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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama :

Hari/ Tanggal : Kelas : VIII
Waktu : Nomor :

A. Choose The Best Answer A, B, C, Or D

The following dialog to number 6 – 8
CAUTION Mr. Bondan : It’s very hot today. Ridwan, will you
Don’t use product made of make fruit juice, please?
protected animals Ridwan : Sure, Dad. What juice do you prefer?
We have apples, tomstoes, and
1. What does the sentence mean? Mr. Bondan : Errrr any juice. Can you make it
a. We must save the protected animals. quickly, please? I’m so thirsty.
b. Lion is one of the protected animals. Ridwan : Yes, Dad. I’ll make you tomato and
c. Protected animals may be made into product. carrot juice. Is that Ok. Dad?
d. We can use the product of the protected Mr. Bondan : That’ll be great! Thanks.
2. Where does we can find this notice? 6. What can information can we get from the dialog?
a. In the river c. In the hospital a. His father will make juice together.
b. In the library d. In antique market b. His father fells hungry
c. Mr. Bondan can’t make juice
3. Mr. Yoko : ... Submit your assignment within d. Ridwan will make juice for him
10 minutes.
Student : Yes, Sir. 7. Mr. Bondan ask, “Ridwan, will you make fruite
a. Do you get the point? c. Attention, please. juice, please?”
b. I think it’s an easy task. d. You are diligent. a. He is willing to help Ridwan.
b. He ask what Ridwan is going to do.
4. Dwiki : Who wrote the article? c. He asks if Ridwan is willing to do favor.
Sany : I did. d. He says that he can cooks.
Dwiki : ...
Sany : Thank you. 8. When do you think the dialog pobably take place?
a. That’s inspiring. a. In the morning c. At the afternoon
b. What do you think? b. At dusk d. At night
c. Do you understand?
d. I think we should write it. Dialog for number 9 to 12
Vira : Excuse me. I’d like to borrow these books,
5. Mrs. Nadia : Attention, students. Please Mam.
work in pairs and make a dialog about praising a Mrs. Ida : Ok. How many books do you want to
aperson. Then, practice the dialog before the borrow?
class. ... Vira : Three
Students : Yes, Mam. Mrs. Ida : Sorry. According to the rule, you musn’t
Mrs. Nadia: Do it now. borrow more thsn two books.
Students : Ok. Vira : I see. Then, I will just borrow these two
a. Is it clear? c. Do you think so? books.
b. Any question? d. I agree with you. Mrs. Ida : Can you give me your member card?
Vira : Sure. Here it is.
Mrs. Ida : Oops, you are still borrowing one book. 15. When will the party be hold?
Will you return it? a. On Mentari Residence
Vira : No, I am still using it to do my work. b. At 13 - 15 a.m
Mrs. Ida : If that’s so, you are only allowed to borrow c. At the Mr. Hermantyo’s home
one more book. d. Saturday December 8th , 2020
Vira : Yes, Mam. I’ll take this one.
Mrs. Ida : You hsve to return this book in one week. Text for questions no. 4 up to 6
Vira : Ok. Mam.
Dear Nafisha
9. Where does the dialog take place? I’m afraid I will not be able to join our
a. In a school c. In the bookstore study club this afternoon. I have to see me
b. In a canteen d. In the library dentist. I’ve got a problem with one of my
teeth. Please send my regards to Laila and
10. Why is Vira allowed to borrow one book only? Dinar.
a. She hasn’t not return a book.
b. She doesn’t have a member card.
c. She doesn’t bring her member card. 16. Why does the writer send the message?
d. A student must borrow one book only. a. To send regard to Laila and Dinar.
b. To ask the reader to join the study club.
11. How long can Vira borrow a book? c. To inform Nafisha that she can’t come to the
a. Three days c. Seven days study club.
b. Four days d. Five days d. To tell Nafisha that she got problem with her
12. How many books can Vira borrow in that day? 17. From the message we can conclude that the writer
a. One book c. Three books ….
b. Two books d. Seven books a. Elia has a problem with her tooth.
b. Elia has a promise to meet a dentist.
Text for questions no. 3 up to 4 c. Elia will join the study club.
d. Elia forget with study together.

18. “ I have to see my dentist.

To : Mr. Beni Hermawan The underline word has close meaning with ….
a. Watch a dentist. c. Come to the hospital.
INVITATION b. Meet a dentist. d. Call a dentist.
Bastian’s 14th birthday party
The following text is for question number 7 to 8
Which will be held on:

Saturday, December 8th , 2020

At 3 - 5 p.m
Mentari Residence
Jl. Serma Muchtar no. 97 ON YOUR SUCCESS
R.S.V.P, Heni 0856 6465 7765 IN THE SCIENCE OLYMPIADE 2020
Your best friend,
Mr. Hermantyo

13. Who is invited to the party?

a. Mr. Beni c. Mr. Hermantyo
b. Heni d. Bastian
19. Who was the card sent to?
14. How old is Bastian? a. Hasna.
a. Thirteen c. Fifteen b. Her Hasna’s family.
b. Fourteen d. Sixteen c. Her Hasna’s friend.
d. The science Olympiad Committee. Answer: …….....................................................
20. Why did the writer send the card?
a. To encourage her friend.
b. To make her friend happy.
c. To congratulate her friend.
d. To join the science Olympiad.

Read the text carefully to number 1 and 2

To: My beloved, Mom

Mom, I borrowed your clutch bag, the

one with black suede colour and two
side pockets. I need it for Bima’s
birthday party tonight.
Thank you so much!
Your daughter,

1. Who wrote the short message?

Answer: …….....................................................

2. What the purpose of the message?

Answer: …….....................................................
3. Write the notice below!
Answer: ……...........................

b. Answer: ……...........................
----------------------------------------------- Good Luck

Read the dialog below to number 4 and 5!

Rio : Would you please accompany me to meet
Mr. Burhan in the first break time?
Kinar: Do you have any problem with him, Rio?
Rio : No, I just want to ask him about the result
of my previous Matematic examination.
Kinar : Ok. Let’s meet him.

4. Where the dialog take place?

Answer: …….....................................................

5. Why does Rio wants to meet Mr. Burhan?

TAHUN 2019/2020

1. A 6. D 11. C 16. D
2. D 7. C 12. A 17 A
3. C 8. C 13. A 18. B
4. A 9. D 14. B 19 C
5. A 10. A 15. D 20. C

1. Putri
2. She wants to borrow her mother’s clutch bag to go Bima’s birthday party tonight.
3. a. Don’t turn back
b. No smoking
4. In the classroom
5. He just wants to ask him about the result of his previous Matematic examination.

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