Assignments and Outputs: (Schedule)

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 Assignments and Outputs

The purpose of assignments and outputs are to help incorporate what you have learned from our
lessons. Hence, please be guided when preparing and submitting your assignments:

1. When submitting your assignments/outputs, follow the format that is instructed (.doc,
.excel, .ppt). Unless stated, do not submit a PDF version of your assignment.
2. Use this filename format when submitting your assignments: Last Name, First name_Rizal
3. On the first page of your assignment, write the course name and schedule (Rizal - MWF,
10:30-12:00 nn), your full name (LN, FN), your degree program, and the assignment/output
number. Upload the assignment as per indicated deadlines in the proper assignment folder in
the course site. 

4. Always cite your sources/references (use APA-format). Do not use wikipedia as a source. Do

not self-plagiarize.
5. No Late submissions unless with valid reasons (supported by evidence, like medical
certificate). Assignment/Output bins will automatically be locked. 

 Online discussions

This course will contain numerous online discussions so that the students are able to interact with one
another. It is necessary that everyone participates in the discussions since it provides the students the
opportunity to brain-storm and debate on the topics at hand. While discussing, always remember to
be cordial and diplomatic when replying with other students. Rowdy and inappropriate behavior
shall not be tolerated. Your participation in our online discussions will be evaluated based on the
following criteria:

 Content
 Follow-up replies/questions
 References
 Clarity

Course Outline

Unit 1 
 Lesson 1. Ethics as a Discipline
o Key Concepts
o Moral Standards
 Lesson 2. Moral Issues and Moral Dilemmas
 Lesson 3. Freedom Responsibility (as foundations of morality)
 Lesson 4. Culture
o Where Moral behaviors are shaped
o Cultural relativism (Advantages and disadvantages)
 Lesson 5. Filipino Morality

Unit 2

 Lesson 1. The Moral Agent (Vice versus Virtue)

 Lesson 2. Determinants of Morality
o Stages of moral development (Kohlberg)
 Lesson 3
o Role of feelings in moral decision-making
o Reason and impartiality
 Lesson 4. 7-Step Moral reasoning model
 Lesson 5. Moral Courage: The development of the will

Unit 3

 Lesson 1. Virtue Ethics

 Lesson 2. The Categorical Imperative
 Lesson 3: Utilitarianism
 Lesson 4: John Rawls' Theory of Justice
 Lesson 5: Globalization and Pluralism: New Challenges to Ethics
 Lesson 6: Challenges of Filinnials

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