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Software Engineering Assignments

Instru tions:
Even though you will be submitting only the problem assigned to you, you are expe ted to solve
the entire set of problems for your pra ti e. Pra ti e is very important to learning the skills in
software engineering. This is espe ially true for the skill of arriving at good design.

You need to submit the following for the problem assigned to you:
 Fun tional requirements spe i ation
 Stru tured analysis and Stru tured design (SA/SD)
 UML models: Use ase diagrams, Class diagrams, State- hart diagrams.
Copying of assignments will be viewed seriously. Both the person opying and the one supplying the opy will
be penalized.

Tips for solution:

 If you annot solve a problem, solve a simpler problem (by omitting some of the fun tionalities, details,et .)
 Now, add some of the fun tionalities you had omitted and see if you an solve this new problem. It may
not be always possible to in rementally add solutions for the new fun tionalities without any alterations
to the simpler solution. You might often have to rework (or drasti ally modify) your simpler solution to
a ommodate the new fun tionality.
 Surely, it is more laborious to do these in remental solutions than solving the problem in one shot. But, it
often works, and gives you new insights into the problem.
Prob No. 0: Graphi s Editor:
Those who are not familiar with any graphi s editor, please look at the Graphi s Drawing features available in either
MS-Word or Powerpoint software. You an also examine any other Graphi al Drawing pa kage a essible to you. An
understanding of the standard features of a Graphi s Editor will help you understand the di erent features required.

It is required to develop a graphi s editor software pa kage using whi h one an reate/modify several types
of graphi s entities. In summary, the graphi s editor should support the following features:
 The graphi s editor should support reating several types of geometri obje ts su h as ir les, ellipses,
re tangles, lines, text, and polygons.
 Any reated obje t an be sele ted by li king a mouse button on the obje t. A sele ted obje t should be
shown in a highlighted olor.
 A sele ted obje t an be edited, i.e. its asso iated hara teristi s su h as its geometri shape, lo ation,
olor, ll style, line width, line style, et . an be hanged. For texts, the text ontent an be hanged.
 A sele ted obje t an be opied, moved, or deleted.
 The graphi s editor should allow the user to save his reated drawings on the disk under a name he would
spe ify. The graphi s editor should also support loading previously reated drawings from the disk.
 The user should be able to de ne any re tangular area on the s reen to be zoomed to ll the entire s reen.

 A t s reen fun tion makes the entire drawing t the s reen by automati ally adjusting the zoom and pan
 A pan fun tion should allow the displayed drawing to be panned along any dire tion by a spe i ed amount.
 The graphi s editor should support grouping. A group is simply a set of drawing obje ts in luding other
groups whi h when grouped behave as a single entity. This feature is espe ially useful when you wish to
manipulate several entities in the same way. A drawing obje t an be a dire t member of at most one group.
It should be possible to perform several editing operations on a group su h as move, delete, and opy.
 A set of 10 lip boards should be provided to whi h one an opy various types of sele ted entities (in luding
groups) for future use in pasting these at di erent pla es when required.
1. We need to develop the following Time Management Software for a ompany:
The ompany needs to develop a time management system for its exe utives. The software should let
the exe utives register their daily appointment s hedules. The information to be stored in ludes person(s)
with whom meeting is arranged, venue, the time and duration of the meeting, and the purpose (e.g. for
a spe i proje t work). When a meeting involving many exe utives needs to be organized, the system
should automati ally nd a ommon slot in the diaries of the on erned exe utives, and arrange a meeting
(i.e. make relevant entries in the diaries of all the on erned exe utives) at that time. It should also in-
form the on erned exe utives about the s heduled meeting through e-mail. If no ommon slot is available,
TMS should help the se retary to rearrange the appointments of the exe utives in onsultation with the
on erned exe utives for making room for a ommon slot. To help the exe utives he k their s hedules for
a parti ular day the system should have a very easy-to-use graphi al interfa e. Sin e the exe utives and
the se retaries have their own desktop omputers, the time management software should be able to serve
several remote requests simultaneously. Many of the exe utives are relative novi es in omputer usage.
Everyday morning the time management software should e-mail every exe utive his appointments for the
day. Besides registering their appointments and meetings, the exe utives might mark periods for whi h
they plan to be on leave. Also, exe utives might plan out the important jobs they need to do on any day at
di erent hours and post it in their daily list of engagements. Other features to be supported by the TMS
are the following: TMS should be able to provide several types of statisti s su h as whi h exe utive spent
how mu h time on meetings. For whi h proje t how many meetings were organized for what duration and
how many man-hours were devoted to it. Also, it should be able to display on the whole during any given
period of time what fra tion of time on the average ea h exe utive spent on meetings.

