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BK 81.2 Pye, P92 EAN 9745946191357 SAN S-94519-13529 ‘eRusstAN Compre CoursenooK Living Language (A Random House Company) aoa pesaxuwel Terepeou HII. / ‘MOCKBA: Jleaura HaGauunur, 1 wat, 2005, -268 erp. odpotoe omicante rypebe cep na ciime wywredeltapublishing.ra Onrodise saxyneu 1 mpeasapi ‘renlpane: (095) 755-90-48 e-mail Bee ofuepaxatite aasHoll xHirH, oGsomKA, voprosaR Map HL ayawotfarepnaais aauutenia coornereTayionUiak AoroBOpENIL ToGug popes eneraninoro.—Kouponanior yay IpeengaonaTscn cormacno Saxouan Po w Yxasan Tpeswaetra Po of astopernx npanax. ‘© gpyright 2008 Living Language, a Random House Company ‘rv ivinglanguage om (© wanrentcro s/fensta Mass (aun), 2005 ygaremcreo 000 “iferraMaSnan” (098) 75-90-48 1 wordeliapublishings ivarencreo flere Mlafanr» Graroanpn _amreprypnce ‘Montego «Synopsy as nououts 8 nanrorope aor waar : {Russian COMPLETE COURSEBOOK CONTENTS = j Iermopucion ‘Counse arena yf Instructions Lesson ’ ATW LETTERS AND SOUNDS OFTHE RUSSAN LANGUAGE Groceanacat Nawes Lsson2 ‘A. Coosares: WoRDS SIMILAR NRUSSIAN AND ENcRST B. Genaearical Navest Lsson3 A. IermooucroN TO THE RUSSIAN ALFABE THe Auraner [A PALATALIZD ANDNONPALATALIZED SYLLABLES Lessons AVowns LissON6 A. Consens RusstaN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 16 2 2s 6 » 38 LEssONT A. Consonasts It usson8 A. MascuLine, FAMINE, NEUTER, PLURAL uz Lesson A Chiarac tbat oF CASES 1 Wn siooy LESSON 10 ‘A Kr0? (Wo? aN HinreyHxTO(No ONESOMEONE) ue? £B. ro? (Whar?) ano Hisrd/HEsEroqNoric) CC. DECLENSIONS OF NOUNS, ADJECTIVES, AND PRONOUNS Ques ALN 1-10 B. DavsaxoMowris Seasons ao Dtecrions D. Woxn Stuy Lisson 12, A.Greermcs 4 RussiaN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK a a By ” n n 'BLasr Mow, Last YEAR, Ee ues LESSON 13, AA. COMMON VER Fons B. ToBrORNorTo.e: Bure CTaePasr Tense 1D. WoroSrer LESSON 14 ‘A. Have ND HAVE NOT B, To War ano To FEEL Like (C-Peasona PRONOUNS WIT PaEPOSTIONS quzs Lesson 15 |. Do You SrEak RUSSIAN? 1B Th Wearier . Worn Suv uzs Lesson 16 A. Wut, Wine, 2x0 Wiese 2B, Wc, Waar (Wns wii rae ACCUSATIVE AND PREPOSTIONAL Que? RUSSIAN ComPLETE CouRSEBOOK 8 5 ” 8 2 6 1 1 LESSON 17 A Wnost B. Wut, How CT DewonstRATIvE PRONOUN= 370 D. Woro Stuoy quzs LESSON 18 A.MiiNGa FREND ows Bence ons 6. Woan Sy LESSON 19 |. CARDO\AL-NIMBERS B. CASES WIHUCARDINAL NUMBERS (C.DEcLENSION OF NUMERALS quzi0 Lesson 20, A-Onoixas Newmans B. CuaRactemsTcs oF ORDIAL NUMBERS . Worm srt 6 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 100 100 2 03 to 109 mn 12 na us ug ug LESSON 21 A. NU@eRs ns CONTENT How uci. How Many uz Lesson 22, ALLL, [Dor Line 1B THLLNa Te C.ConanarivEor ApiEcrHVES .SurERLATIVEOr ADIECTVES que Lesson 23, A.Necarves 8, PauoicariveFoan or ABIECTVES (C-AsKING DIRECTIONS ous Lesson 24 A Sane Sevrencas: SMALL TALK 'B, Ven: PERFECTVE AND INPERFECTE ASPECTS (CT FUTURE TNs quis [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 19 m im 19 10 1 13 14 136 138 9 LESSON25, |AcMrztiNc a FRIEND I Moscow 'B THE PERSONAL PRONOUNS: CAM, CH .Woro Stuy urs LESSON 26 A. Sion: Iva STORE 1, Pomnnctvr Vegas wr Durex Roors eo 1yss0n 27 ‘A. Viauson Mon0n quai? B.InaHora. (env ECT Axo PeRpECTIVEFomss OF "TO GV" DLIsMy AraRiMenr uz LESSON 28 ALINARESTAURANT 2B, FoopaxpUrENsus C.Mone USE oF EWE» oR ONE uri 8 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 40 1 1s 6 as ue 150 155 137 158 139 160 162 163 168 16s Lesson 29 A. Moar os PERFECTIVE AND IaneRFECTIVE VERBS B, Sanur Series: Day ACTS quz20 LESSON 30 A. twrmopucrioss , Arm TRaDSrariOn C.InCast or Less quz2t LESSON ‘A. Moscow Turns B, SUBLNCTVE AND ConDmONAL Moos © Worosrpy uz LESSONS? 1B TeLemione CALs . Woro Stuy Lesson 33, ‘A. Mons Venus Maron quz23 161 70 170 m 1 ns 18 179 19 13 1 as 187 Lesson 34 ‘A. NewsPaPERS, BoKS, RADIO, AND TELEVISION (C.MEETING AX OLD FRIEND LESSON 35. A.ENporm Vacxriow uz LESSON 36 A.Mavoncan BoMavee cate quz2s Lesson 37 A. Lost aN Foun B. TueturenaniveMoon D. Wornsruy uz26 LESSON 38, A.BorncOrrs B. Use or mi Paxmct#s «10» AND EVEN quz27 10 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 18 99 194 196 198 199 201 208 207 208 209 a 2 ais Lesson 39 ‘A.TwoCoLLenaus B, Arie Museum Lesson 40 ‘A. PRoBLEMS OF 1H PLANET 'B,PanriCrLes axD GERUNDS iva REVIEW SUMMARY OF RUSSIAN GRAMMAR 1 TWeRussiay ALRABET 2. PRonunciaTON Vows Consouanrs 3.Gennen 4.cases 5. Decumssionor Nouns 6.Decumsowor ADsEcrVEs 7. DEcLunsion or PRONOUNS 8, Conanariveor Apiecrives 9, SUPERLATIVE OF ADIECTES 10. Cases Use wrt CaRDevAL NUMERALS 1H. DeCLENSION OF CARDINAL NUMERAL 12. OnowAL NuMERALS 13. Dove Neoarives 14, Venss RUSSIAN CoMPLETE CouRsEBOOK 27 219 a 2 2 a 28 230 20 a 236 ar 240 241 an a m4 ae 245 A-TYRCAL CoMUGRTIONS OF MPERFECTIE Vis B, MixeD ConucaTion—Prrsest Test D.Twe Vexe "To Be" . CoRcarionS oF SOME IRREGULAR VERBS INTHE PRESENT Tee , Conaxrions oF IRBULAR Penracive Vs Penrecrive FUTURE. (6 PERFECTVE AND IMPERFECTVE ASPECTS OFA VERB 1. Purune Tense 1. Vise Monon J. Stanneuv asp Conpeion aL Moos an aanvi Mooo LETTER WRITING A.ANoreoxLerrex Wanna B. BusisessLerrens . Forsior ie EveLore RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 24s 248 248 20 250 233 256 Beg 261 292 INTRODUCTION Living Language «RUSSIAN CoMPLETE COURSES makes it ea3y to lear bow to speak, reed, and write Russian, This course is thoroughly revised and updated version of Living Russian. The Complete Living Language Course. The same highly effective method of language instruction is still used, but the content has been updated to reflect modern usage, and the format has been is pronounced lke the eh in echo: this these Poet stage Nore. ‘The fantion ofthe following vowels—e, my, hic are preceded ‘yagi he sound similar tthe final sound inthe English word may is the pltalzation of the preceding consanan, 10 which they Tose the atovesmentiond gle. However, when they fallow a vowel or SOR or hard sign, or when they appear nial, they ace pronounced sin the slptabeeLe, wid anita ge 6.The leter always platalzes the preceding consonant and is pronounced like the ee in beer excep tr the letters, which are never palatalized; then is pronounced like the Russian sound cia strength Mia Liza mora never ora sometimes RUSSIAN COMPLETE CoURSEROOK at 32 xi lve Here's prosouneed ua because ond at neve paitalied 7.The eter it a Ibis neve sessed, Its pronounced like the the English word boy a sound in oi my ite too cenoxétino quietly bts very seldom used initaly, except in some words of. foreign origin Hsso-Hiépe New York 8. The leter E 4. It always palatlizes the preceding consonant, except the Tete, , ut. When stessed, it 8 pronounced like the ehin yer: Bepa Vers, tain cers to sit down In unstressed postions it is pronounced like the so in era always coer deter end wit [RUSSIAN COMPLETE CouRsEROOK. © Intally, or after another vowel, itis pronounced withthe lide stressed, like yok, or unstressed ike yooh: Py toher « hee noésaxa tip 9. The eter B always palatalizes the preceding consonant and is always stressed. It is pronounced like the o in yoke ea honey re unt axa firtee Mot y(n) ewe vet till 10, The eter 4. It always palatalzes the preceding consonant. When stressed inthe middle ofthe word, itis pronounced yah, ‘when unstessd, itis pronounced either like the shor of stor lke the neutral a of sofa if it isthe last letter of @ wor: seo seat asic lighthouse erm sunt aca en ', When used iily it retin ts lide; when stressed, i is pronounced yah; when unstressed, yh: ‘#6x0K0 pple sips, Janvary RUSSIAN ComPLETE CouRsEROoK: 3 satan language, tongue 11, The tener fa. It always platalizes the preceding consonant. It is ‘pronounced ooh inthe body ofthe word: Mba Lyuba mo6iio Hove avo6iers to love b, When use intially, it retains its lide and is pronounced ooh fo6cn shirt rot jubilee 12. The eter is called the "sof" sign; it palatalizes the preceding ‘consonant, allowing the following vowel to retain its glide. It also indicates that the preceding consonant is soft when ‘writen a the end ofa word: mséea play tna drunk comma vig 13, The eter is called the *hard” sign. It indicates that the preceding ‘consonant remsin hard and thatthe following vowel retains its glide bu volume oGuacikr explain [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK LESSON 6 ‘A. CONSONANTS Russian consonants, like thse in every language, may be voiced for voiceless, ‘The’ distinction between voiced and voiceless fonsonants is based on one aspect of otherwise identical articulation: in voiced contonants Voeal cords are involved in articulation, while in voiceless consonants they are not, The pais 6araxs (oiced) noxtme (voivetess) bvgahz pfktshs ‘When two consonanis are pronounced together, both must be cither voiced or voiceless. In Russia, the second one always remains ast sand the fist one changes accordingly. 1-¥, pronounced f es, pronounced 28, nce, mph cata, exe “The preposition «> (in) is very often pronounced «B unxoxe> (in School is pronounced fhtoh-tek, Russian consonants can also be soft or hard, Le, palstalized or rwnpalaalzed, when followed by the lester 6 £1, # oF ‘exceptions ae the consonants, t,x which are always har. “This looks complicated, but itis much easier to lean this inthe beginning and to begin speaking corecly than it is to ty to correct etroneous pronunciation later on. Listen carefully and try to hea the above-mentioned diferences [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 38 5 |. Pronounce ike the 8 inbred! oper bother Sir peer Garis esange 2.Palatlizeé: white Dinoculrs 3, Voiceess, like the pat the end ofa word or before a voiceless oben skirt 96 tooth sues bread 4. Voiceles palataize: p66 buckshot 6s ripple a 1. Pronounced like the vin very ew your nor here oxi water 36 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 2. Palatalize: nea fait xoundpr ‘envelope weer al 3. Voiceless, lke the fat the end ofa word or before a voiceless ‘consonant Kien Kiew xine in schoot eps yesterday po shelter 4. Voielesspalatalized: bond xp r 1. Pronounced like the g in goo! raséra newspaper rae where rapa barmnony 2. Palate recipa suite roowérpat geometry 3. Like the Russian oo» before aerxé light, easily aro sony RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK. 3 4. Like the v in the genitive ending, mascaline and neuter: oo his werd nothing coroame today 5. Voioeless; lke the atthe end ofa word: por hor vereépr Thursday a 1. Pronounced lik the dn door om house poanst kindred 2. Palatalize: épeno ‘wood 3. Voicelss like the rat the end ofa word or before a voiceless consonant: bea inner nonxéoa Dorseshoe noxnmcs signature 4, Voicelesspalatalize: pian breast, 8 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK. * 1. Pronounced ke the +n measure always hard ap end noxip 2, Voices ke the aha the end ofa word or before 0 voiceless