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75. SEANGIO V. REYES decree of the Court below was not appealed on time, thus the same
[FACTS] had become final and conclusive.
Private respondents filed for the settlement of the intestate estate of
Segundo Seangio. Petitioners opposed this on the ground that ISSUE: W/N THERE WAS REVOCATION
Segundo left a holographic will disinheriting one of the private Held: NO.
respondents. In lieu of this, petitioners instituted probate
proceedings for the will. If the will denied probate, all questions of revocation becomes
superfluous: in law, there is no such will and hence there would be
Private respondents opposed, alleging that the document does not nothing to revoke. However, the revocation invoked by the
meet the requirements for a will as it does not dispose of property, oppositors-appellants is not an express one, but merely implied
that all other compulsory heirs were not named nor instituted as heir, from subsequent acts of the testatrix allegedly evidencing an
hence, there is preterition which would result to intestacy. abandonment of the original intention to bequeath or devise the
properties concerned. As such, the revocation would not affect
[LOWER COURT’S RULING] the will itself, but merely the particular devise or legacy. Only
RTC- dismissed the probate proceedings as there was preterition. the total and absolute revocation can preclude probate of the
revoked testament.
WON disinheritance can be considered a holographic will. The revocation at bar is predicated on paragraph 2 of Article 957 of
the Civil Code of 1950 (Art. 869 of the Code of 1889), which recites:
YES. "ART. 957. The legacy or device shall be without effect: xxx xxx xxx"
Segundo's document, although it may initially come across as a
mere disinheritance instrument, conforms to the formalities of a (2) If the testator by any title or for any cause alienates the thing
holographic will prescribed by law. It is written, dated and signed by bequeathed or any part thereof, it being understood that in the latter
the hand of Segundo himself. An intent to dispose mortis causa can case the legacy or device shall be without effect only with
be clearly deduced from the terms of the instrument, and while it respect to the part thus alienated. If after the alienation the thing
does not make an affirmative disposition of the latter's property, the should again belong to the testator, even if it be by reason of nullity
disinheritance, nonetheless, is an act of disposition in itself. In other of the contract, the legacy or devise shall not thereafter be valid,
words, the disinheritance results in the disposition of the property of unless the reacquisition shall have been effected by virtue of the
the testator Segundo in favor of those who would succeed in the exercise of the right or repurchase;
absence of the disinherited heir.
The subsequent alienations made by the testatrix in 1943 and: 1944
AS TO PRETERITION - The compulsory heirs in the direct line were after the execution of her will in 1930 do not necessarily mean a
not preterited in the will. It was, in the Court's opinion, Segundo's last change or departure from her original intent as expressed in her will,
expression to bequeath his estate to all his compulsory heirs, with when, as in this case, the alienations were made in favor of the
the sole exception of the one he disinherited. legatee herself and the testatrix merely intended to comply in
advance with what she had ordained in her testament.
FALLO: petition to probate the will is GRANTED.
As observed by the CA, the existence of any such change or
departure from the original intent of the testatrix, expressed in her
1930 testament, is rendered doubtful by the circumstance that the
Doctrine subsequent alienations in 1943 and 1944 were executed in favor of
Only the total and absolute revocation of the will can preclude the legatee herself, appellee Dimagiba. In fact, "no consideration
probate of the revoked testament. If the revocation invoked is merely whatever was paid by respondent Dimagiba" on account of the
implied from later acts of the testatrix it will not affect the will itself transfers, thereby rendering it even more doubtful whether in
but merely the particular devise or legacy. conveying the property to her legatee, the testatrix merely intended
to comply in advance with what she had ordained in her testament,
Facts: rather than an alteration or departure therefrom.
Ismaela Dimagiba filed for the probate of purported will of the late
Benedicta de los Reyes before the CFI Bulacan. Revocation being an exception, we believe, with the Courts below,
The will instituted Isabela as the sole heir of the estate of the that in the circumstances of the particular case, Article 957 of the
deceased. Dionisio Fernandez, Eusebio Reyes and Luisa Reyes, Civil Code of the Philippines does not apply to the case at bar.
and one month later, Mariano, Cesar, Leonor and Paciencia, all
surnamed Reyes, all claiming to be heirs intestate of the decedent, Not only that, but even if it were applicable, the annulment of the
filed oppositions to the probate, alleging forgery, vices of consent of conveyances would not necessarily result in the revocation of the
the testatrix, estoppel by laches of the proponent, and revocation of legacies, if we bear in mind that it was the moral influence,
the will by two deeds of conveyance of the major portion of the originating from their confidential relationship, which was the cause
estate made by the testatrix. for execution of the 1943 and 1944 conveyances. If the annulment
was due to undue influence, as the quoted passage implies, then the
CFI: Admitted probate. transferor was not expressing her own free will and intent in making
the conveyances. Hence, it can not be concluded, either, that such
Oppositors Fernandez and Reyes petitioned for reconsideration conveyances established a decision on her part to abandon the
and/or new trial, insisting that the issues of estoppel and revocation original legacy.
be considered and resolved.
Disposition: CA decision is affirmed.
 Trial Court resolved against the oppositors and held the
will of the late Benedicta de los Reyes "unaffected and
unrevoked by the deeds of sale." Whereupon, the 77. BELEN V. BPI
oppositors elevated the case to the CA. DOCTRINE: The word "descendants" (descendientes) when used in
a will or deed to designate a class to take property in substitution of
CA: The probate of will became final for lack of opportune appeal. named legatees, includes not only children but also
There was no legal revocation. grandchildren. In other words, in the absence of other indications
of contrary intent, the proper rule to apply is that the testator, by
On Matters of Procedure: designating a class or group of legatees, intended all members
ISSUE: W/N the order allowing probate should be considered thereof to succeed per capita, in consonance with Article 846, New
interlocutory. Civil Code.

