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Grade 10- First Flight Mid-Term Review

1. Where was the young seagull?

2. Two things that prevented him from flying
3. Reasons the thought of flying terrified him.
4. What action of his siblings appeared ‘desperate’ to him? How did he respond?
5. Where did he sleep that night?
6. What did his parents do to get him to fly?
7. What were his parents busy doing the day before?
8. Why were his parents proud of his older brother?
9. What did his family do when they walked about on the big plateau opposite?
10. Why did the heat affect him so intensely?
11. Why did he pretend to be asleep? Did this ploy work?
12. What was his family doing?
13. Which sight maddened him? Why?
14. What did he beg his mother to do? How did she respond initially?
15. Why did she finally respond? How did she respond?
16. What action of his mother surprised him?
17. What was the outcome of her action?
18. What was his first response? How long did this last?
19. What happened when he stopped falling headlong? How did he feel then?
20. What did the young seagull do now that he could fly?
21. How did the ocean appear to him now?
22. What does the ‘green flooring’ refer to?
23. What happened when he landed on it? How did he react?
24. Which ‘strange exercise ‘exhausted him? Why couldn’t he rise?
25. When did his terror leave him?
26. How did his family celebrate his ‘first flight’?
27. The moral or lesson this story teaches us?
28. The author?

The Black Aeroplane

1. Where was the narrator?

2. What did he think he ought to do when he saw the storm clouds? Why didn’t he?
3. What happened when he flew into the storm clouds?
4. What did he notice about the strange aeroplane? What did the pilot bid him to do?
5. How long did they fly through the storm clouds?
6. When did the plane go down and where did the narrator find himself when he came out of
the storm clouds?
7. The narrator asked the lady two questions. What were the two questions?
8. Why weren’t any other planes flying that night?
9. What does the woman in the control tower tell him?
10. What unanswered questions was the narrator left with?
11. The author? Your explanation?

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