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Abortion round the world

Hannah Brown

BMJ 2007;335;1018-1019

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maternal health
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In the recent UK debates about the upper time limit for termination of pregnancy, attention
focused on the number of abortions since legalisation. But, as Hannah Brown
reports, rates of abortions have been falling faster in Western countries than elsewhere

bortion is one of the most emo- tion is less likely to produce severe health highest abortion rate of any Western country,
tive and divisive of medical consequences. However, improving access with half of pregnancies being unintended.
issues. The review of the 1967 to services is considerably more complex The biggest drop occurred in Europe, which
Abortion Act by the House of than just changing the law, as a new study of traditionally had high rates. “If we decon-
Commons select committee doctors’ attitudes in Brazil shows.3 Although struct the European drop, then it is clear
on science and technology aimed to avoid most doctors agree that women should be that this is due to a steep decline in eastern
complex ethical questions by sticking solely able to have an abortion if they need one, far Europe,” explains Dr Camp. “There was
to scientific and medical developments. fewer medical professionals are prepared to in fact a small rise in western Europe due
­Nevertheless, the committee’s cross party perform the procedure—and this attitude is a to immigration of people with low levels of
membership was irreconcilably divided barrier to access to abortion services even in contraceptive awareness. One general truth
when the final report was published last countries where they are available. is that abortion rates decline as contraceptive
month. Two conservative MPs decided they use increases,” she says.
could not with good conscience agree with Trends in abortions Dr Camp notes that the reason most abor-
the final conclusions—that women should Of the 210 million conceptions annually tions now occur in less developed countries is
not need the consent of two doctors for the worldwide, almost half do not result in a live simply that this is where most of the world’s
­procedure—claiming that they had been birth.2 Eighty million pregnancies end early, women live, with China alone accounting
misled over survival rates and the extent to 42 million of these are terminated through for 9 million abortions a year. “The new data
which fetuses can feel pain. abortions (20 million done make it clear that prevention works; prohibi-
Highly charged public dis- Abortion is lowest where illegally), and another 3 mil- tion does not,” says Dr Camp. “Abortion is
cussions on abortion in the contraception and safe, lion babies are stillborn. Most lowest where contraception and safe, legal,
United States have also been legal, abortions are of the abortions are carried abortions are universally available. What is
given new impetus over the universally available out in the developing world. more, major abortion declines have occurred
past few years, with specula- The previous analysis of in countries where abortion is legal but not in
tion about the likelihood of a conservative worldwide numbers of abortions in 1995 countries where abortion is restricted.”
dominated Supreme Court overturning the recorded 46 million procedures. The drop to
landmark 1973 legal ruling for Roe versus 42 million by 2003, the latest year for which Safety
Wade. This decreed that women’s right to figures are available, has occurred mainly However, another study suggests that simply
­terminate early pregnancies was enshrined in developed countries, where abortion is making abortion legal does not guarantee the
in the 14th amendment. legal, albeit contingent on various condi- drop in procedures seen in Europe. Paul Van
New estimates for the numbers of abor- tions being met. “We calculate that one in Look, of WHO’s department of reproductive
tions,1 both legal and clandestine, worldwide, five pregnancies ends in abortion world- health and research, believes that legality and
which were released last month as part of the wide,” says Sharon Camp, president of the safety are not always synonymous. Although
Women Deliver conference in London, show US based Guttmacher Institute, a sexual and most legal procedures are safe, “there are cer-
that although the numbers of abortions have reproductive health think tank that collabo- tain circumstances in which procedures con-
fallen considerably in developed countries, rated with the World Health Organization to doned by law are classed by WHO as unsafe
numbers in developing countries are going compile the data. “Sixteen per cent of preg- abortion”—for instance, where the procedure
up.2 Because poor countries harbour some nancies end in unwanted or mistimed birth, is done by a non-medically qualified person
of the strictest laws banning the procedure, and overall over one third of pregnancies are or when the care does not conform to legal
more abortions mean more complications unintended,” she adds. standards. “The case fatality rate for illegal
from botched operations and more deaths. In what seems to be a plateauing of a long abortions is 70 times higher than for legal
Where governments accept abortion, term decline, the smallest drop since 1995 abortions,” he says.
even if they do not condone it, termina- was observed in the US, which still has the Half of these potentially dangerous