HELD: NO. SC agrees with the CA. The probate order is not FACTS:
anymore interlocutory, making it final and appealable. The probate On November 7, 1944, Benigno Diaz died leaving a codicil which
together with the will, was admitted to probate in the Court of First

Instance of Manila. After the proceedings for the administration of his Macikequerox I swear their child is a Decepticon and his widow
estate, it was thereafter put under the administration of the appellee Irenea, the herein petitioner.
BPI, as trustee for the benefit of the legatees. On 1971, Magna instituted the proceedings for the settlement of the
estate of the deceased in the CFI. CFI appointed Magna as
One of these legatees, Filomena Diaz died on 1954, leaving two administratrix and declared Fortunato, Magna, Macikequerox, and
legitimate children, Milagros Belen de Olaguera, married, with seven Antonio as the legal heirs of the deceased.
legitimate children, and Onesima D. Belen, single.
Petitioner insisted in getting a share of the estate in her capacity as
Consequently, Onesima filed a petition contending that the amount the surviving spouse of the late Carterio claiming that she is a
that would have appertained to Filomena Diaz under the codicil compulsory heir of her mother-in-law together with her son,
should now be divided (equally) only between herself and Milagros Macikequerox Rosales.
Belen de Olaguera, as the surviving children of the said deceased,
to the exclusion of the seven (7) legitimate children of Milagros Thus, she sought the reconsideration of the orders.
Belen de Olaguera.
LOWER COURT’S RULING: CFI: denied reconsideration. Hence, this petition.
RTC – denied the petition ruling that the share of Filomena should
be distributed not only between her children, but also among her
other legitimate descendants, if any, for descendientes include not [ISSUE/S]
only children but also grandchildren. WON the widow whose husband predeceased his mother can
inherit from the latter, her mother-in-law.
Thus this instant petition. Appellant contends that the phrase “sus
descendientes legitimos” should be taken to mean the relatives [HELD]
nearest in degree to Filomena Diaz. As authority in support of her HELL NO. Intestate or legal heirs are classified into two (2) groups,
thesis, appellant invokes Article 959 of the Civil Code of the namely, those who inherit by their own right, and those who inherit
Philippines (reproducing ne varietur Article 751 of the Code of 1889): by the right of representation.

