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Andy Dray and Martin Perkins

There is compelling evidence linking bradykinin (BK) 10-50-fold greater preference for the BK metabolite AndyDrayand
with the pathophysiological processes that accompany [des-Argg]BK than for BK itself s'9. However, the MartinPerkinsareat
tissue damage and inflammation, especially the pro- B1 receptor is not expressed to any significant ex- theSandozInstitute
duction of pare and hyperalgesia. Several mechanisms tent in normal tissues, and the acute administration for MedicalResearch,
have been proposed to account for hyperalgesia in- of [des-Argg]BK is usually ineffective and does not 5 GowerPlace,
cluding the direct activation of nociceptors as well as elicit pain. Thus the physiological role for this recep- UKWCI E6BN,
sensitization of nociceptors through the production of tor is unclear. It is possible that B1 receptors may
prostanoids or the release of other mediators. In keeping be of greater significance in pathophysiological con-
with this, antagonists of the BK B2 receptor are ditions, particularly inflammation (see below). B1 re-
efficacious analgesic and anti-inflammatory agents in ceptors have been characterized best on vascular
acute inflammatory pain. More recently it has been smooth muscle where their expression increases
suggested that when inflammation is prolonged, BK B1 over a period of hours (in vitro or in vivo) and
receptors, which are not expressed in healthy tissues to a can be enhanced by a number of agents produced
significant degree, also play an important role in the during infection and inflammation 9.
maintenance of hyperalgesia. This may be one of a Most actions of BK, including the acute activation
number of adaptive mechanisms that occur peripherally of nociceptors and the production of pain, are
and centrally following the prolonged activation of mediated through the B2 receptor 6'7'1°. A variety of
nociceptors during inflammation or injury. peptide analogues have been produced that act as
selective antagonists at the B2 receptor (Fig. 2),
The major kinins, including the nonapeptide brady- so enabling this receptor to be comprehensively
kinin (BK) and kallidin (Lys-BK), are made de novo
from high and low molecular weight kininogen pre-
cursors ~'2. This chain of events follows the activation
of tissue and plasma kallikreins by pathophysiological
stimuli such as tissue trauma, inflammation, anoxia
and low pH. Kallidin and BK appear to act on tissues \ /
in a similar manner, although BK has been more Kallikreins
extensively studied. Newly formed BK acts locally
Inactive metabolites Kininogens
close to its site of production on a wide variety of iininaseII
tissues, both neural and non-neural, with effects opeptidases
ranging from smooth muscle contraction, glandular
secretion and immune cell stimulation, to sensitization
and activation of sensory and sympathetic neurones inaseI / /
(Fig. 1). The effects on neural tissues are of particular
significance as BK is increasingly implicated in the [Des-Argg] Bradykin~//~2 Prostanoid
aetiology of a number of pain conditions including production
cardiac pain and pain following tissue anoxia, as well as
the pain associated with inflammation and rheumatoid
diseases 2-~.
The effects of BK are rapidly curtailed by the
Immunecells Sympathetic
and mast cells neurones
actions of proteolytic enzymes, which are abundant in
blood, lung and liver. However a major metabolite NocicepUve neurone
[des-Argg]BK, which is active at one subtype of BK Excitation and sensitization
receptor, B1, is produced through kininase I activity Fig. 1. The major kinins, kallidin and bradykinin (BK), are made from high and
(Fig. 1), while other enzymes with tissue-specific lo- low molecular weight kininogen precursors following activation of tissue and
cations (kininase II and endopeptidases) further de- plasma kallikreins by pathophysiological stimuli such as tissue trauma,
grade BK metabolites to produce inactive species 1. inflammation, anoxia and low pH. Newly formed BK acts acutely on a variety
of tissues, as shown here, mainly through B2 receptors. Thus BK stimulates
Bradykinin receptors and acute pain vascular endothelial cells to produce nitric oxide and constricts vascular
It has long been known that BK causes acute pain endothelial cells to produce plasma extravasation. It stimulates epithelial cells
following application to a blister base in man and after to induce secretion from the gastrointestinal tract, has chemotactic and
an intra-arteriai injection in laboratory animals. Indeed stimulatory effects on immune cells (macrophages and neutrophils) and
it has been described as the most potent endogenous degranulates mast cells. BK stimulates sympathetic nerve fibres to induce
vascular reflexes, contracts a variety of smooth muscle tissues and stimulates
algogenic substance known ~-7. The effects produced prostanoid production from many tissues. Pain and hyperalgesia result from
by BK, including those on nociceptive neurones, are the excitation and sensitization of nociceptive neurones. BK is rapidly degraded
due to the activation of specific BK receptors. There by several enzymes. A major metabolite [des-Argg]BK is produced through
is good evidence for at least two types of bradykinin kininase I activity, while other enzymes (kininase II and endopeptidases) with
receptor, B1 and B2, and both have been intensively tissue-specific locations produce further degradation to form inactive BK
studied in recent years. The B1 receptor shows a metabolites.

