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Copyright COl IFAC Robust Control Design,

Prague, Czech Republic, 2000



M. Hilairet, C. Darengosse, F. Auger

and P. Chevrel'

GE 44, CRTT - Bd. de I'Universite - B.P. 406 - 44602 Saint Nazaire cedex - France
Ph. (33) 24017 26 35, E-mail.' mickael.hilairet@ge44.univ-nantesfr
tlRCCyN - UMR CNRS 6597, 1 rue de La Noe, 44072 Names Cedex 3 - France
E-mail: pchevrel@emnfr

Abstract: lIDs paper presents and compares two approaches for the design of robust
flux observers for induction motors. Both take the measurement noises into account.
The first one, based on Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI) formulation, leads to a
quadratically stable flux observer. The second one is a Kalman filter with a
particular tuning method, which reduces the effects of some parameter uncertainties.
The dynamical performances, robustness and algorithmic complexity of both
observers are shown and compared. Copyrighte;2000 IFAC

Keywords: H-infinity, Kalman filters, Observers, Induction machines, discretization.

1. INfRODUCTION one, based on the linear control theory (Luenberger

observer), has been proposed in (Verghese and
The induction motor has very appealing properties. Sanders, 1988). The others are based on the high gain
Compared to the DC motor, which relies on method as Bomard and Hammouri (1991), or the
mechanical contacts between rotor and stator sliding modes control theory as Kinpara, et al.
(brushes and commutator), the induction motor uses (1995). Such methods may bring difficulties to
an alternative supply of the Stator windings to set up manage the trade-off between noise and parametric
a rotating magnetic field., inducting currents in the sensitivity, unlike methods based on Kalman filtering
rotor (closed) windings, hence providing a torque. as Jacquot (1995). Such an approach seems to work
Consequently, the induction motor has a relatively in practice but with a big amount of computations.
lower cost and very good reliability and ruggedness.
The counter-part is a more difficult speed or torque Darengosse and Chevrel (1999) proposed a new
control, see (Leonhard, 1985; Bodson, et al., 1994; method for the design of flux observers based on
Kinpara, et al., 1995). LMI (Linear Matrix Inequalities) formulation. The
aim of the present paper is to present it more closely,
As shown in Darengosse, et al. (1999), in which a to clarify its discretization and to compare it with
detailed bibliography can be found., the flux another approach based on a Ka1man filter (Hilairet
established in the machine must be controlled so as to and Auger, 2000).
meet high performances in speed or torque control.
Different strategies have been proposed to design a lIDs paper is organized as follows: the second
flux observer with better properties than the often section recalls the usual model of an induction
used simple estimator (Leonhard., 1985). The first machine. The third and fourth sections present the

two proposed design methodologies. Lastly, their random disturbance Wsl, so as to take inverter effects
respective performances and algorithmic complexity into account. The resulting measured vector is made
are analyzed. of the stator current (weighted as shown on fig 1) and
the stator voltage (Us) provided by the controller.


1-~ a;
The induction motor model using the Blondel-Park
transformation is well known (Leonhard, 1985). This
model is composed of a mechanical part and an

- ~
I. 11"0'
- .&

electrical part. The differential equation of the
mechanical subsystem is not considered here, and 'I
we have chosen the stator reference frame to obtain a
(a,~) LPV (Linear Parameter-Varying) electrical
subsystem (1), where the rotor speed Q is considered
l' Q(O)
as an external time-varying parameter.
Fig 1: Standard Plant for the observer design
o 0 Finally let us defme cl> , the estimation of cl>r and cl> r
the observation error <1», - «1>,. The weighting

function W(s)=~I2 allows to tune the

observer bandwidth as presented in Darengosse and
Chevrel (1999). This is done according to the
2 2 2
sampling period Ts and the anti-aliasing filter cut-off
Mot L, R , +M" R frequency.
Where cr=I---,y .. = 2 '
L , L, crL, L,
Unlike the basic observation problem (linear time
: Stator voltage, current invariant case), the standard system (P) (fig. 1) is a
: Rotor, stator resistances LPV affine system depending on the rotor speed, U,
: Number of poles pairs varying in the polytopic set S n = Co{o. miD' Q ... J
: Rotor, stator inductance (3). As a consequence the system matrix Sp(Q)
: Mutual inductance associated to P varies in the polytopic set
S p =Co~p_, Sp_ } (4).