2. We need to develop the following software for automating the a tivities of a 5-star hotel.
Hotel Automation Software: A hotel has a ertain number of rooms. Ea h room an be either single
bed or double bed type and may be AC or Non-AC type. The rooms have di erent rates depending on
whether they are of single or double, AC or Non-AC types. The room tari however may vary during
di erent parts of the year depending up on the o upan y rate. For this, the omputer should be able to
display the average o upan y rate for a given month so that the manager an revise the room tari either
upwards or downwards by a ertain per entage.

Guests an reserve rooms in advan e or an reserve rooms on the spot depending upon availability of rooms.
The re eptionist would enter data pertaining to guests su h as their arrival time, advan e paid, approximate
duration of stay, and the type of the room required. Depending on this data and subje t to the availability
of a suitable room, the omputer would allot a room number to the guest and assign a unique token number
to ea h guest. If the guest annot be a ommodated, the omputer generates an apology message. The
hotel atering servi es manager would input the quantity and type of food items as and when onsumed by
the guest, the token number of the guest, and the orresponding date and time. When a ustomer prepares
to he k-out, the hotel automation software should generate the entire bill for the ustomer and also print
the balan e amount payable by him. Frequent guests should be issued an identity number whi h helps them
to get spe ial dis ounts on their bills.
3. Road Repair and Tra king Software (RRTS) to be developed for automating various book keeping a tivities
asso iated with the road repairing task of the Publi Works Department of the Corporation of a large ity.
Road Repair and Tra king System (RRTS): A ity orporation has bran h oÆ es at di erent suburbs