TINS, Vol. 16, No. 3, 1993 © 1993, ElsevierScience Publishers Ltd, (UK) 99
Bradykinin vation. Because of the difficulties of studying fine un-
1 H.Arg-Pro-Pro-Gly-Phe-Ser-Pro-Phe-Arg.oH myelinated nociceptive fibres in vivo these studies
have relied heavily on the use of tissues and cells
PA2 maintained in vitro. For example clonal cell lines such
Bradykinin B= receptor antagonists (Guinea-pig ileum)
as the neuroblastoma-glioma (NG 108-15) hybrid re-
2 H.Arg-Pro-Pro-Gly-Phe-SerlPhr.~e-Arg.oH 5.9 spond to BK and have been used to correlate the
3 I~Arg-Pro-Hyp-Gly-~Ser'~_~hi Arg.oH 6.9 changes in membrane ion conductance with intra-
cellular biochemical events. In these cells BK pro-
4 IoArg~Arg-Pro-Hyp-GlyT-LT__~ser-~L~_cj-Arg.oH 8.4 duces a biphasic response. Initially there is a transient
hyperpolarization due to the activation of a Ca 2+-
ICso(taM) sensitive K + conductance initiated by the release of
Bradykinin B~ receptor antagonists (Rabbit aorta) Ca2+ from intracellular stores following the formation
5 H.Arg-Pro-Pro-Gly-Phe-Ser-Pro 0.1 of inositol 1,4, 5-trisphosphate (IP3). This hyperpolar-
ization is followed by a prolonged depolarization due
6 r~g~Arg - Pro-Hyp-Gly-E~Se r ~ ] O H 0.07 to inhibition of the voltage-dependent K + conduc-
tance 21,22.
Fig. 2. Bradykinin (BK) and selective bradykinm antagonists. This figure shows Sensory neurones respond somewhat differently to
the amino acid sequence of BK (1) and examples of a number of peptide BK, but some similarities are evident. Thus, BK
analogues. In compounds (2) and (3), replacement of the profine residue at produces an immediate depolarization of sensory
position 7 by D-phenylalanine (tinted rectangles) is critical in conferring neurones and nociceptive fibres that is directly related
antagonist properties against the B2 receptor. There are many examples of this to an increase in membrane permeability, mainly to
first generation of B2 receptor antagonists where other substitutions have Na + (Refs 10, 23; Fig. 3). Membrane excitability is
produced an increase in potency and selectivity. Substitutions indicated in the also altered due to effects on a number of cellular
boxed, open regions either confer or improve antagonistic potency, selectivity, messenger systems. For example, BK stimulates
or both. In addition, some of these changes improve metabolic stabifity. membrane phospholipase C to generate diacylglycerol
Compound (4) exempfifies a second generation of antagonists in which a (DAG) and IP3, which activate intracellular protein
number of synthetic amino acids have been substituted (Tic represents 1,2,3,4-
tetrahydroisoquinofin-2-yl-carbonyl; Oic represents (3as,7as)-octahydroindol-
kinase C (PKC) and elevate intracellular Ca 2+, re-
2-ylcarbonyl). This compound, HOE 140, made by Hoechst Pharmaceuticals, is spectively 1°'23'24. These events may also be associ-
the most potent BK B2 antagonist yet described and appears to be ated with cell activation. However IP3-mediated re-
metabofically stable. The potency of each compound to inhibit bradykinin- lease of intracellular Ca 2+ appears less important in
induced contractions in the guinea pig ileum is expressed as the pA2. sensory neurones than in other cell types. Stimulation
Compounds (5) and (6) are the only reported B1 receptor antagonists. The of PKC has also been shown to inhibit membrane