"A distribution made in general terms in favor of the testator's There is no provision in the Civil Code which states that a widow
relatives shall be understood as made in favor of those nearest in (surviving spouse) is an intestate heir of her mother-in-law. The
degree." entire Code is devoid of any provision which entitles her to inherit
from her mother-in-law either by her own right or by the right of
ISSUE: WON "sus descendientes legitimos" refer conjointly to all representation.
living descendants (children and grandchildren) of the legatee as a
class Petitioner argues that she is a compulsory heir in accordance with
the provisions of Art. 887.
RULING: YES. The appellant’s argument fails to note that Article
959 is specifically limited in its application to the case where The aforesaid provision of law refers to the estate of the deceased
the beneficiaries are relatives of the testator, not those of the spouse in which case the surviving spouse (widow or widower) is a
legatee. In such an event, the law assumes that the testator compulsory heir. It does not apply to the estate of a parent-in-law.
intended to refer to the rules of intestacy, in order to benefit the
relatives closest to him. The essence and nature of the right of representation is explained by
Articles 970 and 971 of the Civil Code:
But the ratio legis (that among a testator's relatives the closest are
"Art. 970. Representation is a right created by fiction of law, by virtue of
dearest) obviously does not apply where the beneficiaries are
which the representative is raised to the place and the degree of the
relatives of another person (the legatee) and not of the testator. person represented, and acquires the rights which the latter would have if
There is no logical reason in this case to presume that the testator he were living or if he could have inherited.
intended to refer to the rules of intestacy, for he precisely made a
testament and provided substitutes for each legatee. Nor can it be "Art. 971. The representative is called to the succession by the law and
said that his affections would prefer the nearest relatives of the not by the person represented. The representative does not succeed the
legatee to those more distant, since he envisages all of them in a person represented but the one whom the person represented would
group, and only as mere substitutes for a preferred beneficiary. have succeeded."

The word "descendants" (descendientes) when used in a will or Article 971 explicitly declares that Macikequerox Rosales is called to
deed to designate a class to take property in substitution of named succession by law because of his blood relationship. He does not
legatees, includes not only children but also grandchildren. In succeed his father, Carterio Rosales (the person represented) who
other words, in the absence of other indications of contrary intent, predeceased his grandmother, Petra Rosales, but the latter whom
the proper rule to apply is that the testator, by designating a class or his father would have succeeded. Petitioner cannot assert the same
group of legatees, intended all members thereof to succeed per right of representation as she has no filiation by blood with her
capita, in consonance with Article 846, New Civil Code. So that the mother-in-law.
original legacy to Filomena Diaz in question should be equally
divided among her surviving children and grandchildren. [FALLO]
Petition is DENIED.
FALLO: The order appealed from is affirmed.
[TOPIC FROM THE SYLLABUS] Augusto H. Piedad died without any direct descendants or
INTESTATE SUCCESSION, GENERAL PROVISIONS, ascendants. Pastora is the maternal aunt of the decedent, a third-
RELATIONSHIPS, AND RIGHT OF REPRESENTATION; WHO degree relative of the decedent, while Ofelia is the daughter of a first
ARE THE INTESTATE HEIRS: There is no provision in the Civil cousin of the deceased, or a fifth-degree relative of the decedent.
Code which states that a widow (surviving spouse) is an intestate
heir of her mother-in-law. The entire Code is devoid of any provision Intestate proceedings of the estate of Augusto H. Piedad were filed
which entitles her to inherit from her mother-in-law either by her own before the RTC. Ofelia moved to intervene as a collateral relative
right or by the right of representation. and she seeks to inherit from the estate of Augusto H. Piedad.


Mrs. Petra Rosales died intestate. She was survived by her RTC – denied Ofelia’s petition to intervene.
husband, Fortunato, and their 2 children Magna and Antonio.
Another child, Carterio predeceased her, leaving behind a child CA- dismissed the appeal.



[ISSUE] inherit by right of representation (i.e., per stirpes) unless concurring

WON the rule of proximity in intestate succession find application with brothers or sisters of the deceased, as provided expressly by
among collateral relatives? Article 975.

