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Group Guidance 1_E

Based on our discussions on the patterns, levels and styles of communication, how would you apply
them in your real life experiences? Provide example/s.

Our discussions on the patterns, levels and styles of communication are indeed very applicable in
our real-life experiences in dealing with different types of people. The communication patterns that I have
learned are circle, chain, wheel, Y, and network. These patterns of communication are structures in which
communication flows in an organization. They are the communication links in work teams according to
the organizational structures. The patterns are related to work efficiency and who is responsible towards
whom or who talks to whom. I can apply these concepts when I am working in a group. For instance,
when we are given group tasks in our classes, I can identify which pattern would best suit us well in order
that we can come up with the best output. We can use the circle communication pattern wherein a person
can send a message that reaches all members of the group so that our plans and suggestions would reach
everyone at the same time and we can talk about modifications easily. On the other hand, the levels of
communication that I learned are verbal, physical, auditory, emotional, and energetic. I can use my
learnings about these in times when I am asked to speak up about myself, an idea or a situation. I have
learned that we must weigh the pros and cons of applying a certain level of communication in our
dealings. An example that I can give is something that happens to me oftentimes. When a friend comes to
me to ask for advice or simply to ask for a listening ear, I don’t apply verbal communication instantly.
Instead, I use the level of emotional communication. I try to find the right words and minimize them just
to the extent that my friend would feel empathized and cared for. Also, I offer them physical
communication like a tap in the shoulder as an assurance that they have me, I am here for them, and
everything will turn out just fine. Lastly, the four basic communication styles are passive, aggressive,
passive-aggressive and assertive. I am someone who has always been very expressive with my thoughts
and ideas. However, over the years, I have learned the proper timing as to when I should share those
principles to other people or when to fight for them in the most appropriate situations. For example, when
I am in a debate, I must be able to identify well the best communication style to be used in stating my
points and arguments to my opponent. All of these things associated with communication (patterns,
levels, and styles), when learned and applied correctly develops us into effective communicators which is
a much-needed characteristic in the 21 st century. Words, when not used in the right time and manner, can
do harm to others as much as the good that it does to the humanity. Therefore, we must always be
watchful and aware about our ways of communicating with the people that we encounter every day.

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