Herald March 2011

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The Herald

March 2011

Dates to remember….
1st Prayer Meeting
2nd God‟s Golden Gems
Lent begin on March 9th with Ash
Praise Team Wednesday. A special service is planned
Choir Practice for 7:00 p.m. God has called us to a sol-
Quilter‟s Group
3rd Funfest
emn assembly of confession and repen-
4th World Day of Prayer tance. God says a dimly burning wick he
5th Youth Ski Trip will not quench. This means that an oil
Free Medical Clinic
6th Transfiguration Sunday lamp that is running low on oil needs to
Fat Tuesday/Sunday be refilled and the wick trimmed so the
8th Prayer Meeting flame will burn brighter. In the Bible, oil is a symbol of the
9th Ash Wednesday
God‟s Golden Gems Holy Spirit. There are times when we need refreshing from
Praise Team the Holy Spirit so that our lights will shine brighter. So join us
Choir Practice on Ash Wednesday as we ask the Lord to trim our wicks and
10th Funfest
13th Spring Forward! fill us afresh with the Holy Spirit.
Youth Group Meeting
15th Church Council Meeting
Prayer Meeting
16th God‟s Golden Gems
Praise Team The Owosso Area Ministerial Association
Choir Practice
has planned it’s annual Lenten series.
Evangelism Comm Meeting
Community Lenten Service This year the theme is “Life’s Transforma-
@ Redeemer tion” Each service begins at 7:00 p.m.
17th Funfest and is followed by a time of fellowship.
19th Free Medical Clinic The schedule is as follows:
20th First Day of Spring
Troop Sunday March 16 - Host: Redeemer Lutheran Church / Preacher: Jim
22nd Prayer Meeting Eaton
23rd God‟s Golden Gems
Praise Team March 23 - Host: First Congregational Church / Preacher:
Choir Practice Zachary Woodby
Community Lenten Service
@1st Congregational
24th Funfest March 30 - Host: First Baptist Church / Preacher: Cal Leong
27th Youth Group Meeting
29th Men‟s Club April 6 - Host: Trinity Methodist Church / Preacher: Ray Straw-
Prayer Meeting ser
30th God‟s Golden Gems
Praise Team April 13 - Host: Christ Episcopal Church / Preacher: Dave
Choir Practice Woodby
Quilter‟s Group
Community Lenten Service
@First Baptist