potency of [des-ArggLeuS]BK and the [des-Arg 1°] derivative of HOE 140 Ca2+ conductance 25 but the relationship between
0C5o) is expressed as the concentration, in W~, required to reduce the effect of this and increased cellular excitability is less clear,
the B~ agonist [des-Arg~]BK by 50% on the rabbit aorta preparation. although it is possible that a Ca2+-dependent K +
conductance may be altered (see below). The BK-
induced changes in sensory neuronal excitability are
characterized. These substances have also been criti- coupled to a G protein since the effects were reduced
cal for establishing a physiological role for BK as well by GDP-[~-S and prolonged by GTP-y-S, even though
as identifying some of its pathophysiological effects. neural activation by BK was insensitive to pertussis
The B2 receptor has recently been cloned and its se- toxin24. BK may also stimulate the production of
quence of 366 amino acids shows a high degree of arachidonic acid in sensory neurones, although this
homology between a number of species, including hu- appears to be derived from the breakdown of DAG
mans n'~2. This receptor belongs to a supeffamily of (Refs 26, 27). It is unclear whether arachidonic acid
receptors whose members all have seven membrane- acts by itself upon release or whether it is metabolized
spanning domains and are coupled with a G protein. further to form prostanoids. However, it is well
A number of sites have been identified which are known that BK can directly activate membrane
important for BK binding and for receptor regulation. phospholipase A2 (Refs 1, 3) in many cell types,
leading to the production of prostanoids via sub-
M e c h a n i s m s of s e n s o r y n e u r o n e e x c i t a t i o n and sequent cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase activity.
sensitization In visceral sensory neurones, BK indirectly in-
BK receptors have been localized to nociceptive creases excitability via the activation of cAMP and the
pathways (sensory nerve terminals and small cells in subsequent inhibition of Ca2+-dependent K + per-
dorsal root ganglia) by autoradiography of [3H]-BK meability which underlies a post-spike after-hyper-
(Ref. 6). In keeping with this, excitation of nocicep- polarization. This effect of BK allows the cell to fire
tors by BK has been demonstrated in a number of repetitively following a stimulus and therefore may be
circumstances. These range from direct recording of one of the mechanisms underlying nociceptor sensi-
C-fibre nociceptor activity in vitro and bradykinin- tization. This action of BK is abolished by indo-
elicited nociceptive reflexes 13-15, to recording brady- methacin and mimicked by prostaglandins, suggesting
kinin-mediated excitation of nociceptors in vivo in that it is mediated indirectly via prostanoid pro-
skin, skeletal muscle, joints and visceral organs 16-19. duction28,29.
In most cases, the B1 agonist [des-Arg9]BK was BK-induced sensitization of nociceptors may well
ineffective, and antagonists to the B2 but not B1 be more important than the immediate short-lasting
receptor blocked the acute activation of sensory nociceptor activation in the overall production of
neurones by BK (Refs 10, 20). pain. Nociceptor sensitization probably underlies the
Various approaches have been used to elucidate the phenomenon of peripheral hyperalgesia that results in
receptor-coupled mechanisms of nociceptor acti- an increase in the perception of and response to

