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Lecture Notes

Engineering Mathematics
(September, 2010)

Dr. M. K. Pandey
(Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal)

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2 Lecture Notes

1 Differentiation 5
1.1 Differentiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Meanings of Derivative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Derivative of Standard Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4 Derivative of Composite Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5 Dfferentiation of Implicit Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.6 Logarithmic Differentiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.7 Parametric Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.8 Maxima and Minima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4 Lecture Notes
Chapter 1


1.1 Differentiation
Let f (x) be a function of x defined for all real values of x, then the following
f (x + h) − f (x)
lim (1.1)
h→0 h
is called as ‘differential coefficient of f with respect to x ’or simply ‘differen-
tial coefficient of f (x)’. We use symbol dxdf
or f´(x) to denote this limit. Thus,
the differential coefficient is given by

df f (x + h) − f (x)
= lim (1.2)
dx h→0 h
The value of the differential coefficient of f (x) at a particular point x = a is
given by
df f (a + h) − f (a)
f´(a) = |x=a = lim .
dx h→0 h
The differential coefficient is also called as the derivative and the process
of finding derivative is called as differentiation.

1.2 Meanings of Derivative

(A) Mathematically, if Y = f (x) refers to functions then the limit (1.2); i.e.,
the derivative dx refers to instantaneous rate of change in function f .
(B) Physically, if x denotes the time and the function Y = f (x) describes the
distance traveled by a moving particle in time x, then dx gives instantaneous
speed of the the particle at a particular instant.
(C) Geometrically, if Y = f (x) represents a curve in 2-dimensional plane
then dx gives slope of the tangent line to the curve.

6 Lecture Notes

1.3 Derivative of Standard Function

(1) dx
[xn ] = nxn−1 ,
(2) dx
[ex ] = ex ,
(3) dx
[ax ] = ax loge a,
(4) dx
[loge x] = x1 ,
d 1
(5) dx
[loga x] = x
loga e,
(6) dx
[sin x] = cos x,
(7) dx
[cos x] = − sin x,
(8) dx
[tan x] = sec2 x,
(9) dx
[cot x] = −cosec2 x.
(10) dx
[sec x] = sec x tan x,
(11) dx
[cosecx] = −cosecx cot x,
d d
(12) dx
[cf (x)] = c dx [f (x)],
d d d
(13) dx
[f (x) + g(x)] = dx
[f (x)] + dx
d d d
(14) dx
[f (x).g(x)] = f (x) dx [g(x)] + g(x) dx [f (x)],
d d
d f (x) g(x) dx [f (x)]−f (x) dx [g(x)]
(15) [
dx g(x)
] = g(x) 2

Exercise Set (1.1)

Question.1: Find differential coefficient of the following
√ functions.
1 2 −5
2 5 −4 2 −7 x
(1) x, x , x , x (2) x , x , x (3) 2x√, 5x , 8e , 2 sin x
2 3 6

(4) 4x3 + 3 sin x, 5 cos x − 2ex , 6 log x − x − 7, xn + an , (ax)m + bm .

Question.2: Find the differential coefficient of the following functions:

(1)x3 log x, ex sin x, ax cos x, sec x tan x, 3x5 ex + 2 sin x + 35

Question.3: Find the differential coefficient √ √ of the following functions:

xn xn ax2 +b a+ x
(i) log x , (ii) log x , (iii) sin x+cos x , (iv) a− x , (v) 3+tan
√ √
, (vi) tan log
x+cot x
5x2 +6x+7 1 cot x ex +tan x 1
(vii) 2x2 +3x+4
, (viii) sin x
, (ix) x+ex
, (x) cot x−xn
, (xi) cos x
Engineering Mathematics 7

1.4 Derivative of Composite Function

Let y = f (x) and x = g(t) then y is called the composite function of t and

dy dy dx
= . . (1.3)
dt dx dt
Equation (1.3) is known as chain rule. This can be generalised as follows:
Let y = f (x), x = g(t) and t = h(u), then

dy dy dx dt
= . . . (1.4)
du dx dt du

Exercise Set (1.2)

Question.1: Find differential coefficient √ of thepfollowing
√ functions.
2 3 5 x−4 sin x
(1) sin x , cos x , tan x , e (2)
√ e , sin x, sec x (3) log sec x, (x + 1)2 ,
a cos log x + b sin log x, sin x, log (sec 2 + tan x2 ), e3x cos 2x, √1+x
x x

1.5 Dfferentiation of Implicit Function

Any relation in which y can not be expressed explicitly in terms of x then such
a relation is known as implicit function.
e.g. ax2 + 2hxy + by 2 = 0,, x2 + by 2 = 1 etc.

Exercise Set (1.3)

Question.1: Find differential coefficient of the following functions.
(1) ax2 + 2hxy + by 2 = 0,
(2)x2 + by 2 = 1
2 2
(3) xa2 + yb2 = 1
(4) xy = c,
(5) x3 y + y 3 x = a3 ,
(6) x3 − x2 y + xy 2 − y 3 = 1

1.6 Logarithmic Differentiation

Many a times a function can be differentiated easily by using logarithms. Then
such a process is known as logarithmic differentiation.
8 Lecture Notes

Exercise Set (1.4)

Question.1: Find differential coefficient of the following functions.
(1) xx , xsin x , xsin 2x , xcos 3x
(2)(sin x)sin x , (log xsin x ),
(3) (sin x)cos x + (cos x)sin x
(4) (x+a)(x+b)(x+c) ,
(5) sin x sin 2x sin 3x sin 4x, xex sin x, (1 − 2x) 2 (1 + x)2
(6) (x − 1)(x − 2)(x − 3).

1.7 Parametric Equation

Some times x and y both are expressed in terms of the third variable, usually
called a a parameter. In such a cases, we can find derivative.
Let x = f (t) and y = g(t), then derivative of y with respect to x is given by
dy dy dx
= / .
dx dt dt
Exercise Set (1.5)
Question.1: Find differential coefficient of the following functions.
(1) x = a cos θ y = a sin θ, x = a(t − t sin t) y = a(t − cos t)
(2)x = log t + sin t y =pet + sin t, x = sin t3 + cos t3 y = sin t + cos t
(3) xy .y x = 1, y = xy , x2 + y 2 = log x2 − y 2

1.8 Maxima and Minima

Let a real valued function be defined for all x in interval [a, b]. Then function
is said to have a maximum value (in short maxima)at x = a if
f (a + h) < f (a)
and f (a) is called as maxima of the function. Similarly, function is said to
have a minimum value (in short minima)at x = a if
f (a + h) > f (a)
Working Rule to find Maxima and Minima: Let the given function f (x) be
defined in interval [a, b]. Follow the follwing steps.
Step 1: First of all,we differentiate the function and find its derivative f´(x).
Equate it to zero and solve f´(x) = 0. Let the solution be a1 , a2 , a3 , .., an .
Step 2:

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