3. H.. LPV FLUX OBSERVER DESIGN 'VUe Sn•• 3ae [0;1) / Q= a.Q I11III....
. +(l-a).Q
{'VQ,Sp(Q)e Sp 3ae[O;I)/Sp =a.S p_ +(I-a).Sp_ ( , )
Let us consider the LPV model represented by the
state space equation (2) corresponding to (1).
Then, the H.. LPV flux observer design problem may
be written as: find a dynamical system Q(Q) (5)
providing, from the stator current and voltage
= ~~~~-~Jx,.]
[ C; 0I
<=> ~~ 1~~~+~1
C 0
(2) measurements, the flux estimation ci>,
estimation error cl> r is minimized in the Lrnorm
such that the

sense, relatively to the disturbances Ws=(WS I,Ws2)1

previously detailed.
In this case Vs denotes the (a,~) stator voltage
components considered as controlled inputs. The
variable is represents the (a,~) stator current
components and <l»r the (a,~) rotor flux components,
which must be estimated. The standard scheme
corresponding to the design of a flux observer is
drawn on figure 1. To be more precise, using the previous standard
scheme shown on figure 1, the problem is to fmd Q
The measured stator current is supposed to be minimizing the criterion defmed by
corrupted by noise. Therefore, a weighting function
(represented by the transfer function W(s» is
included in the design in order to limit the observer (6)
bandwidth. We also consider that the stator voltage
really applied to the machine is corrupted by a

This problem is the classical problem of finding a
LPV feedback to control a LPV plant according to
quadratic H.. performance. A solution to this problem
can be derived from Apkarian and Gahinet (1995),
formulating it in terms of convex optimization
problem under LMI constraints. It is provided by the
LMI-solver (Gahinet, et al., 1995) available in the As shown in Hilairet and Auger (2000), the two
Matlab® package. The resulting observer is a matrices Aci(Q) and Bd contain many symmetries and
quadratically stable continuous-time system of 611> anti-symmetries, which when taken into account,
order (7), as for the standard plant (P) (Darengosse et provide an important reduction of the complexity of
al., 1999; Apkarlan and Gahinet, 1995): the Kalman filter. The random signals v[k] and w[k]
modelize the discretization error, the effects of the
inverters, the parameter uncertainties and the
measurement noise. Ka1man filters (Grewal and
Andrews, 1995) are classical algorithms, and their
equations are shortly recalled here (see equation 11).
Compared to Luenberger observers, the main
Starting with the linear fractional representation differences are that the correction uses the predicted
(LFR) of the observer (Darengosse and Chevrel, state rather than the previous estimated state, with a
1999), the main idea of the discretization consists in gain deduced from the statistics of the noises, rather
replacing the integration operator (S-I) by a than a pole assignment approach (Verghese and
generalized Euler operator. Being strictly causal, this Sanders, 1988).
approximation may be applied straightforwardly.
Moreover, its time prewarping coefficients insure
accuracy whatever the frequency of internal signals. X(k+~k] = A.s(O).xo<Ik]+Bd.luc]
This property is interesting because the electrical P[k+~k]=A.s(O)Jl[kjk]Atd(O)+Q
variables are defined in a stator reference framework,
Iqk+l]=P[k+~klC.(CP[k+~k].c +R)~
and these signals are sinusoidal with a frequency
depending on the rotor speed. Finally the observer X(k+~k+l]=X(k+~k]+Iqk+l].(Y[k+l]-CX[k+~k])
algorithm is given by the following expression with P[k+~k+I]=P[k+~k]-Iqk+l].CP[k+~k]
the sampling period (Ts=400 J.l.s): -
Wc] = (llk]+Wc+l])/2


The main problem of the Kalman filters is the

determination of the noise covariance matrices Q and
R. As explained in Hilairet and Auger (2000), there is
no reason to consider the elements of the two pairs
As a conclusion, the H.. LPV flux observer is based (isa,isll ) and (CI»ra.CI»Iji) differently, and the two axes of
on a linear parameter-varying dynamical system, the (<x,~) reference frame can be considered as
from which a continuous-time observer is derived. statistically orthogonal. Therefore, we considered
The design procedure has two degrees of freedom, only four degrees of freedom:
namely gb and Wb, which can be derived from the cut-
off frequency of the anti-aliasing filter, and from the
noise level. The discretization is performed by a non-
standard method which insures unbiasedness in
steady state. (13)


Moreover, since the Ka1man correction gain is not
As done commonly (Vas, 1998), a discrete-time modified when both Q and R are multiplied by a
model is first deduced from a second order series scalar, the Kalman filter dynamics are not changed if
expansion of the matrix exponential eA.(Il)T. : we choose:

X[k + I] = Ad (Q).x:[k] + Bd.U[k] +v[k]