100 TINS, Vol. 16, No. 3, 1993

pain3°. A contribution to this phenomenon is also
made by a population of peripheral fibres that are
normally insensitive to noxious stimuli (silent noci-
ceptors) but behave as nociceptors after becoming
sensitized by BK or other mediators during inflam-
mation31. These fibres have been studied in a number
of situations including inflammation of the joint and
inflammation of the urinary bladder. The normal
function of silent nociceptors is unclear, and more
information on this type of nerve fibre is required.
A variety of other factors contribute to nociceptor
sensitization. As mentioned above, BK stimulates the
production and release of a number of endogenous
chemicals including prostanoids (PGE2, PGI2) from
many cell types and sympathetic neurones, and
cytokines [interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumour necrosis
factor (TNF-00] from macrophages. Prostaglandins
have long been known to induce sensitization of
nociceptors and this is believed to involve activation
of cellular cAMP-dependent mechanisms. Postgangli- Fig. 3. The mechanisms of bradykinm (BK)-induced activation and sensitization
onic sympathetic fibres have been considered to be of nociceptors. BK B2 receptors are coupled with a G protein. Receptor
an important source of prostanoids in inflammation activation produces a depolarization mainly by increasing the permeability of
the membrane to Na +. This depolarization may activate voltage-dependent
and are involved in a number of pathological hyper-
Ca2+ influx. Activation of the B2 receptor also stimulates phospholipase C to
algesic states. They have been directly implicated in generate diacylglycerol (DAG) and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) from
the mechanism of BK-induced plasma extravasation32 membrane phospholipids. Though IP3 may stimulate a rise in intracellular
and BK-induced hyperaigesia in response to stimu- Ca2+, it is not clear whether this is of significance in sensory neurones.
lation by pressure 33, but not heat34. However, DAG activates protein kinase C (PKC), which can regulate ion
The activation of sensory fibres by BK also causes channel proteins and thereby alter membrane excitability as well as regulating
the release of neuropeptides such as substance P, other cellular processes. In addition, BK stimulates the production of
neurokinin A and calcitonin gene-related peptide arachidonic acid (AA). This may result from the metabolism of DAG (via the
(CGRP) 35'36. These peptides can also mediate a activity of DAG lipase) rather than via activation of phospholipase A2.
number of local pro-inflammatory effects and con- Prostanoids (PGs; especially PGE2 and PGI2), produced mainly from AA
metabolism in other cells, act on nociceptors to induce sensitization of the
tribute to nociceptor sensitization and hyperalgesia.
membrane. This is achieved via PG receptor-induced activation of adenylyl
Substance P and CGRP stimulate vascular endothelial cyclase (AC) to generate cAMP and to activate kinases that change the activity
cells to release the smooth muscle relaxant nitric of membrane ion channel proteins (e.g. Ca2+-dependent K + channels) and
oxide and thereby increase tissue blood flow and other cellular processes. Not shown here, BK may also stimulate the production
induce an inflammatory flare due to dilation of of nitric oxide (NO) from L-arginine. NO stimulates guanylyl cyclase,
arterioles. In addition, substance P contracts the generating cGMP and thereby activating cGMP-dependent kinases. This may
endothelium and allows the leakage of plasma protein be involved in regulating BK receptors or the activity of receptor-coupled ion
that accounts for neurogenic oedema. Substance P channels.
and neurokinin A may also induce degranulation of
mast cells and release of histamipe, another pro- cellular cGMP (Refs 39, 40). In addition, desensitiz-
inflammatory mediator. In addition to this, a number ation may involve membrane glycoproteins and down-
of other blood-borne factors such as 5-HT and ATP regulation of receptors following aggregation and
(from platelets) may gain access to nociceptors and internalization of receptor proteins41,42. However, it
contribute to sensitization 37"3s. Finally it is well known is unclear whether receptor desensitization occurs
that BK itself is a powerful inflammatory mediator: during tissue injury as endogenous BK may be
inducing vasodilation through stimulation of nitric metabolized too rapidly for this process to be of any
oxide release from vascular endothelial cells; produc- significance. Also, it is possible that local levels of BK
ing plasma extravasation; and inducing the release of may never be high enough to induce desensitization.
other mediators following mast cell degranulation It is clear though that the stimulatory effects of
(histamine, 5-HT) and tissue stimulation (prosta- endogenous BK can become more intense and per-
noids) 1'3'4. With such a diversity of direct and indirect sistent due to the sensitization of sensory neurones
actions it is quite likely that BK has major algesic and by prior exposure to BK as well as of a number of
pro-inflammatory influences. other agents that are produced during tissue injury
and inflammation.
Regulation of bradykinin activity
While all these BK-induced processes are going on, Bradykinin receptor antagonists
there are powerful counteractive mechanisms that It seems certain, therefore, that the production and
limit the actions of this factor in vivo, including rapid subsequent actions of BK can initiate a powerful ~
degradation by proteolytic enzymes and rapid desen- positive feedback loop leading to a sustained increase
sitization of the BK receptor. Cyclic GMP-dependent in the excitability of nociceptors. Because of this we
kinase, which phosphorylates the BK receptor, is an believe there is a compelling rationale for the develop-
important factor in desensitization. In this case, ment of BK antagonists that are likely to have
desensitization of the response of sensory neurones analgesic activity and therapeutic potential.
to BK results from the production of nitric oxide, To this end, studies in vivo using the first
which in turn activates guanylyl cyclase to increase generation of B2 receptor antagonists, which are

TINS, Vol. 16, No. 3, 1993 101

100 -- 100

HOE 140 [des-Arg9Leu 8] Bradykinin

80 I





0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

Time (h) Time (h)