[RULING] However, under our laws of succession, a decedent's uncles

YES. and aunts may not succeed ab intestato so long as nephews
The rule on proximity is a concept that favors the relatives nearest in and nieces of the decedent survive and are willing and qualified
degree to the decedent and excludes the more distant ones except to succeed.
when and to the extent that the right of representation can apply as
provided in Article 962. In case of intestacy, nephews and nieces of the de cujus exclude all
other collaterals (aunts and uncles, first cousins, etc.) from the
Also provided is the rule in Article 971 “… In the direct line, right of succession. This is readily apparent from articles 1001, 1004, 1005,
representation is proper only in the descending, never in the and 1009 of the Civil Code.
ascending, line. In the collateral line, the right of representation may
only take place in favor of the children of brothers or sisters of the ART. 1009. Should there be neither brothers nor sisters, nor children
decedent when such children survive with their uncles or aunts.” of brothers or sisters, the other collateral relatives shall succeed to
the estate."
Thus, Pastora, being a relative within the third civil degree, of the
late Augusto H. Piedad excludes Ofelia, a relative of the fifth degree, Appellants contend that Art. 1009 does not establish a rule of
from succeeding ab intestato to the estate of the decedent. preference. However, it can be gleaned that under the last article
(1009), the absence of brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces of the
FALLO: CA AFFIRMED. decedent is a precondition to the other collaterals (uncles, cousins,
etc.) being called to the succession.
Facts In fact, Tolentino's commentaries to Article 1009 of the present Civil
Melodia Ferraris was a resident of Cebu City until 1937 when she Code does not state that nephews and nieces concur with other
transferred to Intramuros, Manila. She was known to have resided collaterals of equal degree. On the contrary, Tolentino expressly
there continuously until 1944. However, after 10 years of her states:
unknown whereabouts, she was declared presumptively dead for
purposes of opening her succession and distributing her estate “The last of the relatives of the decedent to succeed in intestate
among her heirs. succession are the collaterals other than brothers or sisters or
children of brothers or sisters. They are, however, limited to relatives
Melodia left properties in Cebu City, consisting of one third (1/3) within the fifth degree. Beyond this, we can safely say, there is
share in the estate of her aunt, Rosa Ferraris, valued at P6,000.00 hardly any affection to merit the succession of collaterals. Under the
adjudicated to her. Melodia.left no surviving direct descendant, law, therefore, persons beyond the fifth degree are no longer
ascendant, or spouse, but was survived only by collateral considered as relatives, for successional purposes.
relatives, namely, Filomena Abellana de Bacayo, her aunt, and
half- sister of decedent's father, Anacleto Ferraris; and by Article 1009 does not state any order of preference. However, this
Gaudencia, Catalina, Conchita, and Juanito, all surnamed Ferraris, article should be understood in connection with the general rule that
her nieces and nephew, who were the children of Melodia's only the nearest relatives exclude the farther. Collaterals of the same
brother of full blood, Arturo Ferraris, who pre-deceased her (the degree inherit in equal parts, there being no right of representation.
decedent). These two classes of heirs (aunt, and nieces and They succeed without distinction of lines or preference among them
nephews) claim to be the nearest intestate heirs and seek to on account of the whole blood relationship."
participate in the estate of said Melodia Ferraris.
We, therefore, hold, and so rule, that under our laws of succession,
Who should inherit the intestate estate of a deceased person a decedent's uncles and aunts may not succeed ab intestato so long
when he or she is survived only by collateral relatives, to wit: as nephews and nieces of the decedent survive and are willing and
an aunt or her nieces and nephews? Otherwise, will the aunt qualified to succeed.
concur with the children of the decedent's brother in the
inheritance or will the former be excluded by the latter? Disposition: CA decision is affirmed.

