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Acknowledgements Special thanks to Das Kerr and Joyce Hopewell fr checking the translation for accurey and dhe terminology for eonsiteney wits rent English sage The following acknowledgements appear in the orginal Gecman cli We would like offer out deepest thanks 1 all our finds Fr tht contibuton tothe prepartion of this book. ‘They took care of the roof reading, prodocton of diagrams, audio rape transept, text onrecton, preparation of manuscript and gave atonal advice and Ssggestons In particular I wk hke to dank Martin Kannenbers from Berin, who produced the coloured hocascopes inthis book vith special eleulation and draving metho using his Asto-S Programme sofware, this making our work ease We are sow detighted to ave finish! his teaching book a longs. We are convined that al thre who have already waited 0 long for this ok wl nd thee patience rewarded. We woud ike otha the follwing indvklualy for thei collaboration on this book Danie Cony Richard Lewellyn Tomi Eersokd ith Sager Monika Gubler Hans Peter Sauersein Hike Gut Ria Schatroh Joyce Hopewell BarhnesSchmie Michael Aesander Huber Ruth Sehmiehausee Marcin Kannenberg Beatie Soler Annegret Katfnann Gaby Thar Johanna Kober Barbara Zollinger Contents 1. Concept of Wholeness and Synthesis From Analysis o Synthesis ‘Whines and Sens Lan of Line nt Unda Bruno Huber Res Awabigrphie Noes dnpse The Sano the Zang “The ive Lev of the Honscoe agra) “The Horoscope in 1. The Cente Cre 2 The Aspe Patera ch Work 2. Aspect Theory. Introduction Whe Aspe Pattern What are Aspects? Daye teva Aspe Types th Ose Caeulatng the Aspects Ae of Inne of the Apts 8) Haier Or ee Gon Apes Demag the Esa pect “The Seven Major Howacope Aap (igen “The seven Major Aspects A sente Oppeiion epee ‘Aspect System ‘Aspect Cpa the Growth «Plane CConiunction = Soni Sw Ape, Sem Seale = Netcare Sunre= Nir ape, “Tone = upto peet Quan = Sen Aepest Oppo > Saturn Aart Aspect Influence according to Colour Tce pero Asset, ed pecs Ble Aspects Seri Sei Gl inking te) (Quince inking ne) Influence ofthe Planets on the Aspects Teme, Misane and Newel Pht Hrd at St lanes Pant Tae (nga) Uninet Phe Four-dinensionsl Aspect Interpretation The Confusion 4 Levels The Sema un Leh The Sexe on 4 Voxel The Square ond Lsels ‘tole The Oppstiom on 4 Level Bret Oreriee a B 3. Aspect Pattern Astrology Holistic Astrological Methods eve Questions New Meth The Complete Aepect Patrn Diam of Canssisnese Colo xpresson Whar de Keprsayaout hie Alig th Sd a Coneqion Homcipe Binh Chast Aten Perspestne Arama Appa esin the Sands of Time Ineopeion Iagece tthe ACME Line Tipe LUnearand Cantina Qaatengar Te Quoin an Fed Tinlad None Gore Speak Tons, Green Basies of Aspect Patern Astology “ATloencipe tare (Ge Table cong the Haber met Ket one Sytem Vil Petception of Ape Strate Menplvie! Inger and Ion Arweiaion 1 Pee eee eee eee eee eee Te neta ppc * beien Agee Pn im 4. Aspect Patten Analysis ‘m1 Ts ene te theca te ‘ese 2 1 State an dynamic 1 Secpune | Semen syne ms 5. Building Blocks of Aspect Figures 13 ts i on s Ameen ree 6 Sal Ap le) we tops we tenon ts 2 Posiion, Emphasis, Diteton ito Deen 2 Tes Deca to Smee ‘ en Bice mn ieee ee is tan ee ie CipinAec Scr i Gen or Died Age ase ae 7 Ce Single-Coloured Aspect gues ut peste acs Red Aspect Figures Mt Teale Inietarnd Cnse us ee Xen ae in Tne ie Bc Dimi Be Aspect gues 1 tet Ic Gey ie Pate Taner ane ts Recinged TorColoured Aspect Figures iss potent Red-Bve Aspect Figures 15 Dove Ambivalence Foe ie ral ia the Calc Space Cl inthe You Spoce Cale nthe vd Space Clin the LSpace Tie a Sto Te lettin Recreate Rectan] Bve-Green Aspect Figures serch ae Proje Tram Eye or foro Fg “Three-Coloured Aspect Figures Red Green Ble gues [esming ard Desopnen Tages (Ct Mech Medan veg Te ange tearing Tne Domina Tire Recta! Dito of the Demin Tage Coin Tae Diet Espenene Tene (emograe) Taper Fe 6, Variants 10 New Aspect Figures Por Bon Bate Trampsine Rane mpc) aso Dancing Fe Tile Nicene Shield 16 Aspect Quadiaterals Definon and Difsnces ‘Seven Opposition Quadsiaterals Megapone Deteeve Now Five Rave Quadilaterals oro Small Axpect Patterns Aap Pate a he Space Apes acne o-Spce Aspect Pater inte Upp Space 7. Example Horoscopes Roberta Atal, Founder of Pabst Nit Gora Soviet Poca Pere nso a Ae Atta eo Ape Pps ‘ample Howse Abbreviations Used AG = Ascendent MNH = Moon Node Hornseope IC. = Immum Cock He DC = Descendent ip MC= Metin Coe i AP = Age Poine Aspect tours Trine and Sextile ‘Sue and Opposition Semi Sexsle and Quineans Conjancion Bement colours Fire = Red Eanh = Green Air = Yelow Water = Blue Numbers in (ound brackets) Refer tn books in the Bibliography on page 284. For esample @). “Tent in [square brackets) Amplifjing notes inserted by the Eat. Editors note on colours Ie is unfortunate that we cannot depict the above colour in the slagrame and charts in th blackeand-whiteedon of Asp Pate “Aetl, This nec not detract fom these of the mater therein ‘Some reader nay wish to supplement thee reading with one a the Fotlowing: 2) it can be helpfl co use coloured pens or erayons to cotecly calle along the aspects inthe diagram on page 36, and in he ‘spect figure diagram in chapters Sand 6, 1) special bookmarks are arabe, consning coloured versions of| all che aspect Figures, smilur to pages 277-280 (30, ©) the horoscopes inthis hook can be generated in colour fom the ssp bith dat, by wsing appropriate computer sofware foe Hier syle charts) Foreword Dear Readers, “This book arose fom the nee foe hoisic udelines for astro pschologeal horoscope intespretitinn, Up. to i mci all