remote health monitoring for next-generation of ambulatory per- optimized for real-time implementation on a representative state-
sonal tele-cardiology or mobile-cardiology systems. While the resting of-the-art WBSN mote, namely ShimmerTM [2]. In particular, our
electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring is standard practice in hospitals, comparative study of these 2 algorithms covers signal reconstruction
its ambulatory counterpart is still facing many technical challenges. quality, embedded memory usage, CPU execution time and energy
Recently, the realization of wireless-enabled ultra-low-power ECG consumption.
monitors for ambulatory use has been receiving significant industrial The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II introduces
and academic interest [1], [2], [3]. Still, today’s state-of-the-art the CS-based ECG compression and reconstruction scheme investi-
ambulatory ECG monitors fall short in terms of either clinical gated in this work, while Section III details the performance metrics
relevance and/or autonomy figure, primarily because they transmit and the ECG database used for its performance evaluation. Then,
uncompressed ECG data over power-hungry wireless links. It is today Section IV details our embedded implementation of CS-based ECG
widely acknowledged that the achievement of truly WBSN-enabled compression. In Section V, its performance is compared to that of
personal ECG monitoring systems requires more breakthroughs not state-of-the-art DWT-based compression. Finally, Section VI draws
only in terms of ultra-low-power read-out electronics and radios, but the concluding remarks.
also in terms of embedded ECG compression and feature extraction Notation: In all the following, normal letters designate scalar
algorithms, and assorted ultra-low-power dedicated digital processors. quantities, boldface lower-case letters indicate column vectors, and
ECG compression relies on the sparse (and thus compressible) boldface capitals represent matrices. Moreover, mi and Mi,j are the
nature of the ECG, as it can be approximated by a compact repre- ith entry of vector m and the (i, j)th entry of matrix M, respectively.
sentation in the wavelet domain [4]. Capitalizing on this sparsity, we Finally, (.)H and ||.||p denote the conjugate transpose, and the lp -
propose to apply the emerging compressed sensing (CS) approach [5], norm of a vector, respectively.
[6], [7] for a low-complexity, real-time and energy-aware ECG signal
compression on WBSN motes. This is motivated by the observation II. CS-BASED ECG C OMPRESSION
that this new signal acquisition and compression paradigm could be Figure 1 depicts the block diagram of CS-based ECG encoding.
well suited for low-power implementations as it dramatically reduces Due to the limited on-chip memory and real-time constraints, the
the need for resource- (both processing and storage) intensive DSP digitized ECG signal is processed in non-overlapping windows of N
operations on the encoder side. samples. Let x be the real-valued N -dimensional ECG signal vector
CS is a new sensing and processing paradigm, which challenges corresponding to such a window (i.e., x ∈ RN ). As aforementioned,
the traditional analog-to-digital conversion based on the Nyquist- x has a sparse approximation, i.e., it can be represented by a
Shannon sampling theorem. For sparse signals such as the ECG, linear superposition of S elements of an orthonormal wavelet basis
(above) Nyquist-rate sampling produces a large amount of redundant Ψ = [ψ 1 |ψ 2 | · · · |ψ N ], as follows x = ΨαS , where αS represents
digital samples, which are costly to wirelessly transmit and require the N -dimensional coefficient vector with only S non-zero entries

