Reading Assignment #2

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EE555: "Broadband Networks Architecture"

Professor A. Zahid, Summer Semester 2003

HW#2: Due June 24

Reading Assignment #2

"Warland and Varaiya" Text: "William Stalling" Text:

Chapter 5: Sections 5.5, 5.7 Chapter 4: Entire
Chapter 6: Entire Chapter 5: Entire
Chapter 10: Section 10.5

Review Assignment

• The first part of this homework contains problems on basic Queuing analysis. Review
the material of Chapters 8 (sections 8.2 through Section 8.8) of William Stalling's book.
This material is part of EE465 (which is the Prerequisite of EE555). If you have taken
EE465, then this material should be quick refreshment. If you have not taken EE465,
then you need to dedicate some time to comprehend this material.

Problem Assignment (Part 1)

1. Chapter 8, Stallings Book, Problems 8.10, 8.11 and 8.17

2. Suppose a company has a router with 10 interfaces (each at 10 Mbps) to its ISP.
Outgoing packets arrive to the router according to a Poisson distribution with mean
value, λ = 50,000 packets/sec. The packet lengths are exponentially distributed with
mean 1000 bits. When the outgoing packets arrive at the router, they are "randomly"
dispatched to one of the 10 interfaces. Suppose the router is capable of handling
100,000 packets/sec without any packet loss (i.e. it has high throughput and large
buffers). Total packet delay is the sum of the waiting time and the service time

! Calculate the mean packet delay (Hint: This is an M/M/N Queuing model, where N
is the number of servers that is 10 in this case)

! Repeat if the company decides to replace the ten interfaces with a single high-speed
interface at 100 Mbps (Hint : This is an M/M/1 Queuing model)

3. What kind of queuing model may be suitable to model an ATM switch? What kind of
queuing model is suitable to model an IP router? Justify your answer.

Problem Assignment (Part 2)

4. William Stalling's Book: #5.4, #5.5, 10.2

5. A user is connected to a FR network through a T-1 line. The Committed Information

Rate (CIR) is 1 Mbps with a Committed Burst Size, Bc, of 5 Mbits each 5 seconds.
The Excess Burst Size, Be, is 1 Mbits every 5 seconds. Answer the following

a) What is the access rate?

b) What is the maximum data rate the user can use all of the time without worrying
about frames being discarded?
c) If the user wants to take a risk, what is the maximum data rate the user can be
used with no chance of frames being discarded if there is no congestion?
d) Can the user sends data at a constant bit rate of 1.4 Mbps all the time?
e) The user sends data at a rate of 1.4 Mbps for 2 seconds and nothing for the next
three seconds. Is there a danger of discarding if there is no congestion? Is there a
danger of discarding if there is congestion? Explain

5. The purpose of HEC field is to protect against errors in the header of ATM cells.
Assume bit errors occur at random and that the HEC can correct all single errors and
can detect all double errors only. Assume that the bit error rate p = 10-6

• What is the probability that the cell will be delivered to the right destination?
• What is the probability that the cell is misinserted?
• What is the probability that the cell is dropped?
6. The IP datagram for a TCP ACK message is 40 bytes long (20 bytes of TCP header, 20
bytes of IP header). Assume this ACK is traversing an ATM network that uses AAL5
to encapsulate IP packets. How many ATM cells are needed to carry the TCP ACK?

7. In your opinion, what are the main problems in deploying ATM in the Internet?
Suppose you have a connection between host "A" and host "B". IP packets pass
through an IP network, then through an ATM network and then back through an IP
network. What happens during link failures (consider a link failure inside an IP
network, a failure in the link connecting the IP network to the ATM network and
finally a link failure inside the core ATM network) core ATM network

8. Voice and Video signals are to be carried over IPv6. What is the efficiency of an IPv6 packet
that carries 10 mseconds of 64 Kbps voice? What is the efficiency of an IPv6 packet that
carries 1 frame of 4 Mbps MPEG2 video, assuming 30 frames/sec?

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