1018 BMJ | 17 november 2007 | Volume 335

maternal health
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To save the woman’s life

or prohibited altogether
To preserve physical health
To preserve mental health
Socioeconomic grounds
Without restriction as to reason

World abortion laws 2007 (source: Centre for Reproductive Rights): grounds on which abortion is permitted. The gestational age at which termination of
pregnancy is allowed varies from country to country.

­ rocedures are done in Asia and 28% in

p for women who comply with the law. c­ olleagues to do it, and the remainder would
Africa; most are illegal, but not necessarily “Women do not have the same rights as advise a woman to seek another doctor,
so because of the poor access to reproductive men in our countries,” he says. “What is refer elsewhere, or turn the woman away
health services. Most are done in women aged more, even when the law is known by with no advice. Professor Faundes believes
15-24 and are associated with a large burden health providers, there are no regulations the key to improving women’s access to
of long term reproductive morbidity. Each about how to put it into practice. Physi- services is helping doctors to overcome their
year 66 500 deaths are attributable to unsafe cians do not feel safe to do it because they resistance to performing legal abortions.
abortion and, although Asia has far more don’t know the rules about how to do it. One option is making them more familiar
unsafe procedures, 54% of all deaths occur Physicians also may think that every case with the situations of women who request
in Africa. needs a judge’s decision, which can take the procedure. “The closer physicians are
In Latin America the death rate is much longer than a pregnancy.” to women with an unwanted pregnancy, the
lower, although the number of illegal abor- He believes that doctors have a role more likely they are to consider abortion
tions is high. This is partly because the more in making abortion accessible to women morally acceptable,” he says. Almost 80% of
developed health system is better able to through complying with the law, but also physicians said they would help a partner,
cope with complications of badly done by campaigning for a change in the law. but only 40% would help a client. “Physi-
­procedures, says Dr Van Look. The problem is that doctors are not always cians are not the only barrier, but they can
Can legalisation alter this health burden? In willing participants in this debate. In Pro- be moved from being part of the problem
Latin America, the abortion rate has dropped fessor Faundes and colleagues’ study of the to part of the solution,” he says.
in the past decade, but most abortions remain attitudes of Brazilian doctors to abortion, Dr Van Look agrees. “Whatever the
unsafe. Restrictive abortion laws in many only 38.5% of doctors said that women law, people should have access to the full
countries are partly to blame—the procedure should have access to abortion if a woman extent of it. Providers should not turn away
is banned in Chile, El Salvador, Honduras, the requests it and 85% believed it was appro- women when they are entitled to an abor-
Dominican Republic, and the Dutch ­Antilles— priate in cases of rape or incest. 3 The tion,” he says.
but women are still unable to get abortions ­picture is complex: “Physicians ­generally Hannah Brown is a freelance journalist in Cambridge
even when it is legal. Health providers and the agree with women’s right to abortion but
public do not know the legal situation, accord- they don’t believe their colleagues do, Competing interests: None declared.
ing to Anibal Faundes, professor of obstetrics which affects their professional decision 1 World Health Organization. Unsafe abortion: global and
regional estimates of the incidence of unsafe abortion
and gynaecology at the University of Campi- making. Therefore, it is important to show and associated mortality in 2003. Geneva: WHO, 2007.
nas in Brazil. them that they are not alone.” 2 Van Look P. Levels and trends in the incidence of
Professor Faundes asserts that health Of the 85% of doctors who supported unsafe abortions and related mortality. Women Deliver
conference, London, 19 October 2007.
administrators give little consideration to abortion after rape, only 35% would do the 3 Faundes A. Barriers to legal abortion in Latin America.
the human right of access to safe ­abortion procedure themselves. Half would leave Women Deliver conference, London, 19 October 2007.

BMJ | 17 november 2007 | Volume 335 1019

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