intepreation books have simply described indivi septs, which tft coniraice each other Even when dhe individual aspects are ‘tcilly interpreted one afer the other, iti estemely fic eo get am overall picture fm ther. To often, what id not consistent. "Bsen computer text programs jst crete a sting of separate sentences sshic ds not do justice w the persons character. ‘This book shoukd sable yout learn eo interpret he horoscope a a whole. “This book is founded on the sevoltionary dcovery that aspect pters (angular, quadeangulur and polygina) ia themsches, ‘ichoue planet), have an important motivational sgnicane. ‘They ane of overidng importance and serve a sytheszing gene erme for the intrpreron of the indivi! plncts conti in tages “quidistents or pogons. For example, Jupiter ina Learning Triangle hae aifferene influence on the development of the ineligence than Jopiter in an Achiesement Sqn In this book, we describe the prycholgial influence of the overall aspect patern and of more than 45 aspect guts that provi new holistic perspective onthe itlunce of aspects inthe horoscope, We begin withthe cls heony of aspects aed then presenta ysematic and thorough deserpsion of hon the aspect pattern a whe can be broken down. This inclades the knowledge of the ls of geometric aspect puters whose det intypretain conaites an mpertant pare of Aspect Pater Anrology Towards the end of the bk we eal with the many tangles and quadeterals that const the aspect pattern vantions Ar the end of the book, the aspect Fires Covered ace listed both in an inde of diagrams and in lphabeticl ‘order. There is alo alist of people whose horoscope detals are used inthe book, We hope that for many astrologers “Aapect Pater Astrology” wl pronide the key to oli horoscope interpretation and to the “ndersanding of people's rue esence. We are convinced that nthe fue dhe cosmi, universal outage of aselogy wil become ever ‘more wiespend snd understood a path fr development, yes sid unity 0 which our book four stem to cone Aas Api 1999 Bruno Louse al Michael! Huber 1. Concept of Wholeness and Synthesis From Analysis to Symbesis ‘Wholenese and Sythe + “The Law of Lave and Understanding © ‘Contibution ro New Thinking » Ale A Bailey writes® “Autobiographical Notes Ise Phase + 2nd Phase» Sign House Distinction + “The Signs ofthe Zosiac The Planets * The Five Levels of the Horoscope « ‘The Horoscope in Five Layers 1 The Cente Ciel * 2 The Aspect Pater * 3. The Planets * 4 The Zod» 5. The Houses + [Example of a Theatre Performance * From Analysis to Synthesis Many stwhogersbave een looking beyond the analytical psychologist tune of astlogy for bolisic methods in recent years They have recognized that ie wie not enough 10 incorporate psychological techniques into astology, while atthe same time remaining boxged down in the old, amalvacliporinted use of axtrologial symbols Instead they eed wo develop sisaly comprehensible methods that correspond tothe needs of meen man and ae easy toners “This new development repires a rethink, an embracing oF the Lvs of spiritual growth, which ate closely connececd with evoktionsry ‘les and with esotenetrths. The rethinking poss fom anasto Symes, fram deta wo the whole, thas ging ie 1 piosoply ia ‘which stuctte and content, expression and goat, form and eolout bualice eachother. sisal symbolic wy of thinking Jupiter mst be xkcd wo the analytical mind that eters every etal Mercury). Only when both ways of thinking wok together i it possible w combine the dels and the whole a meaning relationship, ie. developed bolt hiking can enable nem grtp the etmections and the fer meaning ofa shuaton Astrologers have ays deal with the interpretation of symbuls Symbols ae exerna and isle forms of sprit reaies. Thee sty lends inwards, fom the external perception of & thing 0 ts inner meaning, If someone posseses the ablty to discover the truth and meaning Ising behind a specie form. this means thatthe inition is avalened. Stafens of Astologicl Psychology devel {hei inuton slnst automata, along withthe abit to access the subjective truth thrgh the form. stoic! helpe them hink holst and spstaly accelerates the How of mntition snd encourages a sensitive teteton to human nate. “There ae vious ‘vn of acting intuit; one ofthe most wef and effective ithe ‘Mud and interpretation of astologial smb Wholeness and Synthesis Before we go into specific hoi astologcal methods, we would like ro define the term “synthesis” more accurtly- Synthesis means Leng eget al diverging energies 2nd tuning them ito a whol If we ae able to percive and review ll component part a hole ‘ fanctorl enti, we ao get total pieae. To see wt pictare 4 the necesary ditance is required n peychologiea terms: objects, ‘cutraity and impersonal Tes ease o appreciate how everything belongs ancl works together if we stand bck fom it. From certain Ineight thea bied eye view, there i a wider range oF visit than from dose up. The astrological perspective atu enables soc a erated sapoin, namely a cosmic pont of view Because it works cco the aw of analogy ieflees the cosmic onder in ours and out world and teaches us to see ourselves as pat of the whole ‘The concept of wholeness and synthesis can and most be realved jn modern cme, Araya ways of pereiving the human eondion are nor sufficient. Nerworkng and ghobasation and the connection Dberwcen nature, man andthe nse ae the ubiquitous bare won The rth is emeypng, that we ave just a small putt of & cosmic nerwork in which everthing i ieloded an eveything participates We recognize that every oxgaice and every person fs an integral part ofa