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Miguel John M.

BPED 1-1

​Indigenous means ​Existing or occurring naturally in a particular, native location.
Indigenous people are inheritors and practitioners of unique cultures and ways of relating to
people and the environment. They have retained social, cultural, economic and political
characteristics that are distinct from those of the dominant societies in which they live.
Indigenous people often associate as cultural people. According to my respondents when they
hear the word indigenous, it means native and the word indigenous people for them means a
group of people who are culturally distinct from colonization. When I asked them on what are
their opinion about the indigenous people of the philippines if they are being treated fairly in
terms of equal opportunities like education, livelihood and health care, their answer is no, for
them Indigenous people in the Philippines are treated unfairly, they stated that there are issues
related to ancestral domains that remain to be one of their biggest challenges, they also face
discriminations not just physically but also in countries legal system, that leads them to become
vulnerable to violence and human rights abuse according to the respondents. Also according to
the respondents they personally think that they are not treated fairly in terms of human rights
and one of the reasons is because they want to be isolated. I also know there are some
organizations that still help and support indigenous groups to preserve their race, though they're
not a lot remaining, it is still ensuring that they are doing their best to influence their children so
that their native habits and way of life will still be passed to the next generation. From my
perspective I strongly agree to their statements. Indigenous People here in the philippines are
not treated fairly in many aspects and most of them are victims of abuse. I believe that we
should have more organizations that will help all indigenous people to amplify their voice so that
the government will hear them and give them rights and laws that will protect them.

Respondent #1

1. What comes into your mind when you read or hear the term indigenous?How about the
term indigenous people? What words or terms do you usually associate with them?
- Indigineous means native while Indigenous people refers to a group of people who are
culturally distinct from colonization.

2. Do you think that the indigenous peoples of the Philippines are fairly treated in terms of
equal opportunities like education, livelihood and health care? Why?
- I believe that the indigenous people here in the Philippines are not treated fairly. Issues
related to ancestral domains remain to be one of their biggest challenges. As they
continuously face dicrimination in countries’ legal system, leading them to become
vulnerable to violence and human rights abuse.

Respondent #2
1.What comes into your mind when you read or hear the term indigenous?How about the
termindigenous people? What words or terms do you usually associated with them?

First thing that comes into my mind when I hear the term indigenous or indigenous people is
the native people, people who live naturally in a particular region. People who have a
certain race and are commonly the ones the modern people came from.

2.Do you think that the indigenous people of the Philippines are fairly treated in terms of
equal opportunities like education, livelihood and health care? Why?

Indigenous people in the Philippines are still alive especially in the islands of Visayas and
Mindanao, but I personally think that they are not treated fairly in terms of human rights and
one of the reasons is because they want to be isolated. I also know there are some
organizations that still help and support indigenous groups to preserve their race, though
they're not a lot remaining, it is still ensuring that they are doing their best to influence their
children so that their native habits and way of life will still be passed to the next generation.

Respondents #3

1. Whenever I read or hear about indigenous, I think of the ethnic tribes in the province like
the T'Boli and Bagobo's. I'm not familiar with termindigenous. Ethnic groups, native people
and Lumad.
2. No. Although I've seen some scholarships granted for indigenous people, it's not enough
to say they're fairly treated as opportunities are rarely give to people like them especially on
how they're treated when they go down to the city.

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