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American English – British English Guide

Account [ə'kount] bill/account [ə'kaunt]
Airplane ['ɛəpleɪn] aeroplane ['ɛərəpleɪn] intermission [ˌɪntə'mɪʃ(ə)n] interval ['ɪntəv(ə)l]
Anyplace/anywhere ['enɪpleɪs] anywhere ['enɪwɛə] intersection [ˌɪntə'sekʃ(ə)n] crossroads ['krɔsrəud]
Apartment [ə'pɑːtmənt] flat
janitor ['janitər] caretaker ['kɛəˌteɪkə] /porter
bathrobe ['bɑːθrəub] dressing gown [gaun]
bathtub ['bɑːθtʌb] bath K
bill banknote ['bæŋknəut]
billion=thousand million billion=million million kerosene ['kerəˌsēn] рaraffin ['pærəfɪn]
busy ['bɪzɪ] (phone) engaged [ɪn'geɪʤd] (phone)
cab [kab] taxi lawyer ['lôyər]/attorney [ə'tərnē] solicitor [sə'lɪsɪtə]
call/photo ring up/photo line [līn] queue [kjuː]
can tin lost and found lost property ['prɔpətɪ]
candy sweets
check bill (restaurant) M
closet ['klazɪt] wardrobe ['wɔːdrəub]
connect (telephone) put through mail post
cookie ['kukɪ] biscuit ['bɪskɪt] make a reservation book
corn [kɔːn] sweetcorn, maize [meɪz] [ˌrezə'veɪʃ(ə)n]
crazy ['kreɪzɪ] mad motorcycle ['mōtərˌsīkəl] motorbike ['məutəbaɪk]
movie ['muːvɪ] film
D movie house/theater ['θɪətə] cinema
desk clerk [klərk] receptionist [rɪ'sepʃ(ə)nɪst]
dessert [dɪ'zɜːt] pudding['pudɪŋ]/dessert/sweet N
downtown (city) centre
drapes [drāp] curtains ['kɜːt(ə)n] news-stand newsagent ['njuːzˌeɪʤ(ə)nt]
drugstore/pharmacy chemist’s ['kemɪst]
duplex ['d(y)oopleks] semi-detached O

E office ['ɔfɪs] (doctor’s/dentist’s) surgery ['sɜːʤ(ə)rɪ]

one-way (ticket) single (ticket)
eggplant ['egplɑːnt] aubergine ['əubəʤiːn] overalls ['əuvərɔːl] dungarees [ˌdʌŋgə'riː]
elevator ['elɪveɪtə] lift
pants/trousers trousers ['trauzəz]
F pantyhose ['pæntɪhəuz]/ tights
fall autumn nylons ['nīˌlän]
faucet ['fɔːsɪt] tap parking lot car park
first floor, second floor ground floor, first floor pavement ['pāvmənt] road surface ['sɜːfɪs]
flashlight['flashˌlīt] torch [tôrch] pedestrian [pə'destrēən]crossing zebra crossing
French fries chips (potato) chips crips [krɪp]
front desk reception public school state school
purse [pɜːs] handbag
garbage ['gɑːbɪʤ]/trash [trash] rubbish ['rʌbɪʃ] railroad railway
garbage can dustbin/bin rest room toilet['tɔɪlət]/cloakroom
gas [gas] petrol
gas station petrol station/garage ['gærɑːʒ]
grade [grād] class/year

sales clerk/sales girl shop assistant vacation [və'keɪʃən] holidays

schedule ['skeʤuːl] timetable vacuum ['vækjuːm] (v) hoover['huːvə]
shorts (underwear) pants vacuum cleaner hoover
sidewalk pavement
store, shop shop W
subway underground with or without black or white
(milk/cream in coffee)
truck lorry van [van]
two weeks fortnight/two weeks yard garden

(pronounced “zee”) (pronounced “zed”)

zero ['zɪərəu] nought [nɔːt]
zip code postcode ['pəustkəud]


He just went out. He has just gone out.

Hello, is this Steve? Hello, is that Steve?
Do you have a car? Have you got a car?

Expressions with prepositions and particles

different from/than different from/to
live on X street live in X street
on a team in a team
on the weekend at the weekend
Monday through Friday Monday to Friday

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