greater obole ye sal self conaned living being In order to compechend ths, we need the development and cakation of ‘ew global avareness with which this mutalinterelaedness can be pereved ‘The Law of Love and Understanding com another point of ew, sythess isthe Law of Undersanding, the Law of Love, of higher reason or the “as-vel-s" pilosophy fof the move mn — and the Age af Aquarius ~ that lus wo the experience of wholeness as opposed to the “iter” OF the past ‘which separates the parte. That is why both the undessnding of connie ws and the serous considerton of details belong tthe experience of wholeness. Tei the hermadic Fundamental lw “ae hove, s0 below", “as within, 50 without”, which hols tue for all ‘oretic teachings aswell at for aso. This aw of analog allows ‘co recognise the connection between the lange and dhe small, and thus to ce the sense and mesning of mir existence, Te is exacdy so with our horoscope, ia which the great and dhe small menge together it isthe depiction of an allembracing mice macrocosinic Famer in which everything hat kes up oe ‘contained and combined. We cin only ake outa pale image ofthe randeur andthe depth of this funetiona inreyplsy we ean jus Ret 2 vague iden of it and be moved ye This approach pus ur sl ‘nayieal understanding humbly bali its pace Pee eee eee eee ee eee ae eee eee eee ae ee eee eee eae eee eee eee eee Contribution to New Thinking “The es for comprehending aspect pattems present vee mportant contribution to these new developments. ‘The new “Aspect Pater Astrology” offers a selecimtaned concept for the comprehension fof wholeness, which provides fir a peychossnthetic and second fn nmalyial approach to the horoscope. ‘The interpretation of the spect pattem reveals the structire of the consciousness and gives an insghe into an india hfe movaion. "This brings us much closer hie ntegty- Monn Novle Atrology (18), whieh works wie thee horoscopes ako devon the understanding of wholeness I ‘nablethe incision of bash the present andthe past inthe horoscope rd incorporation oF the xvelled shadow personaly (Moor Node Horoscope) ‘This new scsi in sty is consistent with evlutionaty evens and thesprto the age, You can sce hes links inthe falling gate From the book A Trion Ihe Magi by Alice A. Baily () (ae 418), Tei astonishing that eis book appeared Inck in 1934 and even then made leae reference to this new development in astrology Alice A. Bailey writes: “Astrologers will eventually rea hat i is ecessary eo cas ce horoscopes or thee charts one pores physieal dealing with the body DF nature; ne primal cial, and dealing with he ity of the petsonay and with essen or state of awareness the tid il be the char of the mental impulses and ealtions. te will be found thar these thre chars wil ake certsn geometric lines, the lines oF energy will form parerns. These three char, sperimgpmed ne ap the other, wll give the personality aga, the indivi fe pater, Amazing symbole charts ad near forms will be Found eo emerge ‘when this done, and dhe "geomet of the inv” will geo out ‘of this, Fr tel be found that cach ine wl function in ean eo ‘mothe ine, nd the ered of the fe energies wil become apparent. [Gvenmaly even inthis department of knowledge, “the star shine forth”. ‘This wil conse new branch oF prebology and is dae exponent for out age wil be duly found. Fbut nda the ses ofthe future astrology i ordre safeguned the presen ‘The Tike, Bruno Huber’s Research Work Autobiographical Notes 1 orgy rund my atention to astrology pares in the spit oF reseach, It scmed ta me tobe an extemely proms if unstl, ‘onl for explaining base questions that cameesn poopie like "Where {SoU come feo®” "Whete arn I going?” What {found more than fsceede my expectations. For empl, «cleat coneepe of human ‘tue, hich ineonporates all eurentpspeolngy — and atthe same fine a dleate tol co diagnose every inv character ad specie problems. ‘There ate no other known disciplines or methods that can offer anthing so walle Barely one year afer 1 started learning ast from books, Lge ieup sein, Beease I de ke the eneadictions thatthe diferent tmethalica cements predic plang back noth sud oF paychologs Bartha bought ae again tl again wo key terms hat I had Tour in the astrology Books which venuly brought me back ate, died sow wth dhe ear inreotion of geting to the bottom oF dhe subject 30 1 gave away all my books and 1" Phase his iil required the cancion of terminal, foe ie soon ‘became clear that linguist confiaton reigned in eis dscipine, ‘Thi ‘was gute obsiows throughout dhe whole history of astra de 00 fis pring though different cures and religions found myself repeating the question where docs this term come from?” 0 many times that historia resstreh became necessary. In the yeas that followed this ed lester andl clearer wording a the meaning of the hase symbols in explic, wedeined concepts For any aver in Ieeminnlogs (the same eonecpe wed Fr te difren planets) led leet fo aack of ear which was ot and should oe fie from !spachologil point of sew, ‘Thi whighlyinteleetualy-dsipined ‘work that kept me in suspense for years and whieh 1 know T only ‘oped with because Ea been taught think clear anel anally bythe Jesuit which made tee to examine speedh and writing for ‘ays and inconsintencies. Ia this fist phase | fal already begun to work on dhe unsatisfactory horoscope dsply format. Charts were confsingy overcrowded 7 ‘vid numbers and symbols and lines which intersected each other slthoogh they came from different systems and lve. In additon, the aspects showing the connections between the planets were not visible; they