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Ambayec, Mounicha C.

1) What is your vocation in life?

My ultimate vocation in life is to be a flight attendant because ever since I was a child, I
dreamed of becoming like those tall, presentable and hospital cabin crew I usually see on
airplanes when I travel with my parents. However, I realized that I am ineligible for one of its
qualifications particularly the height requirement for flight attendants yet despite this obstacle, I
am still determined to pursue my dream because if one really wants to achieve something, he/she
will strive for it no matter what it takes.
2) How did you answer the call on the first aspect of vocation?
I respond to the call of what I received during my baptism through stewardship and
discipleship towards Christ. Stewardship is about receiving all of God’s gifts (time, talent, and
treasure) gratefully, cultivating them responsibly, sharing them lovingly in justice with others.
Then discipleship is all about surrendering our lives and all aspects of it to the Lord. As member
of his Church, and as a follower of Jesus, I make conscious decisions to trust and follow God as
well as utilize properly the blessings and gifts He bestows upon me.
3) Based on the second aspect, what call will you choose? Why?
Personally, I attest to the fact that I am still young, and my future is still in progress but upon
discernment and foreseeing what my future would turn out, I opt to respond to the call of single
blessedness. I believe that it is through this call that I can best serve God and His people. Also,
choosing this call will also mean that there are a number of vocations I may be called for like
being a lay missionary, a teacher or doctor who can more easily respond to need, wherever it is
perceived, if they are not tied by an intimate relationship or family responsibilities. But equally, I
can still accomplish my ultimate vocation which is to become a flight attendant who has a
fulfilling personal relationship with Jesus. With this, I will be able to live out more fully if I am
not tied by other relationships and lifestyle. In totality, choosing the call of single blessedness
represents that one can live a single life devoted to God and still be happy.
4) How will you response on the third aspect?
I will respond to the third aspect of vocation by realizing my skills and potentials and using
them in the right way according to God’s plans for me. Based on the ikigai (“reason for being”),
I can assess myself in the following areas:
 What I love- My passion include vlogging and public speaking
 What I am good at- I am good at editing videos and delivering speeches
 What the world needs- the world needs my voice and communication skills in order to
deliver important and relevant information to the public
 What I can be paid for- I can be paid for the profession of being a media reporter or a
being a Youtube Vlogger with relevant content.
Therefore, the intersection of these 4 (four) aspects which is my “ikagai” is that I am born
to inspire and influence others through my voice. Not in a way that I am a skilled singer but
through speaking. Though my ultimate vocation is to become a flight attendant, it will not
suppress me from using my voice to express my opinions and views that would help
information to thrive in the society. In fact, flight attendants also make landing
announcements for the safety of their passengers. Public speaking is a very versatile skill that
can be applied in almost all professions. To end this, let me share with you a quote from
Abraham Joshua Herschel:
“ Speech has power. Words do not fade. What starts out as a sound, ends in a deed.”

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