Fig. 4. B1 receptors play a major role in inflammatory hyperalgesia. Injection of Freund's complete adjuvant into the
knee joint of an anaesthetized rat induces a mild inflammation lasting several days. When animals were placed on a
transducer 64-70 hours later they easily tolerated a lOO g load on the joint of the untreated leg, but would only tolerate
40 g or so on the inflamed joint, indicating discomfort and hyperalgesia. The hyperalgesia could be reversed by the
administration of analgesic drugs. In the two graphs shown, the degree of analgesia (% reversal of hyperalgesia),
indicating the efficacies of the analgesic drugs, is plotted against time after drug administration (indicated by the
downward arrow at time 1 hour). On the left, the potent B2 antagonist HOE 140 was administered intravenously but
was almost completely ineffective at 51~mol/kg (rifled circles) and lO t~mol/kg (filled squares). Filled triangles represent
the saline control. However, on the right, the B1 antagonist [des-ArggLeuB]BK at I nmol/kg intravenously (filled
squares) and 10 nmol/kg intravenously (filled circles) produced a prolonged and dose-related reversal of hyperalgesia.
Filled triangles represent the saline control These experiments indicated that the activation of B1 receptors is much more
important than activation of B2 receptors in maintaining the hyperalgesia during prolonged inflammation of the joint.

peptide analogues, showed that these compounds observations showed that endotoxin from Escherichia
have analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities 2'6' 15,43. coli could induce B1 responses in vascular smooth
Thus, hyperalgesia induced by injecting urate crystals muscle in rabbits 9'5° and that this action might explain
into the rat paw or abdominal contractions produced the profound hypotension seen in animals that had
by intraperitoneal injections of acetic acid in mice been pretreated with bacterial lipopolysacchafide
were blocked by Be receptor antagonists 7. In addition, (LPS), a model for septiceamic shock 51.
the acute oedema induced by both BK and car- Many factors may be involved in regulating the
rageenan was also shown to be due to B2 receptor expression of B1 receptors. Recently, a role for
stimulation 44. Studies of BK antagonists in humans cytokines has been highlighted. Thus IL-1 and IL-2
have also shown that the kinin receptors exposed in can increase responses to [des-Arg9]BK in vitro,
the blister base are of the B2 subtype 45. More and agents that stimulate macrophages, a major
recently, a second generation of BK antagonists, source of interleukins, also increase responses to
including HOE 140 (Fig. 2), have been developed that [des-Argg]BK in vitro 51'52. More directly, it has been
have improved antagonist potency at the Be receptor shown that activation of the B1 receptor stimulates
and increased resistance to proteolytic enzyme the release of TNF-o~ and IL-1 from macrophages and
degradation 46. HOE 140 shows analgesic and anti- prostanoid release from synovial cells 52'53. These
inflammatory activity in a number of acute tests 47 but observations raise the possibility that macrophage
seems to us to be less efficacious in vivo than activity can be regulated by both cytokines and kinins
expected in light of its potency at B2 receptors in (Fig. 5). In this regard it is worth noting that
vitro. This was particularly noticeable when its activity cytokines also activate macrophages to express cyto-
was tested in conditions of persistent inflammatory static/cytotoxic activity due to the production of nitric
hyperalgesia (Fig. 4)48. oxide following the induction of a CaZ÷-independent
form of nitric oxide synthase 54.
Bradykinin receptors and persistent Recently, cytokines, particularly interleukins (IL-I[3,
inflammatory hyperalgesia IL-6 and IL-8) and TNF-o~, have been strongly im-
The involvement of BK receptors in nociception plicated in mechanisms of inflammatory hyperal-
has been studied mainly in animal models in which gesia 55-57. Their effects are mediated in part via
there was little underlying pathology. More recently, a prostanoid production, being reduced by indomethacin
number of reports have suggested that the expression pretreatment, and also indirectly through the activation
of B~ receptors 49 may be induced by inflammatory of peripheral sympathetic neurones (Fig. 5). Pres-
processes or by bacterial infection. Indeed, earlier ently, it is unclear whether BK activates the release

102 TINS, Vol. 16, No. 3, 1993

Fig. 5, During inflammation, bradykinin (BK) and [des-
Argg]BK initiate a cascade of events which activate and
sensitize nociceptors. The various reactions produce a self-
reinforcing cycle of events. During acute inflammation,
bradykinin directly activates nociceptors (via B2 receptors),
and also stimulates the production of a variety of other
mediators, including prostanoids from a variety of cells
including sympathetic post-ganglionic fibres, cytokines
from macrophages or other cells, nitric oxide from
macrophages and vascular endothefium, other blood-
~etic borne factors (e.g. 5-HT) released into interstitial fluid
following plasma extravasation, histamine and 5-HT
following mast cell degranulation, and neuropeptides
released from peptidergic afferent fibres. These sub-
stances sensitize nociceptors and alter the sensitivity of the
BK receptors. During chronic inflammation, sensitivity to
the BK metabollte, [des-Argg]BK is increased, and the B1
Nociceptive receptor plays an increasingly dominant role m the
neurone accompanying hyperalgesia. However, it is not known if
BI receptors occur on nociceptors or on sympathetic
fibres. The production of cytokines (TNF-m IL- 1, IL-6 and
IL-8) causes hyperalgesia, but the mechanisms involved
are poorly understood. Hyperalgesia produced by these
agents is mediated partly via the production of prosta-
noids and in some cases via the activation of sympathetic