had wo be wosked out fom abstract numerical equations The reskin universally used “Aspect Step” wa athena come fon the stare ~ st wae not graphic enough. T wanted a horoscope cht that the senses could comprehend ~ fom which everthing important could be understond "at a glace”. The further the eaieation of the tminology and ehe basic research progressed the clearer the esign of my boroscope became. The form da | Fialy Found has ‘ow become widely dopred. After reendy being adopted by vasous astology software designers, with small vations, could scon bocome the norm, 2” Phase "The neat pate ~ the base research ~ also began with canon of the terminology and the question of what the horoscape ws relly made upof. This ws nc mae cla in dhe Utertute~ partly 4 ele ‘of ee lack of sstronomvialknesledge ofthe authors concerned I ‘00m bceate clea thatthe slement of the horoscope originated fom four diferent level, and that this must also be meaning for the interpretation. The planes ther aspects an the Signs in which they le, elon othe sky and eherefore hae no det acess to the heman ‘consciousness ~ we cannot manipulate thes. The Houses, on the ‘other hand, represent the earth-bound perspective feom which we incespeee the sy. For example, we ean manipulate them by moving round oe by the passage of rime. Forusthey ate the space and ine ‘which wre mone, dimensions in which we at home. But ur displaced ‘enthl inerpetation has aa effect on anthing in the sk. ‘This Gas geo-coumie distinction is enormously important in the incerprettion, becuse the phncts, aspects and. Sins. zepresent the mose deeply imate that we bring with ue into life The reflewes ‘determined by the flesh of our parents and ancestor are responsible for our eaest childhood reactions othe condoning tempts ofthe éavonmen, which wants ro ge vs que specific interpretsons of lif, It is ext o see how ilferent these renetion are in chem ren the same family. What the conditioning wil provide derermined by the tie and space determined earthy view of our patents’ genertion ‘Thatis the perspective view provided by out House stem Renee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee Sign/House Distinction The question of which ismoreimporencin the horoscope the Hoses tr the Signs, has long been a mutter for dpe among astealogers “The question cannot he answered vaily and for everyone fom the horoscope, It must ulmately be established for each individ ease by talking tothe subject. Ie is inportant to cai this a can then te exalted whether the person concerned is more conditioned by ature of nurture, and this influences haw th horoseope is interpreted People who are condoned by nurture (ce. bythe Howse system) ate _geerll enter “adapted o at eat ryt be, Ont ater esearch fd 1 ind ou how such dsinetions cat be btsied at less pataly fom the homscope eet, ven the sky muse be divided iato Fev It is obvious tha the horoscope deste exclsvely with che solar spetem, and chi thie system & perceived and experience from dhe earth. For the planets subjectively ~ move on a ley denied path aouod the exth, on ‘he same pach asthe sun ad the moun. ‘This pad snr physi. We have divided out yee (=I revolution of the sun) into twee mont, The sla and planetary orbits (rade) are also divided ito owche Aeggoents in etch ane OF which dhe sum stays for atound a month at the definve timekeeper, Thatis ovr zodiac system, Irdocs not exist in water space, ony forthe earth, Irtates nor around the sun, bu round the earths ax, whichis ted and does ot revolve around the sun ke the plane itself ba remains (shot rigily fed 0 a0 (onknown cosmic stopping pice, The zoek probably «Fancon fof the eats magretie Feld, whose orietason is par influenced by the orbing of the earth around the sun. We therefore distinguish the different gules of svelve magnetic fell sector, which we ell zodiac Signs and 10 which we attibute vavous qualities based on ‘thousands of yeu’ experience. Iris sid —and I believe it~ tha the Zodiac contains the archetypal qualities, of to put it another 8a the projections of the hopes an fears of humankind since the outset are ssembled and concentrated into weve bade personality Ps ‘The Signs of the Zodiac “The zodiac works ikea fcr for the enenges that emanate fom the planet, which move in their very own characteristics outide the resi ejstem, So when we sa that Jopter in Seomp then Jupiter's cle ~ les say green ~ take effer thr the, et ‘ay bike, Scorpio Site, which naturally makes the green of Jupiter Appear alot more severe (blue-green) chan it woul alone ~ oF ao eeper than the ight, rather sre superficial yell gree tht wld tp the yellow sector of Libra. ‘Ths rans that we hae ever se the plane’ ales a they ell ar, be formed on hs course th Thr aways coloured, ie changed dae wo the Bering effect of dhe Signs. They are therefore subject. onstanly changing interprets by man changing projection. They appeae to us to be someting dstane umnuchabl. eis a oe noting ha ee used vo be seen 2 ‘nfithomuble onls Or ee they were fmly woven into ethnocentric oneepts, and adjustments then had to be aceeped by. history (culoinatingin che exchange of principle as happened with Mars and Satur in the transom fom Walon ro Gree, For example). The planets cannot be embodied, ae they ate acta principles oF cose ‘mageinade. Therefore they a tobe represented as abract pines tnd no as human guaities Fe tis reson, the defining of terme Is alo very impetant for planes. The overlapping oF terms soe teads to mnterprettions, for principles are unig and nisl the diversiy of forms of eur nears phenomenal worl