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el he gv OFFICIAL “,, SRELEASED? iy & Signature ©, Date. REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES yim 7 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT oo DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA corner Quezon Avenue, West Triangle Quezon City 4 http: / / AN UPDATE ON THE FUNCTIONALITY INDICATORS, RULES AND RESPONSIBILITIES AND MONITORING GUIDELINES OF BARANGAY PEACE AND ORDER COMMITTEE (BPOC) THEREBY AMENDING DILG MC 2008-101 DATED 17 JUNE 2008 Memorandum Circular No. 2020-047 Date:__27 FEB 2020 1. BACKGROUND The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, particularly Article II, Section 5, declares, as one of the State’s Principles, that the maintenance of peace and order, the protection of life, liberty, and property, and promotion of the general welfare are essential for the enjoyment by all the people of the blessings of democracy. Likewise, Section 16 of Republic Act No. 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991 states that local government units shall, within their territorial jurisdictions, promote health and safety, improve public morals, maintain peace and order, and preserve the comfort and convenience of their inhabitants. Subsequently, Executive Order No. 366 dated September 5, 1996, was issued requiring all barangays to organize the Barangay Peace and Order Committee (BPOC) to serve as the implementing arm of the City/Municipal Peace and Order Council at the barangay level To ensure that BPOCs are organized and functional, the Department issued DILG MC No. 2008-101 dated June 17, 2008 entitled: Reorganization and Guidelines in Monitoring the Functionality of Barangay Peace and Order Committee (BPOC). With the various incidents that pose serious threat to peace and order and public safety in the country like violent extremism, there is a need to review and update the functionality indicators of BPOC to harmonize its duties and responsibilities with the existing and the new policies and laws. Moreover, a comprehensive assessment of BPOC functionality performed regularly is a vital mechanism in the nation’s attainment of just and lasting peace, ensuring security, public order, and safety, which are embodied under the Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 as high priority of the government. 2. LEGAL BASES 2 22: 23. 24. 2.5. 2.6. Section 16 of R.A. No. 7160 provides that local government units shall, within their territorial jurisdictions, promote health and safety, improve public morals, maintain peace and order, and preserve the comfort and convenience of their inhabitants. Section 2 of Executive Order No. 366, s. 1996 provides that every barangay shall organize a Peace and Order Committee to serve as the implementing arm of the City/Municipal Peace and Order Council at the barangay level. DILG MCNo. 2008-101 dated June 17, 2008 provides for the Reorganization and Guidelines in Monitoring the Functionality of Barangay Peace and Order Committee DILG MC No. 2011-24 dated February 17,2011 enumerates the Duties and Functions of the Provincial, City, and Municipal Peace and Order Councils, and of the Barangay Peace and Order Committees. DILG MC No. 2015-130 dated November 3, 2015 provides for the Guidelines on the Functions of the Peace and Order Councils, Barangay Peace and Order Committees, and Peace and Order Council Secretariats. DILG MC No. 2017-142 dated October 24,2017 provides for the Guidelines in the Formulation of a Simplified Barangay Peace and Order and Public Safety (BPOPS) Plan. 3. PURPOSE This Circular is hereby issued to provide guidelines in monitoring the functionality of the Barangay Peace and Order Committees (BPOCS). 4. SCOPE/COVERAGE All City, Municipal Mayors, Punong Barangays, DILG Regional Directors and Field Officers, Minister of Local Government-BARMM and all others concerned 5. POLICY CONTENT 5.1. ORGANIZATION AND COMPOSITION OF BPOC 5.1.1. ‘The Punong Barangay shall issue an Executive Order or a Sangguniang Barangay Resolution organizing the BPOC within 100 days upon assumption to office. The BPOC shall be composed of the following: a. Punong Barangay as Chairperson; b. Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson; c. A Member of the Lupon Tagapamayapa to be designated by the Punong Barangay; 4. APublic School Teacher to be designated by the School Principal or School Head Teacher; e. A PNP Officer to be designated by the Chief of Police of the corresponding city or municipality; ere A representative from the Inter-faith Group; A senior citizen; A barangay tanod preferably Chief Tanod or EX-O; and At least three (3) members, duly endorsed by an organized neighborhood association, from existing barangay based anti-crime groups, neighborhood watch group or NGOs well known in the community. 