consonant wo spoon je husband 3 1. Pronounced lke the zn zebra andune building suds toknow 2. Palatalize: seat reer sa winter 3. Voioeess, lke the s tthe end of a word or before a ‘voiceless consonant soar caw! [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 39 LESSON 7 K 1. Pronounced like the in hep: sentra heal A. CONSONANTS II veraee class panda neil es m the min man 2, Palatalize: seen cap ‘mama epocian kerosene magnet Kites Kiev house and movie ‘ery 3, Voioed like the in good, before a voiced consonant ows sairoad station ico seat xsd examination ia mine Spiny to the brother a a |. Pronounced like the in noon: 1. Pronounced like the in Loot a a ow site a aad Gann ‘baleony ea chalk 2. Palatlized 2, Paatlized: a1o660u love 660 sky are light eens week one shoal vee nurse ons pain om horse [RUSSIAN COMPLETE CouRSEROOK 4a 0 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK: 1 1. Palatalized! past fist meas deter wen chain Pe 1, Prom lke the rn rt cert Russian napéa, parade noxdpor sift yes hand 2 Palalize: ue rice nopAao. order anept or © 1. Pronounced lke the sin see: con dream on soup coer light sco eet swdeno butter 2 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK: cfaep orth ced village eee, I 3. Voiced ike the 2 before a voiced consonant: odo to bum down the in table: tobacco wor = te crea able roraé then 2, Palatlized: reu shade ren wall 53. Voiced lik the before a voiced consonant: oraére to giveaway errands toguess RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK a o 1. Pronounced ke the in frend 86puna factory ©pinan France oapdsp porcelain 2. Palaatze: agian poster 3, Voiced, ike the v before a voiced consonant adrinew ‘Afghan x 1, Pronounced like the Hin lock xo quietly xopoms we éxsa technique Gaoxs fea 2. Palatlized sia quinine ions, chemistry “4 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 4 Pronounced like thet in get; always hard ers ower went chain supe circus une patent) peu, Pepper 4 1. Pronounced like the ch in church; always sft vat a sae hour where fen enon, suitease 2. Sometimes pronounced like the sh in shal: ono what onéano of course i Pronounced like the sin shall always hard: mar sa mérom step after step udxsearat chess win tire vida silk [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEROOK 45 mépers woo! ‘ret ronopiau you speak sing) m ‘Pronounced like the sho in the word combination fresh hese; alvays sft men check coed brush néwoute help rnocemséune visi ‘This completes the rules for pronunciation and reading. Read these rules over and over again. Listen tothe tapes over and over fgain. You have leamed them not when you have read and {erst the rales, but when you ean remember and repeat the Sounds and words correcdy without looking at the book. Master ‘hese, and you wll speak Russian wel, FIVE FUNDAMENTAL RULES 1, Remember which ylabeis stressed, 2, Remember that unstressed o is pronounced ah in prestressed position. 5, Remember that when two consonants are next to each other, the ist changes according tothe second. 4, Remember that unstressed eis pronounced 5, Remember that the lterso & 1,, and x palatalize the preceding consonant ules it has no palatlized counterpart. 46 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK LESSON 8 A. MASCULINE, FEMININE, NEUTER, PLURAL i Russian nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and oil nue as well as some cardinal numbers and even several ver forms, have ‘gender: masculine, feminine, or neuter. Inthe plural there is only ‘one form forall genders, |. Most nouns, pronouns, and pas tense forms of verbs end in hardconsonat a8 oe an 2, Most adjetves, ordinal numbers, and paicipes end in: ti ak an at ove eye om out ons on te Ste ® ‘ey ot ot ot ot ny ay ay my mo Spar wo ceerph ob oxnh od. gtr Imybreher—mysiter”— my Window my children ret me rast ‘ott your (ing. f) your your your root Tapanadn rood emia rod asad rol aura yourpencl — yourbook—youreaat™——-Yourmoney hue sum zom ———xaaprdipa nh ead er ‘urhowe Garaparmnent Ourvilage—Surbooks| RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK: a i out ous ont ~_ a aime a ane one ‘one alone, only wocye setae stanim e x 3 sar sn at oe ce a - 2 ‘ this this this these opis rors sropise = oot ox seremt cms Sune acme TE cee ee enn ena wtucnnieanorercnemield Se Me, Recs Autre tn atte non untes ays acing oe ou fmt fanaa Gana - oe @« ¢§ ra Taw a os sora is father ‘her father ‘their father aa This wall is white neil ore et ovens us emf Aon our books wht tm. aa fc on on = = Cnowuten th Sten Siw Show le = ‘sono a ‘am he vm cme cee Sta ue = os og arena — bine blue ‘hue Thee ‘k. these: 8 [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEDOOK * Maen |. money aépeas sm, your field 14nd none 1 your lamp si 0. my sister 16.aos cocrpd amy brother ANSWERS 1p 2 fy 3k AB Sm 6 To Ba 9b; HOPS Tie; Ii 1a Mm; 1S 162. 50 [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK LESSON 9 A. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE CASES With few exceptions, all nouns, pronouns, and adjectives dectne. iach declension has six cases used to answer the following ‘yuestion words in thir respective case forms (some preceded by {he appropriate prepositions): ese ‘questions, Nominative (objet Kro? Ure? ‘Who? What? Koré? Meré? ‘Whom? What? Or Korb? Or ueré? rom whom? From what? Y wor6? ¥ werd? ‘Auby whom? Avby what? Bea xoré? Bea wer6? Without whom? Without what? Kony? Hen? Towhom? To what? K von? K veng? ‘Toward whom? Toward what? Koré? x0? ‘Whom? Whar? Kyat? Where (direction toward)? eiive (possesion, sation ve Gini objec) Accusative (diet objet: RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK: st Insramental(cjectasan Kee? Wen? rane at By whom? By what? Pre C wen? Cen? With whom? With what? pastoral oe Locave wow? O win? (location, sso wit cerain About whom? About what? prepositions) B on? B ath? In whom? In what? Tae? Where? 1. The nominative ease supplies the subject of the sentence 2, The genitive i the case of possession and is also used with tn: plepositons, the most common of which are «Gre (without), «aan (ot, «to (ap to), ees» (out of), coxono> {hear by, about), cor (om), wnoene» (after, and yp (aor by. 3, The ditive case is used in the meaning of "to whom Prepositions governing the dative case are sa» (to) and «no (clone) 4, The accusative is the directabject case. Prepositions used with this ease include «x (, into), «an» (behind), and «ra (Go into, on) in the sense of direction. 5. The instrumental case indicates the manner of action or the instrument with which the action is performed. Prepositions overning the instrumental case include xexay» (Between), ‘enepe» (in front of), and wo (wit. [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK. (6, The prepositional or locative case indicates location, bu i is also used when speaking about something or someone. The prepositions most frequently used with this ease are « (n), ‘us (on), we (aout), and pas (nthe presence of) 1, Worp Sruby suri-nonsoais {0 all (on the phone) woes why vonsere together sro 08 because onopian-cxar osay as already swupdnnnno incoretly asa each every vs problem, task “Tis pale of verbs represents an aspecual pir of vert, @ Shracterie of Russian which willbe dteussed ae RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 3 LESSON 10 Y word ow sumer? A. Kro (Who?) AND Huxr6/Héxr0 hen soré fro? (No ONE/SOMEONE) swiatve Nove ord ner ads ‘When used with reposts the neaive expressions marrofneeTo into tee word the neptive parle ke, the preposition, and ero (cbs (a) ero» (9), moe Sara Wa enya Ten proves ares Wi pended frnsox [reson ose our \iber of be pose Nm eRe Oe x som ropa ‘Thc house once fe (eet ite [oy fe fou tangs a0. Tw i her Iie fou fe foo few ee Onan ot en eta er toks tax: Fooncae) festeae) Jw ato fetcn Urania See wmepcne Hs Books moceitresing ry [ose [owte ont iow [once rar praca —] a — reas | enon [FOROR] |S Ox LA sem om fico alce Yoo a oe za. xo crater fee fee fs fae | ow ate ies [eer pe | ee Je. famescvomor am [nny [nine [ane a Joe fe me fe) i fw run ie faces fermen ee Yo [Sma fa | foeoan fi lewinse —lowtat lentes onto fret_love loom Joma | [oss sore RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK. ‘tha 0 lo pole) deine inthe sae wy. [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK: o [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK: ee ae oC fase re] Reo pACOT oe rae ma few fe ce fone Korie foros lene oe mow fee fico fen Ine foe Kose frog ene em [ime sacn segs face few [amas ra poe meson cme fog fam em mao fm ico facie froor ooo tse fine Lota fora [re es te [ences eco es Inn focbeoe can oeanew focose a ra oui 3 nse. a a ST c fa inthe aks wih the proper for of eee frre rat fice fm 1 avant, So don know what itis Jo fone fon firs fram 1 nnn? What ew? fi fence eon fs fio” ne 1, vere? What ae you wing? tm few fet fe | foo? Whats is fo? + Kot So Wha is fo? = Re 6, ___Gm-rord we ons. What tobe, willbe ia ra are fara |, nu yanmnicrest? What ae you sured a oa ow Bf %.0__maronopie? What ae you tking about? emf Ran fee seer anseomart fe vee ot Samora 10, ou nfaere? What are you wong with? fs fo se fre fram mona re leew lovee ANswens Lazo 2th 3.0 44d 5. Ney 6, Ney 7. Hey 8. ‘au 10. Russa Comte Counsen00% ° LESSON 11 ‘A. NUMBERS 1-10 oni one ani two pH three sertspe four wire five cons, cient aéosr nine best ten B. Days AND Montus! noweaéauss Mondy srépa Tuesday peat Wednesday "Neither the names ofthe dys no ofthe months are capitalize ness they are found the Begining of sentence, seraipe Thursday dra Friday Sra Saturday nocxpectnne Sunday undp January 70 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK: Geopam spr sanpéae hi won, oa daryer conrsiipe crt osSpe sexipe February March Apel May Sune July August September October November December C. SEASONS AND DIRECTIONS ens cnt aero akron been Geen od or cbnep weer ina spring inthe spring in the summer sutumn in the atari in the winer north south RUSSIAN CoMPLETE COURSEBOOK n D, Worpstupy dawn enous noxiauinars-nosasire vob nowropire-nosropire sora 2 [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK: boy em to show free torepeat slowly LESSON 12 A. GREETINGS po moming ‘pom inthe moming day during the day (afternoon) weep evening venepow inthe evening ni ight win during the night stds today me yestaday sdonpa tomorrow \65p06 00d pe morning poe #xp0. Good moeing. pe 00d én daylafternoon put aes. Good day, Good afemoon weve evening NS6pait névep. Good evening sme how sd things RUSSIAN ComPLETE COURSEROOK a Kate end? x6 njnerayere Keane mo cobs wjerayere? cenachi6o Xopous Canci6o, xopoms. sovserd Canchido, sens. ema aj Kane mento afame. Amu? ‘Téxe xopoms, enaci6o. Tipexpicn. ‘re nénoro? ct no-cripomy. How ae things? how you yourself feel iow are you feeling? thank you Well, shank you. nothing ‘Thank you, not ba. possible [one may not] beter ‘Coulda be any better And you? ‘Also well, thank you Excellent ‘Whats new? Everything's the same (all as of ol ” [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEROOK 1, LastMontH, Last Year, ETC. wveaesdurpa day after tomorrow ‘ups xoa ans in two days sip mre met in five days ‘ips mécau, ina month 1 npéusol wenéae Tast week ime wenéan toMy wai two weeks ag0 upémiaos méesue last month npémz0w roay last year oaapsepé day before yesterdy wep mévepon yesterday evening srpa frpox tomorrow moming pw su Tom manda three days ago des rove was, ‘month ago uz 4 Match the Russian terms with their English ransltions. 