sises onl from thei combined in ene. ‘The Planets Aspect patterns show us the combination of planetary influences. is the aspects that make the arrangement of planes in Signs aad Houses appeat meaningful. Aspects are They show an interaction of the principles in onder form a concrete Fanci, which ine equates tos tak. planet ne Sig it yet 2 ask bu merely «point of view and therefore arguably the ange of Certain opportunities lero, reltonaipe between planes, ‘The Five Levels of the Horoscope ‘The Horoscope in Five Layers “Tolls this in, the colour chart i sed in which the inva layers are presente spunstely ns reference levels so tha dey ate leat vis, Each yer 2 self contained unit and iafuences the whole For each leel of consciousness thee are precise hase principls of | interpretation that mus be coherent. So plane int zoe Si interpreted as insesmene potentials poston in 3 Howe shows the inflaene of the envionment and the aspects derived from not according inner motwation, We lista thie wit 8 horoscope Foundation chart of API Switzerland 123.1968, 205, Ziieh/CH “This horoscope was eaesed and dawn up acconding 1 che Huber Method, normally shown in diferent colours. The socle Sins of the zoe are shown inthe colors of te element: re: Fite, gee: "Earth, ylow: Ai, blue: Water andthe aspects ae shonin tebe tnd green, ‘When seen from the inside working ont, the ie laers represent the following the ecein the entre the cote personaly, ‘he higher se ofthe human soul. ‘Then come the aspect pater, the 2 RRC eee eee eC eee cece cece reece eee eee eee eee cece eee eee Hanet arranged ina cr the sweve Sigs af the zine and ide ‘nthe edge the twelve Houses Seen lke thi the horoscope ist ‘ero mage ofthe whole man 1. The Centre Cicle le the cente circle ea fre space, which we leave untouched and in which aspects never appeae, We lave this pace fre at of a certtin respec for mans inne being, Tis ciel ls symbolises hemos soul that lives eternally, It the Higher Self and as such the root of 2. The Aspect Pattern Around the core personality deve claire wide sce in which the aspects appt rngether forming acoamplete pattern that represents the sructure ofthe individual consciousness. This ncaes ental life mativaton and corresponds the eau body in Alice A. Baileys ‘sore astology. ‘This is the deepest evel n man ad barely i a al, seceanibe tothe aware, even though the whole leis governed by this moriating ie energy, 3. The Planets The plnets appt inthe next let, They oct aspects accomting to thei posiion nthe zac and an be teed atl took. Pets are the tools with which we eed and ac, perceive the envionment fandcan nfltenceie The ring of pines represents an important hier, Teco es our First point af enact wih the enironmsene A ten planet are avalible a each une of us sna hey aren diferent Positions for evenvine, ie. in certain zodiac Sign an i 4 certain House and even then, they stil hive differen aspects. [fone planet is baly placed, then tf an effort to asset the corresponding ie Funcions. In incerpretation, we must always eventually consider the Planets ae supporting set of tool forthe personal: 4. The Zodiac “This sa cele divided into twelve pues, trough which our sun moves in space ding the year. ‘The nd is heretore a cosmic framework and stands fe ature and het laws (20). ‘The sodiae Sige reveal an individuals herciary disposition, “They inate genetel-nerd 6 stracrre that we carey inside uss potential from bin an mast then develop, use and implement daring the course of out ves with the help ofthe envionment 5. The Houses ‘The Howes represent the envionment. All dhe influences fom our surtoundigs ae recorded in the twelve Houses, The envionment eondtions our behaviour through our upbringing: moieater os tormake the best wee ofthe planes as oa, OF course, sometines certain exing ables are not undertod, and they ate locked instead of being developed. These inflcoces,sovealled sensations ofthe envionment (daeation and environmental effec, ea be seen in the posiion of che phnets in dhe Howes. In ads the Hoasce aloe all epresent the reactions and ehawouralstroture by which ‘we influence the ensivoament, which helps or hinders ws (16). More «dels on this can be found ia specally prepared House horoscopes. “Thats a brief summary of the concept of the Five-layer horoscope presenation. You should aways keep an eye on this proportion, ven later on hen se tr to define ial aspect sat of the ‘whole. When we extract all the possible specaiies From the bolic oncept and define them spate, we nat be careful otro lone the fvervew and the context We mut abe go ack to the pipe, the estentals, wo the motivation and devel te interpretation from there ‘his interteton can be demonstrate well with theate sage Example of a Theatre Performance 1 we imagine a dheate sage on which a seton of the revolving stages vinbl; chi represent one of the twelve Howse, the backon represents the Sign ofthe zodite. Esery actors «planet, the serge is the aspect pattern ad the dietor is the cone personsiy. They pesfocm a plas, which requies certain faites. We see a section of ‘the eevlving ste withthe backdrop the actors perform the play 2econling tothe setipt (spect pattern). IF one actor i sing, in ‘the horoscope this meine fe-ctsting onthe horoscope, if there 0 planer present in a House and zone Sign, here no action. With fe plats as iaols we can neither react nor atin thi aren of ie In tis section of backdeop we can hadly make out what kind of play i being performed. In an empty House and Sign, the spectator {the eavionmeay) ean ony see minimal, stereotyped reactions. For