978-1-4244-9472-9/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 1744

associated signal-to-noise ratio (SN R), quantifies the percent error
between the original signal vector x and the reconstructed x̃:
||x − x̃||2
P RD = × 100, (5)
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the CS-based ECG compression scheme imple-
mented on the ShimmerTM wireless mote SN R = −20 log10 (0.01P RD) . (6)
The link between the measured P RD and the diagnostic distortion
(S  N ). CS shows that it is sufficient to collect roughly S
is established based on the work of Zigel et al. [19], which classifies
samples using simple measurement waveforms. Accordingly, we
the different values of PRD based on the signal quality perceived by a
collect M samples using simple measurement vectors {φi }1≤i≤M as
specialist. As it turns out, a reconstruction with P RD value between
yi = φ Hi x, i = 1, · · · , M . Consequently, the CS linearly compressed
0 and 2% corresponds to ”very good” quality, while a P RD value
data vector y ∈ RM is described by: y = Φx, where Φ denotes the
between 2 and 9% is associated with ”good” quality. Finally, a P RD
M ×N measurement or sensing matrix with the vectors φH H
1 , · · · , φM
value above 9% does not allow to determine the quality group.
as rows. It is important to notice that the sensing matrix Φ does not
depend on the signal. To guarantee the robust and efficient recovery IV. R EAL -T IME ECG C OMPRESSION
of the S-sparse signal αS , the sensing matrix Φ must obey the key Our target platform is the Shimmer wireless sensor mote [2]. From
restricted isometry property (RIP) [11]: the hardware viewpoint, the ShimmerTM mainboard includes the low-
(1 − δS ) ||α||2 ≤ ||ΦΨα||2 ≤ (1 + δS ) ||α||2 , (1) power Texas Instrument 16-bit MSP430F1611 microcontroller and
a Bluetooth module. The MSP430 microcontroller runs at 8 MHz,
for all S-sparse vectors α. δS is the isometry constant of matrix Φ, has 10 kB of RAM, 48 kB of Flash and includes a fast hardware
which must be not too close to one. A universal good choice for the multiplier, but does not include a floating-point unit. From the
sensing matrix Φ are random matrices, such as random matrices with software viewpoint, we used the open-source GCC 3.2.3 tool chain
independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) entries formed by sampling: for the MSP430 [20] to generate the binaries. Since our aim is to
(1) a Gaussian distribution N√(0, 1/N ); (2) a symmetric Bernoulli validate CS-based compression on the standard MIT-BIH arrhythmia
distribution (P (Φi,j = ±1/ N ) = 1/2). If the RIP holds, then database, we used the ShimmerTM serial port to read in the database
accurate reconstruction can be accomplished by solving the following records re-sampled at 256 Hz, and to readout the encoded ECG data.
linear program: The implementation of Gaussian random sensing with matrix
min ||α̃||1 subject to: ΦΨα̃ = y. (2) Φ ∈ RM ×N , requires the implementation of a Gaussian-distributed
α̃∈RN random number generator on the embedded platform and the com-
Since our measurement vector y is unavoidably noisy (due to the putation of a large matrix multiplication. This is too complex, time
limited word length of the integer operation on the embedded node), consuming, and not real-time for both the encoder and decoder. To
we rather solve the previous l1 minimization with relaxed constraints address this problem, we explored three different approaches to the
for reconstruction given by: implementation of the random sensing matrix Φ: (1) We implemented
an 8-bit quantized version of a normal random number generator to
min ||α̃||1 subject to: ||ΦΨα̃ − y||2 ≤ σ, (3) form Φ; the normal random number generator on board still made
this approach not real-time. (2) We also tried to circumvent the on-
where σ bounds the amount of noise corrupting the data. Many board generation of the normal random numbers by storing them on
algorithms were introduced to solve this reconstruction problem, the platform; the large dense matrix multiplication still remained a
including interior-point algorithms [12], gradient projection [13], main bottleneck. (3) We introduced an innovative approach to CS
iterative thresholding [14], and greedy approaches such as orthogonal implementation using a sparse binary sensing matrix Φ, i.e., sparse
matching pursuit (OMP) [15]. The results reported in this work are binary sensing.
based on the basis pursuit denoise algorithm provided in the SPGL1
solver [16].
In a sparse binary√ matrix Φ, each column has exactly d nonzero
entries equal to 1/ d, with d  N . The positions of the d non-
III. ECG DATABASE AND P ERFORMANCE M ETRICS zero elements are randomly chosen to keep the incoherence between
the columns of the sensing matrix. Such a sensing matrix satisfies a
To validate the performance of the considered compression scheme,
different form of the RIP property of (1), so-called RIPp property.
we use the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database [17], [18] that is the
An M × N matrix, Φ is said to satisfy RIPp , if for any S-sparse
most commonly used database for the comparative study of ECG
vector α, we have:
compression algorithms. This database contains 48 half-hour excerpts
of two-channel ambulatory ECG recordings, obtained from 47 sub- (1 − δ) ||α||p ≤ ||ΦΨα||p ≤ (1 + δ) ||α||p , (7)
jects studied by the BIH Arrhythmia Laboratory. The recordings
were digitized at 360 samples per second per channel with 11- where the l2 norm is replaced by lp norm. It was proven in Theorem
bit resolution over a 10 mV range. Moreover, to quantify the 2 of [21] that the RIP1 property of a sparse binary sensing matrix
compression performance while assessing the diagnostic quality of with exactly d ones on each column suffices to guarantee a good
the compressed ECG records, we employ the two most widely sparse approximation recovery by a linear program.
used performance metrics, namely the compression ratio (CR) and Obviously, the choice of the number of non-zero elements depends
percentage root-mean-square difference (P RD). CR is defined as: on the sparsity of the signal. To find out the minimum value of d
that strikes the optimal trade-off between execution time and (signal)
borig − bcomp
CR = × 100, (4) recovery/reconstruction error, sparse binary sensing matrices are
borig applied to all the records of the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia ECG database,
where borig and bcomp represent the number of bits required for and the output SN R of the reconstructed signals is measured.
the original and compressed signals, respectively. The P RD, and Figure 2 reports the resulting average output SN R vs. the number of


20 CR = 50 45 CS (before)

Output PRD (averaged over all Data)

CR = 55 CS (after)
Output SNR (averaged over all Data)

18 40 DWT (before)
16 CR = 60 35 DWT (after)

