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A Thesis
Submitted as Partical Fulfillment of The Requirements for The bachelor
Degree at English Department Faculty of Humanity UIN Sunan Ampel

Aprilia Lestari
Reg. Number: A03211042



A Thesis
Submitted as Partical Fulfillment of The Requirements for The bachelor

Degree of English Department Faculty of Humanity UIN Sunan Ampel


Aprilia Lestari
Reg. Number: A03211042



This research is dedication to all people who always pray and give support in

finishing this paper for my success, they are:

• My beloved Allah SWT who has given me a good health and given me

patience to face all of problem in finishing this research.

• My beloved father and mother Rochim and Rumini thanks for everlasting

prayer, love and support give to me, sadness and happiness.

• My beloved brother, sister and my best partner Ardi Nur Dian, M. Agam

Nur Hidayat and Imroatul Azizah. Thanks for the endless love, support

and prayer.

• Thanks for my beloved Grandma and Grandpa, Rasibun and Surati thanks

for taking me care for all this time.

• Thanks for my best sister and brother who always be an angle in my day.

Khorida ilma, Halimatus sa’diyah, khusnul faizah , lukman Hadi, ayu

monalisa always be a good friend, my crazy friend in happy and sad time,

give me advise forever gaess……….

• Thanks for all friend of English literature 2011, specially A class and B

Class (first semester), you are the crazy friend guys , Kosma ( Lukman

Hadi nova , nia, izza , rida, naya, yani, rita oka, halimatus s sholikha, and

all whocannot mention one by one.


Actually , After Difficulty there is ease ( QS: AL Insyirah )

‘’ A Miracle is another Name of an Effort”

( To The Beautiful You, Choi Min Ho )

“ Never give up on something you really want. It’s difficult

to wait, but more difficult to regret”

( Mario Teguh )


My greatest gratitude I express to Allah SWT, who helps me continually until

I can finish research on time, because Allah SWT also has given me a good health

and given me patience to face my all of problem in finishing this research.

Sholawat and Salam upon beloved prophet Muhammad SAW, who takes us from

the darkness to the brightness, which is Islam.

This thesis cannot be completed without some helps from my English teacher.

Firstly, I give greatest gratitude to my advisor Mr. Endratno Pilih Swasono M, Pd.

I thank to him because he has guide me to finish this research. Thank you for your

patient, your care, and your time. Secondly, for my lectures in English

Department, thank you to give much knowledge so that I can finish my thesis as

my Masterpiece.

Unforgettable, my greatest I express also to my beloved family, who has given

me support and pray. May Allah always give mercy in all of your life. Many help

come continually from my family and my friendship to finish this research with

several ways to support me.


Lestari, Aprilia. 2016. A study of slang word in song lyrics used by

Bruno Mars song , Thesis, English Department, Faculty of Letter and
Hamanities, State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Advisor : Endratno Pilih Swasono

Key word : sociolinguistics, slang word, Bruno mars, lyrics and song

The study concerned with discussing about slang word used in Bruno
Mars lyrics of song. The research design of this study is descriptive
qualitative. In this study, the theory of word-formation process by George
Yule process( 1986) in his book ”the study of language ” is used to analyze
the formation process of each slang word. In detail, this study statement to
answer two research problem: (1) what is the type of slang word used by
Bruno Mars in lyrics, (2) what is the dominant slang word found in Bruno
Mars lyrics of song. The data were thought document analysis, the research
tried to find and identity the slang word in lyrics by marking, finding and
analyzing the slang word
The result shows that from 58 data for taken, not all process of slang
word-formation appear in the lyrics . five process of slang-word formation
found in this lyrics. on other hand, the process of slang word formation that
are used in the lyrics are clipping ( 140%), blending ( 120%), coinage (
113,4%), borrowing (6,7%), and acronym (6,7%). The most dominant slang
word found in Bruno mars lyrics of song is clipping. In this research, the
clipped word that mostly appears in the lyrics is word “cause” or “cuz”, for
example a lyric “Cause you’re fucking crazy rock’n’roll”. The term
“Cause” or “Cuz” is considered as a clipped word because originally it
comes from word “Because” which is reduced to a shorter form “Cuz”.
slang word and clip the “g” alphabet in the last word, that is called “G

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Lestari, Aprilia. 2016. Sebuah studi dari kata slang dalam lirik lagu yang
digunakan oleh lagu Bruno Mars, Skripsi, Jurusan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas
Sastra dan Hamanities, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Advisor: Endratno Pilih Swasono

Kata kunci: sosiolinguistik, gaul kata, Bruno mars, lirik dan lagu

Studi tentang dengan membahas tentang kata slang yang digunakan dalam
Bruno Mars lirik lagu. Desain penelitian penelitian ini adalah deskriptif
kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini, teori proses pembentukan kata George
proses Yule (1986) dalam bukunya "studi tentang bahasa" yang digunakan
untuk menganalisis proses pembentukan setiap kata gaul. Secara rinci,
pernyataan penelitian ini untuk menjawab dua masalah penelitian: (1) apa
jenis kata slang yang digunakan oleh Bruno Mars dalam lirik, (2) apa kata
slang yang dominan ditemukan di Bruno Mars lirik lagu. Data berpikir
analisis dokumen, penelitian mencoba untuk menemukan dan identitas kata
slang dalam lirik dengan menandai, mencari dan menganalisis kata slang