of the ity. Residents raise repair requests for di erent roads of the ity. These would be entered into the
omputer system by a lerk. Soon after a repair request is raised, a supervisor visits the road and studies
the severity of road ondition. Depending on the severity of the road ondition and the type of the lo ality
(e.g., ommer ial area, busy area, relatively deserted area, et .), he determines the priority for arrying out
this repair work. The supervisor also estimates the raw material requirement for arrying out the repair
work, the types and number of ma hines required, and the number and types of personnel required. Based
on this data, the omputer system should s hedule the repair of the road depending up on the priority of the
repair work and subje t to the availability of raw material, ma hines, and personnel. This s hedule report
is used by the supervisor to dire t di erent repair work. The manpower and ma hine that are available are
entered by the ity orporation administrator. He an hange these data any time. Of ourse, any hange to
the available manpower and ma hine would require a res hedule of the proje t. The mayor of the ity an
request for various road repair statisti s su h as the number and type of repairs arried out over a period
of time and the repair work outstanding at any point of time and the utilization statisti s of the repair
manpower and ma hine over any period of time.
4. Judi iary Information System (JIS) software:
The attorney general's oÆ e has requested us to develop a Judi iary Information System (JIS), to help
handle ourt ases and also to make the past ourt ases easily a essible to the lawyers and judges.. For
ea h ourt ase, the name of the defendant, defendant's address, the rime type (e.g., theft, arson, et .),
when ommitted (date), where ommitted (lo ation), name of the arresting oÆ er, and the date of the arrest
are entered by the ourt registrar. Ea h ourt ase is identi ed by a unique ase identi ation number (CIN)
whi h is generated by the omputer. The registrar assigns a date of hearing for ea h ase. For this the
registrar expe ts the omputer to display the va ant slots on any working day during whi h the ase an
be s heduled. Ea h time a ase is adjourned, the reason for adjournment is entered by the registrar and he
assigns a new hearing date. If hearing takes pla e on any day for a ase, the registrar enters the summary of
the ourt pro eedings and assigns a new hearing date. Also, on ompletion of a ourt ase, the summary of
the judgement is re orded and the ase is losed but the details of the ase is maintained for future referen e.
Other data maintained about a ase in lude the name of the presiding judge, the publi prose utor, the
starting date, and the expe ted ompletion date of a trial. The judges should be able to browse through the
old ases for guidan e on their judgement. The lawyers should also be permitted to browse old ases, but
should be harged for ea h old ase they browse. Using the JIS software, the Registrar of the ourt should
be able to query the following:
(a) The urrently pending ourt ases.
In response to this query, the omputer should print out the pending ases sorted by CIN. For ea h
pending ase, the following data should be listed: the date in whi h the ase started, the defendant's
name, address, rime details, the lawyer's name, the publi prose utor's name, and the attending
judge's name.
(b) The ases that have been resolved over any given period.
The output in this ase should hronologi ally list the starting date of the ase, the CIN, the date on
whi h the judgement was delivered, the name of the attending judge, and the judgement summary.
( ) The ases that are oming up for hearing on a parti ular date.
(d) The status of any parti ular ase ( ases are identi ed by CIN).
The lawyers and the judges need to refer to the past ourt ases. The lawyers need to refer these to prepare
for their line of arguments. The judges need to refer the past ourt ases to examine the lines of judgements
given previously to similar ases. It should be possible to sear h for the history of past ourt ases by
entering key words. However, the lawyers should be harged for ea h time they see the details of a ourt
ase to re over some of the omputerization osts. For this purpose, it is ne essary to provide separate
login a ounts to the JIS software and keep tra k of how many ourt ases ea h lawyer views. The registrar
should be able to reate login a ounts for the di erent users (i.e. judges, lawyers, et ) and should be able
to delete these a ounts.
5. Library Information System (LIS): Di erent a tivities of the library of our institute pertaining to the
issue and return of the books by the members of the library and various queries regarding books as listed
below are to be automated.

 The library has 10,000 books. Ea h book is assigned a unique identi ation number ( alled ISBN
number). The Library lerk should be able to enter the details of the book into the LIS through a
suitable interfa e.
 There are four ategories of members of the library: undergraduate students, post graduate students,
resear h s holars, and fa ulty members.
 Ea h library member is assigned a unique library membership ode number.
 Ea h undergraduate student an issue up to 2 books for 1 month duration.
 Ea h postgraduate student an issue up to 4 books for 1 month duration.
 Ea h resear h s holar an issue up to 6 books for 3 months duration.
 Ea h fa ulty member an issue up to 10 books for six months duration.
 The LIS should answer user queries regarding whether a parti ular book is available. If a book is
available, LIS should display the ra k number in whi h the book is available and the number of opies
 LIS registers ea h book issued to a member. When a member returns a book, LIS deletes the book
from the member's a ount and makes the book available for future issue.
 Members should be allowed to reserve books whi h have been issued out. When su h a reserved book is
returned, LIS should print a slip for the on erned member to get the book issued and should disallow
issue of the book to any other member for a period of seven days or until the member who has reserved
the books gets it issued.
 When a member returns a book, LIS prints a bill for the penalty harge for overdue books. LIS
al ulates the penalty harge by multiplying the number of days the book is overdue by the penalty
 LIS prints reminder messages for the members against whom books are over due, upon a request by
the Librarian.
 LIS should allow the Librarian to reate and delete member re ords.
 The Librarian periodi ally needs to he k if there are any books whi h have not been issued even on e
during the last ve years. He uses this information in planning to dispose o unused and old books.
For this purpose it is ne essary for LIS to maintain the statisti s regarding issual of di erent books.
 When books are disposed o , the Library lerk should be able to delete the book from the list of books
in the Library and when a book is pro ured the system should support entering the details.
6. Word pro essing software:
 The word pro essing software should be able to read text from an ASCII le or HTML le and store
the formatted text as HTML les in the disk.
 The word pro essing software should ask the user about the number of hara ters in an output line of
the formatted text. The user should be allowed to sele t any number between 1 and 132.
 The word pro essing software should pro ess the input text in the following way.
{ Ea h output line is to ontain exa tly the number of hara ters spe i ed by the user (in luding
{ The word pro essing software is to both left and right justify the text so that there are no blanks
at the left- and right- hand ends of lines ex ept the rst and possibly the last lines of paragraphs.
The word pro essing software should do this by inserting extra blanks between words.
{ The input text from the ASCII le should onsist of words separated by one or more blanks and
a spe ial hara ter PP, whi h denotes the end of a paragraph and the beginning of another.
{ The rst line of ea h paragraph should be indented by ve spa es and should be right justi ed.
{ The last line of ea h paragraph should be left justi ed.
 The user should be able to browse through the do ument and add, modify or delete words. He/she
should also be able to mark any word as bold, itali , supers ript, or subs ript.
 The user an request to see the number of hara ters, words, lines, and paragraphs used in the do u-

