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1. Give a situation in the past wherein you portrayed characteristics of a good leader.

A true leader doesn’t only know how to direct and command people, he also knows how to
communicate and influence them, knows how to listen, do what is right and what is good for the whole
team. When I was a senior high student, I was chosen to lead our research study. It was not my first time
to lead, however, I considered it as the most challenging one. Leading a group of individuals that is
unfamiliar and is out of my circle is different from leading a group which is my friends. I think that it
would not be that hard if I was able to choose my team but the downside of such is that I would not
learn as much since I would be at my comfort zone.

During that time, I got to experience communication problems with some of my groupmates. I
came to realize how important effective communication is, and the ideology of ‘give and take’, I listen to
them and they listen to me, we share our ideas and so on for better communication and to also create
some bond since we are all new to each other. There are times as well when my groupmates encounter
trouble in doing their task due to some personal problems, I was there to help them, give some
alternatives so they could still do it like lending my laptop. And lastly, as the leader, whenever they
needed help in doing their assigned tasks, I never hesitate to help them and share my knowledge as it
was a way that they could also grow and learn as a human being.

2. Make an activity that can be done during team building.  Explain the activity and how it will
improve the team.

We are aware that doing a repetitive task in our respective organizations can be quite
exhausting especially when we have no chance to interact with our colleagues or when there is no
activities to boost our energy. It is why team building activities are encouraged for different
organizations because these activities are helpful for the members to get to know and build connections
with each other and also to improve productivity.

An example of an activity that can be done during team building is the ‘circle of appreciation’.
This requires less movement and is quite simple, however I find it relevant especially to a team because
by this way they would feel appreciated and that could help create a good relationship among them and
avoid misunderstandings. There are some team building activities that would make a team blame each
other but this is different. All you have to do is to form a circle, and say one or two things that you like
about the person standing at your left. Once the circle is complete, it is time to appreciate the person at
your right. And this will continue until everyone is able to appreciate the persons next to them.

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