1. pent 2 inthe evening 2, cen, , nomh 3. wopr tomorrow 4, ceréaax 4. Thank you. 5. Kae sexi? ce, Well thankyou. 6. éwepose © Good evening 1, aes . Tuesday RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 1 8, cfeep 9. sopra TD.oxrips H.Craci6o. 12 moet 1B.aéro 14 op wep, 1S. nema sesame 17,Srpom 18, noweném 19,298 20, Cnaci, xopous ANSWERS sels ole Pot let Wednesday Monday inthe moming impossible [one may not] today Mare aay October 1. How are you? 1, 2g Sp; don; St, 6a; Ta, Bab; 9g 1 Hd Ig, 130; 146 15am, 166s FP, 18 1 20. 6 [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK, LESSON 13 \. COMMON VERB FORMS ‘eusian verbs have two conjugatons.Infintves of most verbs lwionging to the fist conjugation end with wars» or «em. lufntives of verbs belonging tothe second conjugation end with ri» or «arin. Although this is tue of a great number of ussian verbs, there are many exceptions, which willbe explained hey appea in the text Following are typical conjugations inthe present tense: First CONJUGATION [wera TOREAD a wri Tread jratvurréeun {you read low sarréer le reads ou surdew we read ls surréere lyouread om surinor they read a anno know rus deuns you know lo suéer he knows ut aden we know jas meter lyou know lout suitor hey know [RUSSIAN COMPLETE CoURSEBOOK. ” fhowouire frounpensraNo [a nommonino I understand [rst nommmisnsn — [you understand jon nownéer {he understands Jus nowrde —fwe understand Jou nonmdere _|you understand lous nonmnivor__|iney understand [safe oink frst ayoacan, ——jyouthink jou aysaer ne thinks us ajsenese we thine oss aware you think lon junto [hey think la nny ro, ror mhmews ——_jyouwrite low nfmer Ine writes sts ranene we write oss sere |you write fay ney waite L Cy changes owt, and the ending becomes uy inthe fra-person ‘Shgulr and hid peso paral ‘Verbs ending with wsiyrb» in the infinitive also belong tothe fist conjugation: 8 [RUSSIAN ComPLETE COURSEBOOK PeRFECTIVE FUTURE fem fron, To GNvE WACK a wep wi return you wil rerum Jon nepnér he will rerum ws nepnése we will tum urnepnére {you will tum lows sepusr [hey will return SECOND CoNUGATION fovorir roa, To sPeAK x rovopio fra fru rosopfane —fyoutalk lou rope Ine tas wusronopioe ——_|wetalk si ronopitre —_|youtaik loni ronopir they ak ovners? frosee ln iony see js nia ——_fyousee ow nieuer Ie sees pas ofan lwo see us whan jou sce ow was iny se [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK, 1° ip ehanges tow inthe Fist person [a seonio rca frotssouian ——_|youcall low soir Ine cats et anonoe we alt lau noire lyou ea lent sooner sey eal MrxeD CONJUGATION fxorer frowanr axon want res séeume you want on xéer Ine wants ut xoxo we want ous xoriere lyou want lous sors ney want “This verb inthe singular has fst-conjugation endings and changes the «> to wo. In the plural it has second conjugation endings, REFLEXIVE VERBS. Verbs ending in «ca» or «cm are reflenve, with «cm» usally coming after a consonant and «ck» coming afer a vowel. These Yerbe follow the general conjugation form, retaining the «> ending after consonants and wou» afer vowels 80 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK fs aannoninoce study uasamundeasea {you stucy lousnmunéeres [he studies Jsiaanmmdenen —|we study Jauisamnoderece — |youstdy lous sanmivores [hey su WW, To BE OR NoTTo BE: Burrs baw ‘The verb fo bei usually omited inthe present tense: sa. Tam at home. ‘Moi n0m Senn ya6usat My home is very comfotahe 2LWAS AND TWILL BE However, oe suse in the past and future tenses: en Guna he was Suan she was io itwas Gian they were Gua 6m, 1 was at home. ‘Moi aon Gn yaS6usi. My home was comfortable, s6fay willbe 1 6fncus you will be [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEDOOK 81 ow 6fner he will be 1, worDsTuDy a 6jnem we willbe nu Gjnere you will be vn name cok fay they will be noayutri-noayuies toreceive fay aba 36Brpa. 1 will be home tomorrow: oo for along ime [Moll wéassi om 6jer My new house willbe very une pesting cu yaS6u, comfortable wpa tomoerow 53, "To BE” AS AN AUXILIARY oer ‘famous Bure» (fo be) is aso used as an auxiliary verb in ‘otro loudly imperfetive fue: vs time fay Twill sentra rich ‘ru nouns die you will ead onéeH0 - 0 6aer ronopitrs he will tale ut 6jnen mucin wo will write a 6faere ee ‘you wll et. nh faye they will C. THEPAST TENSE “The past tense agrees withthe gender ofits subject. Is formed by .ronopit [RUSSIAX COMPLETE COURSEBOOK. 10s 3.51_(lived) » Epa. 4, Poeun __(easer) wes aration b.Gémwe xopouid 5. Kaxés___(today) nordza? a sane bavepl 6. Kax anundetex Stor __(ciy)? ara b.répoa yaa 7. may __ (home), 9. _ (What cerdus sne36? Kane bt Kae 108 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 0, _ (Whi) renépe ac? ‘Kate . Koropat © Kage (Where) ws paraere? Fie Kyat ©. Kar 12. _ (Where) noroxin wary? Tae Kyat © Kar 13, Bu ropoprie eniumcom _ (fst) ‘a. nadxo. .6iierpo 14, .__ (you) ne now. boast 1s, __(he has) ner apy a Vaers BLY mei oY ane 16, __(She has) wer mfx. Viens bY net oY nerd RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 1s 17, _(4am) xénoano ‘a Mie Bay © Baw 18, _(She is) peo. ‘Mine ben Bs 19. Bor_(good) sarusin 2. xopbinn asp .mH0x6H 20.0mi___¢wvant) enérs. vb xem ANSWERS 1g 226; 3 doa; Se; 6; Tt Hi 12: 13 14; 1S 1b 17a 18; 19 20-«. 106 [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEOOK B. INTRODUCTIONS |. PLEASED To MEET You aapeusere npencrisurses. Meus so0gr Had, Mend aoe Mapa. Gens npuiene. i xoré Gut mpencrisuers ac op. Ons i xwos » CUA. Sxeng 9 Aurann, 1a xomanmpénxe, Allow me to introduce mysel My name is Jo, My name is Mary. Pleased to meet you like to itroduce you to Igor. ‘Where are you fom? Live in the US. ive in England. 1m here ona busines trip. 2. ARE You HERE ON VACATION? NSGpest nent Paspeusiere mpeacriurses. Meus soayr [tion pays. ‘Ovens npusirao ¢nése omaésuernes. Mend sonyr Hinds Cestuon, Ovens npustrno, Bi aes w orn? (a. 5 Gyay 6 Mocieé ente ‘erape ans, Helo! Allow me ta introduce mysel ‘My name i Jane Brown, Pleased to meet you “My name is van Semyonov Pleased to mest you ‘Ave you hereon vacation? ‘Yes. be herein Moscow nother four dys. [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 107 Kesh an npwsirwo Have a pleasant time! C. Worn Stupy conpeudunt comtemporary naviao beginning nopepér portrait spéannso comectly esa everywhere pat lad (a) ‘pjamua dificult up worl, peace 108 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEROOK LESSON 19 A. CARDINAL NUMERALS ait ‘pu verte eos ates anenéauare paisa seréspuaauars wreduare sweerwéauare aeosridonars sedsuare andauars oxi ndauars aa andaware pit pica ‘rphauars onion three four five ight ten leven twelve thirteen fourteen fiReen eighteen twenty twenty-one thirty thiny-one [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK, 109 ‘isan asa ‘rpiuare tp box cépox ont pox a8 ‘pox Tp erased naraaeese oxi neragecé pat meeraacest meeraaecér ont eeraxecr a mecrazect pe ctomaeent cfssacear oni ctuesecs ma ceases rp écemencea écounecer ont écenaneeet ana bcensnecet pt tenanbero ‘newanero ont steanero an _earnbcro TpH cro oni thiny-1¥0 thiny three forty forty-one forty-t¥0 forty-three fity fifty-one finy.1w0 fifty-three siny sixty-one sintyswo sinty-three seventy Seventy-one seventy-two seventy-three eiahy eighty-one cighy-tw0 ight three ines ninety-one ninety-t¥0 niney-three one hundred ‘one hundred one no RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK, 10 ana v0 xpi 10 asdouears ro rpauar ro spiauars oxo. v0 spare aa ro spars tp snéeru wher sneéspecra creer cosmo ocemmedt penareedr viens suai sux cone hundred #0 ‘one hundred three ‘one hundred twenty ‘one hundred ity one hundred thirty-one cone hundred thity-10 cone hundred thirty-three two hundred Ahvoe hundred four hundred five hundred six hundred seven hundred ight hundred nine hundred one thousand cone milion cone bilion B. CASES WITH CARDINAL NUMERALS ‘oni fm, oa 7), 039 (on Pl), sam) ane (f),08(1) |. When the cardinal numerals used inthe nominative case: The nominative singular is used after «oss, 03H, 0380 “The nominative plural is used after aos. The genitive singular is used after as, x8, rp, erp The genitive plural is used afer wars, meeTs, CMB», 6. RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK. am 2. When the number is compound, the cas ofthe noun depends the ast digi: Sing. aadoware oni eapmnniur —_twey-one pencils Gen. Sing, suave ape xapanamié twenty-two pencils Gen. PL awkmuare ners xapananiséi twenty-five pencils CC. DECLENSION OF NUMERALS All cardinal numerals decline, agreeing. with the noun the ‘quantify, wit the following exceptions ‘4. When the noun is in the nominative case (as disc above). b. When the numeral is 2-4 in the accusative case (or compound ending in 2-4) andthe noun is inanimate, then tel noun isin its gn tv singular form. When the numeral is 5-20 in the accusative case (or plural form, Gen. Sing, A upon ana meson, read two letters Gen PL Ow Guan ran ons mes Gen anys ame. He was there one mont less two days. Dat PL Mat pwnd x mrt unc, We arrived by five oelock. Outi rowopsr 0 cewit ons. ‘They ae speaking about seven people. m2 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK ECLENION OF NUMERALS hse [nara oe) Refesiw oo fom Joo Jom James amt — ames foe pe fameny ona — amy foe Jac [Sonees anny form [Sees fom rom ron tn. famine fae oor [stam letomdt los amu| obama Rex [meme aw fore fore Jon fone ex ferurex fare Joe fam leew eerpt fom a Sonera. ee la fay re fee: ary fre_lemyx —_Jorger__Jowenpex lon vere ‘ll numbers fom 6020 follow he same delension pater 85. [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK us quiz 10 Teoers 1 2. Htauars onion 3. oendauar 4, Tharsnecte 5, Taiauar 6. Cépox rp 17, Mersipraauars 8. Yersipecra 9. Cro asa 1o.ters M.llerseér 12Tiierwa 13cTpiauae 14Oniamaauars 1S Béceunsecer ANSWERS 2 8 600 1,000 his iso ia ka Lo m.400 nid 012 1, 2k 395 4 Sh 6b; Ta Bm Sas HOG He eis & 14 jis na RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK LESSON 20 ‘A. ORDINAL NUMBERS, wépessit first rope second ‘wert third fourth sixth cerns seventh ocemsit ight east ninth pecs tenth onanuaresh cleventh nwendauares twelfth pmvdauari ‘hieenth veréspuaswarsit fourteenth eredamaria ‘Reem seeranuares sixteenth condor seventeenth ocewnémnarit eighteenth eosradauaros nineteenth adaware twentieth andra népesal twenty-first andauars rop6t ankauars pera [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK us pwns spiauars népeat "pituars aropéit ‘pliers penal copoxonsit pox népen ‘pox sop ebpoe sprit rirrateesrit neraaccr np meranecr srop6it sueraxeet peri meerareesrst mecrazectr nepal mecranectr stop5i smeeruaece pera ceumecinst cbvanecnr népat ctsanecar sropod cfssavent pera ocsnnneedrit over népastt écensecsr aropsit Bcewusecsr sper aenandersit easubcro népest thineth thinyefirst ttiny-second thiny third fortieth fony-frst forty-second font-thied fiftieth fifty fst fifty second ‘ytd sinteth sinefrst inty second sith seventoth seventyfest seventy-second seventy-thicd eighth efghty-fist, eighty-second ight nineieth ninety fst 6 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK vemndero exépoi wensero spent se song so aTop5ih orp 10 apaaudrat 0 rounds so rpauare népault vo rps wt6poH vo tps pera nyxcrett ibeeéraa® seveapéxeéral® cones omtuebrua acs snannéun saandpansat ninety-second ninety hid hundreds hundred fst hundred second hundred third hundred twentieth hundred thie hundred thity-frst hundred thity-second, ‘hundred thiety-thied two hundredth three hundredth four hundredth five hundredth six hundredth seven hundredth fight hundredth ine hundredth thousandth nillonth billion ‘Thee ar oof te very few excep here ne word a Wo See, nat on besa ey we compos words RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK ur B, CHARACTERISTICS OF ORDINAL NUMERALS. LESSON 21 ‘All ordinal numeral are like adjectives, and decline as such: suse. ves eur. noun, A. NUMBERS IN CONTEXT. epost népsas népsoe dpoue yo amaaudrt ypox. ‘Tiss the twentieth lesson. ropéft sropén rope rope Wyme ano aessruéauare, [already know nineteen In compound forms, only the ast digit changes, and only that spo. lessons digits declines: MW nyniea uéoyre wasny 2a I bought a new hat fora anaurut we ‘wenieth century acay pyle. =a ‘ro iio rplauars népaoro That was on December 3. enue naM er? Hen cil eorest era6pi Mue apdawars ser. Tam twenty years old. ‘peru pas third time Hy andaues onlin ron. He is twenty-one years old Bropés wuposés sofish The Second World War ended, Fitrphamars ana réaa. She is thiy-two years old. réiwouace o icaa in 1943 fone thousand, nine Hnény Herpéowsy Wan Petrovich shit five acaericbr edpox ndzom roay. hundred, fory-fih yer. powers ner er. years od stron Mcrae m nécemn wach I getup at eight o'clock inthe nom roxy (prepositional singular) a ‘Ou pabéraer enensri yrpa ‘wanrit mache névepa, morning ntl fiveo'lock] in C. Worp Stuy cho neve orig wn foto] pect river aioe eg exénmaco créme Guay? How much doe atcket cost? owas novel (aaxér er6ur) ero (A ticket costs) one hundred axéantsca tobe located lurraaecir pybné and fifty robles. cere tobe hanging Cxéano erdie ata How much does this shirt pacers story ySéunea? cost? a ‘tong time ago (Oa pySéanxa créer) (This shirt costs) one thousand — ald téxcwsa mnmrecér pyBxés ve hundred rubles. rocoomte. Mister ‘ro dens aéporo. “That's very expensive. 18 [RUSSIAN ComPLETE COURSEBOOK [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK no ‘ro néueno. bite nme, moxdaylira, ‘pyrai. Tloxwcire mn, noadayticra,3ry xniry. Kao? Sry' Her, ne Sry, ty apyrfio. Tloxsayiera. (Cwmsco om ers? erispecra rphauars cen, pybati. ro ne a6poro, SA wynio ot. Kora a npuécum Moceny, 3 o6sensina ander éaaapo B Sroi rocrimmue aésnre, rah. Molt apyr ane na jamue Tigenewnen, none bop ere sécensaecsr nevkipe, sxnapripa andauats 7p, Ero renepou 217-3457, Mol reneén 6-71-88. ‘Thats cheap Please give me another diferent one) Please show me this book. Which one? This one? No, not this, but that one, Please How much does it cost? our hundred rubles Tha’ not expensive. Mbuy it ‘When Taerived in Moncow, ‘exchanged two hundred sola “There are nine floors in this hotel ‘My frend lives at 184 Pushin Street, Apartment 23 [My frend lives on Pushkin set, house number one hundred cihty-four, apartment twenty three] His telephone number is 217- 3437 120 [RUSSIAN COMPLETE CouRsEBOOK 13, How OLD ARE You? “Hlow old are you?” is expressed in Russian by the phrase ro an ae of em) as How many yoo ya «of summers) Mue apdauars ar. am twenty yeas old [To me twenty year] Aer 20, use the genitive plural drs er, Lam forty-five years ol swe ; (To me forty-five years.) ‘Mer 5, use the genitive plural, ‘gy xpiauars onfinroa. He is thirty-one years old [To him thirty-one yeas) Aer 1, use the nominative singular. Pibandauare tpn réaa, Shes twenty-three years old. [To her twenty-three years] Ate 3, use the genitive singular, C, How MUCH, How MANY *Ifow muck?® and "how many?" are both expressed by one word nw Russan:eexdanx0? Ondo ro créer? How much does it ost? Cuémuico pas nave dro How many times have tld onopiuna? you that? Cxéauico yen 8 ow many students are inthe stdcce? class? [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK. 2 After «exémxa» and other adverbs of quantity «iéckom (several), eaiéro> (many), easino» (itl) — the genitive plu lays used. If however, the noun denotes an uncountable e ‘uch as «apts (Um), eons (Water) OF MaIEOD (Wine), genitive singular is used. ‘Me 6uens upésures Srov quizit igen 1, SLaynia wéayo win 93 yGné I bought ane ‘ne we upénutes ra bat for forty thousand rubles ima 2. Bh aa, She ie thity-two years ld Wt anie nore » apéom 3. Actas. ‘sachs yrpé. I get up at eight o'clock in trou. the morning, N Ho-itopre cers muro 4. ¥ wens ore _banapon, Thave two hundred dol ‘sopéuix pecropines, 5. ‘eréur Stor xocrion’? How much does this suit cos - Laan ieropa. 6 tse on How many ons on (ese ge etae? 7. Molt apyr a Sane Fiueuna. My frend lives onf 11 seernd mae née € Pushkin Steet asec, 8. How néwep xeapripa [House] Num He anon nenenh, 184, Apartent 23, 4 Kage Gea mono ropiao 9, B srott rere raat There are nine ors pend, this hotel So abso oxen. 10.0 paSsracr © yp x0 sepa, He axe mcfeuoe nnpéxnoe! ‘om nine in the morning ntl five [olocK] inthe evening. eens wochaylicra,claap, cab, ANSWERS ‘Nowy, Ho, whany, x8. 1. eépor rites; 2. spimane ma; 3. nécenn; 4. a ae mom caxderxa? 5, Cxdabxo; 6. Cxdmbxo; 7 BEF 8. cro adcenssecxr seri ‘eave rp; 9. aero; 10. neuer mx 7 m2 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK Russian Com! A, TLIKE, [DON'T LIKE LESSON 22 ike this ty very much. 1 dont ke this street ove to tive in the sounry during the summer. ‘There are many good restaurants in New York 1 don ike this restaurant ‘What deiciow offee! always drink coffe with milk 1 don ike nik Coffe without milk tastes much beter (is much tastier) Isa question of taste. ‘What delicious pasty. lease pass [me] the supa, sl, spoon, kaif, fork, and] bread. ‘Where is my napkin? ps B, TELLING TIME Telling time in Russian is rather complicated, but the si orm ana merudsuarioy (218), ener ebpox herb» (55) alvays be used. Russians say 2:05—nare munjs rpérnero five minutes of the third (Genitive of sera) hour 2:58 —6es nari rpu without five: three 3:30_nasnndon weratprare alot the fourth (genitive of weratprat) 7:40—Geranaaunrhi nbcem —_ without wenry: eight 7:00 AM.—cemn wacén yrpi___seven oclock inthe rmoming 7:00 P.M.—cems wacés névepa seven oclock inthe evening Crhmaxo cede mpéweun? What ime sito? (Koréput wae?) [Which is now the hour) Bo exdinsxo (8 xor6pow wae) When [at what hou] does corxéaue abean? the train leave? Celie mendauars sacbs ais, Its now twelve noon, one ae ana. clock inthe afternoon. éears sage néroro. Ten minuts afer four ten minutes of the 6th (our), Bes wernepru meers, A quarter without ‘quarter of six. Aber sacbo yrpt. ‘Ten o'clock inthe moming 124 [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK Seven oclock in the evening Noon. Midnight Half past welve Half past one ‘A quarter after two [a quarer ofthe thir) ‘The pecformance starts ata aquarer of eight ‘This book was writen in 1985 fone thousand, ne hundred, eighty year) cus seb nese, Moxonfina népporo. onostiee srop6ro. ornepte spérsero. NOTE ‘tree (withou) the entve is used Mon aacés orerafor. My watchis slow. My watch is fast ‘My watch isn't running, (has stopped] ‘Mow saedseneusér. Mon acts eros. NOTE saci (wath or elock is always used in the plural and takes plural vers C. COMPARATIVE OF ADJECTIVES To form the comparative ofan adjective, drop the gender ending tnd add -ee forall gender endings and the plural. The adjective ‘oes not decline inthe comparative: [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 12s Irregular comparative forms: xopouit 00d aysme ener Gomms bie. one bigger dae small eee smaller smpoxt wide sie wider yout arrow ime narrower oxbi bad syee worse, cosa tall wine taller iw quiet we quieter oporsit deavexpensive ‘ope earer/more expensive ‘poctoi simple péme simpler réacrstt fat réame fater 126 [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK Mocxnd Gane ext Moscow is large than Kharkov. Xipaxos. Wiara année Jyeaps. ‘The Volga is longer han the Dnieper. e-ffép cdots [New York is the largest ity in iomuiéit répoxe CWA. — the US. ‘meee (Gems) x6aoawo, Its (very) cold here. ‘eréanm xonoanée, next Tes colder today than yesterday. wens. WuepA Géxro Sven rend, It was very warm yesterday. wba wore renaée, ew Inthe winter warmer in the sw efoepe. south than in the nor. eeropény rae mis exn The restaurant where we ate rmvepde poobind xfamme, yesterday is better in general Moiiaesere ry. Lets go there 1D, SUPERLATIVE OF ADJECTIVES The superative of adjectives is formed in different ways. The simplest method, however, is to add canuil, casas, aoe, oF anti (he most ta the adjective. For instance: ‘toa Goma the biggest, ‘las xpacioas the pretest ft Ye the most clever ‘hit declines with the adjective: chow Goxsusém nome inthe very largest house (On npuiea echo He came withthe prediest xpachnoli sxtuuunnol = woman. [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEOOK ua Aue LESSON 23 1. Ceréana xosoanée, eM a, The restaurant where we ae suepd. yesterday is better, A. NEGATIVES 2, Reon exten ee trom ‘¢ What time is it now? A ueeré ne: Tdon't know anything, 2 Heamonsenat ge ¢ Wirt ootpoeacn atv eco wa ig Gonsmidit 8 mitpe? . ‘to eight. “ ae i renee Sear tre cae ae 8 Onbnesrat pee tra Weed ese, donned anti 7. Tlepeasiite wie, hh Its colder today than ‘ud umnynd we xéver mari. She doesit want to go may eat a 8 Kédpe Ges monoxd ropésao i. Which city isthe largest in ‘Oui umcoraé we ronopstr, They never say where they are carycute. world? 7 seyatd on maryr, ‘going. 