 The user should be able to save his do uments under a name spe i ed by him.
7. Restaurant Automation System (RAS): A restaurant owner wants to omputerize his order pro essing,
billing, and a ounting a tivities. He also expe ts the omputer to generate statisti al report about sales
of di erent items. A major goal of this omputerization is to make supply ordering more a urate so that
the problem of ex ess inventory is avoided as well as the problem of non-availability of ingredients required
to satisfy orders for some popular items is minimized. The omputer should maintain the pri es of all the
items and also support hanging the pri es by the manager. Whenever any item is sold, the sales lerk
would enter the item ode and the quantity sold. The omputer should generate bills whenever food items
are sold. Whenever ingredients are issued for preparation of food items, the data is to be entered into the
omputer. Pur hase orders are generated on a daily basis, whenever the sto k for any ingredient falls below
a threshold value. The omputer should al ulate the threshold value for ea h item based on the average
onsumption of this ingredient for the past three days and assuming that a minimum of two days sto k
must be maintained for all ingredients. Whenever the ordered ingredients arrive, the invoi e data regarding
the quantity and pri e is entered. If suÆ ient ash balan e is available, the omputer should print heques
immediately against invoi e. Monthly sales re eipt and expenses data should be generated whenever the
manger would request to see them.
8. Transport ompany omputerization (TCC) software: A transport ompany wishes to omputerize
various book keeping a tivities asso iated with its operations.
 A transport ompany owns a number of tru ks.
 The transport ompany has its head oÆ e lo ated at the apital and has bran h oÆ es at several other
 The transport ompany re eives onsignments of various sizes at (measured in ubi meters) its di erent
oÆ es to be forwarded to di erent bran h oÆ es a ross the ountry.
 On e the onsignment arrives at the oÆ e of the transport ompany, the details of the volume, desti-
nation address, sender address, et . are entered into the omputer. The omputer would ompute the
transport harge depending upon the volume of the onsignment and its destination and would issue
a bill for the onsignment.
 On e the volume of any parti ular destination be omes 500 ubi meters, the omputerization system
should automati ally allot the next available tru k.
 A tru k stays with the bran h oÆ e until the bran h oÆ e has enough argo to load the tru k fully.
 The manager should be able to view the status of di erent tru ks at any time.
 The manager should be able to view tru k usage over a given period of time.
 When a tru k is available and the required onsignment is available for dispat h, the omputer system
should print the details of the onsignment number, volume, sender's name and address, and the
re eiver's name and address to be forwarded along with the tru k.
 The manager of the transport ompany an query the status of any parti ular onsignment and the
details of volume of onsignments handled to any parti ular destination and the orresponding revenue
 The manager should also be able to view the average waiting period for di erent onsignments. This
statisti s is important for him sin e he normally orders new tru ks when the average waiting period
for onsignments be omes high due to non-availability of tru ks. Also, the manager would like to see
the average idle time of the tru k in the bran h for a given period for future planning.
9. We need to develop the following simulation software:
A fa tory has di erent ategories of ma hines su h as lathe ma hines, turning ma hines, drilling ma hines,
soldering ma hines, et . The fa tory an have di erent numbers of ma hines from ea h ategory su h as
200 lathe ma hines, 50 turning ma hines, et . These ma hines require frequent adjustments and repair.
Ea h ategory of ma hine fails uniformly after ontinuous operation and the failure pro le of the di erent
ategories of ma hines is given by its mean time to failure (MTTF). A ertain number of adjusters are
employed to keep the ma hines running. The adjusters have expertize in maintaining di erent ategories of
ma hines. An adjuster may be expert in maintaining more than one type of ma hine. A servi e manager
oordinates the a tivities of the adjusters. The servi e manager maintains a queue of inoperative ma hines.