the director, thi scenery without actors fe not an interesting ea (of life. Only the set (plane) ean act, the backlog (Signe of the oda) cannot not replace him, they oa fray a frame forthe action ‘Conetson: realy accomplished py can only be performed when ll fie yes of the hrmcape are woking a a whole, Albumasar, the famous Astrologer, measuring the stars Wonnlt from the 19° century 6 2. Aspect Theory troduction Aspetarum » Whole Aspect Patera + What are Aspects? SM Degrce Inervls* ight House Sytem Aspect Types with Onh + Calculating the Aspects Area af Influence ofthe Aspects (Orb) * Diterent Orb Methods * Hues Or Table * Goel Aspects * One Way Aspects * ‘Stength Differences * Draving the Exact Aspect ‘The Seven Major Aspects 1. Conjunction #2 Semi Seat 3. Sexe 4 Square + S5.Tiine» 6 Quincunx 7. Opposition » Aspect Interpretation + Aspect System Aspects Compare othe Conjaneson = Sun Semi Sextile = Mercury Aspect» Sextie = Venus Aspect * ‘Square = Mars Aspect Tine = Jpier Aspect Quincuns = Satan Arpeet* Opposiion = Saturn Aspect + Aspect Influence according to Colour Three Types of Aspect» Red Aspects Taina Astrology * Tue Aspects * Green Aspects *SeniSexsle * Quincuns * CColoue Choice * New and Far Conjusesions* Planetary Influence on the Aspects Feminine, Mascaline and Neu Pants * Har and Sot Phnets © Planer Table (gram) » Aspet influence on Soft Hard plants + ‘Unaspected Planes + Aspect Interpretation in Nine Steps * Fos Stages of Development * Conjunet Semi Sexe on 4 Level # Sexe ont Levels» Square on # Levels» Tine on 4 Level + Quincuns on 4 Levels» Opporition oa 4 Levels © Brict Oserview * jimensional Aspect Interpretation inon 4 Levels* Introduction Aspects used only toe given in tabular form, and were very rely splayed dre inthe horoscope asin modern astiology. Now we Seca apie inae, a puter whose very uniqueness signin, irrespective of the planes which form the pateen and thet Hose sand Sign postion {national astoogy, aspects were always shown separately, 0 that iF someone had a tene heeween the Son and Jupiter, twas considered a yerylcky aspect. Other apects were ot considered in tlation ot ‘even when they considerably reid the poriive eee ofthe aspect ‘or completely contended it. In Aspect Patten Astrology we very rately conse aspect ination, intend they are always interpreted in combination wih the whole aspect patern, Aspectarium, Wheayoureadastologcliterstrs, sullen ind an apectriom,| in which cach dfferene planetary aspect described in derail 9}. AAs aspect flit of all he aspects that ate Meni a bing inflcail ina bie ear, o all the aspects that ate formed within 1 certain timeframe, for example in Ephemerides or in predictive asrology. ‘The corresponding, texts refer ¢oinlvihal aspects ike conjunctions sexes, spare, tines, oppositions, ete, between one ‘oc moe planes Just as with + computer horoscope, these texte svaly prove ‘inconnected andl even contadictory information, axl don justice tothe whole person. Ie isa kindof reference work, whete you ‘an lok up the meaning of, # quate ora opposition beeen the Sun and Strum, “The defini willbe mainly negate o the effect thatthe individ! ie untschable, he gets hi can way, ts 0 Ge Aine strong oppeniton aoa his undertakings only succeed a the Second or third atemp 1 such judgemental statements are taken serious, they il tdoubtedlyinbiit personal development. Many. people make themselves dependent on rach strements and lose frectam becnase they regan hem a unalterable at, atbouph they ately only rate tos smal part theese Poi cece ee eee cece eee e cere e eee cece eee sen in astrological research, aspects ace alas teated sepatatly analysed staiscally and compared with psychological questionaaies. There have been vars arempes of this mitre, where for example the behaviour within « partnership has had to be diagnosed and lasfed, Defining love Fr ther people sed on tadtonal aspect ‘nmerpreaion is very questionable I tarned out that thing eame ff this and nether could any peoof be found forthe accuracy of sarolagy Even comparing so-called “bad” aspects with accent, Apes oF eatstophes wae not supported by the research. It won ‘ccogaised that when indvkdal aspects are compared seascally with ‘person’ elf the results are not consistent. Whole Aspect Pattern So, for peycholngesl aspect inverpretation, we should never consider ‘one aspecinislation, bucalwaysthe whole spet pattern pls the Sign snd House positon ofthe planes concerned, AS already emphasised ‘any times, aspect patter reading enables previo wntaiable holistic understanding of the horoscope. When we are desing with human beings, we cannot work with templates and ive recipes for ‘heir behav We akwass hate a whole aspect structure in Font of 1s, an aspect parte, ia which the planets ate mutually connected Estretngindidul aspect nd defining them noiton omg in| pineple, because they te part ehe whole interdependent structure ‘Our way’ of presenting a horoscope isco portay the whole aspect pater in different colours Ie weed to be done very dient the Aspect egress were ust noted around the eige of the cicle and ne curs were used and cere was cerainly ao graphic presenasion [Nowadays the graphic lout of the aspect pattern srt reveal deepsea ie mivatons As you ean sein the fll horoscope aspect patterns ae clesey ‘marked fusualy displayed in eed, blue ad geen inside the horoscope ‘irl. In every horoscope we can se several patterns; each one has x ‘wn aspect puter a an expression ofa person's indvidliy Close ‘observtion shows gcomere gues: lage al-cncompassng tinge, small tangles, polrgans and