10. Korné (po cxémexo) sit ‘k, She always drinks coffee wit ony. anything, Sates os Imereti nok Soca pe 11 ere mye. es aaa ae iatememtscen hein Weurssarotaen Yeas din ny Btoowtenee ay tater fll atte ioe 14, Komuepr wasngerca O83 9. Wien (at what time) will y emt muraé we Gua. Thaven't been anywhere yet. come nen vs remain dues ym in berprvtani 1h 2; 3m; dt Sas 6K; Tb; BIW: 10: Hk 2g 13g ees Sm, ‘second (double) neptve must be used withthe following words ns [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK RUSSIAN ComPLers: CouRsen00K. 19 rowers nothing vous nobody mya nowhere ALwver He a0. 1 dont know anything. Hiner ne rosopi. No one is speaking Mit voorad néSuumi 2” We've never been to Moscow. Mockaé, ‘A negative adverb or pronoun must also use a negative with the] verb it’ modifies. Negative words with we, on the other (weserd, wexoro, vexoraa, werse, wesysa), are not used with a negated vet Mae wérae ars, Mae wéxoraa wrérs. Mae wéxyaa wari, ‘There's nowhere for me to lve. Thave no time to read, have nowhere to go, B, PREDICATIVE FORM OF ADJECTIVES Qualitative adjectives have two forms: the regular, which is called Tong, and a short frm, socalled because it's ending is shortened ‘The masculine ends in'a hard consonant, the feminine in, ne in-o ore, and plural in «-iD» or «i. Love Shon Mase Fa rd raps ‘This short frm is used only asa predicate: ‘ra erdpan kuiraaeacer This old book sling onthe tan crane. table Tam craps exp ripe 130 RUSSIAN CoMPLETE COURSEROOK He is od (predicate) ‘On exép. C._Askie DintcTions A wnoerpinen. Tima foreigner. ‘Swwser6 we advo 8 3rom I dost know anything abou [in] répoae. this Cenrciee, nomdayiiera, xe Please tellme where the post aver nora, offic Asa xsaprina npfivo, ‘Two blocks straight ahead, then ‘noréu oan napa ‘one block tothe right anpavo. Bomubit zou ua yray,ro The big building on the nos ‘comer—thas the post office. ‘A-sro iro3a.g0M anéoo? And whats this building onthe et? ‘Sro Gudanoréxa, ‘That's the brary Bu nesuhere, rae Do you know where the Bolshoi axéawres Boabméi Theatre is? ebrp? a, suo. Yes, Tknow. Kaw ry2d mpotsars? How do you get there? Base wfacno cecrs wa ‘You have to take a wolleybus ‘rpoaaéi6yeu npotsars rpu and go three stops ocrandan, Colter ua Teaxphmwolt Get offat Theatre Square, and ‘naéuan, TaN Bt there youl see the Bolsho -yaianre Bomsuv6i reérp. Theatr. RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEROOK: 131 A rae oeranoaxn sponacifyea? 1a 0 cropon Sma Bat mdxere nepeiti wa Ty cerépony roa wa Serewutb ener. Kx wicro xéxer mpoaadibycu? feanse nave snp Bee rpoanéi6yen na Sto ocranbaxe war Bomuanbay tekrpy? Her. Téauxo rpoaaéi6ye ésep agers. Hémep os, war wa Bows, a womep cewndsuars soponépr. ‘Borne aire, sro ceréanst abr a Bossuién reérpe? Ka xe! Kono aude! Har walebeainoe é3epon. ‘ro nut rovopive! A aanus on nocuorpére $ror Gane. Boshunée enaci6o. Ovens am Gaaroaipen, Tloxuyiters And where isthe trolleybus sop? (On that side ofthe street. You ‘can cose tothe other side only ‘when the ight green. How often do the trolleybuses un? ery five minster oll olleybuses at that stop go tothe Bolshoi Theatre? No. Only trolleybus Number 10, Number 9 goes othe tain. station, and Number!7 goes to the airport. And do [would] you know what is playing today atthe Bolshoi Theatre? What a question! Ofcourse 1 do! Swan Lake is playing. ‘You don' say! I've wanted to se tat ballet fora long time. ‘Thanks 2 ot. 1m very grateful to you, ‘Youte welcome 132 RUSSIAN ComPLETE CouRSEROOK uz 13 1 2 3 4 ‘On saerd ne ander. (Oat sverd He x6ser. Ms maord we a6 Se nonyia HH ono" es ‘tro ro a ira? On aaan x6ser nocwonpers ror Gane A mnoerpéxen, Hover ‘ue suit »Srom repone. (Ont ext trad we Gan, Crane, noxinytors, Os nord ne ronopst,nyad oni ay. SLe oxo, rae owt ‘cian mpd. ro cerdga unt 8 reirpe? Sine aio. orn6 verde ao Bomsmée cnaci6. Baw ufeno npodears ‘pi oranda, ANSWERS Im; 2h 3g 4g; SH 6, 7 865 9 100; Ta 12 § 13 1 1S a. don't know where they were yesterday dont know. never know anything. «She hasnt been anywhere yet 4. Tam foreigner. know nothing about [in this town. Thanks alt, Tellme, plese, where the ost oie i «havent received one iter, fh She doesot want anything, |. Whats playing athe hese today? Jj He has wanted ose tis ballet fora Tong time k, We don' love anyone 1, What sort of book is this? 1m. He doesn know anything, 1. You have to go three stops. (0. They never say where they ae going, RUSSIAN ComPLETE CouRSEROOK 13 LESSON 24 A. SAMPLE SENTENCES: SMALL TALK Bueph 6cixo mocnpectnne, Yesterday was Sunday Buepé nmcré we paSéraa, Yesterday noone was working. Mur cuaéau aéwa nece _ Weestayed home all day. Meron na xhve Gino ven It was very hot inthe country ixdpne. during the summer 56a. waa 1 as atthe lecture _Mescrop rosopiin 06 “The lecturer was talking about ‘Auépme. Americ, (On exc, ero 9 YOnatoli He said that in South America ‘Anépunce ronopér no- they speak Spanish and endicen 00- Portuguese nopryrimsex. A yale aucatitexil stax, studied English when L was ornd 2 uu eu sill a small Boy. benno season Toner manncia powin ——Tolsoi wrote the novel War and Boil wun, Peace His wife was always helping im, (Ou mor paSérars no néssin He could work for days ata She could write many hours @ ay, 16 [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK osopat, wr0 Oud nepeniicatnana Srox pom este pa syeran, A yerato,woraa (9) muro ronep (Om yeranéa 6uems 6éserpe. us onosaia (nd seerné onfsuunaer. ‘Oni mam rows, ocak neoxsiaanno noma abxab. éxae wa eset xem, (eect sen), new nenésve, ‘eet méca Cexperépu npumad ua paGéry u uavand nesérars. (On wrpéa. On enjmana, (On ebro wep. (Oné aeronopiza ‘Bwae aus nee noua o6éaars. 1 nooGéanan w nepufaaen sa paéry. (On Guan accu néexoanice nel roy nasda, ‘They say that she copied this novel ten times. I wasted, oecome tired when I talk alot. He used to become tired very auicky ‘She was late, ‘She is always late “They were walking home when it staned to rain unexpectedly Terained (ain fel] all day al) week, all month ‘The secretary arrived at work and began to type. He played, She listened. He finished playing, ‘She began to speak At one oelock everyone went to have lunch Thad lunch (lunched) and returmed to work. He was here several days ago. RUSSIAN ComPLETE COURSEROOK. 135 ‘A npuéxaaa 2 Mocxey ane sneaks Tomy asia. ‘cut we noaysiaa anor mee éera npuxdsuer pio Srpow. (nd agnaaa, sro ane nce Sonor meanradicrs (Oud xynia net, 10 oh ‘iia mya. On ajuna muro nensacustx Remi. Ons moGsinn ero worad-re. How sna of, wo 510 ‘eine mu6ro.ner Tomy asda. came to Moscow two weeks 90. 1 ill havent received a single eter. “The mail comes early inthe smoming. She thought that everyone spoke English hee ‘Se bought everything al] hat she needed, “He bought alot of unnecessary things. ‘She loved him at one time, ‘And he loved her too, but that ‘was many years ago. B, VERRS: PFRFECTIVE AND IMPERFECTIVE ASPECTS| Ruslan verbs can be perfective or impertetve. Impectets verbs express continuous or repeated action. They have tenses: pst, present-and furure. Perfective verbs indicate completion of action, begining action, or both, and have only two tenses past and future. 136 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEOOK: snarenepenive COMPLETION, TREGINNING PeRFECTIVE Some perfective vers are formed by adding prefxes—such as sc, Ha, 8 tO» —1oimperfectve verbs. When a prefix i added to's verb, very often the meaning of the verb is changed atthe IMenrncTive ——PERFECTIVE cine to write wanes. to write down, to finish writing nepesucérs t0copy When the meaning of the verb changes, the new verb (oepenmeits, t0 copy) that has been formed must have its own limperectiye, To form the impertective of such new verbs, the sulix «ui, or ais added: IMPERFECTIVE PERFECTIVE IMPERFECTIVE chr (owrte) nepemicito copy) ———_mepenicuars ‘weirs (ovens) npourrine posinsary (Go nish reading oto ead though) upeurrine (oad ove) nepesinsnars aware Colon) yaar are Uo find out eto recognize) ‘The past tense ofthe perfective is formed inthe same manner as the past tense ofthe imperfectve [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK, rr) C.. THE FUTURE TENSE “The future tense has two forms: imperfetve future and peefet future. As has already been pointed ou, the imperfetive future formed by using the auxiliary verb eGurran with the infinitive the imperfetive verb. a6iay wil a 6jaeu you will fom Ozer roaopire, rise he will speak, read, ‘at Gjaea mownwérs, ete, we will understand, ete. ur Gere you wil oni 6jayt they will “The perfective future is formed without using the auxiliary v our, PRESENT PERPECTVE TURE feng wre lemanmay willie Ircronopiaae fyouspeak frsexbeems [you will ay lonnaer fre goes ow pat ——_fhewilloome Jescsriew —feread uur mpourrien |e willed Jawcuorpire |yowtook _|aunoevorpire you wil ook lnc [bey golside) font putaye [they will come NOTE “The perfective verb is conjugated inte fate in these way that inperfetiv i conugsed inthe preset, 138 [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK quiz 14 1. Sexrop rosopi 06, a He was in town, Awepune. ‘Anepme, had breakfast and retumed 2, Bp anne sack news. to work. 1, Ond mamaciaa wiepd apa. She always says that meus 4. Atone clock everyone went 4. Onexanés, sro ou miverd to lunch we suet, She was home. 5, Ow peerad Seo rowoph. —f She is always late 6, Ons onoranaceréamn. Yesterday I wrote all day. 1. Homa én weal enh. She was late today. 8. Oud neeradonéacnact. , He was in America many 9, Biuae wx pce noun years ag. btm, 4. He sai that he knows 10. On ya nro nothing. ean new We were a work 1. 3 nostorpaxaa |. The lecturer was talking about sepa ua pas. ‘America, 12 On and ada 1m. She wrote two letters 13, On Gir» repoxe yesterday. 14, Ma Gam wa pa6ire, twas raining all day. 15, Ou Gtx Auépuce sniro 0: He Bought alot of ner Tomy Hand unnecessary things. ANSWERS 1h, 2—p: 3m; 4 Se: 6 Fn; SF 94s 1005 1b; 12a, Ba MG 1S [RUSSIAN ComPLETE COURSEBOOK 19 LESSON 25 A. MEETING A FRIEND IN Moscow Saphncroyite, Hincondit Hiadnonse! apdncrnyitre, Hae Tlerpéatea, eax nnasd a nae ne sien! But nanud » Mocié? Her, st npuéxaa next rosy a3, Te ws envire? A xuns y 6p Y¥ meré Gontutés xeapripa. Bau Gpar xopous rosopi nno-anrendens, mpansa Ja Ow ronopir, aianer ‘anrderno-anraiexs, Ero mend avepunsimc, 28? Ja, nor nowesy om tak opo6 ander aura Cyciee, a aK eo en ronopir no-pfcoxn? Hello, Nikolai Ivanovich ev, Nadezhda Perovna, havent seen you in long ime, Have you been in Moscow lone? No arrived week ago. Where are you staying (livin? {1m staying living] with my ‘brother. He has a large apartment ‘Your brother speaks Enelish wel doesnt he? sat iirc?) ‘Yes. He speaks, writes, and reads English His wife ean America, int she? ‘Yes, shat why he knows Engiish 20 wel, ‘Tell me, how well does his wite speak Russian? He bene xopon (Ona nomnéer nowt nee, tno ronopiir naéxo. ‘But tanné andere ero wen? oméano, ana e& Dntaute moeed Opéra. nop, sro Oné 6vems aan ae ‘a, Ouk fuas, xpackinas tens sans, ¥ a core adr? acer. ‘Ava omit ronopsir no eens fun no-anracnn? Jléru ronopsr u no-pfecmn wno-aneaiions ‘ax: xopoune! 