The Path To God (Jalaluddin Rumi)

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(Words of Wisdom by Rumi)


Born in Balkh (present-day Afghanistan).

Jelaluddin Rumi (1207 – 1273) is one of the greatest Persian mystics and poets the world has known.
His message of love speaks directly to the heart and transcends the limitations of language
and the boundaries of time.

Are you searching for your soul?

Then come out of your prison.
Leave the stream and join the river that flows into the ocean.
Absorbed in this world, you’ve made it your burden.
Rise above this world.
There is another vision…

There is another language beyond language,

…another place beyond heaven and hell.
Precious gems come from another mine,
…the heart draws light from another source.

The small mind is a disgrace to the Universal Intelligence,

…for worldly desires deprive man from knowing the Truth.

But there is a superior kind of intelligence,
…free from the clouds of desire that can behold the Light of God.

Questioning cannot unravel the secret of truth,

…nor giving away your wealth and position.
Mere words do not exalt the heart,
…pain is the price that the heart has to pay.

The heart is like a candle, longing to be lit.

Torn from The Beloved, it yearns to be whole again,
…but you have to bear the pain.
You cannot learn about love.
Love appears to the wings of grace.

Reason, when you speak, I cannot hear the Wise One.

Even if you are as thin as a hair, still there’s no space for you.
In the flaming Sun, all bright lights are put to shame.

How lonely it is on God’s sea, with no shore in sight, and we,

…like ships in the night, navigate only by the grace of His light.

There is a loneliness more precious that than life,

…there is a freedom more precious than the world.
Infinitely more precious than life and the world,
…is that moment when one is alone with God.

By continuous remembrance of God,

…man, illuminated by the light of Truth,
…advances toward his perfect essence, that wondrous sea
…where each wave breaks with the sound, “I am the Truth!”
As candle light is absorbed in the rays of the sun,
…as the rivers are absorbed in the sea,

…so the lover melts into the Beloved.
Until the lover is consumed completely by longing,
…the Beloved’s face remains hidden.

I wash my heart of all knowledge and forget myself,

…for I cannot stand before the Beloved believing to be a master of all arts.
I am only a shell for Spirit.
I leave reason behind and leap into bewilderment.

Beyond belief and disbelief,

…lies the vast expanse of ecstasy,
…where the mystic lays his head on the cushion of Truth.

“Wherever you turn, there is His face.” Those with graced clear vision
…see the signs of the Creator everywhere.
For them all things, be it plant or animal,
…become a contemplation of Divine beauty.
The annihilated lovers see the Beloved’s face even in the water they drink,
…while others only see their own reflection.

I became the sea,

…and each atom flamed out of me in glory.
I became fire,
…and each moment became an eternity.

I dissolved as a grain of salt in your Sea of Serenity.

Nothing remained, no faith, no certainty, no doubt.
In my heart, a star was born,
…and inside, all worlds dissolved.

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