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This study was conducted to determine the effects of being a member of a

religious group to the social interaction of the students of Rogationist. Descriptive

method and survey form were used by the researchers to gather data. The

questionnaires serve as the instrument for collecting data while they used purposive

method to choose 264 students to serve as the researchers¶ respondents. This inquiry

was conducted. This inquiry was conducted during the school year 2010 -2011

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Out of 264 respondents of the study, 64 or 24.24 percent are first year students;

81 or 30.68 percent are second year students; 67or 25.37 percent are third year

students; and 52 or 19.69 percent are fourth year students. Out of 264 respondents, 2

or 0.75 percent of the respondents are 17 years old; 30 or 11.63 percent are 16 years

old; 61 or 23.10 percent are 15 years old; 84 or 31.86 percent are 14 years old; 63 or

23.86 percent are 13 years old; 23 or 8.71 percent are 12 years old; 1 or 0.37 percent

are 11 years old. Out of 264 respondents, 118 or 44.69 percent are male and 146 or
55.30 percent are female. The researchers conclude that most of the members of

religious groups are female.

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Out of 264 respondents of the study, shows that 252 or 95.45 % of the students

are Roman Catholic; 6 or 2.27 % are born again; 5 or 1.89% are protestant; and 1 or

0.39 % evangelical catholic. It can be concluded that out of 264 students majority of

them are Roman Catholic. Out of 264 respondents of the study, 57or 21.59% are

members of Knights of the Altar; 99 or 37.50% are members of Youth for Christ which

means that most of the students of Rogationist College High School Department are

member of this religious group;1 or 0.37% is a member of El Shaddai; 2 or 0.75% is a

member of MNSR; 44 or 16.66% are members of the Choir; 16 or 6.06% are Catechist

members; 4 or 2.27% are members of ministry of Rogate; 1 or 0.37% is a member of

Christian Youth Fellowship; 5 or 1.89% are members of ministry of Word; 15 or 5.68%

are members of Lectors and Commentators; 1 or 0.37% is a member of Church of

God;3 or 1.13% are the only members who respond from the Charity Club;1 or 0.37% is

a member of JAM; 4 or 1.51% are members of Kids for Christ;2 or 0.75% are members

of Christian Youth Fellowship;1 or 0.37% is a member of Youth Ministry;1 or 0.37% is a

member of Couple for Christian Foundation for Family and Life;1 or 0.37% is a member

of Legion of Mary; 1 or 0.37% is a member of Youth for Life; 1 or 0.37% is a member

of Rivers of Living Water Catholic Community; and 1 or 0.37% is a member of Antioch.

Out of 264 students, 102 or 38.63 % are spending time with other things for 6-10

hours; 52 or 19.69% are spending time for other things in 5 hours; 51 or 19.31 % are

spending time for other things in 3-4 hours; 51 or 19.31 % are spending time with other

things for 1-2 hours only; 1 or 0.37% is spending time with other things half a day; 2 or

0.75% are spending time for other things everyday; 2 or 0.75% say¶s that it depends;1

or 0.37% spend time with other thing for less than an hour and 2 or 0.75% are spending

their time with other things as long as they want. Out of 264 students, 136 or 51.51%

are having their gathering once a week; 18 or 6.81 % are having their meeting twice a

week; 46 or 17.42% are having their gathering every week; 33 or 12.12% are having

their gathering once a month;2 or 0.75% are having their gathering thrice a week;5 or

1.89% are having their gathering twice a month;1 or 0.37% is telling that he or she is

attending the gathering whenever required;2 or 0.75% are having their gathering when

they announce;1 or 0.37% is attending the gathering every other week;1 or 0.37 is

attending their gathering once a year;1 or 0.37% is attending their gathering

occasionally;4 or 1.51% are telling that it depends on the act;2 or 0.75% are not

attending their gathering;1 or 0.37% is telling that he or she is attending the gathering

once every two months;1 or 0.37%is attending the gathering seldomly;1 or 0.37% said

that he or she attend sometimes;1 or 0.37%said that they will attend if their parents

allow them;1 or 0.37% is telling that they attend once every other month;2 or 0.75% are

attending when there is a club meeting;1 or 0.37 said that he or she is attending thrice a

year;1 or 0.37 said that he or she attend every other day;1 or 0.37 said that he or she

will attend if there¶ s an event;1 or 0.37% said that he attend once in a while and 1 or
0.37 said that he or she is not an active member. These results were determined using

the frequency and percentage.