9 9NA0, sero nee aérn aos 38 ori 644 na sou Hy, xonéano, nce tomers smart ea su Bor mus pci w Gen xopoutd rosopitre n= aration. Acus-asepncinen w tent opouié rovopire no pec, Not very wel, ‘She understand almost everything, but speaks poorly Have you known his wife fora Tong time? Cf course knew he before my brother di “They say that she's very pleasant woman ‘Yes, she's intelligent, prety, and very pleasant Dothey have children? Yes, they do. ‘What do they speak— Russian or English? “The children speak both Russian and English ‘hut that good! I think tha all chilren should know at east two langoages. Well, ofcourse everybody should know two languages. ‘Well, youre Russian, and you pea: English very wel [And you're an American and speak Russian very Well ee ee 14) Her, euié ne xen xopoms, No, not very well et, but to. ack npésen aanmsvocs studying al the time and will Gry xopouss ronopiirs. speak Russian well no-picenn. (C we sutsanuméerece? With whom are you studying? Phase y mend Gun buen Thada very good teacher xopéunilyoirrens, wo on before, but he went away ‘yéraa, novos so ero mark because his mother became ill daSonéna. Hrenepe a ‘And now I'm studying by ammo canes yell Ho nui auéere, ro Suen» But you know, that’s very pjane. dificult Koutwno, xpfamo Ofcourse it's dtfcultto study sanusiruca cambi, won by oneself, but Ive already gone yxenocriroro nméro rough quite alot, and the more ‘pound. a ew Géabue mst you know, the easier itis to atedere, vem aérve Conte, nponozacirs. B, THEPERSONAL PRONOUNS: CAM, CEB ‘The personal pronoun wcaw, caus, cab, cin (by oneself is declined like ster personal pronoun (oe able, Leeson 11). 1 ean modify the subject of the sentence, emphasizing that the ction is performed independently, of a complement, with the ‘meaning that ti specific complement and not any other. ‘The reflexive pronoun «ce6ip (oneself) has no gender and n0 nominative form. It refers back to the subject. ‘A aamnahroes om amy by myself Scania em canons. ‘tld bm [himself]. 142 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK Cané co66K pasyuéeren, It goes without saying. [It reasons itself] Ou parronéprnaer came He talks to himself (himself 06, ‘with mse). (On nurs case oce66 He never says anything about ers ne rosopie. himsel. (Owh mand © 066i Moro She took my book with her. seniy. ‘Ows cams emiiaa ce6é She made a dress for herself raarie. “The verb «aa» (to live), although i ends in «ire», belongs to he first conjunction and is conjugated as follows: sain ive rat xt youve ow nner he lives a weve care you lve oni xg they lve C. Worpstupy expberi-nocrpéite to bul somedrensxo| atentively owuirs-kowanrs to finish deren ‘monument agro scholarly obeyxaim-o6eyai todiseuss utes month cera always sock so ong [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 1s oe LESSON 26 ne hee beter ‘A. SHOPPING: IN A STORE sure 6 Themere you know, the Tae aaecexopéameh Where istheren good sore 2, Fae au mere? easier tio to comin. sari? ret 3. Cyanine xavero end havent een youn long Yrussaldotaaieseayls Tonopir no pjecur? ‘ine. reed? 4, Yan cor En ¢. We wil peak Russian wel S umiceemn hence avo yrs ee a 6 muy went an Svcm ing? ones. opal ye, «Shes Rosen an peaks 1. Haceapésasmunatice Engh very wel There's a storie tha on He went away because his Neveky Prospect. aethes became il (8 warasine) (nthe store) i. Where do you ive? Mas 6jew xopows ronopiir no-pfccc 9 Oni putea Moc 2 Scent ee ee enka Yoncecrcommpit —_Doyouluve dons 10.m umpteen {Tellme how el does is Keone. Kaki snondpe Of cou, What Kind ot Iitoutowe tery wie peak Ras? aac Sleionary do you need? ‘Tem nérae MponOmRATS | Thad a very good teacher ‘A amepundnen, wxax pet I'm an American, and, as you 12.On yéxan, notosg sroeré before. ‘eaéammrre, we coseést (can) hear, I don’t speak an oun i They avd in Motsow a Tepe rovopone,—— Nasan coe 13.Bee oman na nord MEER econ —— ‘n. Everyone should know at Onversiuano, won nyminba Obvivusly you need Russia 14.C xeM ei sammaderecs? least two languages pyceKo-auraniiicxsit English and English-Russian 1S.itziné nace nines, Ty by mye iene pfceatcroeapk, const ae bth Bor 66a exonapd w oanén dictionaries in oe volume, and ‘réne,a nor nobéaine, = this one bit larger, in two ANSWERS ‘anys von. volumes 1g 2 3 4b; $j; 6 Ts 88 9m 10 hevtat? ° eo hie me die (Crane nh erba How much do they cot uae RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK. RUSSIAN CoMPLETE COURSEBOOK as Onworésausti narcé écemanecsr pySael,a ayrrésonal ricer cro ‘eerie ‘Kav out ajsnere, ai ve agate? 5 we ano, ‘dro xéno ajea Ben nt anbro suréere repondurre, naaenere Gomsusi. Her, se nfaen caonsps éxuxo 18 pasrosspa. Hy, roran possaiive dent Ero ya66u0 ocr co66i. (Creaniere, noxiayiicra, ay Bae eers pana Bor wépxsie xapansamni, sor epdentiew cane. ‘Gam regpase, a aT ehrione Tlxaxciere xe, noxayiters, aBropfuK. Bor iro éueus xopbusas pfs. Mit rapauripyest, ‘tro oh He 6fner Tess. Hy, nor w xopows. $0, mocha eB. ‘The one-olume [dictionary] five hundred eighty rubles, and the two-volume, one thousand ‘one hundred sixty What do you thnk— which of them is better? I don't know. lesa question of taste you read alot and wansate, ‘ake the bis one, No, Tneed a dictionary only for conversation ‘Well, then, tke he litle one. Ts convenient to cary with you. ‘Tell me, please, do you have pencils? Here are back pencils; here are red and blue ones. ‘These are har, and these are sof Please show me (ome) fountain pens. Here's avery good pen. We tuarantee that ft won't leak. ‘That's good. I hink dats all 46 [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK ‘TAiire une asenéauars Give mea dozen pencils, one ‘apanaaél, ox pixy pen, and that box of writing or Sry xopéGxy nieve paper there Gyira. Acronips aut ne Aren't you going to take the ronanere? inary? ‘Ax ant Konésn ‘Oh yes! Of couse! ‘ative wwe ndaensxnii, Give methe litle one volume fonorésaia. (Gietionary), Cao e men? How much do owe you? Caondpe narscér ‘The dictionary is fve hundred rbcensacenr py6aéh, eighty rubles; the pencil, thy sapanami rplawart rubles; the pea, one hundred and py6ath, pjon cro aéemrt ten rbles; andthe pape PYGnEh w Gyncra seventy rubles—in all, seven ‘ekaaseca py6aéii—aceré hundred and ninety rubles cemsedr aeoambero ytd, Moxxyiera. Here you are. Canei6o, Beeré xopémere. Thank you All the best. Jo coundsns, Goode. exoatre ews. Come again! RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 17 B. PERFECTIVE VERBS WITH DIFFERENT ROOTS IM@PERFECTIVE —FERFECTIVE narenrecrive ronopire(o speak) oxsio (el) saroeopie(to begin talking) sarouipusars peccemirs(otellastoy) _pacxsomars sans vans “io ode something to be mateo dove) pusioare pwaiosars (foorde, 0 command) Prefixes can be added to wrouopus», but each combinati forms anew verb; e: to begin aking totalk someone ou of something saroaopiine or-rosopins “The perfective ofthe verb Gparb 10 ake) is ser. They are ‘conjugated as flows: Pasar TE FeV FOTORE ney take neon | Fike sruseptws | youtste — | ruvountun | you will tke omsepér | netakes | onsonner | hewitt roxsepin | wetake | arsosinew | we will tke fu Gepere | voutake | asraomvtre | you wiltake coi epje | they take | omens | they wi ake as RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK, UZ 16 1, Bor d6cmnph amin Tse penis wear an 2, Kava ajuaers,saiac Laced dictionary only for yu? ‘convertion }. Tons sve, omayReT, «tpl, one hundred seventy-six sop thovsand bles, 4. Tie we sensu | Soposnn 4. Leame especial fo tat. 5. Karauleatuure,sHe —— e H'youreadand want lot jcc need a bookstore, 6, Me nce enongps romano TESA Boks on parovopa Here are bh cctionaries in 1. Renenansno Sane one volume pases bh Givemeswelve pencils 1 Cagano ont ero? Camo nt cron i: Phase show me ome) foun aces ppt pens 1o.Orceiano, nw men: Whit you think—which of one xpd enone, themistter? 11. nu nro rere rnepesoue, sonst i How mach do they cose? All the best. Come again Consus 12.Srueapanaamirdpase, a What kindof sina do Juudneve. youneed? 13. fen en 1. Asyu a) her I dont pe, nara ‘Rasan wel 14. Kart eonp ava? aly ou ed od ig 'SBeesepeare mosey EMA on ANSWERS ag: 2h Fh Kh Sa 60; Td Bk; Se, IO; Ie: 1 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 149 LESSON 27 mart = A. vases oF Monon atin as oe ‘Verbs of motion have many variations of meaning. A differ hot [Pasi Tse ‘verb is used to express movement by a conveyance than is used bray eer eee ach of these verbs has two forms: ie, one describes a sin ue Ions aa et rl ie face fee sone tin: Be ey,» me fe as io oe ee, emo eg : qe eet oh ees tate ae —= Team ee mean we fe rwasonon a ooo ee rs [RNPERTE™ [REPEATED [ox peenucer [x xo) [Regular cates =] se eee ame fom a ce fee [ sae aun fo ES i sar fen | frome | foc com mene] frome) fee sone see yo sc a Se eee [ects fey on fot ra a Regal Ee basse [S wt proce] fests | fe rs = 130 [RUsstaN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK. 131 12 Sane ooo BY VENCLE (REPEATED ACTION) pmrseerrense [past Tense pe Regier fs essa on amr au carne lens nee TOCARRY ON FOOT (sInGLe ACTION IN ONE DIRECTION) owsenr tense [east nese ney on te (RepexTE ACTION) fresemTense [Past Tense snows Reguer ra ncn a scar at nein as wdc oni esr RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK enh “TO CARRY BY VERICLE (SINGLE ACTION INONE DIRECTION resem Tense [Pas Tease [nsesy lo seer ow oes nu eee ow ead TOCARRY BY VEHICLE [PREseTense [rast mm In noxy Regular fs sda ow soon nt snare RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 13, quiz7 In this quiz, or exercise, try t fil inthe blanks with the form of “going” verbs, on foot of by vehicle, none direction ‘enoting repeated action, Think carefully before choosing y LM cerganin Today we came to New York vs gcirow HieHlépr. from Chicago. 2a Tyo the brary every day. Gordy ex 3. Cerdans om ne ‘Today he isnot going othe GuSaorery. ibrar. 4.004 sna aisy They goto the country every casi ron yew 5. Bron rox) out This yar they are going to the pio seashore 6.Hininen o&cerdmis, ——_Tsawher today when she ora ond was going 10 school sua. 7.0n8 .6065H She was caying two books ve wn svi her 8, Haima umd dvews Our Schools very fr, and we ‘anexd nwt omit ‘ave to must} goby bus 1a ance. ANSWERS 1 nmpexaan; 2 one 3. war; 4 aa; $y; 6. a; 7. weead: 8. 