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Guide question for reflection: “I am free, so I can do what I want.

Worship alone
can’t save us. What’s important after all is that I do things right and without
hurting people or step on the rights of others.”

- I respect people with this moral precepts but I personally do not agree with this. I
was raised a Christian and I have always maintained a close relationship with God. It is
the only thing that I can hold onto when everything around me is falling apart. I do not
have issues with people who just practice goodness for goodness’ sake and not
because they believe it is for someone higher than all of us. In fact, I look up to them
because it just means that they are pure and genuine in their intentions. However, for
me, a life without worship or honoring God is meaningless. I would love to think that
every time I treat other people well, it is because I am manifesting God’s grace love that
pours through me.

After listening to the music, reflect for a while and answer the ff. guide question.

Guide question for reflection:

What went wrong to the persona?

- The persona encountered a collapse of value system. His inner strengths and
values have grown weak and his faith crumbled at the weight of the world.

Why did the persona encounter a collapse of value system?

- The persona encountered a collapse of value system because he was

overwhelmed by the external voices around him, the demands of the society, and
the chaos of the world that he is living in. He wasn’t able to take control of it so it
controlled him slowly and eventually, he lost focus and his value system was
1. What can you say on the proposed law in our country, although other
countries already practiced it, regarding same-sex marriage in relation to
the guiding voice of moral action?

- Morality dictates our reason to be righteous, to practice what is good, what is

best for ourselves and the people that we co-exist with. On this note, I personally
believe that same-sex couples, especially those who have been together for a
really long span of time already and who lives the same lives as that of normal
couples, deserve to be given the right to a civil union. It is understandable that in
a religious country which is obviously not open and strongly against to matters
like these, it is not acceptable to marry same-sex couples. However, that is not
what they are asking for and that is clearly not what the Senate is trying to
establish. The problem with most of us, Filipinos is we speak of our opinions
even before understanding the content of the bill or its purpose and intentions. It
seeks to give same-sex couples the rights and privileges of normal couples,
which for me is morally acceptable. For so long, they have been treated as if they
deserve less than what other people do and if we relate that to the guiding voice
of moral action, that is just unfair and absurd. In conclusion, I am not against
same-sex civil union as it promotes equality to all the members of our society.

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