The Great Commission

By Pastor Dave Woodby

The story is told of a dramatic conversion of an Irish know what to expect. When St. Patrick plunged his staff
chieftain by the name of Ossian. A huge crowd assembled in a through Ossian‟s foot Ossian thought it was just a part of the
field to witness his baptism. St. Patrick arrived in his Bishop‟s baptismal ceremony. Many people are afraid that they will
vestments with his miter and staff. St. Patrick stuck his staff in make some mistake and look foolish because they don‟t
the ground and began to preach a long sermon on the Catholic know how to behave, or what to expect, in church. We must
faith. The people noted that Ossian, who was standing directly make it our task to help them feel comfortable and welcome.
in front of St. Patrick, began to sweat profusely; he grew pale I recall a time when Harriet and I were looking for a church
and fainted dead away. Some people rushed over to help and home. We went to one church where everyone starred at us
they discovered to everyone‟s horror that St. Patrick had but no one spoke to us. At that time I had long hair and a long
driven his staff through the man‟s foot. When they were able beard. The pastor spent a quite a bit of the sermon explaining
to revive Ossian they said to him, „Why did you not say some- the evils of long hair on men and how it was impossible for
thing?‟ And the fierce warrior replied, „I thought that it was someone with long hair to be truly saved. Needless to say, we
part of the ceremony‟. never returned to that church. We need to continue to be a
We are now members of both the North American welcome place where everyone feels at home. Do you go out
Lutheran Church and Lutheran Congregations in mission for of your way to make our guests welcome and comfortable?
Christ. These two groups are at the same time different from When St. Patrick went to Ireland he didn‟t change his
one another and quite a bit the same. They both hold to the message to fit the culture but preached the orthodox Christian
Lutheran Confessions and they both are driven to fulfill the faith. This means that he knew what the orthodox faith was.
Great Commission. On the NALC website we read,” The Redeemer needs to be a place where the truth is taught from
NALC is a renewed Lutheran community moving forward in the pulpit, and in our Bible studies. Jesus said that, “the truth
faith and mission, focused on living out Christ’s Great Com- will set you free.” Like St. Patrick we have no right to change
mission to go and make disciples.” On the LCMC‟s website our message to make it more popular to today‟s culture.
we find the following statements, “Lutheran Congregations in Rather, Redeemer needs to be a place of Christian education
Mission for Christ is an association of congregations and indi- for all ages. We need to continue to study so that we can cor-
viduals who are…working together to fulfill Christ's Great rectly answer those who come to us with questions. In this
Commission to go and make disciples of all nations.” Italics way we will fulfill Christ‟s mandate to, "make disciples of all
mine. nations…teaching them to obey everything that I have com-
March is a great time to ask ourselves how we are do- manded you.” Are you involved in a weekly Bible study
ing in the work of making disciples of all nations. This ques- group?
tion needs to be asked both individually and congregationally. Finally, (really this should be the first thing) we need
March is the time to ask such a question because in March we to pray. When you hear of the trials, troubles, and tribulations
celebrate St. Patrick‟s Day. This is a day to remember a great of those around you, it should cause you to pray. When you
missionary who brought many people to faith in Christ. He hear the news of someone being arrested you should pray for
took the great commission seriously even going so far as to them. When you hear of divorce, addiction, abuse, accidents,
lead those who had enslaved him to the faith. As we see in the sickness, unemployment, corruption, or any other social ill,
story above, he sometimes made mistakes. However, in spite you should sent up a prayer to God. We live in troubled
of St. Patrick‟s mistakes God used him in powerful ways to times, God‟s children need to pray for a spiritual awakening
win the lost to Christ. in our country. We need to stop gossiping, griping, and
There are many ways to help fulfill the great commis- grousing about people around us and be on our face before
sion. St. Patrick left his home and went to a foreign land serv- God. Jesus is the only hope for our troubled world. I love the
ing as a missionary. Most of us are called to mission in our quote that says, “The one concern of the devil is to keep
own neighborhoods, towns, and families. Some people go door Christians from praying. He fears nothing from prayerless
to door hoping to start a conversation about Jesus with anyone studies, prayerless work, or prayerless religion. He laughs at
who will listen. Others leave tracts, booklets, and leaflets eve- our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray.”
rywhere they go. Still others attempt to win people to Christ St. Patrick was known as a man of prayer and prayer was the
by serving them in some way. And then there are those who secret to his success. Are you storming heaven for this lost
just invite everyone they can to join them for worship. God and dying generation?
will bless almost anything you do to help bring people to faith. The great missionary, St. Patrick, calls us to obey
Doing something is always better than doing nothing. It brings Christ and win this generation to Christ. I pray that the church
up the question, what have you done lately to influence some- in the United States will wake up and obey this call. Oh, and
one for Christ? by the way, have a happy St. Patrick‟s Day.
When new people do come to church we should ex-
pect them to be uncomfortable. This is because they don‟t