CFI: Ruled in favor of nieces and nephews, (oppositors-appellees) 81. CORPUZ V. CORPUZ
as children of the only predeceased brother of the decedent, DOCTRINE: Under Article 943 of the Old Civil Code, there is no
exclude the aunt (petitioner-appellant) of the same decedent, reciprocal succession between legitimate and illegitimate
reasoning out that the former are nearer in degree (two degrees) relatives as it “prohibits all successory reciprocity mortis causa
than the latter since nieces and nephew succeed by right of between legitimate and illegitimate relatives.”
representation, while petitioner-appellant is three degrees distant
from the decedent, and that other collateral relatives are excluded by This rule is now found in Article 992 of the New Civil Code which
brothers or sisters, or children of brothers or sisters of the decedent provides that "an illegitimate child has no right to inherit ab intestato
in accordance with article 1009 of the New Civil Code. from the legitimate children and relatives of his father or mother; nor
shall such children and relatives inherit in the same manner
In the present appeal, petitioner-appellant AUNT contends that she from the illegitimate child”.
is of the same or equal degree of relationship as the oppositors-
appellees nieces and nephews, three degrees removed from the FACTS:
decedent; and that under article 975 of the New Civil Code no right Teodoro R. Yangco died with a will and with no forced heirs. He was
or representation could take place when the nieces and nephew of an acknowledged natural son of Luis Rafael Yangco and Ramona
the decedent do not concur with an uncle or aunt, as in the case at Arguelles, the widow of Tomas Cruz. Before Ramona’s union with
bar, but rather the former succeed in their own right. Luis Rafael Yangco, she had begotten five children with Tomas
Cruz, one of whom was Jose Corpus. Jose Corpus had a daughter,
ISSUE: W/N a decedent’s uncles and aunts may succeed the Juana Corpus. Herein petitioner, Tomas Corpus is the son of Juana.
former when nephews and nieces are still alive.
HELD: NO. As the sole heir of Juana, Tomas Corpus filed an action to recover
his mother’s supposed share in the intestate estate claiming that the
First, We agree with the with appellant that as an aunt of the project of partition made pursuant to the order of the probate court
deceased, she is as far distant as the nephews from the decedent as invalid and hence, the estate should be disposed of under the
(three degrees) since in the collateral line to which both kinds of rules of intestacy.
relatives belong degrees are counted by first ascending to the
common ancestor and then descending to the heir (Civil Code, Art. LOWER COURT’S RULING:
966). We also agree that her nephews and nieces alone do not



RTC – dismissed the action on the ground of res judicata stating that
the intrinsic validity of Teodoro’s will had already passed upon in a [LOWER COURT’S RULING]
special proceeding approving the project of partition. RTC: both cases were decided in favor of respondents.

ISSUE: WON Juanita Corpus was a legal heir of Yangco; and CA: affirmed the Teodoro estate case but modified the Eleno
WON Tomas Corpus has a cause of action to recover his estate case in that Delia and Edmundo are DQed from inheriting
mother's supposed intestate share in Yangco's estate from the estate.

RULING: Hence this petition.

ISSUE 1 – NO. Juanita Corpus was not a legal heir of Yangco
because there is no reciprocal succession between legitimate
and illegitimate relatives as provided under Article 943 of the old [ISSUE/S]
Civil Code which “prohibits all successory reciprocity mortis causa WON private respondents are capable to inherit from their
between legitimate and illegitimate relatives.” alleged parents and grandparents. YES parents, NO sa
This rule is now found in Article 992 of the New Civil Code which
provides that "an illegitimate child has no right to inherit ab intestato Petitioners contend that Delia and Edmundo were not legally
from the legitimate children and relatives of his father or mother; nor adopted because Doribel had already been born on February 27,
shall such children and relatives inherit in the same manner 1967, when the decree of adoption was issued on March 9, 1967.
from the illegitimate child". The birth of Doribel disqualified her parents from adopting. The
pertinent provision is Article 335 of the Civil Code, naming among
The rule found in Article 943 of the old Civil Code prohibiting those who cannot adopt "(1) Those who have legitimate, legitimated,
successional reciprocity between legitimates and illegitimates is acknowledged natural children, or natural children by legal fiction."
based on the theory that the illegitimate child is disgracefully looked
upon by the legitimate family, while the legitimate family is, in turn, Pero weird kaayo kay they also contend that Doribel herself is not
hated by the illegitimate child. The law does not recognize the blood the legitimate daughter of Teodoro and Isabel but was in fact born to
tie and seeks to avoid further grounds of resentment. one Edita Abila, who manifested in a petition for guardianship of the
child that she was her natural mother. ENSEMENJED MO
ISSUE 2 – NO. Since the decedent, Teodoro R. Yangco was an PETITIONERS.
acknowledged natural child or was illegitimate and since Juanita
Corpus was the legitimate child of Jose Corpus, who himself was a Since, ila arguments kay on the legitimacy of Doribel and the validity
legitimate child, the Court held that appellant Tomas Corpus has no of the adoption of Delia and Edmundo. Ila giraise ang issue about
cause of action for the recovery of the supposed hereditary share of validity of adoption and legitimacy. Pero ana si Atty. Valencia-like
his mother in Yangco's estate. voice inside my head na these issues cannot be made collaterally.