{ Y[k] = Cy.x[k]+w[k]
(9) R =[1o 0] and Q
=[~l ~lo ~ ~ll
<Xl <X2 0 '

o <Xl 0 <X2

2 2 this Kalman filter are the classical ones. But the
WIth 0. 1 =a.
0. 2

and a =
a J 2 proposed implementation takes the structural
properties of the transition matrix into account,
yielding a lower computational cost. This observer
This choice makes the implementation of the Kalman has three degrees of freedom, and a determination
filter easier. Decreasing the elements of Q means that procedure is proposed, based on an optimization of
the model provides a good state prediction, and the the filter in a given operating mode, and for the
sensors yield noisy measures, leading to small values worst-case parameter uncertainty.
of the correction gains. On the opposite, increasing
the elements of Q means that the state prediction is 2)1 tOol
corrupted by parameter uncertainties, and/or the
sensor noise is negligible, leading to an important
correction of the prediction state thanks to the ·2

measured currents. So as to determine accurate ..

values of the parameters alt 0.2 and 0.3, we define an
application- dependent operating mode (see figure 2), "0 0.5 ,..
and we minimize the mean square error of the rotor K..
!) I 10'"

flux modulus for the worst case rotor resistance

uncertainty, MVRr=+60%:

(15) 0'·0 0.5 1 1.5 .' - ' - ,----:,<;-

.5i!-0---'0"'- .• ----:
timt(.) tirM(.)

Fig 3: Kalman gain values


-:!OO~ 0 .4 0.' 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.8 U

Table 1 shows the number of arithmetic operations
R"'~MllIOed~(H .m)
! ------~~~~~==~-------- required at each iteration by the H.., LPV flux
observer and the Kalman filter. The Kalman filter
fully exploits symmetries and anti-symmetries in the
; ~07
.•!- .2 ----::0.-:-'----0::
0.•; --;;-;0.; ---7,--~12----";-;-'--;,.. 1.11 matrices, so as to allow either the use of a higher
0.1 - sampling rate (to reduce the error made in the second
order expansion of eA.(Il)T.), or the use of cheaper
o~f i micro-controllers (Hilairet and Auger, 2000). The
0~0~072----;:0.7'----;:0.•;-~0.;---7,--~u--,;-;-,--;,7,--;,7.~; numbers between brackets represent the
computational complexity of a classical brute-force
Kalman filter algorithm (see equation 11) where
Fig 2: Application-dependent operating mode absolutely any symmetry is taken into account. The
H.. LPV flux observer does not contain symmetry
This mjnimization is performed without using the properties, but the study of the involved matrices is
Kalman filter in a speed regulation algorithm and not trivial, so the number of operations is maybe not
with a measured velocity including a small amount of optimal for this observer and may still be reduced.
noise. But good performances in closed-loop are
reported in Hilairet and Auger (2000). With· the Table 1: Number of arithmetic operations to update
chosen operating mode and model parameters, we the two observers.
found 0.,=6.13 10-2,0.2=400 and 0.3=0.93. As shown
on figure 3, the correction factor K13 (see equation H.., LPVFlux Kalman
12) which controls the modification of the predicted Observer filter
stator currents is nearly equal to one, whatever to Number of 96 83 (374)
rotor velocity. This means that: multiplications
- the Kalman filter does not trust on the predicted and inversions
currents. Number of 41 63 (303)
- there is no stochastic filtering on the measured additions
currents. Trigonometric 3 0
- a reduced order model would probably suit this flux functions
estimation problem. Total 167 146 {677}

As a conclusion, the Kalman observer is based on a For the evaluation of the total number of arithmetic
discrete-time model, deduced from the continuous- operations, the trigonometric functions required for
time model by an approximation. The equations of the H.. LPV flux observer are supposed to be

computed by fIfth degree polynomials, as done for Figure 7 and 8 are two simulations with respectively
example on DSP's (Sitton, 1997). The three an underestimation and overestimation of 25 % of the
trigonometric functions are therefore equivalent to 15 stator resistance. The two observers have a nearly
multiplications and 15 additions. equivalent rotor flux estimation error and they are not
sensible to stator resistance uncertainties unlike most
of the previously proposed observers.
PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS Figure 9 is a simulation with an overestimation of
10% of the mutual inductance, which may result
The following simulation results show the behavior from a magnetic saturation of the induction machine.
of the observers in a open-loop scheme. The rotor The two observers have the same behavior whereas
flux estimation (solid line) is not used in the rotor the H.. LPV flux observer seems to be more accurate.
speed control and noises are added in the
measurements (voltages, currents and rotor velocity).
, --~--~----------------~~
The simulation setup fIrst starts-up the motor by
applying a sinusoidal three-phase voltage on the a.• ~

stator windings (220 Vrms, 50 Hz). At t=0.3s, both i •."

