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Iqra Tahreem




Throwing rubber at other students:

If a student does such activity in the class so just don’t punish that student. A student throws a rubber on
other student and you don’t know who throws the rubber. So should punish the whole class and then you
will get to know who did this. Just punish whole class and then all class will get against of that one
student and they will tell you the name of that student. Because all students will act against the
punishment and they will tell you the actual name of the student. Then you tried to be fair in that decision.

Never doing his homework on time.

Getting students to complete their homework is a very hard task. Because they don’t like to do
homework. So we should make some activity to encourage them.

We should give them less work to do. We should make homework interesting. We should tell them that
this work will be marking. So this could get their interest. Just make the homework interesting.

Running around in the class.

If a student run through the class so just don’t yell at his/her. If a student run and escape through the class
and he run towards the hallway or somewhere so just run after him and when you got him just put your
hand on his shoulder and say him stop. Just don’t yell at the student. When yo say stop to them will
understand stop means don’t move.

Stealing other student’s lunch.

Every student has not the same reason behind stealing. Some students steal for dun and some students
steal for the distress and unhappiness.

So all you can do is ask for the missing item to be returned. If you know who steal so you can ask that
student to return it back. And you can teach them norms and values or tell them that it’s not a good

Making his uniform dirty:

Some students make their uniform dirty. Just tell them to clean their uniform. If they don’t so they have to
pay fine. In the result they will keep their uniform clean.

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