If there are ma hines waiting to be repaired, the servi e manager assigns the ma hine at the front of the
queue to the next available adjuster. Likewise, when some adjusters are not busy, the servi e manager
maintains a queue of idle adjusters and assigns the adjuster at the front of the queue to the next ma hine
that breaks down.
At any given time, one of the two queues will be empty. Thus, the servi e manager needs to maintain
only a single queue, whi h when it is not empty ontains only ma hines or only adjusters. The fa tory
management wishes to get as mu h as possible out of its ma hines and adjusters. It is therefore interested
in ma hine utilization | the per entage of time a ma hine is up and running and the adjuster utilization
| the per entage of time an adjuster is busy. The goal of our simulation is then to see how the average
ma hine and adjuster utilization depend on su h fa tors as the number of ma hines, the number of adjusters,
the reliability of the ma hines in terms of mean time to failure (MTTF). This software would be used by
di erent fa tories to determine the optimum number of adjusters that they should employ.
10. Software omponent ataloguing software: The software omponent ataloguing software onsists
of a software omponents atalogue and various fun tions de ned on this omponents atalogue. The
software omponents atalogue should hold details of the omponents whi h are potentially reusable. The
reusable omponents an be either design or ode. The design might have been onstru ted using di erent
design notations su h as UML,ERD,stru tured design, et . Similarly, the ode might have been written
using di erent programming languages. A ataloguer may enter omponents in the atalogue, may delete
omponents from the atalogue, and may asso iate reuse information with a atalogue omponent in the
form of a set of key words. A user of the atalogue may query about the availability of a omponent
using ertain key words to des ribe the omponent. In order to help manage the omponent atalogue (i.e.,
periodi ally purge the unused omponents) the ataloguing software should maintain information su h as
how many times a omponent has been used, and how many times the omponent has ome up in a query
but not used. Sin e the number of omponents usually tend to be very high, it is desirable to be able to
lassify the di erent types of omponents hierar hi ally. A user should be able to browse the omponents
in ea h ategory.
11. Supermarket automation software (SAS): The manager of a supermarket wants us to develop an
automation software. The supermarket sto ks a set of items. Customers pi k up their desired items from
the di erent ounters in required quantities. The ustomers present these items to the sales lerk. The sales
lerk passes the items over a bar ode reader and an automati weighing s ale and the data regarding the
item type and the quantity get registered.
 SAS should at the end of a sales transa tion print the bill ontaining the serial number of the sales
transa tion, the name of the item, ode number, quantity, unit pri e, and item pri e. The bill should
indi ate the total amount payable.
 SAS should maintain the inventory of the various items of the supermarket. The manager upon query
should be able to see the inventory details. In order to support inventory management, the inventory
of an item should be de reased whenever an item is sold. SAS should also support an option by whi h
an employee an update the inventory when new supply arrives.
 SAS should support printing the sales statisti s for every item the supermarket deals with for any
parti ular day or any parti ular period. The sales statisti s should indi ate the quantity of an item
sold, the pri e realized, and the pro t.
 The manager of the supermarket should be able to hange the the pri e at whi h an item is sold as
the pri es of the di erent items vary on a day-to-day basis.
12. We need to develop a software for automating various a tivities of a small book shop. From a dis ussion
with the owner of the book shop, the following user requirements have been arrived at:

Book-shop Automation Software (BAS)

BAS should help the ustomers query whether a book is in sto k. The users an query the availability of a
book either by using the book title or by using the name of the author. If the book is not urrently being
sold by the book-shop, then the ustomer is asked to enter full details of the book for pro urement of the
book in future. If a book is in sto k, the exa t number of opies available and the ra k number in whi h the
book is lo ated should be displayed. If a book is not in sto k, the query for the book is used to in rement
a request eld for the book. The manager an periodi ally view the request eld of the books to arrive at a

rough estimate regarding the urrent demand for di erent books. BAS should maintain the pri e of various
books. As soon as a ustomer sele ts a book for pur hase, the sales lerk would enter the ISBN number
of the book. BAS should update the sto k, and generate the sales re eipt for the book. BAS should allow
employees to update the inventory whenever new supply arrives. Also upon request, BAS should generate
sales statisti s (viz., book name, publisher, ISBN number, number of opies sold, and the sales revenue)
for any period. The sales statisti s will help the owner to know the exa t business done over any period of
time and also to determine inventory level required for various books. The inventory level required for a
book is equal to the number of opies of the book sold over a period of two weeks multiplied by the average
number of days it takes to pro ure the book from its publisher. Every day the book shop owner would give
a ommand for the BAS to print the books whi h have fallen below the threshold and the number of opies
to be pro ured along with the full address of the publisher.
13. We need to develop a software for automating various a tivities asso iated with stru tured software analysis.
The summary of the requirements are the following:
CASE tool for Stru tured Analysis:

 The ase tool should support a graphi al interfa e and the following features.
 The user should be able to draw bubbles, data stores, and entities and onne t them using data ow
arrows. The data ow arrows are annotated by the orresponding data names.
 Should support editing the data ow diagram.
 Should be able to reate the diagram hierar hi ally.
 The user should be able to determine balan ing errors whenever required.
 The software should be able to reate the data di tionary automati ally.
 Should support printing the diagram on a variety of printers.
14. We need to develop a software for automating various a tivities asso iated stru tured software design. The
summary of the requirements are the following:
CASE tool for Stru tured Design:

 The ase tool should support a graphi al interfa e and the following features.
 The user should be able to draw modules, ontrol arrows, and data ow arrows. Also symbol for library
modules should be provided. The data ow arrows are annotated with the orresponding data name.
 The diagrams should be organized in neat hierar hi al levels.
 The user should be able to modify his design. Please note that when he deletes a data ow arrow, its
annotated data name automati ally gets deleted.
 For large software, modules may be hierar hi ally organized and li king on a module should be able
to show its internal organization.
 The user should be able to save his design and also be able to load previously reated designs.
15. The lo al newspaper and magazine delivery agen y has asked us to develop a software for him to automate
various leri al a tivities asso iated with his business.

Newspaper Agen y Automation Software:

 This software is to be used by the manager of the news agen y and his delivery persons.
 For ea h delivery person, the system must print ea h day the publi ations to be delivered to ea h
address. The addresses should be generated in onse utive order as far as possible so that the ommu-
tation of the delivery person is minimal.
 Customers usually subs ribe one or more news papers and magazines. They are allowed to hange
their subs ription list by giving one week's advan e noti e.
 For ea h delivery person, the system must print ea h day the publi ations to be delivered to ea h
 The system should also print for the news agent the information regarding who re eived what publi-
ations and a summary information of the urrent month.

