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Historical Recount Text

Historical recount text merupakan jenis recount text yang membahas tentang sejarah baik itu tempat
bersejarah maupun benda bersejarah. historical recount text dengan judul borobudur kami tulis untuk
memudahkan kamu dalam memahami historical recount text.

Struktur Recount Text

Terdapat 3 unsur struktur recount text, yaitu:

1. Orientation (Pembuka), Orientation berisi awalan cerita. Bagian ini biasanya menjelaskan
tentang latar cerita seperti tempat dan waktu kejadian.
2. Event (Isi), Event berisi inti cerita dari recount text. Bagian ini menjelaskan kejadian secara
berurutan dari kejadian A ke kejadin B.
3. Reorientation (Kesimpulan atau Penutup Teks), Reorientation berisi pengulangan dan penutup
jalannya cerita

Contoh Historical Text

General Offensive of 1 March as Recount Text

General Offensive of 1 March was one of the most historical moments for Indonesia. The Dutch
started a military offensive on 19 December 1948 to Indonesia as the result of failed
negotiations with the republic.

19 December 1948, the Dutch army entered Jogjakarta, which was the temporary capital of the
republic. By the end of December, almost all cities in Sumatra and Java were conquered by the
Dutch. All ministers, president and vice president were captured and exiled to Bangka Island.
However, the republican military in Jogjakarta and Surakarta refused to give up. They continued
to wage a guerilla war.

Hamengkubuwono IX, the sultan of Jogjakarta planned a major offensive against the Dutch
army in the city of Jogjakarta. The attack was aimed to show to the world that the republic still
existed and did not surrender under the Dutch. General Sudirman, the leader of Indonesian
army accepted the idea. In February, Sultan held a meeting with Lieutenant Colonel Suharto in
Jogjakarta. He was the man who was appointed by Sudirman to lead the attack.
On 1 March 1949, at 6 am, the republican troops led by Suharto launched the general offensive.
The Dutch surprised and they were not ready to face such massive attack. For 6 hours,
Jogjakarta was controlled by the Indonesia army.
The attack brought a huge success because the world finally knew that the republic was still

Analysis on the Generic Structure

All recount texts are written orderly in three elements. They are:

1. Orientation: The Dutch started a military offensive on 19 December 1948

2. Series of events:

 The Dutch army entered Jogjakarta 19 December 1948

 The sultan of Jogjakarta planned a major offensive against the Dutch army in the city of
 On 1 March 1949, at 6 am, the republican troops launched the general offensive.

3. Reorientation: The world knew that the republic was still existed

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