007, 154 [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK B. INAHOTEL apincrnyiire. Mis rosie ‘ero npuéxaaut ws Hiso- Hopes. YY nae cers cnoSéamise ‘ror wbsep eafawom ‘re Ha aentrom araxeé core née, ox KoTOpOrO soreégar ua Jamu. Mono nocworpérs? a, wowayiiera, ‘Sror womep see Gens updates. Hoxayicra, npunecire soit Gar (wos én) ‘von. Consciee, naacyiiera, Hello, We've juetarived fom ‘New York Do youhave any vacant fee) reams? Yes, we do (have), ‘What Noor are these rooms on? Onithe fifth, ‘This room sto dark, (On the ninth for there isa room where the windows tbe ‘windows of which fce the May Ise it {sit possible to ook) ‘Yes, please. like this rom very much, Pease bring my beggage my things] here Tell me lease. is there a ‘ere a aaée barbershop ete? Iapuxsidzepecas? [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 188 (Ons ornpéera ¢xenarie ‘iacbn yp 20 nar aco, ésep Awa ean ce ‘oprusii? Mne wixo noraéaure ocr. Mloprw6i wa nsiose sramé. Kom séacno onary Senbe? Tyr y mews néeKosico PyGimer u wicenee Gene, ‘But Mémere onadre ade Geand aéayunee, xordpas yOupéer nimy kénnary, Korat oué 6jaer rorée? Beawé o6trao roréno ‘uépen ana an, ro Mend snonns vyerpaunser. A sn aaxaaére sistpa x co68 8 émep: Konémo. Ha xéactom araKt ecry caot beanie. 156 RUSSIAN ComPLeTs Counses00x IMPERFECTIVE AND PERFECTIVE FORMS OF ‘The barbershop ison the secon To Give" 1s open fran nin in the ‘moming to five o'clock in the afternoon, ‘BeEAFEVE (SE) recive oun) aan ‘And whet floor isthe tailor on? a m0 Twillave taaaten | yeugre | suas — | source have to have a suit pressed onmér | heeives | onaser | tewin gre mauaate | vege | a zaain | we will gve The tailor ison the ft or. sunatre | yeugie aor ow ‘To whom should [may] I give my laundy? — orsanére epee ‘ema "ave (here) several shins and some underwear, 4 ‘You may tum in your laundry to the wil who cleans your room, toassion ‘ode (ars) ‘When will itbe ready? Laundry is usually ready in two ays, ‘That suits me completly May 1 onder breakfast in Ofcourse Fach oor has its RUSSIAN Comtere Counsenook A, INMY APARTMENT BB xdumnare crotr ern m ana erjaa, Ha om crené suci ra répona, Ha apyréil ane xaprioni, Jl6wa y went » f aapripe mee wowtuart: cna Tocris, Foctiuas Oven Gominis, B rocriviod spi ond nce wuxéaee Ha Yamuy. B cndaee rénsxo O4N6 OMG, H He Ha Yammy. HodroMy w end ‘eus vxo. B cnéssse croiteGonsusén xposérb, wow6x wunkad an ona ‘There are a table and two chars inthe room. A map ofthe city ‘hangs on one wall, and two pictures on the ther. Ihave a ‘bedroom spariment {at home I have two rooms in my apartment) 1 bedroom, and a livingroom, The living room is very big. Inthe livingroom there are three windows, all of which fae the street ‘There is only one window in the bedroom, and that doesnot face the street. Therefore, the bedroom is very quiet. In the bedroom there isa larg bed, «dresser, anda wardrobe. Kj wisensxas, wo Sveum yadGuas, B well not ecrs: looses nnd, # xozoaiaun, a MH6rO M630% 1 ‘oyu. Ha oxi w kx xpacise pésonue sana. “The kitchen is small, but very comfortable. Its fully equipped; swith there is all (te equipment) «gas stove, areftigerator, and | Tot of shelves and drawers for dises. There are prety pink curtains inthe kitchen window. 158 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK quiz 18 1, VanaceerscooGéamwe a. The barbershop ison the noweps? second lor. 2, Buméaere ovairs site 4, Tell me, please, where the Genus ceria w ond tatectopi {jaer rors0o adorpS 3. Sro wens anomné yerpénsae. 4, Grog Soi xara suxdaer na Yam. 5. Crane, noxinylera, ‘ae napiudxepceas? 6, Tlapieudxepexan a «. Thave to ave a suit pressed 4. We've just arrived from New Yor The office i open from nine inthe moming to five inthe afternoon £ The tli onthe ith Noor. teeask £. The windows ofthis room 7. Miz xémxo so mpnéxae © ens 1a Tino-opxa io 8, Mne nao noraisurs Do you have any vacant ocr {fee} rooms? i. This sit me completely. 4 You may tum in your laundry today, and it willbe ready 9, ‘Hoprasi na nitro sae 10, Kowrpa ovxpsia c ‘reer acon yp 20 nari actin nde. ANSWERS L253 4g $s 6a I 8 9 LO [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEDOOK 159 LESSON 28 ‘A. INA RESTAURANT Marcia Bor, mecs 6xoao oxd xopéunni eréam. Teme: ‘Oren xopoms. 5 6ven Bapinna xipens Gudurréxe warypdaunat fann Guopurréxe gSanemua. Basramen € ficou, Cyn a9 cnet soul. Kaprépennnoe ope, Tromp. Snere, strom noseag? 5 oss ropéurel pis. 1 sens soo pasty, onopir sro ates eB ‘eameanénno Forder. Ha cakaxoe noxeaey KonnéT a eyxoppfron, Marci: ‘An cuen wncitse woraérat rence ia eadanoe. Maxim: Look, here's a good table near the window. Peter: Very good. like to look out the window, Maxim: Lets see what they have for dinner today. Lamb chops, regular steak or chopped Sirloin, “Blinchii” with mea, Fresh vegetable soup. Mashed potatoes Poser: ‘You know what Pl have? 1 ‘want some good fish, Tove fish and they say hat hey prepare it vey well here. For dessert I'l have a “compote” of (ried frit. Masi ‘And I'l have meat cults, and seal for decor. 160 [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK Tang: Peter: Ofuunéur! Hoséayticra Waite! Please bring us a bottle punecire nas of wine, Gyrksnowny aid. Kaxtro- the Cancanus. nba xopéusero apeéaexoro, Mase Maxim: ‘Ax, xaxée sameuéresunoe Ah! What excellent wine, Well, sis. Hy, 20 ade to your health, my dear fiend! opéase, moll 2oporéi aye! Temp. Peter: Ha hue réxe! Tenéps And to yours also! Now we vnjamosaxyeirs. Bor must eat abit. Here's apiece of seyeévex cenfnun. Eumure, herring, Please have some. Ob, ‘noxciaiters. Ax, kak how deicious! xno! Maso Maxim: Hy, eté no Goxciay. 3a samp, Let's each have another glass. wan cwherae neex moni” To;peace, and the happiness no nets spe. ofall people inthe whole ‘world, Temp: Peer: Hy, sunere, 5a taxol rocr Well, you know it impossible exuad we aGuniTo, ‘ott drink to sucha toast Mave: Maxim: Hy, eat onin Gora? Wel another glass? Temp: Peter: “Her, enaci6o,n 6énsme ne No, thank you | dont want any we%p. ‘mate [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 161 Maxi Maxim: Hy, eué no Gocay. Just one more! Tromp: Peer: Hier, wcmtsia yds wr No, Lalieady said hat T don't ‘want any more and wont dink any more. Let’ eat. (Géanute ne x04}, Séauune mies He Gay. Alavsite ect, Moxcus Maxim: Hy, mter6 mason ne Well, iT can't do anything nonéaaeun. asiire Toihng ean be done] with you cer Aw mEinin Gut ems. Lets eat Bull would have fad another {drank another] Temp: Peter: Bu néire,a Génie we You drink, but I dont want any ros. more. Maou Mai: ‘Orpunntrs! Cubana nae Waser! How uc do we ome ‘pan aomawcr? you? B. Foon ANDUTENSILS sic buter 106 bread com sk nkpew Pepper cate salad, letuce nogninea see, gravy green vegetables vegetables las of water 162 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEROOK. die coffee pj frit xonbamas saejex hors doewvres rivpbe G0 ‘main course cntagoe sweet course aecépr dessert ox kaife ronan ea ‘tablespoon oF soup spoon ‘loan aces teaspoon sapéara plate repéno% small plate ay6énas rapénxa soup bow! 61620 platter ‘urea ep Gnome saucer vara las canpéra napkin conduc sa shaker C, MORE: USE OF «Euté> on «Borsinie» ‘The word "more" can be expressed in Russian by ether «eu» or Génie Bus xorire eu8 who? Do you want some more te? ‘Her, Géanme ne x0¥y, as x04 ene, ‘A mpnas x nam eu pas. No, dont want any more. ‘Yes. want (some) move. 1 wil come to you once mor. RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK. 16s ‘A Sémae xaam He fay Iwill not come to you any mpuxoxir. more. Its generally tra tat to express "more" affimatively, went» {is used, fo say "no more" ot "I dot want mare," oF when "more {is coupled with any negative ver, «énsme» is used. xox eu 1 want more. (On Gonnine we xéuer. He doesnt want more. SL x0sg ut writs, [want to reed some more Oné nae 6éaume we She doesnt love you any rr. more. B, CONIUGATION OF "To Eat" cre TOEAT ae Te rem youeat onect reas stein weer sere yovest oni eat they et Past TSE oven Tew od stene ond dno itme on én eye 164 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK: quizi9 1. Tlomsayiers, apnseiire cant eat any [thing] moe. Gyrinowny svt He doesnt want any more 2 Hen asanuererog, Sse 2 Herta ora : Bene am ts 4, A dvens most ptiby, anymore, ma 5 eutrccaputirn nog thewion mr como ua 4 menexoun © D2YoU win eying eet me fant want ay se 1, oso Gene Pas ingen one ot Pe fey, 8. Moros sro n6émime ne bed oxo inet sh 9. Ameen, notomy 70 8 an Saxmd "* js tanta ns lofacaoensonay No, Lave fied et OMTT 18 YXOBPHITOB, 1. -To9 bad, As for me, I would 1.Kownn Sinmeecr Teeth date 12 arrieue-Mo Fardeen he cmp cia orate Wtlencmcioyat gyno way ore ‘me MAS He 6 rw peng bot mane 15. Kam. A 6x nim ewe, ANSWERS 8; 2 IAG 4 Si, 6b, In; 8c; 90; 10m M8 129: 13 Ma 1S RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK. 16s LESSON 29 (Ou wee néraer oxen Gxerpo, daar He does everything very quickly [everthing, all the tim: A. MoRE ON PERFECTIVE AND IMPERFECTIVE VERBS imperfective) ‘This lesson provides further examples ofthe use of perfetve and ‘Ow cxenaer ro simp cnéxars impertective verbs. He wil do this tomorow [oe time, tomorrow: perfective future}. Mar Gen mucins ices, nes. B, SAMPLE SENTENCES: DAILY ACTIVITIES ‘Bean sésrpa 6faer xopéuian Ifthe weather is good ‘We wil write leer. vara cot samc, rt a dy eee nord a nlny rex somo wl pte pak 6 onicunen a ener, Depon nay cant abun, say oe inthe vxng [will describe everything over time. ‘Moi Gpar réame Gyaet adma My brother will also be home [Bpar onfimer sitcraaky, onncate séorpa. hemes (My) brother will describe the exhibition (completely). ‘Mai Gfaem mncdrs mitcema We'll write letters to our On sera lie a ponies — m some den tie reel ManHUTy mHCHMO MOEN; ‘TIL write a leer to my friend, Hepes ply ev dy Taner), 2 any mean woos tee wy Breph ow en en nine vers paranimer cond (MS) or wil wit eter ‘stray be potup very intone comple parete cores Meng. fo(ou) oan No, suo on A 6jayonicunars acto describe eventing wesw Tomerow hw etn poe tine: pre). vetninene Mec,” Mow per oniuer (hy) wer i exe he bru on fer seas veri Habecrecie nierany, Soibon Dring te sammer he getup ever ay: impart Sapp aunttaate | Tackomeeloingsen future} mye the museum. Asi pba na ies Tloanpie iat sa On the way well op by fo Tags ny wale (i oe ime prev pa) porary pes Bid eestelemaclan a On faerie wwe yen. Hel ait for Latin wi a mi ok al a nonomnér, SH xaasié ero I've waited for him many times! He always forgets everything al the time: imperfesive}. hearin ve Rome AN Comers Comme, [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK. Wwe 1 Gixerpo nombres, oxkuyer anpusenyen. A ncerah 6iterpo Mér0e, foneodioce w npwstenn 0m veratr pino xiansit Buepé om ncrin vem a Sawrpa on neraner, xnk neerad, pine, eros on Ofaer seranire 8 beens sac Cecnaire eng, 0 69 y ner6derpa C. MORE VERB PRACTICE (On aceraé net sa6sinéer. Tiéean orxénur» x08 wacd Ceréaus on oroiaér » xp sind Tiber oroues néspens. But rosopire caiucos ‘tierpo. 