 At the beginning of every month bills are printed by the system to be delivered to the ustomers.
These bills should be omputed by the system automati ally and should in lude the publi ation type,
the number of opies delivered during the month, and the ost for these.
 The ustomers may ask for stopping the deliveries to them for ertain periods when they go out of
 Customers may request to subs ribe new newspapers/ magazines, modify their subs ription list, or
stop their subs ription altogether.
 Customers usually pay their monthly dues either by heques or ash. On e the heque number or ash
re eived is entered in the system, re eipt for the ustomer should be printed.
 If any ustomer has any outstanding due for more than one month, a polite reminder message is printed
for him and his subs ription is dis ontinued if his dues remain outstanding for periods of more than
two months.
 The software should ompute and print out the amount payable to ea h delivery boy. Ea h delivery
boy gets 2.5% of the value of the publi ations delivered by him.
16. Department oÆ es in di erent universities do a lot of book-keeping a tivities and it is ne essary to develop
a software to automate these a tivities.

University Department Information System:

 Various details regarding ea h student su h as his name, address, ourse registered, et . are entered
at the time he/she takes admission.
 At the beginning of every semester, students register for ourses. The information system should allow
the department se retary to enter data regarding student registrations. When the se retary enters the
roll number of ea h student, the omputer system should bring up a form for the orresponding student
and should keep tra k of ourses he has already ompleted and the ourses he has ba k-log, et .
 At the end of the semester, the instru tors leave their grading information at the oÆ e whi h the
se retary enters into the omputer. The information system should be able to ompute the grade point
average for ea h student for the semester and his umulative grade point average (CGPA) and print
the grade sheet for ea h student.
 The information system should also keep tra k of inventories of the Department, su h as equipments,
their lo ation, furnitures, et .
 The Department gets an yearly grant from the University and the Department spends it in buying
equipments, books, stationery items, et . Also, in addition to the annual grant that the Department
gets from the University, it gets funds from di erent onsultan y servi e it provides to di erent or-
ganizations. It is ne essary that the Department information system keeps tra k of the Department
a ounts.
 The information system should also keep tra k of information su h as the resear h proje ts running in
the Department, publi ations by the fa ulties, et . These information are keyed in by the se retary of
the Department.
 The information system should support querying the up-to-date details about every student by in-
putting his roll number. It should also support querying the details of the ash book a ount. The
output of this query should in lude the in ome, expenditure, and balan e.
17. A medi ine shop has approa hed us to develop the following software to automate various book-keeping
a tivities asso iated with the business.

Medi ine Shop Software (MSS):

A retail medi ine shop deals with a large number of medi ines pro ured from various manufa turers. The
shop owner maintains di erent medi ines in wall mounted and numbered ra ks.

The shop owner maintains as few inventory for ea h item as reasonable, to redu e inventory overheads after
being inspired by the just-in-time (JIT) philosophy.

Thus, one important problem the shop owner fa es is to be able to order items as soon as the number of
items in the inventory redu es below a threshold value. The shop owner wants to maintain medi ines to
be able to sustain selling for about one week. To al ulate the threshold value for ea h item, the software
must be able to al ulate the average number of medi ines sales for one week for ea h part.

At the end of ea h day, the shop owner would request the omputer to generate the items to be ordered. The
omputer should print out the medi ine des ription, the quantity required, and the address of the vendor
supplying the medi ine.

At the end of every day the shop owner would give a ommand to generate the list of medi ines whi h have
expired. It should also prepare a vendor-wise list of the expired items so that the shop owner an ask the
vendor to repla e these items. Currently, this a tivity alone takes a tremendous amount of labour on the
part of the shop owner and is a major motivator for the automation endeavor.
Whenever any sales o urs, the shop owner would enter the ode number of ea h medi ine and the orre-
sponding quantity sold. The MSS should print out the ash re eipt.
The omputer should also generate the revenue for ea h day and at the end of the month, the omputer
should generate a graph showing the total sales for ea h day of the month and also these gures for any
given medi ine.

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