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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X – Northern Mindanao
Division of Iligan City
(Puga-an National High School)
Puga-an, Iligan City

4th Quarter Examination

English 7
SY 2019-2020

Name: _________________________________ Grade & Section: _____________Date: _____________

I. Poetry Whiz

Directions: Identify the word or phrase described in each statement. Choose your answers from
the box. Write the word on the space provided before the number.

Stanza Rhyme Rhyme Scheme Meter Theme Simile

Rhythm Symbolism Imagery

___________1. It is a literary form simply defined as a patterned expression of ideas or imaginative

terms usually containing rhymes and meters.

___________2. It is the recurrence or the repetition of similar sounds in poetry.

___________3. It is the regular pattern of stressed and unstressed sounds.

___________4. It is a vivid description of things seen, heard, smelled, touched, or tasted.

___________5. It is a series of lines grouped together.

___________6. It is a stanza of a poem which has two (2) lines.

___________7. It is an object in the poem that symbolizes a significant idea.

___________8. It is the underlying message of a poem.

___________9. “Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore” is an example of what poetic device?

___________10. What do you call a comparison that uses the words “as” and “like”?

II. Expanding Vocabularies

Directions: Guess the word that is being defined in each item. Match the Morse code with the
letters to form the word. Write the word on the space provided before the number.

___________11. under ; at the foot - . . . . -. . .- - ....

___________12. quickly grabbed ... -. .- - -.-. ....

___________13. walked softly and carefully - .. .- -. - - - - . -..

___________14. almost -. . .- .-. .-.. -.- -

___________15. looked ... . .- .-. -.-. . . . .

___________16. lost ; absent - - .. ... ... .. -. - - .

___________17. rumbled ; made a deep sound .-. - - - .- .. .-.. . -..

___________18. gave off light . . . . . . . - - - -. .

III. Story Map/ Story Plot

Directions: Read the story and fill in the story map graphic organizer as well as the story plot.

The Leopard That Lost a Spot

Leopard lay beneath a tree, carefully counting his spots. There were ninety-eight sooty black spots on his
soft yellow fur.

“Oh, do stop counting your silly spots, “ Monkey called from the branches above.

“ Eighty-five, eighty-six, eighty-seven, “ counted Leopard.

“Silly Leopard!” Monkey said. “I’m tired of hearing you count.” And away he ran to the house where Man

Man was painting a yellow fence, and Monkey watched from behind a thorn bush. When noon came, Man
put down his pot of paint and went inside his house. This was what Monkey had waited for! He snatched
up the yellow paint and the brush, and ran back to the tree where Leopard still counted his spots. He hid
the paint in the long grass, climbed the tree, sat on a branch, and waited.

Leopard counted his spots once more. Then he said: “They’re all there. That’s good. Now I can sleep.”

Soon Leopard began to snore. Monkey came quietly down the tree. He picked up the pot of yellow paint
and tiptoed close to Leopard. He dipped the brush in the yellow paint and painted over a big black spot so
that it didn’t show. Then he hid the paint in the grass and climbed up into the tree. He sat on a branch and

When Leopard woke up, he started counting his spots.

“One, two, three,” he said, and counted up to ninety-seven.

“I’ve lost a spot! He cried. “Oh, what shall I do?”

Monkey, on his brach above, laughed so much that he nearly choked.

“Where is my spot?” cried Leopard. “Where is it?”

He searched high and he searched low. But he could not find that missing spot.

Then thunder rolled across the sky and drops of rain splashed on Leopard. When the storm passed and
the sun shone, Leopard was tired and very wet.

“I’ll rest for a while under this tree, and the sun will dry my fur,” he said. Then he had an awful thought.
Perhaps he had lost another spot!

“ One, two, three, “ he said, and counted up to ninety-eight.

“My spot has come back!” he cried in delight. “Now how could a spot get lost and then find its way back?”

Monkey, on his brach above, laughed so much that he nearly fell out of the tree. But he didn’t tell Leopard
about the paint. He didn’t say that the rain had washed it off so that the spot could show again.

“Strange!” said Leopard. “Very strange!”

Then Monkey laughed so much that he really did fall out of the tree. He didn’t fall on the soft leaves. He
didn’t fall in the long grass. He fell where he deserved to fall - in the pot of yellow paint!

A. Story Map : Fill in the details of the organizer based on the story read.

19. Title:

20. Setting:

21. Characters:

B. Story Plot: Fill in the details of the plot by arranging the sequence of events based on the story.
Write your answers on the boxes.

A. Thunder rolled and drops of rain splashed the Leopard making him tired and wet. When he counted
again his spots, he was very happy that there were all there. But he wondered how can a lost spot find its
way back?

B. He picked up the pot of yellow paint and tiptoed close to Leopard. He dipped the brush in the yellow
paint and painted over a big black spot so that it didn’t show.

C. There was a leopard who kept counting his spots.

D. Monkey annoyed by this act, went to the Man’s house and came up with a trick.

E. When Leopard woke up, he started counting his spots and was shocked to know that he had lost a

F. Upon seeing this, Monkey laughed so hard that he really did fall out of the tree. He didn’t fall on the soft
leaves. He didn’t fall in the long grass. He fell where he deserved to fall - in the pot of yellow paint!

G. Leopard search everywhere but he could not find his missing spot.

H. Monkey snatched up the yellow paint and the brush, and ran back to the tree where Leopard still
counted his spots.

22. Event 1 25. Event 4 28. Event 7

23. Event 2 26. Event 5

29. Event 8

24. Event 3 27. Event 6


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