Furthermore, under Articles 944 and 945 of the Spanish Civil Code, [HELD]
"if an acknowledged natural or legitimated child should die without YES. Article 979 of the Civil Code:
issue, either legitimate or acknowledged, the father or mother who
acknowledged such child shall succeed to its entire estate; and if ARTICLE 979. Legitimate children and their descendants succeed the
both acknowledged it and are alive, they shall inherit from it share parents and other ascendants, without distinction as to sex or age, and
and share alike. In default of natural ascendants, natural and even if they should come from different marriages.
legitimated children shall be succeeded by their natural brothers and
sisters in accordance with the rules established for legitimate An adopted child succeeds to the property of the adopting parents in the
brothers and sisters." Hence, Teodoro R. Yangco's half brothers on same manner as a legitimate child.
the Corpus side, who were legitimate, had no right to succeed to his
estate under the rules of intestacy. Moreover, in Article 981:

FALLO: WHEREFORE the lower court's judgment is affirmed. ARTICLE 981. Should children of the deceased and descendants of
other children who are dead, survive, the former shall inherit in their own
right, and the latter by right of representation.
[TOPIC FROM THE SYLLABUS] There is no question that as the legitimate daughter of Teodoro and
INTESTATE SUCCESSION, GENERAL PROVISIONS, thus the granddaughter of Eleno and Rafaela, Doribel has a right to
RELATIONSHIPS, AND RIGHT OF REPRESENTATION; represent her deceased father in the distribution of the intestate
REPRESENTATION: ARTICLE 981. Should children of the estate of her grandparents.
deceased and descendants of other children who are dead, survive,
the former shall inherit in their own right, and the latter by right of But a different conclusion must be reached in the case of Delia and
representation. Edmundo, to whom the grandparents were total strangers. While it is
true that the adopted child shall be deemed to be a legitimate child
[FACTS] and have the same right as the latter, these rights do not include the
Eleno and Rafaela Sayson has 5 children, Mauricio, Rosario, Basilio right of representation. The relationship created by the adoption is
and Teodoro. Eleno died on 1952 and Rafaela on 1976. Teodoro between only the adopting parents and the adopted child and does
died on 1972 and his wife died on 1981. Teodoro’s properties were not extend to the blood relatives of either party.
left in the possession of Delia, Edmundo and Doribel, who claim to
be their children. [FALLO]
Petition is DENIED.
On 1983, petitioners Mauricio, Rosario, Basilia, and Remedios filed
a complaint for partition and accounting of the intestate estate of
Teodoro and Isabel Sayson. The action was resisted by Delia,
Edmundo and Doribel Sayson, who alleged successional rights to [FACTS]
the disputed estate as the decedent's lawful descendants. – case for Juan Manuel is an illegitimate child. He had no children of his own,
the estate ni Teodoro and Isabela so he and his wife adopted respondent Modesta Manuel-Baltazar.
Juan Manuel executed in favor of Estanislaoa Manuel a Deed of
Later, respondents Delia, Edmundo and Doribel filed for the Sale Con Pacto de Retro over a one-half portion of his land.
accounting and partition of the intestate estate of Eleno and Rafaela
against the couple’s 4 surviving children. They asserted that Delia Upon the death of Juan and his wife, Modesta executed an Affidavit
and Edmundo were the adopted children and Doribel was the of Self-Adjudication claiming for herself the three parcels of land of
legitimate daughter of Teodoro and Isabel. As such, they were her parents and transferring such under her name.
entitled to inherit Teodoro's share in his parents' estate by right of
representation. – case for the estate ni Eleno and Rafaela Juan Manuel’s siblings (the legitimate ones), herein petitioners,
sought the declaration of nullity over these instruments.