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The mean score of Table 2.1 Respondent¶s social Interaction by being a member

of Religious Groups towards their Family is 3.19 or often. All the statements were

gathered under the mean of 3.05 to 3.46. Based on the computed mean for each

manifestation, often of the students have learn to respect their family members (3.56);

often of the students have learned how to bond with their family members (3.33); often

of the students have learned how to share their secret with their family members (3.11);

often of the students have learned how to share their problem with their family members

(3.05); often of the students have learned how to seek advise with their family members

(3.03); often of the students help their family members in doing the household chores

(3.13); often of the students learned how to follow rules that their parents have given

them (3.20); often of the students have learned how to say ³po´ and ³opo´ to their

parents (3.22); often of the students learned how to say sorry whenever they hurt their

family members (3.27); often of the students shared religious stories with their family

members. It can then be said that after joining religious group those members have

learned good manners towards their family.

The mean score of Table 2.2 Respondent¶s social Interaction by being a member

of Religious Groups towards the School is 3.16 or often. The statements that were

gathered under the mean of 3.05 to 3.42 are the following: Basing from the mean score
of each manifestation, the students often learned to respect their entire faculty staff

members (3.42); often of the students learned to respect the school staff(3.29); often of

the students learned to do their task very well(3.15); often of the students learned to

pass their requirements on time(3.10); often of the students learned to answer their

home work honestly(3.12); often of the students learned to answer their seatwork

honestly(3.15); often of the students learned how to answer their exam honestly(3.15);

often of the students learned to cooperate in their class discussion( 3.06); often of the

students learned to become a role model in class(3.05); often of the students show

good behavior in class.

The mean score of Table 2.3 Respondent¶s social Interaction by being a member

of Religious Groups towards Classmates and Friends is 3.20 or often. The statements

that were gathered under the mean of 2.95 to 3.28 are the following. Often of the

students become careful with the words that they will utter to their friends and

classmates (3.27); often of the students learned to share their problems with them

(3.19); often of the students learned to help their friends or classmates with their

problems (3.24); often of the students learned to show concern to them (3.25); often of

the students learned to show their feelings to them (3.20); often of the students learned

to be a good friend to them (3.28); often of the students learned to bond with them

(3.27); often of the students learned to say sorry when they hurt their friends or

classmates feelings(3.23); often of the students encourage them to read bibles(2.95);

often of the students are encouraging them to follow good values( 3.12).

The mean score of Table 2.4 Respondent¶s social Interaction by being a member

of Religious Groups towards their own Religious Group is 3.06 or often. The statements
that were gathered under the mean of 2.86 to 3.16 are the following. Often of the

students attend the activities of their religious groups (3.16); often of the students initiate

prayer to their group(3.00); often of the students have never been late in their activity

(3.03); often of the students make their time table for school activities, at home and

church activities (2.86); often of the students participate actively in their group and

activities (3.06); often of the students enjoy participating in their activities (3.09); often of

the students encourage others to join their activities at church( 3.09); often of the

students help in preparing their activities or gatherings (3.03); often of the students

participate in community services hosted by their group(3.08); often of the students

attend mass every Sunday.


After analyzing the data gathered by the researchers, they arrived with the

following conclusions:

1.) The researchers conclude that many of their respondents are 14 years.

2.) The members should be more active to their religious groups for them to be more

responsible and help their personalities to be better.

3.) God became the center of lives of the respondents who is a religious member

4.) The respondents become respectful to their parents, in school and to their friends

and classmates

5.) Most of the respondents who belong to the religious groups are spending 10

hours once a week.

6.) The respondents become more close to their friends because of the religious


7.) Most of the respondents belong to Youth for Christ group.

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Based on the conclusions that the researches made, they have formulated the

following recommendations:

1.) Parents, school administrators, teachers, and guidance counselors must

encourage the students to join religious groups since it promotes good social

interaction to the people around them.

2.) The president/head of the religious groups should improve their activities and

movements for introducing Jesus to the children and teenagers.

3.) Students must also encourage their friends to join religious group since it

promotes good relationship making friendship ties grow stronger.

4.) Students must be active to their religious groups and not just for fun and

entertainment but for more bonding and be closer with their family, friends and


5.) The future researchers should conduct a similar topic but focusing on other that

has the same focus on religious groups.


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