51 bac ne nowusi, Beam mi exdocere mek 510 saéazcnmo, 3 Bac no Mut nposrés weno w nor sane 0663. rit wash (myself, dress (nyse, and comb my hair quickly 1 aways wash (mysel), dress (nyse, and comb my hair ‘wie He gets up [ies] early every day. ‘Yesterday e got up very late. “Tomorrow ne wit getup eary, asalvays, In the summer be will be geting up at eight cock ‘ell him that P'U be at his house {by him] tomorow. He always forgets everthing “The train leaves at two olock. ‘Today it wil leave at three lk. ‘The ain left on time. You talk too fast I dont understand you Ifyou say al that slowly, 1h understand you. ‘Wel read the menu and then cozder dinner. 168, [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK Ofuuniter expo npunects om A ne mors Goaeune xan, (On euémer iro exéaure, eam rnonjvunrwe8, aro en waa. quiz 20 1. Shorpa japow aut any 2A seer Osierp0| 3.8 Giexpow uxday. 4.00 luo ioc ae. 5. 3astpa om ax 2rd, pan 6 Nérow on . cent aba 7. enn as e800 éaennd, Hane Hoy 8. Omar expo on 9, Tgeax panpews. 10.4 ne mory ANSWERS The waiter will bring the soup 1 cant wait any longer. Hell be able todo that fhe gets everything he needs. ‘Tomorrow moming welll goto the museum, always wash (nyse quick. ‘ML wash (myself) quikly and 010 school He gets up early every day. “Tomorrow he wit getup eary, asusual Inthe summer he will be geting up at eight o'clock. Ifyou say all that slowly, Iwill (be abe o) understand you. “The waite wll Wing the ap The tran eft on time, 1 cant wait any longer nota, 2. mies; 3. nouboct, noel; 4 nertn, $, sedate 6. “Gjmer aerate; 7. “exdwere, "8 mpwiecer, "9." rou To, Gem. RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEROOK 169 LESSON 30 A. INTRODUCTIONS. Kroraw? Who's there? Méseno soit? May come in? Bronte, noxiiayiiera, Please come in, Tlosnéayre nas mpeacrinurs Moers apis ‘Over, pax enéoan nonnancbuoeruce. Ove apa. Panpemsire npexcrésurscs. Mew sonjr Hsu Herpénus Kpuads Canirecs, nosetayiera. Méaxuo naw npeasoasirs io? “ro Bam jane? Allow me to introduce my mend toyou 1m very glad to meet you (10 become acquainted with you}. Delighted, [Very pleasant] Allow me to introduce myself. ‘My name is they call me) Ivan Petrovich Kelley Please have seat May 1 offer you some tea? ‘You want o speak with me? ‘What do you need? B. ATTHE TRAIN STATION Ceaser mae, nosciayliera, ve nonad? Huaere pane a0 yeaa, norow. snanéoo oni eoapraa, Please tell me where the rain Go sraipht othe comer, hen fone block to the lf. 170 [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK Tae npoaator Guaéres? Bow ran wicea. ‘Béce mot! Kaxém Gomtarén Guepeas! He Gecnonsitrec, Ouepens saér Suen tierpo. alire nue, noxiiyiiera, Guaér 8 Sicuyeo Toad. Bam o oan erdpony am ‘yak n o6paru0? ‘Tyak w o6pirno, nowhayicrs Koraé orxéawr néexa? Jitre ue, noxaytiera, eenucaue noeax6s. Toes» Scuyio MToasiny orxsairwloexsit ac. xe apponipr? Anpondpr évem naaens, “Than nfm dats faa anrébycom, am na race, Bor iru rixeu éxyr réaaKo 8 snponépr. Tynd no xpainel mépe noavaeé eas. Where do they sell tickets? ‘There’ the ticket office. Good heavens! What a ong Tine! Don't worry. The line moves quickly Please give me a ticket to Yasnaya Polyana. Do you want a one-way ticket ‘ora round tip? Round tip, please ‘When does the train leave? Give mea timetable, pease. ‘Trains to Yasnaya Polyana leave every hou, Where isthe sirpor? ‘The airport is very faraway. ‘You have to take a bus oa tan to gt there [Here] these taxis go only to the airport. at least hal-hour wip. [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEROOK m B apponoprf, npéacte west ‘ceerh na eaMoner, HNO noayusirs nocdsosmet tande Tlodnéwret Vie 6ven néaano 51 we 06 ondainary. ‘Sro raxclt coo6éano? Haw nfano » a9pondpr. Canierecs, noxayicra! CC. INCASE OF ILLNESS evi am ances a roerfanue érop? Y mews dems Goat ronons wrépa0. YY mens nécwope. Y mend Gone 3§618, YY meré Gone end, Y wed renneparspa (xap). Her any sae ‘eaabicremnor ‘BL éene naéxo eno. asd, Yam, pt, no, py, ox, py, nassunr Ha peas, sr nimi na ord. Atthe airport you have to get boarding pas before you can get con the plane. Lets go t's very at already, 1 dont ike tobe late Is this taxi available? We have t0 goto the sion. Getin, please Is there doctor inthe hotel? havea bad headache and sore ‘throat [havea ead cold Thave a toothache, His back hors She has fever. Do you havea laxative? I sleep very poorly. Eyes, eas, throat, nose, chest (eastside, hands (arms), Fingers, fet (legs), toes. m RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSESOOK Fososd xpjasres. Y nae rewneparypa (x2p). Boer xunér. Bone wexfane Mute njano sextre 2 noctéan? 3a, obmadvenune. ‘Mens row Tipnnditre ro aesipero0 ‘serdape péoa zeus, no ‘roadpol abuse. Héanto exéanire cee corpensroutt cosmpécc. xno an noaocxérs répao, bxrop? a. Boseacere oan siiny90 by ea na craw ‘opel oats w nonomire ‘no xphiineh wépe Tpu pa tries oan erie wack. He aurxonire, nox y nae me ‘faer wopwi.aona ‘ewneparjpa. Tam dizzy [my head is spinning) You have a fever. My stomach aches. ‘A pain inthe stomach. Do Ihave t sty in bed? ‘Yes, definitely am nauseous. Take a tsblespoon ofthis medicine four times a day. At night apply a hot compress. ‘Should gargl, doctor? ‘Yes. Add one teaspoon of st toa glass of hot water and ‘garg atleast three times 2 ay, every four hours. Dont go out unl your ‘temperature i normal, [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEDOOK m qu 21 1. Méxwo nas mpennoacirs ‘whe? Me sony Hiss Kpunse, 3. Cenxcire wie, noxdayfiera, re noxaia? 4, Boe molt! Kass Somurie eget! 5. Mix Kpsinde xopows ser rdpoa 6. Baw a omy erépony fem sya n 6p? 17, Toes ors kia 8. Tyxd no wphinct mepe onsacé ea 9, Aine oS ondanunars, 10, He Geenoxstiect, ‘Seepenb maér Ose ‘uerpo ANSWERS, 16:28 3h 4 S667 8 Ivan Krlov knows the city well. 1. dont like tobe late. «Do you want a one-way ora round-trip (ickel)? 4. May [offer you some t=? My name is Ivan Keil. £ leat leasa half-hour rip, . Dont worry. The line is ‘moving quickly Pease tell me the train station i. Trains leave every hour. 5: Goodheaves Wit along 8-29; 10g 1% RUSSIAN ComPLETE CouRSEBOOK: LESSON 31 A. Moscow THEATRES Hoi eau 61 ana, sro cersaen TaAEr 8 MockéncKx ‘Teémpax, 9 Gut now 8 reitp. Bea era ras wixenbian sonioxera, Korépas apuindeves ePenepryp ockcnas reétpon». Hes: Tre et won xyniers? Bea Bo ncex xavoamnsx venberean, Hain ‘ean 6s naa Seo pam, ‘oaann6 Gu nym e. Bepa 1s, wor ware Bet YPmMETENw cao wpe. Hein B Mockné wnéro reirpos? oa: IT knew wha’ playing inthe “Moscow theattes today, 1 would goo the theatre Vera ‘Thee isa small book called Program [Repertoire] of the Moscow Theares san: ‘Where ean one buy it? Vera Atal book stands shan: Thad known that before [eatier, I would have bought Halong time ag Vera ‘There, you seen time one leams everything, oa Are there many theatres in Moscow? [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK bs Bia: Hat Ovens snéro! laséitre ‘ocwrpise, Ber Bonn6h ‘ednp. Tas mxfr ne Ganer, Has: Tae ox waxéauren? Bépa: Ha Tearpémoii abun. Tlorés cers guns Eeavére retype Tijuncamexo Yam. 0 ‘Tox énepus reétp. Hein ‘Arrae naxéaueren “Meexénexit Xyabacecrnenmsit reérp? Bipa: Ha npoéaae Xyatxecrsenoro Teirpa. Tam way réanio spas somautn Hardt cere Méxuii reérp, rep fowewe Barrinrosa, vedrp Onepérretn Tats Ta Hein B Mock cers unpx? Bipa: ui Gu! Konéeno cern. ‘eaxéll eu aaweudreat- AE OGsadrenaie ofiahre w up. Vera Yes. Very many. Lets look (at the book). Here is the Bolshoi Theatre. Operas and ballet play there. an: Whereis i? Vera (On Theatre Square. Then theres an alias ofthe Bolahoi Theatre on Pushin Steet. This is also an opera theatre. va ‘And wher isthe Moscow Art Theatre? Vera On Ar Theatre Lane, Only dramas and comedies play there Then there's the Matiy “Theatre, the theatre named after Vabktangoy, the Theatre of Operetta, et, te, an Is there a circus in Moscow? Vera: ‘And how! Of couse there ist ‘And what an excellent one! Goto the eieus without fi, 176 [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEROOK (Crips ump naxéaaren via sera Gyauaspe, 20% 13, Anénoe anénne mfpxa va npoenéicre Bepnitexoro. ‘Arwonato an n0cri Gunérat wa cerdans, a ne audio. Hao nooner ow no Tenepony. Bor nx éwep: 212-16-40, Hoi ‘Aané, aané. Ckaseere. moaciytera, cers Gunérat na cera? Her? Howey? x,y mac cerésmt sutxoan6i. Kan ea, Ceréaus wer npeserasacuns, Hy, nor ‘lure eax ie Beser. Bepa: Bis méxcere noir aéoxpa. Hn Her, ye ne yenéo, Bea Troweny? Panne ws expo yeuniere? Hos: Konéwo. Sasnpa. Ax, ec ‘Gu maa 06 Srom plas, ean Gare exaadan $0 ord Gut nendoin roy asia! ‘The old circus is on Flower Boulevard, No. 13. But the ew circus building i on| ‘Vemnaésky Prospect. dont ‘now i ifs possiby to get tickets for today. You should (itis necessary t) call them (a the telephone) Here's their ‘umber: 212-16-40, Toa: Hello, ello.Do you have kets forty? No? Why? Oh, you're closed today today is your day off]. What a pity ‘There's no performance today. “There, you se; thats my fuck Vera ‘You can go tomorrow. oan: [Nou 1 wont have time. Vera “Why? Are you leaving soon? an: (Ofcourse. Tomorrow. Ab, ifT ‘had known about this eae, ‘someone ad told me that at least a week ago! [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEROOK 7 Bépa: Vera ‘Benn Guana, ro nit If Thad known that you didn't werd weamdeve, 96 ‘know anything, [would have comin na. told you. Heda: Ban Bu we suere, 70 But you know that I'm 2 voerpanen! Origiaa xe foreigner! How am Ito know? Bea Vera Hy, npocriere. Hy, we (Ob, well, forgive me. Now, ‘epattrecn! dont be angry! Hain: san: 1 ne cepa. Ho nue neB xe Tm not angry. Butall the same tens vers sane, ero xT very very sry that | ne noGunda w ulipwe. raw didnt gett the circus. just eGo up. love the cireus Bipa: Vera HY, nweré. Bexéxyrouunit_ Well, thas okay. Nex time. pas. B. SUBJUNCTIVE AND CONDITIONAL Moops “The conditional and subjunctive are likely to be among the most ical grammaticl constructions in any language. However, in ‘Russian, they ate the easiest. All you have to know is the particle 6u, and that the past tense ofthe ver is used together with it Gem Gut it ‘fem Gu xa, IT knew, Had Lkoown, noma 6x 1 would ve gone T would go. 178 RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK A nonowia is, dea Guy ens Gir (Bu) nau Tenedéu, C. Worp Stupy poets spécmt py6ae Naaadine npwrnauérinpursacirs hexane corapundre-orepi st srp0 quiz22 1. Hy aor are Bet $otronm coe ap 2 Tose? Page nt exdpo yeselere? 3. Cordage ner mpeacrannénns, ‘8 emu a san So 6 ymin 5. Ovo sno, aasine osu 6. On acu xopou reno no-pjec 7. Bates rose cers avesdrensnad wipe 1 would have called you, if had ‘yur telephone number. simple adult suest ‘ble tile toinvite several, to open supper morning He speaks Rusia very wel 1 Arethere many theres in Moscow? Whereis it oat? Lreally love the cra and Pte, Yo ano go here sien vas atthe theatre wo days 250. {.Henever knows anything, Tellme, ples, is it possible to gat tickets fortoday? 1 There, youse; thas my ack 8. Tae on waxoniren? | Mere no pefrmance 9, SLésene moni up wxoxy oy. ya One tet [RUSSIAN COMPLETE COURSEBOOK 179

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