5.2. FUNCTIONS 5.2.1. The BPOC shall have the following functions and responsibilities: a Formulate a Barangay Peace and Order and Public Safety (BPOPS) Plan and furnish copy to the following: 1) Barangay Development Council (BDC) for reference and consideration in the formulation of the Barangay Development Plan (BDP); and 2) City or Municipal Peace and Order Council (C/MPOC) for consideration in the formulation of C/M POPS Plan; Recommend measures to improve or enhance peace and order and public safety in the community; Monitor and coordinate the implementation of peace and order programs and projects at the barangay level; Serve as an information-gathering mechanisms; Monitor and report, to appropriate authorities, suspicious illegal activities and personalities involved, including insurgent activities within their jurisdiction; Maintain continuing dialogue, close coordination and rapport with the higher-level POCs and law enforcement units; Coordinate the operation of all community-based anti-crime groups within the barangay; Conduct periodic assessment of the prevailing peace and order situation in the barangay, and submit a report, with appropriate recommendations, to the higher-level POC; Submit annual BPOC Functionality Report as prescribed in this MC; and Perform such other functions as may be assigned by higher-level POCs. 53. FUNCTIONALITY INDICATORS ‘The functionality of BPOC shall be assessed in the following areas: Oy A. STRUCTURE 1. Organization/Reorganization of BPOC through an Executive Order or Sangguniang Barangay Resolution 2. Organization/ Reorganization of BPOC within 100 days upon assumption to office B. PEOPLE 1. BPOC membership is in accordance with Executive Order 366, dated September 5, 1996 2. BPOC members attended any related orientation/training at least once in the previous year C._ SYSTEM. 1. Conduct of Regular Monthly Meetings with quorum 2. Attend meeting with higher-level POC and law enforcement units *Bonus: a.) Conduct of Special Meeting 1° 3._ Formulation of Plans and Programs 3.1, Formulation of Barangay Peace and Order and Public Safety (BPOPS) Plan in accordance with MC 2017-142 dated October 24, 2017 12 3.2.) Submission of BPOPS Plan to BDC for inclusion in their BDP. 3.3.) Submission of BPOPS Plan to the City/Municipal level for inclusion in their POPS Plan. “Bonus: a.) Programs and activities funded by private * organizations and individuals b,) Reviewed/Updated their BPOPs Plan i ) Active citizen participation and civic 17 engagement in peace and order PPAS 4,_Implementation of Programs, Projects and Acti 4.1,) Percentage of accomplished PPAs vis-4-vis their target in the approved BPOPS Plan 100%-85% 84%-50% [ 49%-25% nlalolo. Below 25% 4.2.) Percentage of utilization of allocated budget 100% -85% lo B4%-50% 49%-25% o no | Below 25%. ~~ 43.) Submission of Semestral Accomplishment Report in 5 accordance with MC No. 2017-142 dated October 24, 2017 5. Presence of a resolution recommending to enact any of 6 the following related ordinance/s to improve the peace and order situation inthe barangay: _| 5.1.) Conduct of Road Clearing Operations; and 3 5.2.) Regulating the sale of cigarettes and alcoholic | 3 beverages to minors “Bonus: a.) Curfew Hours re b.) Prohibition of all kinds of animals to stray in| 1* public places. ¢) Regulating the use of videoke and karaoke | 1* machines and other similar amplified audio sound devices. @) Prohibiting residents from roaming half-| 1* naked in public places. e,) Designation of Smoking Area. i* 6. Submission of Barangay Peace and Order Information 4 Report to C/MPOC, Local PNP Unit and other law enforcement office. 7. Accomplishment and submission of previous BPOC 4 Self-Assessment Form to BPOC Evaluation Task Force D. BPOC INNOVATIONS AND GOOD PRACTICES 5 1. BPOC practice new methods and programs as innovation 5 in the implementation of Peace and Order and Public __Safety in the community. Total: 100 “Bonus Points: 9 LEVEL OF BPOC FUNCTIONALITY LEVEL Pune HIGH 85 - 100 points MODERATE 51 - 84 points LOW 21-50 points NON-FUNCTIONAL 25 points and below MONITORING THE FUNCTIONALITY OF BPOCs 5.5.1. Creation of the BPOC Evaluation Task Force (ETF) - The City or Municipal Mayor, as Chairperson of the City/Municipal Peace and Order Council, shall create the BPOC Evaluation Task Force with the following composition: a. Head, Secretariat of the C/MPOC = Chair b. Representative of the Chief, Local PNP - | Member c. President, LnB City/Municipal Chapter - | Member d. NGO, Member of the C/MPOC - Member 5.5.2. Roles and Functions of the Evaluation Task Force (ETF): a. Consolidate the barangay self-assessment form (BPOC Form 1); b. Review and evaluate the data entries in BPOC Form 1, all Means of Verification (MOVs) and relevant documents for the assessment of BPOC Functionality. The ETF shall ensure that the barangays completely accomplished the BPOC Form 1 and submitted all their MOVs. In case that there are indicators without MOVs, it is considered non-compliance, hence the 0 point score. c. Give corresponding points for each indicator guided by the BPOC Functionality Assessment Technical Guidenotes. d. Total all the points given for each indicator and indicate its Level of BPOC Functionality in accordance with item 5.4 of this Circular. e. Conduct validation activities whenever necessary; f. Create a ETF Secretariat, if deemed necessary, to assist the BPOC Evaluation Task Force in the performance of its administrative and technical functions; and €. Submita copy of the BPOC Form 1 to the C/MLGOO or City Director concerned 5.5.3. Schedule of BPOC Functionality Monitoring and Report Submission a. The BPOC functionality assessment shall be conducted annually in accordance with the following schedules: 1.) For the conduct of BPOC Functionality assessment in CY 2020: Year under Assessment Period Submission of Regional Review Assessment Report 2019 May to July 2020 On or before August 2020 2.) For the conduct of BPOC functionality assessment in the succeeding years (CY 2021 - onwards): 5.6. Year under | Assessment Period | Submission of Regional Review Assessment Report Previous January to March On or before April 30 of Year of the current year the current year For illustration: 2020 January to March 2021 On or before _ April 30,2021 2021and | January to March 2022 On or before onwards and every year April 30, 2022 and every thereafter ‘year thereafter b. The DILG Regional Office shall prescribe the schedule of submission of provincial and city/municipal assessment results. c. The results of the BPOC functionality assessment shall be encoded, through a shared Google Drive, on or before August 15, 2020, and on or before April 15 of every year thereafter. Said data are expected to have undergone careful review, thus, ensuring data reliability. d. A duly signed regional summary of the BPOC functionality assessment results shall be submitted to the DILG-Central Office, through the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO), on or before the deadlines of submission as indicated in Items 5.5.3. ((q) and 5.5.3.(2)(a) of this Circular. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS 5.6.1. Punong Barangay Accomplish the BPOC Self-Assessment Form and submit the same to the BPOC Evaluation Task Force together with the prescribed MOVs and other related documents. 5.6.2. City/Municipal Mayors a. Create a BPOC Evaluation Task Force in accordance with Item 5.5.1 of this Circular; and b. Provide technical assistance to the barangays. 5.6.3. DILG a. NBOO 1) Develop the technical guide notes for the conduct of the BPOC functionality assessment; 2) Maintain National Masterlist of barangays with functionality status of BPOCs; c: d. 3) Submit a Status Report to SILG on the result of the BPOC functionality assessment; 4) Provide technical and administrative assistance to DILG Field Offices; and 5) Conduct validation activities whenever necessary. DILG Regional Offices 1) Prescribe the schedule of submission of provincial and city/municipal assessment results; 2) Maintain Regional Masterlist of Barangays with functionality status of BPOCs; 3) Accomplish and submit the Regional Summary Report (BPOC Monitoring Form No. 4) to DILG-Central Office through NBOO; 4) Ensure the accuracy and completeness of the data encoded in the shared Google Drive within the area of jurisdiction; 5) Provide technical and administrative assistance to DILG Field Offices; 6) Conduct validation activities whenever necessary. DILG Provincial Office 1) Maintain Provincial Masterlist of Barangays with functionality status of BPOCs; 2) Accomplish and submit the Provincial Summary Report (BPOC Monitoring Form No. 3) to the DILG Regional Office. 