observers are activated with null initial conditions. At • ~ ' ~~------------~__________~
i :7
O.7r 1
t=0.7 s, the nominal load torque is required. a.•~:';'-I---;:-;-------:;-----.;':;c------;;':~___;:;______;;';;_____:
~ M U U U U

Figure 4 is a simulation without parameters 'a l'--~--~-- __- -__- -____ --~~

uncertainties. Hopefully, the Kalman fIlter (dashed

lines) and the H.. LPV flux observer (dotted lines)
yield nearly the same results in steady state. I. ·I',. .········-·-·--·-------"·----·---~,
- . ' I

However, the flux estimated by the Kalman fIlter has -, "

an underdamped response, whereas the one estimated ·,~.3 0:. 0.5 U 0.7 0.8 O~,
by the H.. LPV flux observer has an important titNo (t )

overshoot. But this overshoot is not harmful, since

such conditions never happen when the observer is Fig 4 : Open-loop scheme ARsIR,=O% and ARr/R.- =0%
included in a closed loop. It is important to underline
that the method used to design the observers are very
different. The H.. LPV flux observer is designed with '" --~--~--------------------
a continuous-time state space model, and this alf .' .
-. 1 '
observer is discretized for real-time implementation. ta. ~ ,
On the other hand, the Kalman fIlter uses a discrete- ··..7hl(.--:-7'""""-----...~~~=. ~1
time state space model, the error made by the rough
.• --~.;;;
.. -----;;';;a.I~-;;-;a.7~---::a.•=-----;:a.';-,----:
discretization being included in the state noise.
,a ~
--~--~-- __--__--------__ ~

Figure 5 is a simulation with an underestimation of _·f

50% of the rotor resistance. The Kalman fIlter yields
an estimated rotor flux modulus which is obviously
!:[-"--'_.---.'.-..-.....- ..- .-..--.~
closer to the real value than the H.. LPV flux
observer, since this situation is very close to the one "%
.3 0:. 0:' 0.'
" ' (t )
0.7 0.' o~
for which the former is optimally tuned
(AR/Rr=+60%). However, the prize paid for this
good estimation of the flux modulus is a more Fig 5: Open-loop scheme ARsIR. =0% and ARr/R.- =+50010
important orientation error, as already outlined in
Delmotte (1997). ' ,r --~--~-- __- -__- -________- -
0.1 :- :
Figure 6 is a simulation with an overestimation of
50% of the rotor resistance. Compared to the H.. LPV
flux observer (dotted lines), the Kalman fIlter
. i •.•. .
O.7 ~~-.
'l ~~
... ~----------~~~~--~
. ...-;to ::is . jj

(dashed lines) is more robust against overvalued rotor a1.,' a., a.. D.' 0.7 0.'

resistances. The rotor flux orientation error is nearly

,. ~
! --~--~------~--~------~
the same for both observers and is negligible in
steady state. This is an important point because an
error in the rotor flux orientation does not allow a
good FOC (Field Oriented Control), and makes the
I, r·---------.'"":-·"·~--~-··--~··~j
rotor flux dependent on the electromagnetic torque. .1\.3 0:" 0.' 0.7 a.1 DJ
In this case, the rotor velocity oscillates and creates .... C.j

mechanical noise which may fInally damage the rotor

shaft. Fig 6: Open-loop scheme ARsIR. =0% and ARr/R.- =-50%

considered. Simulations performed with uncertainties
," --~--~----------------~--
in the rotor resistance, the stator resistance or the
mutual inductance have pointed out that both
observers nearly have the same robustness. Future
extensions of these approaches may lead to a better
control of the dynamical performances, and to the
estimation of the angular velocity for sensorless
,.---~--~----------~--- control.
~ r---'·--·---.---·-..·- -. --------.~ REFERENCES
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7. CONCLUSION Leonhard, W (1985). Control of electrical drives . 2nd
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This paper has presented two robust rotor flux New-York.
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uncertainty into account. The two design approaches Verghese, G.C. and S.R. Sanders (1988). Observers
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freedom, whereas the second one is based on a 85-94.
discrete-time state space model, and has three Sitton, G (1997). A collection of functions for the
parameters. The H.. LPV flux observer needs more TMS320C30. Texas Instruments application
calculations than the second observer at each time report SPRA 117.
sample, because any symmetry property is


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