Bautista CL MODULE

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Mon Edilbert A.

Bautista Christian Living 4

SSCI – 1202 Mr. John Peter Asiño


1. Write some familiar moral dilemmas where conscience, and its distinctions and divisions can
be applied.
Antonio is a wise and cheerful person who grew up from a family where his father is always
fighting and beating up his mother, he grew up believing that his mother can take all the pain
because she loves his husband, but after some time during his teenage years he discovered
that his father has been seeing another woman and because of this he started to become a
rebel child to his parents. He is confused on who to trust and what is the true meaning of
family for him. On the contrary, she started distancing from his parents and do things that
would hurt her but still, Antonio studies diligently to make his parents proud. There are times
that he would act negligent to prove something to himself but also he wanted to prove to his
parents that he can live independently on his own so he says mean things to them but in his
mind it’s the pride that makes him do the bad things to his parents. Later on, he questioned
himself if he can still feel the happiness inside him while being away from his parents and
there where he realized that he is doing this for him to find the true meaning of family for
him and after that he went to his parents and apologized and explained himself to compensate
for his mistakes.


 Conscience demands the person to do what is good and avoid what is evil.
 Conscience is a moral faculty that maintain the choice of obligation in every act
 Conscience is a moral practical judgment that allows the doer to act based on its
 The divisions of conscience in this dilemma are antecedent, consequent, certain,
doubtful, erroneous.

Choose three (3) divisions of conscience. Give examples of moral dilemmas for each division of
conscience. Then, explain how conscience is employed in the dilemma. Use the table below as
your reference.


The homeless person
A homeless person who turns questioned his deed whether
in lost money. it is right or wrong to return
the lost money that he saw
Gian was planning to get
revenge on his enemy by
killing it. But when the time The conscience of Gian is
ANTECEDENT came that they met with each seen before he performed the
other, he felt growing plan which is to kill.
uneasiness deep within
himself and gave up his plan.
Vincent and his girlfriend had
a big argument. Due to Vincent’s conscience is
frustration, he shouted to the evident because as he
CONSEQUENT girl out of nowhere. Shocked regretted his mistake he
on what happened, Vincent knew that it was wrong to
ran away from their house and shout at his girlfriend.
regretted his mistake.

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