[LOWER COURT’S RULING] SC didn’t anymore disturb the CA’s findings to the effect that:
RTC- dismissed, as petitioners were not heirs ab intestate. Leonardo’s piece of evidence does not in any way lend credence to
his tale (that he was the son of Sotero Leonardo). This is because
[ISSUE] the name of the child described in the birth certificate is not that of
WON legitimate siblings may inherit from their illegitimate sibling. the plaintiff but a certain 'Alfredo Leonardo' who was born on
[RULING] September 13, 1938 to Sotero Leonardo and Socorro Timbol.
NO. Plaintiff did not submit any durable evidence showing that the
Art. 992. An illegitimate child has no right to inherit ab intestato from 'Alfredo Leonardo' mentioned in the birth certiAcate is no other than
the legitimate children and relatives of his father or mother; nor shall he himself. Thus, plaintiff failed to prove his filiation which is a
such children or relative inherit in the same manner from the fundamental requisite in this action where he is claiming to be an
illegitimate child. heir in the inheritance in question.

Article 992, a basic postulate, enunciates what is so commonly Even if it is true that petitioner is the child of Sotero Leonardo, still he
referred to in the rules on succession as the "principle of absolute cannot, by right of representation, claim a share of the estate left by
separation between the legitimate family and the illegitimate family." the deceased Francisca Reyes considering that, as found again by
The doctrine rejects succession ab intestato in the collateral line the CA, he was born outside wedlock as shown by the fact that when
between legitimate relatives, on the one hand, and illegitimate he was born on September 13, 1938, his alleged putative father and
relatives, on other hand. mother were not yet married, and what is more, his alleged father's
first marriage was still subsisting. At most, petitioner would be an
Petitioners, therefore, not being the real "parties-in-interest" in the illegitimate child who has no right to inherit ab intestato from the
case, had neither the standing nor the cause of action to initiate the legitimate children and relatives of his father, like the deceased
complaint. Francisca Reyes, under (Article 992, Civil Code of the Philippines.)

FALLO: RTC decision is AFFIRMED. Disposition: CA decision is affirmed.


Facts: DOCTRINE: Article 992 of the New Civil Code provides a barrier or
Francisca Reyes died intestate on July 12, 1942 was survived by iron curtain in that it prohibits absolutely a succession ab
two (2) daughters, Maria and Silvestra Cailles, and a grandson, intestato between the illegitimate child and the legitimate
Sotero Leonardo, the son of her daughter, Pascuala Cailles who children and relatives of the father or mother of said legitimate
predeceased her. Sotero Leonardo died in 1944, while Silvestra child. In the case at bar, while Pablo Santero is a legitimate child of
Cailles died in 1949 without any issue. the decedent, the petitioners, however, are his illegitimate children.

Here comes Petitioner Cresenciano Leonardo, claiming to be the FACTS:

son of the late Sotero Leonardo, the son of one of the daughters Private respondent, Felisa Pamuti Jardin, filed a Petition "In The
(Pascuala) of Francisca Reyes. To prove this, he submitted in Matter of the Intestate Estate of the late Simona Pamuti Vda. de
evidence his alleged birth certificate showing that his father is Sotero Santero," praying among other things, that the corresponding letters
Leonardo, married to Socorro Timbol, his alleged mother. of Administration be issued in her favor and that she be appointed as
special administratrix of the properties of the deceased Simona
Claiming his alleged share of the estate, he filed a complaint for Pamuti Vda. de Santero.
ownership of properties, sum of money and accounting in the CFI
Rizal, praying to be declared as one of the lawful heirs of the Private respondent Felisa – niece of the decedent Simona Pamuti
deceased Francisca Reyes, entitled to one-half share in the estate of Vda. de Santero and the legitimate child of the decedent’s sister
said deceased jointly with defendant, private respondent herein, Juliana – sister of the decedent, who together with the latter, are
Maria Cailles, and to have the properties left by Francisca partitioned legitimate children
between him and Maria. Pablo Santero – legitimate son of decedent
Petitioners – illegitimate children of Pablo Santero
However, Maria Cailles asserted exclusive ownership over the
subject properties and alleged that petitioner is an illegitimate child Pablo predeceased his mother, thus petitioners herein sought to
who cannot succeed by right of representation. On the other hand, inherit from the decedent, by right of representation of their father.
private respondent James Bracewell, claimed that said properties
are now his, by virtue of a deed of sale which Maria Cailles had LOWER COURT’S RULING:
subsequently executed in his favor. Bracewell already mortgaged RTC – excluded Felisa from further taking part or intervening in the
the properties to respondent Rural Bank of Parañaque, Inc. settlement of the intestate estate and declared her to be NOT an heir
of the decedent.
CFI: Granted in favor of Petitioner;
IAC – reversed the order, declaring Felisa as the sole heir of the
CA: Reversed CFI’s decision. decedent and ordered herein petitioners not to interfere in the
 Found the subject properties to be the exclusive proceeding for the declaration of heirship
properties of the private respondents Maria Cailles and
Bracewell. ISSUE: WON petitioners, as illegitimate children of Pablo Santero
o What really happened was that, Maria Cailles could inherit from Simona Pamuti Vda. de Santero, by right of
paid the realty taxes starting from 1918 up to representation of their father Pablo Santero who is a legitimate child
1948. of Simona Pamuti Vda. de Santero.
o Thereafter when she and her son, Narciso
Bracewell, established their residence in Nueva RULING: NO, because Article 992 of the New Civil Code provides a
Ecija, decedent Francisca Reyes administered barrier or iron curtain in that it prohibits absolutely a succession
the property and like in the first case, declared ab intestato between the illegitimate child and the legitimate
in 1949 the property in her own name. children and relatives of the father or mother of said legitimate
o Apparently, petitioner thought that Francisca child. In the case at bar, while Pablo Santero is a legitimate child of
owned the property so he filed the instant the decedent, the petitioners, however, are his illegitimate
complaint, claiming a portion thereof as the children.They may have a natural tie of blood, but this is not
same allegedly represents the share of his recognized by law for the purposes of Art. 992.
Between the legitimate family and the illegitimate family, there is
ISSUE: W/N petitioner can claim a share by representation. presumed to be an intervening antagonism and incompatibility. The
illegitimate child is disgracefully looked down upon by the legitimate
HELD: NO. family; the family is in turn, hated by the illegitimate child. The latter



considers the privileged condition of the former, and the resources of

which it is thereby deprived and the former, in turn, sees in the
illegitimate child nothing but the product of sin, palpable evidence of
a blemish broken in life. The law does no more than recognize this
truth, by avoiding further grounds of resentment.

It is clear from Article 992 of the New Civil Code that the phrase
"legitimate children and relatives of his father or mother" includes
Simona Pamuti Vda. de Santero as the word "relative" includes
all the kindred of the person spoken of. The record shows that
from the commencement of this case, the only parties who claimed
to be the legitimate heirs of the late Simona Pamuti Vda. de Santero
are Felisa Pamuti Jardin and the six minor natural or illegitimate
children of Pablo Santero. Since petitioners herein are barred by the
provisions of Article 992, the respondent Intermediate Appellate
Court did not commit any error in holding Felisa Pamuti-Jardin to be
the sole legitimate heir to the intestate estate of the late Simona
Pamuti Vda. de Santero.

FALLO: WHEREFORE, this petition is hereby DISMISSED, and the

assailed decision is hereby AFFIRMED.


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