14 30
CR = 65
10 CR = 70
8 CR = 75
CR = 80 10
0 0 20 40 60 80 100
5 10 15 20
Compression Ratio (CR)
Number of nonzero elements in sensing matrix Φ
Fig. 2. Output SN R vs. d for different compression ratios (CR)
Fig. 4. Output P RD vs. CR for CS and DWT before and after inter-packet
redundancy removal and Huffman coding
Sparse sensing
cardiology, we limited our review to those state-of-the-art algorithms
Output SNR (averaged over all Data)

20 Gaussian sensing
that were shown to achieve competitive compression ratios while be-
ing amenable to efficient, fast and low-memory-footprint implemen-
tation on our target platforms. Interestingly, these algorithms are all
14 based on the digital wavelet transform (DWT), namely, the embedded
12 zerotree wavelet (EZW) [22], the set partitioning in hierarchical trees
10 (SPIHT) [23] and thresholding-based algorithms [24]. Furthermore,
8 the latter thresholding-based algorithm by Benzid et al. [24], where
a fixed percentage of wavelet coefficients are zeroed, was shown
to outperform EZW and SPIHT at a lower computational cost.
50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Therefore, we will herein use it as a baseline algorithm to benchmark
Compression Ratio (CR) the performance, memory footprint, computational complexity and
Fig. 3. Performance comparison between Gaussian and sparse sensing energy consumption of our CS-based ECG compression scheme.
non-zero elements d in the sparse binary sensing matrix Φ. Clearly, B. Reconstruction quality
the output SN R saturates after d = 12 non-zero elements, which is
Figure 4 compares the output P RD, averaged over all database
the value retained for the rest of our hardware implementation. Note
records, for CS and DWT-based compression before and after inter-
that, in all our experiments, the sparse recovery problem of (3) was
packet redundancy removal and Huffman coding for different com-
solved using the SPGL1 solver [16] in Matlab c
pression ratios. It confirms the crucial role of the redundancy removal
Figure 3 shows the average output SN R vs. different compression
module and the careful design of the Huffman encoding. On average,
ratios (CR) for the two different approaches to the implementation
”very good” quality of reconstruction for DWT-based compression
of the random sensing matrix Φ explored in this section, namely,
is achieved up to CR = 73%, and up to CR = 51% for CS.
(1) Gaussian random sensing: the double-precision Matlab version;
Moreover, ”good” reconstruction quality is reached on average for
(2) Sparse binary sensing:
√ the version with d = 12 and all non-zero
up to CR = 90% and CR = 71% for DWT and CS, respectively.
entries equal to 1/ 12 implemented on the MSP430. These results
were obtained for an input vector of N = 512 samples and a 12- C. Memory usage
bit resolution for the input vector x and the measurement vector y.
The complete implementation of the thresholding-based DWT
Interestingly, the obtained results validate that there is no meaningful
compression requires 4.6 kB of RAM memory and 10 kB of Flash
performance difference between these two approaches.
memory, 5 kB of which is used for Huffman codebook storage. For
The use of a fixed binary sensing matrix, combined with the quasi-
CS, the complete implementation requires 6.5 kB of RAM and 7.5
periodic nature of the ECG signal, yields very similar consecutive
kB of Flash, 1.5 kB of which are for Huffman codebook storage.
measurement vectors y. So, there is a large inter-packet redundancy
that must be removed prior to encoding and wireless transmission. D. Power and energy consumption
Exploiting this fact, the redundancy removal module in Figure 1
To measure the power consumption during operation, we place
computes the difference between consecutive vectors, and only this
a 10.3Ω resistor in the power path of the platform. The voltage is
difference is further quantized. At the end, a state-of-the-art entropy
then readily measured using an oscilloscope, and the corresponding
coding module is used for further compression. Since the range of
current and power consumption are calculated. Our experimental
the difference signal just before encoding was found to be between
set-up consists of a Shimmer node implementing embedded ECG
[−256 : 255], a Huffman codebook of size 512 is needed with a
compression and wirelessly transmitting the compressed data using
maximum codeword length of 16 bits, for a given compression ratio.
its IEEE 802.15.4-compliant radio to a remote base station (a desktop
V. P ERFORMANCE A SSESSMENT AND B ENCHMARKING PC to which a second Shimmer node is connected). For simplicity,
a simple medium access control (MAC) scheme is implemented
A. Baseline thresholding-based DWT Compression between the node and the base station in FreeRTOS: the base station
Since our focus is on ECG compression techniques implementable periodically sends a beacon to maintain node synchronization, and the
in real-time on WBSN nodes for future ”personal” or ”wearable” tele- ECG sensing node sends its data in its guaranteed time slots (GTS),

DWT CS No Comp.
This research has been partially funded by the NTF
Compression Ratio (%) 90 71 0
Code execution time (ms) 580 99.5 0 Project BioCS-Node, which is financed by the Swiss Confederation.
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