Quiz Aula 3

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1. Complete the sentences with the correct words:
____ she ____ tennis when she was younger?
a) Does / play
b) Did / play
c) Do / plays
d) Did / played

____ you ____ abroad?

a) Did / live
b) Does / lives
c) Do / lives
d) Did / lived

When ____ you ____ your wife?

a) Does / meets
b) Do / mets
c) Did / meet
d) Did / met

Where ____ you ____ for your holidays?

a) Does / goes
b) Do / gone
c) Did / goes
d) Did / go

2. Use the correct words to complete the sentences.

Dean called to the waiter, but the waiter ____ him.
a) didn’t hear
b) didn’t heard
c) didn’t hears

When I was a young child, I really ____ chocolate.

a) didn’t like
b) didn’t likes
c) didn’t liked

I saw Sonia in the supermarket but we ____ .

a) didn’t talked
b) didn’t talks
c) didn’t talk

Chrissie went home because she ____ well.

a) didn’t feel
b) didn’t felt
c) didn’t feels
d) didn’t
3. (PUC-GO) Complete the following text using the correct past tense
conjugation of the verbs in parenthesis in English:

Last night Susan (go) ____________ to her friend’s birthday party.

She (dance) ____________ with her boyfriend, and (eat)_______
_____ cake. After they (leave) ____________ the party, Susan and
her boyfriend (decide) ____________ to go and watch a movie at
the theater. They (see) ____________ the new Transformer’s movie,
and then they went home. When she (get) ___________home, Susan
(take) ____________ a shower and (fall) ________ asleep quickly.

Choose the correct option from the ones listed below:

a) go/ dance / eat / leave / decide / see / get / take / fall.

b) went / danced / ate / left / decided / saw / got / took / fell.

c) will go / will dance / will eat / will leave / will decide / will see /
will get / will take / will fall.

d) had gone / had danced / had eaten / had left / had decided /
had seen / had gotten / had taken / had fallen.
did / play
did / live
did / meet
did / go

didn’t hear
didn’t like
didn’t talk
didn’t feel

3. b) went / danced / ate / left / decided / saw / got / took / fell.

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