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1. Uji Normalitas Data (Kolmogorov-Smirnov)

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Jumlah Leukosit

N 24
Normal Parameters Mean 7.58125

Std. Deviation 1.317674

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .197

Positive .197

Negative -.162

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .967

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .307

a. Test distribution is Normal.

2. Uji Hipotesis


Jumlah Leukosit

95% Confidence
Interval for Mean

Std. Lower Upper

N Mean Deviation Std. Error Bound Bound Minimum Maximum

1 Control 6 9.20833 .120069 .049018 9.08233 9.33434 9.000 9.350

2 Konsentrasi 50% 6 8.40833 .267239 .109100 8.12788 8.68878 8.050 8.650

3 Konsentrasi 70% 6 6.39167 .312116 .127421 6.06412 6.71921 6.050 6.750

4 Konsentrasi 100% 6 6.31667 .434358 .177326 5.86084 6.77250 6.000 6.900

Total 24 7.58125 1.317674 .268969 7.02485 8.13765 6.000 9.350

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Jumlah Leukosit

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

7.253 3 20 .002


Jumlah Leukosit

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 38.074 3 12.691 136.498 .000

Within Groups 1.860 20 .093

Total 39.934 23
Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable:Jumlah Leukosit
Mean 95% Confidence Interval
(I) (J) Difference
Perlakuan Perlakuan (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Bonferroni 1 2 .800000 .176048 .001 .28469 1.31531
3 2.816667 .176048 .000 2.30135 3.33198
4 2.891667* .176048 .000 2.37635 3.40698
2 1 -.800000 .176048 .001 -1.31531 -.28469
3 2.016667 .176048 .000 1.50135 2.53198
4 2.091667 .176048 .000 1.57635 2.60698
3 1 -2.816667 .176048 .000 -3.33198 -2.30135
2 -2.016667 .176048 .000 -2.53198 -1.50135
4 .075000 .176048 1.000 -.44031 .59031
4 1 -2.891667 .176048 .000 -3.40698 -2.37635
2 -2.091667 .176048 .000 -2.60698 -1.57635
3 -.075000 .176048 1.000 -.59031 .44031
Games- 1 2 .800000 .119606 .001 .40317 1.19683
3 2.816667* .136524 .000 2.35428 3.27905
4 2.891667 .183976 .000 2.24633 3.53701
2 1 -.800000 .119606 .001 -1.19683 -.40317
3 2.016667 .167747 .000 1.50126 2.53207
4 2.091667 .208200 .000 1.43065 2.75268
3 1 -2.816667 .136524 .000 -3.27905 -2.35428
2 -2.016667* .167747 .000 -2.53207 -1.50126
4 .075000 .218359 .985 -.60551 .75551
4 1 -2.891667 .183976 .000 -3.53701 -2.24633
2 -2.091667 .208200 .000 -2.75268 -1.43065
3 -.075000 .218359 .985 -.75551 .60551
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

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