of cytokines or vice versa, or whether both processes BK B2 receptors may have a more significant role to
can occur together. It is, however, probable that a play in the earlier stages of inflammatory pain, and
specific role for BI receptors in hyperalgesia may only during prolonged inflammation [des-Arg9]BK acting
become apparent in conditions that involve a per- on the B1 receptor becomes more important for the
sistent inflammation. Support for this has been maintenance of the hyperalgesic state. The desen-
obtained in two models: persistent inflammatory sitization of B2 receptors or an enhancement of BK
hyperalgesia produced by exposing the rat hind paw degradation may have a role to play in shifting the
to ultraviolet irradiation, and hyperalgesia that ac- balance from an acute to a chronic inflammatory state.
companies the prolonged inflammation induced by The speculation about which BK receptor is of most
Freund's adjuvant being injected into the rat knee importance may be premature as it is possible that
joint. In these studies the B~ receptor antagonist further receptor subtypes may be found in patho-
[des-Arg9LeuS]BK reversed the hyperalgesia in logical conditions. Ultimately, however, the import-
both models, but the B2 receptor antagonist HOE 140 ance of BK in inflammatory pain and hyperalgesia will
was relatively inactive. In addition, the B~ agonist be resolved when a BK antagonist with specific
[des-Arg9]BK increased the degree of hyperalgesia receptor selectivity is shown to be efficacious in the
(Fig. 4) 48. Finally, it is significant that the concen- clinic.
tration (normally 0.1-1.0ng/ml) of both BK and Selected references
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Neuronatrophyduringaging:programmedor sporadic?
C a l e b E. F i n c h

CalebE. Finch Atrophy of neurons is a common change during aging considering the present controversies about neuron
is at thein laboratory rodents and humans. However, cholin- loss during aging and AD; neuron atrophy may
Neurogerontology ergic neurons of the same type have been found to produce an apparent cell loss in these situations 1"2.
Division, Andrus atrophy, hypertrophy or not change at all, according to This review considers size changes in the FB-Ch and
GerontologyCenter various reports on different species and genotypes. dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars
and Dept of Biological
Sciences, University
Possible factors responsible for these diverse outcomes compacta (SNc); FB-Ch neurons show diverse
of Southern include species- and genotype-specific aging changes changes in size during aging. I will discuss whether
Cafifomia, and age-related diseases. An open question is whether changes in cell size are programmed or sporadic, the
LosAngeles, slowly evolving changes in neuronal size share any roles of genotype and species differences in aging
CA 90089-0191, mechanisms with the rapid programmed death of patterns, and mechanisms responsible for the changes
USA. neurons that occurs during development. Progress in in neuronal size, including systemic influences.
the study of neuronal atrophy with aging may be Cell atrophy is not restricted to senescence and is
furthered by using fewer rodent genotypes. not necessarily detrimental to cell function. Neurons,
like many other cells, may atrophy reversibly during
Neuron atrophy is described by a decrease in the size adult life history. For example, song birds show
of the perikaryon, nucleus, nucleolus or dendritic hormonaUy driven seasonal cycles in perikaryal size
arbor. This process is a feature of Alzheimer's disease and dendritic complexity3. In addition, atrophied cells
(AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD), but also occurs to can remain metabolically active. For example, the
a modest degree during normal aging in many animals. liver shrinks dramatically during starvation; yet, the
Neuron atrophy during aging, particularly of forebrain shrunken hepatocytes remain active in synthesizing
cholinergic (FB-Ch) neurons, is being studied in RNA and protein and rapidly recover their size and
relation to cognitive functions. If a larger perikaryal nutrient depots after feeding recommences.
size is used to distinguish neurons from glia it is In order to anticipate the vexing variability dis-
possible that apparent neuron loss will be over- played by aging neurons, it helps to know that some
estimated - neurons may still be present, but just aging changes are canonical, that is, they occur during
reduced in size. This should be borne in mind when aging in all individuals of related species (Ref. 2,

104 © 1993, ElsevierScience PublishersLtd, (UK) TINS, Vol. 16, NO. 3, 1993

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