Applying Bible Principles 1 Haley Sawyer

“Likewise all to whom God gives wealth and Mary Isaac
possessions and whom he enables to enjoy them, and to 3 Joe Dowd
accept their lot and find enjoyment in their toil — this 4 Justin Stromer
is the gift of God” (Eccl. 5:19). 7 Nathan Rodgers
Don‟t you just love gifts? There is great satis- 8 Jeff Sawyer
faction both in getting gifts and in giving them. Since 9 Jean Schmiege
we are created in the image of God, it stands to reason
that He also must take great delight in giving and re- 10 Barbara Zizka
ceiving gifts. 12 Steve Hankins
17 Carol Lehman
All that we have comes from His hand, but in
particular, Solomon indicated that money and riches 18 Mary Ziegler
and the ability to enjoy them are gifts from God. In Matthew MacFadden
other words, God gives us that which is rightfully His, 21 Linda Mackay
and then He allows us the enjoyment of wealth and
money. As we enjoy what He has entrusted to us, no 23 Abram Belanger
doubt He takes great pleasure in our enjoyment if our Andrea Weinrick
actions are in conformity to His Word and His will. Ed Hudson
How can we be sure that our enjoyment of Nancy Best
money and wealth is according to God‟s plan? The Bi- 25 Soo-Jin Seelye
ble contains a great deal of specific instruction as to 26 Mary Jozwiak
how we are to use money, but this guiding principle is
to motivate our entire lives, including the use and en- 30 Brian Beaupre
joyment of wealth: “So, whether you eat or drink, or 31 Todd Taphouse
whatever you do, do everything for the glory of Neil MacFadden
God” (1 Cor. 10:31).
There‟s nothing wrong with money. There‟s
nothing wrong with enjoying the things that money can
buy. Solomon was correct when he said that both are
gifts from God. The key is to use money in such a way I Am Your Church Budget
that our enjoyment will bring glory to God. One of the
primary ways to do that is to give to the Lord and His
work here at Redeemer Lutheran Church. Through me, people find faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as the
church proclaims the Gospel. Through me, people are minis-
During the past few months, have you kept
God‟s glory as the number one priority in your use of tered to through baptism and communion.
money? Or have other things taken the place of your
giving to God? I provide Sunday school, adult classes and youth activities for
your people.
I provide music to enrich your worship of the Lord, as well as
preaching to give you instruction from God's Word.
The Redeemer Lutheran I provide pastoral services to minister to you in times of need.
Church Women are plan-
ning their annual Rummage I heat and cool your church building and keep it in repair for your
comfort and use.
Sale for April 29 & 30. Set-
up will be on the 27th & I reach out to your community, country and to the world, bringing
28th. The RLCW is asking the good news of the Gospel and ministering in Christ's name on
for your donations of rummage. What a great your behalf.
help to your Spring cleaning! Your donations It is through me that the sick find strength. It is through me that
can be brought to church anytime AFTER the troubled are helped. It is through me that the bereaved are
Easter. Please refer any questions to Pat Witte comforted. It is through me that the discouraged are uplifted. It is
through me that needs of hurting people are met.
at 723-3174.
I am your budget. I ask for your support that I might carry on in
your behalf. With your help, and by God's enabling power, I
make possible all of these ministries. I am you at work.

We currently have $3672.in Past Due Bills

Your offerings are currently 7% below the pledged amount.
The Herald

is published monthly by

Redeemer Lutheran Church

2510 N. M-52, Owosso, MI 48867

Phone: 989-725-5442
Fax: 989-725-0022


Editor: Tami MacFadden


Pastor: David K. Woodby


Webmaster: Andrea Weinrick


Sunday Worship Schedule:

8:00 a.m. Traditional Liturgy

11:00 a.m. Contemporary Liturgy

Sunday School:

For all ages at 9:30 a.m.

Deadline for copy:

The third Wednesday of the month at 9:30 a.m.

available upon request

March 5th Ski Trip to Snow

Let’s Have Some Snake! Get ready to have fun
Fun Together! on the slopes! We’ll leave at
2:00 p.m., ski from 4:00 – 10:00
On March 6th we p.m. and be home by midnight.
will have a Fat Tues- Lift tickets are $20.00, Ski equipment rental is
$20.00 and snow boards are $25.00. Call Zach
day/Sunday Celebration. We are looking for Woodby at 989-413-6052 for more info!
performers! We need skits, songs, instru-
mentalists, etc. etc. A pzacki eating con- Acquire The Fire is confronting collisions
test is also planned! Your performance can head on. Young people from coast to coast will
be silly or serious! The Staff Infection has hear that God wants to comfort, heal, and put
them back together. Although the enemy contin-
already been scheduled! The evening will be-
ues to steal, kill, and destroy, Jesus binds up the
gin at 6:00 p.m. with a Dessert Potluck (bring brokenhearted and releases prisoners from the
your most fattening and decadent desserts!). darkness. Redeemer is attend AFT on April 29-
Prizes for the best acts will be given. Join 30. Tickets are still available! See Zach
the fun! Have a great evening out with your Woodby if you want to come!
church family!

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