lines, af ou can se in the example horoscope: ‘The Aspect Pattern Brigite Bardot, Actress 289.5934, 13.15, Pai, France What are Aspects? ‘The word aspect comes from the Itin uf and mcins look, If an aspect links ts planes, they ate loking eachother there is 3 {elaionship between them. ‘They ae connected to eachother and have to-dea wth eachother whether they ike ior not. An aspect can als ‘be compared tp 2 telephone lin. IF someone cll the person athe ‘there must reac. If» plinet is called in a certain He situation, the call imme transfered t ll the other planets connected ‘Aspects area sort of eommanieatin network between the planets AS ‘very person’ aspect patterns diferent cach one ls hs a ferent ‘eommunicason nersork. In the modem sense, one could sy that aspects are lke cits in an electonie device In the horoscope, the arpoce scutes ke an internal circuit diagram, representing 20 te sracture of & person's conscionsness. It can nt, cin, ‘nif or increase the function of the planet coneesned depending von the quality of the aspect and its angle. Primal ey show the ‘lationship fanesion of the horoscape factors, parculy of the ‘Manet as esse forces herween themselves, When these and thee Inte telaonships are seen a «whole, the over aspect pater gives the astologer a ictre of the connections and the efferent fantom srak in a persons consciousness, which defines the lie motivation Thi gies ie toa cneredly proportioned picture ofthe charter of the peron concerned which why ri important oar interpret aspect steuctres sa whole and noe jas ividua aspects Uonweve, in sapectrending we matt gain a shor Knope of ‘he individual elements. To begin wit, we should know that every rnp berveon ros pines ence neces an aepect. ‘They mast be {leslie snd scerined very accrately according to the appropriate ‘les. “Technical speaking aspects ate standardised angles between planets in mips of 30 apres 30 Degree Intervals Aspects ae basicly 30 dogree intervals measured aroun the zodiac ach zone Sig also coves 30 degrees. Basic empisal research has led us toute only angulr divisions of 30 degrees or muliples of 3 egres,ie 30, 120,150, 180 and the special ease oF 0 degree. "They are anges that ave ondeed according to dhe save stem a8 the zorie Signs. The 30 degre dission i based on emp rests hat sg back tothe origins of stroll had area suggested his ‘pect system back inthe year (29 AD, 30 Degree Intervals rom the point of origin, aspots ean tun forwands or baclvaeds ia the zoe. They abo don ave to corespond exactly tothe above- ‘mentoned number of depres, ‘There ba tle leeway, depending on the plant concerned, which i called che ob, Different asuoloel schaols have conflicting views am both the size ofthe on and which poine outside the planes is sell aspeced (1). Inthe APL seh, only the aspects ern panes pls stcending Moun Nodes, of multiples fof 5M degree are comsilered sal. No aspects ate drawn eo the ascendant [AC] oF tothe midhesven [MC] and alo no House eusps fre dwn through the central area of the chate as they distort and Fah the whole pattern “The grstest difference herwoon the wats schools isin the ange ‘of shesspets tn be considered as there ae fering epinons om bose the cre su be dv. Wee are sumiaaies af the ew in tendencies 1) The Bisection Method is scully dhe olfest oF them al, and already exited in the Babylonian era. Inthe cary days, when there ‘were stil na geometric instruments sable, the simplest soa vest bisect the ciel (IP, opposition, eo bisect the semicles (90°, square) and likewise the quarter (45%, sem-square), Even the fie attempt by the Babylonians ro construct am eight Hesse stems follows ths peincple. ‘This egh-Hlowse system (aco) was not ‘very widely used in astro altbough the atoger Sai ws il propagating in Reena tes. ight-House System “The Hight tlouse system divides the circle into eight equal pars and also known at a octopenh (atin. The Chinese 1 Chie ‘ao based on this simple division of the halring and doubling of an orignal duly “There, the bsis ofthe system i the ihe original wigs which are dled to Fre heaagtame and then the sateen halves ae Aeshed nt create 6 hexagrms. Chinese slog wa based om ths eth un Jesuit iisionaties intradueed the western 12-Houe system in the 15" century. 2 2) Inthe secon century A.D, Claus Polemyhe famous geographer, mathematician, asimonner an astologer suggested Aiding the cece into 12 parts ae «wy of organising the aspects. He was chus following the Babyonian sistem of dividing the zone ino 12 pacts veloped in the Bw 5* centres BC. This produced 30° ineral ‘nee eth apes, hus ving seven diferent posible angles within the de WF Conjunction 130 Tine 50 Hale seve 150F — Quineans Sexe Lx Opposition 90 Spare Aspect Types with Oxbs “These seven aspects prone twelve possible aspect postions for cach planet, because the Give aspects Been IP and 15 can an beth forvands and backwards inthe vodne. This Prolemaie model sith Babslonian rigs has been the most commonly used, with 2 fw modieatinns Its inerestng that nearly every author who fccommends i or who has recommended it in the pst, has noe Inendoned fn out of thee seven aspects oF thet Interpretation ‘vastly underrated the emi-sextle and the quineuns ~ although Poem clay mentioned and defined both of ther. Unfortunately is own explanation conbuted to this neglect. He was convinced thatthe aspects must form symmetsel shapes. So, four squares make 2 rectangle thee tines make rangle, sx sexes make hexagon However, the fc that twelve sei-exiles make a dodecagon ane 12 sqsncunsesalko make a symmetrial shape obviously eeaped