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Comments on Accrual Bases Accounting SOPs

The draft SOP prepared for Accrual Based Accounting (ABA) is a good effort of the relevant
team/resource(s) who work on it. However, I would like to share the following suggestions
which may be considered for incorporation after approval of DG (F&A):

1) Chart of Accounts to the extent of some possible levels/digits may be added for clarity
of Codes pertain to Assets, Liabilities, Income/Receipt and Expense heads. Further
categorization/classification of the above four basic elements may be added.

2) A chapter/section of definitions pertain to some specific terms such as Asset, Liability,

Income, Expense, Accrual, Provision, Prepayment, Depreciation, Amortization, CapEx
and OpEx may be added for understanding of the users as per best practices.

3) Asset Capitalization policy, depreciation method and its rates on different categories of
assets may be addressed.

4) Impairment and Revaluation of Assets policy may be added under ABA system.

5) Names of the Financial Statements including Balance Sheet, Receipts & Payments
Account, Cash Flow Statement, Statement of Comprehensive Income and General Fund
Statement etc may be added along with the time and period of preparation.

6) Treatment of Government grants/receipts against budget and receipts from donor

agencies against specific DLIs may be covered. The ICAP has prescribed "Guideline for
Accounting and Financial Reporting by Non Profit Organizations (NPO's)”, whether it is
applicable to BISP or not. Likewise IAS-20 also talks about the recognition of government
grants. KPMG may be asked that whether we should adopt a General Fund method or
Deferral Grant method or something different.

7) Contingencies and their treatment may be added in the SOP.

8) Role and responsibility of the specific Officer(s) from each wing being responsible to
enter data or to book accounting entries may be added to make them responsible for
their work.

9) Sample ABA entries of each wing may be added in the relevant section just like the
entries already added in case of UCT and CCT Wings.
10) Users’ rights of data entry, edition, deletion and procedure for opening of a new
account head in the Chart of Accounts as per requirement may be addressed.

11) Posting of vouchers, levels of review and approving authority of voucher within the
respective wings may be mentioned.

12) There should be a limitation of date/period to entertain/settle any bill/claim of the same
financial year. Any claim/bill pertain to beyond financial year should be preapproved
from the DG (F&A) for further processing.

13) Cut-off dates for entering and processing of data through accounting software may be
mentioned for each activity to be performed by different wings.

14) Procedure and making necessary amendments in the SOP document/manual may be
added for future.

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