3) Ensure the accuracy and completeness of the data encoded in the shared google drive within the area of jurisdiction; 4) Provide technical and administrative assistance to DILG Field Offices; and 5) Conduct validation activities whenever necessary. DILG City/Municipal Offices 1) As head of C/MPOC Secretariat, leads the Evaluation Task Force to jointly review and assess the submitted BPOC Self-Assessment Form (BPOC Monitoring Form 1) and all its supported MOVs and relevant documents for the assessment of BPOC Functionality; 2) Ensure that all barangays are assessed within the area of jurisdiction; 3) Encode the results of the assessment in the shared google drive within the area of jurisdiction; 4) Accomplish and submit the City/Municipal Summary Report (BPOC Monitoring Form 2) to the DILG Provincial Office, in the case of Component Cities and Municipalities; and to the DILG Regional Office, in the case of Highly Urbanized Cities (HUCs) and Independent Component Cities (ICs); 5) Provide technical assistance to the barangays; and 6) Conduct validation activities whenever necessary. 6. EFFECTIVITY ‘This Circular shall take effect immediately. AUTHORITY 8, FEEDBACK Inquiries concerning this Circular should be directed/addressed to the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO) through telephone numbers (02) 876-3454 local 4407. Republic of the Philippines Telephone Number (02) 925-1137 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA cor. Quezon Ave., Quezon City BPOC FUNCTIONALITY SELF-ASSESSMENT AND AUDIT FORM Region Province: for the Year Cityimunicipatity: Instruction: Puta check V on the box hat corresponds tothe glven questions. A.STRUCTURE 1. The BPOC Organized Reorpanized? 2. The BPOC OrganizedReorganized whin 100 days upon assumption to office? 8 PEOPLE '3. BPOC membership isin accordance wth E.0 368 dated September 5, 19967 4. BPOC member altond any elated orentatontraning _atlaast once in the previous year? c. SYSTEM 5. The BPOC conducts regular monthly meetings? Number of ments in which meetings were conducted 2 Months 0-11 leo ie7 las 3 lo Yes NO nay: MEANS OF VERIFICATION Exocutve Order (Required) ‘Sangguniang Barangay Recoliton (Required) ‘BPOC Organizational Structure Others: (nlease speci) MEANS OF VERIFICATION ‘Execute Order (Requires) Sangguniang Barangay Resolution (Required) Oath of Office of the BPOC mombors Others: (clase specin MEANS OF VERIFICATION Executive Order (Required) ‘Sangguniang Barangay Resolution (Required) 'BPOC Orgarizatonal Structure ines: (clase speci MEANS OF VERIFICATION (Copy of Cert. of Participation (Required) YES NO Ee Copy of attendance sheet w/the tle of the ‘ctv, datetime, and venue Post Actvty Report ofthe aning atlonded ‘Attestation trom the lead organizer Others: (slease spect MEANS OF VERIFICATION Copies of POC monihiy meeting minutes ‘and stondance sheets (Required) Photo documentation wih date and time stamp Others: — (clease speci Page tof S Contact FOR CiMLGOO /CD USE ONLY FONTS REWARKS FORTS REMARKS POINTS REMARKS PORTS REARS POINTS REMARKS. YES NO. MEANS OF VERIFICATION FONTS REMARKS, 6. The BPOC attends mosting wih Niger eve POC and fel ‘Copies of mines and atencance of he meeting Requres) tow enforcement unte Certete of partcpaton Phoitvides documentation with date and tie samp Others: — (lease spec) — Bonus YES NO MEANS OF VERIFICATION REMARKS, “TT BPOC Conds spect meeting ‘Copies of minutes and atendance te meetings Requires) Photoseo documentation win dete an be stamp Others: __(olease specify) _ ‘YES NO. MEANS OF VERIFICATION FORTS REMARKS. ‘8. The BPOC formulates Barangay Peace and Order Oo ‘Copy of the approved BPOPS Plan (Required) and Public Safty (BPOPS) Plan in accerdance wih COmers: (lease spect Diug me 2017-142 cated October 242017 YES NO MEANS OF VERIFICATION | Fonts —REWaRKS —] 6, The BPOC submits he BPOPS Plan to BOC for Oo ‘Copy of he Resolion of APOC submitng he approved Incuson in te OP 'BPOPS Plano BDC (Required) [1 Copy ofthe Resolution of BOC adopting the BPOPs Plan YES NO. MEANS OF VERIFICATION | Ponts ———Renanns | 40:The BPOC submits he BPOPS Panto the City’ Oc Copy of POPS Plan with stamp receved by the unipal eve forineuion n he POPS Plan oe Others: __(olease specify) _ Bones YES NO. MEANS OF VERIFICATION PORTS REMARKS. 41 Programs and actives of BPOC funded by TJ 1 cony ot neon between privat inttutons and barangay proteins eel Siren olase sect Bonus YES NO. MEANS OF VERIFICATION PORTS RERARRS “12, The BPOC revenedundated her BPOPs lan Oc Copy ofthe approved revewedupdated BPOPS Plan Others: _(olease specify) Bonus YES NO MEANS OF VERIFICATION PORTS REMARKS. 113, Reeldnts acho parbpate ane ngage in oO Copy ofthe Cera of Appreciation Recoprion peace and order PPAS PhoteDocumeration wth date and te tam Terminal Report or Pet Aetviy Report ‘stendarce Snest Otners YES NO. MEANS OF VERIFICATION FONTS REMARKS Implementation of Projects and Activites (i ca) ‘ecomptshent Report (Required) ar Percentage of scomplsted PAs vais Projet Stans Repos thir target nthe approved BPOPS Pan fnnual Repats oom ass Terminal Reports Jevr-sox Omners Js 25% Jem and below Page 2of

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