him. So 2% in his interpretation he ast mentions bre these oxo aspects with the teem unrelated signs," they do oe lok a exch other, do not omer ‘or obey eich other and do not posses the same energy” Ceti, 1, Book 2) Tee uite obvious that Paolemy has infact che the conse system {even the elvsion ato 12 pars, but hie reseons ae based on a ern logic andasaresul theres nocoherent explanation forthesystem. The real enon for Ptolemy explanations should eal ic etewhee the fice dat a ie ime there were no peycholgieal or philosophies ‘concepts for the gules af the sem sextle and the incu. From the poine of view of the history of psvchology a thar time the abilities of sl awareness, of the conscious sense poreption of the environment andthe rical- anal teal wert, were at mst cokieated mainly by a brillant minoriy and were therefore no cally final rom aserlogel experience. lei precly these aii that fe associated withthe MP an 150° aspects, Consequenth, in the Mile Ages, the assessments of the fe remaining aspect groups wore expres purely in black and white terms the sete ancl ppition (red) were unk, bal or eben evil aspocts to some extent the conjunction tng the sel and tine (blue) were licks god or even dvinl gifted, Nov ui herent ‘century dia certain dssatisfaet with such dogmatism and abste tither or judgements take ho. Traitonal stole began express ial mone mowers bad eae tense or life, goad came relied ost, But nevertheens the duly ofthis meacel pon of ‘ew had sl not disappeared and the psychology necessary om iocgmental ferentiation was sil ot yet pons. This eo wn be found inthe already exiting 3 and 150" anges, the emcee and quincun aspect (green, which corespon go an awarenest faring ‘hinking feton Calculating the Aspects Aspectiype Symbol Degiee Colour Conjunction gf 0 Onnge Semisetle Green Saale * Be Sqvare Dm Red “eine A 120 Bhe Quincuns 150 Green Oppostion P80 Akhough ears all horoscopes are calculated by computers snd tispiyed ia colour, every student of astroogy shoul now how 40 tslelate an plot the aspees (5). Aspects are calculated s follows the rine cele is died ino ele equal segment a pins Fie in the bororcope, for example, Maes ad you then move forward LMP. If theres planer a his pin, then there isan aspect berseen | the toa. We can mctsure the exact angle by counting the number ‘degrees separating the coo planet around the oetside edge of the horoscope, which is divided into degrees. tn this way we measure the angle formes between ane planet and anodher and on the bre ‘hart we dr a connserng ine na pact enloutherseea the 180 planets concerned, Square Sun/Saturn Un the example om the igh, shee i ig A angled sapet etc te Sun ant Sturn ie XP aspect eed square and is dese in rd 1 a planer (Venus, in the follwing example) lev at Sf the Sign Aries an Jupiter a 8° ofthe Sign Capricorn, then tm ange of approximately 121° je measured around the 36 cele, ‘which we eal rine, ‘Trine Venus /Jupiter A tring normally necurs berween two Signs fF the same clement, ie from Karth Sign Fart Sign, from Winter Signo Water Sign, Fire Sign to Fire Sig, A Sgn Air Sig. A 90° angle, oe a square, normally occurs with the endo, fs and mutable cross, Bkewine an oppostion, which canoes oppo Signs, tle the aepectel planet eon the cusp berwsen 0 Signs when | the agpoct must be aeurstelyenleulted using the Huber Orb Table ‘Area of Influence of the Aspects (Orbs) Planets almost never leat the same number of deyrces; this wookd actualy men thatthe age between them would be exactly 30° (or SOF IP, ec). In practi here every rately an exact aspece berseen| two pinets ‘That sey astraogy allows a eas of ifloence of 2 few degrees on both sides af dhe aspect ange, within which the aspect 25 4s sil effective, “This aoa i called an on (from the Lain orbis = ras). This varies according tothe atoll importance of the plants andthe aspects concerned. So when calculating the aspect, we ‘ust find ot exse what orb a planet has. Thete ae tolerance lie that ifr depending on the planet or aspect enacered as you il ee inthe chareon page 28. The onb allows ust plot an aspect when is ‘ot esac, bu il als within the oleae iis Different Orb Methods Individual schools of asco hae different opinions aot dhe ie fof the orb (aus oF influence ofthe aspee. About HI has been the orm for the Sum and the Moon, with smaller ob forthe ret fof the planets In dhe APL school, very aspect has a precise sea of Influence, ef the Huber Om Chart This is he result of many yess (of empl rexeach wing comes sample cases Tews decide that the erteion forthe ob ini wat shat a planetary ‘elasonship fol an aspect if the definable influence fs penne. If its ony sporadic thowgh, ilies ouside the permanene ot In overflly timated stunts, an aspect ig ous the permanent fot) can be acceptale for shor ime, but Fs nota cacterte ily of the individual concerned, "Thc most netceable with one vray aspects, “These days, a wide range oF programs is avalable fom compurst software companies, which are oe secured and ean often even be ‘model by the yman. Akhough the at intresting for advanced asteologers to use for dir own research purposes, there sil the anger that ly people wll not be able to use them comet. The ecision ato whether to plot a asper or not Huber Orb) wa tested ‘vera 30 sear period atthe Astrological Peyehology Institute. More ‘hana thowsand aciveastologcal coneltantealover the wort pute aspects inhoroscopes to the test amon alin personal eonslaione sith their ents So with good reason we can state and demuanstate that the aspect

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