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 58 data untuk diambil, tidak

semua proses gaul kata-formasi muncul dalam lirik. lima proses
pembentukan gaul-kata yang ditemukan dalam lirik. di sisi lain, proses
pembentukan kata slang yang digunakan dalam lirik cliping (140%),
pencampuran (120%), mata uang (113,4%), pinjaman (6,7%), dan akronim
(6, 7%). kata slang yang paling dominan ditemukan di Bruno mars lirik
lagu cliping. Dalam penelitian ini, kata terpotong yang sebagian besar
muncul dalam lirik adalah kata "sebab" atau "cuz", misalnya sebuah lirik
"Penyebab Anda sialan rock'n'roll gila". Istilah "Penyebab" atau "Cuz"
dianggap sebagai kata terpotong karena awalnya berasal dari kata "Karena"


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yang direduksi menjadi bentuk yang lebih pendek "Cuz". kata slang dan

klip "g" alfabet dalam kata terakhir, yang disebut "G kliping".


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Inside cover page…………………………………………………………..ii

Thesis Advisor’s Approval page…………………………………………..iii

Thesis Examiner’s Approval page…………………………………………iv


Table of Content…………………………………………………………...vi




1.1 Background of Study…………………………………………………1

1.2 Statement of Problem………………………………………………….4

1.3 The objective of the purposes…………………………………………..4

1.4 Significant of the study…………………………………………………5

1.5 Scope and limitation……………………………………………………5

1.6 Definitions of key term………………………………………………..5


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2.1 Theoritical Framework………………………………………………….7

2.1.1 Sociolinguistics……………………………………………………7 Language variation…………………………………………….8 Dialect……………………………………………………..8 Register……………………………………………………9 Jargon……………………………………………………9 Style………………………………………………………9 slang ……………………………………………………..9

1. Definition of slang ………………………………………..10

2. Definition of slang word………………………………….10

3. slang word theory…………………………………………11

a. primary slang…………………………………………11

b. secondary slang ………………………………………12

4. type of slang word formation……………………………13

a. coinage………………………………………………..13


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b. borrowing…………………………………………….. 13

c. compounding……………………………………………14

d. clipping………………………………………………….14

e. back formation…………………………………………..14

f. conversation……………………………………………14

g. acronym………………………………………………..14

h. derivation………………………………………………14

i. prefixes and suffixes…………………………………….15

j. infixes…………………………………………………….15

k. multiple process………………………………………….15

5. lyrics…………………………………………………………….16

6. song……………………………………………………………16

2.2 Previous study…………………………………………………………16


3.1 research methodology………………………………………………19

3.2 instrumentation………………………………………………………19


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3.3 subject/participant population and sample…………………………20

3.4 data sources…………………………………………………………20

3.5 data collection…………………………………………………….20


4.1 Finding ……………………………………………………………23

4.1.1 what types of slang words used by Bruno Mars song………….23

4.1.1 Blending………………………………………………………23

4.1.2 clipping………………………………………………………..36

4.1.3 coinage………………………………………………………..46

4.1.4 borrowing……………………………………………………..55

4.1.5 Acronym……………………………………………………….56

4.1.2 The most dominant slang word used by Bruno mars……………..59


5.1 conclusion……………………………………………………………60

5.2 suggestion…………………………………………………………….61



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This section included background of study, statement the problem, objective of the

study, significant of the study, scope and limitation, and definition of key term. Each of

the items is discussion clearly as follow:

1.1 Background of study

According to Wardaugh, sociolinguistics is the study of the effect of any and all

aspect society, including cultural norm, expectation, and context on the way

language is used, and the effect of language use on society. Sociolinguistics differs

from sociology of language in that focus of sociology of language. the focus of

sociology of language is the effect of language on society, while sociolinguistics

focuses on society effect on language. Sociolinguistics overlaps to a considerable

degree with pragmatics. It also studies how language varieties differ between group

separated by certain social variable( ex. Ethnicity, religion, status, gender, level of

education, age,etc).

Sociolinguistic investigate the relationship between language and society with

the goal of a better understanding of the structure of language function. It means that

in sociolinguistic people learn about the way of social structure influence how

people talk and how language varieties and pattern of use correlate with social

attributes such as class, sex and age. And next statement by Janet Holmes ( 1992)

sociolinguistic is the study of relationship language and society.

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In social relationship, language is used by someone to represent who they are, it

relates with strong identity of a certain social group and it is represent by slang.

In this study the writer concert about slang word. Definition of slang word is

the use of informal word that are not considered standard in the speaker dialect or

language. Slang is often to be found in areas of the lexicon that refer to thing

considered taboo.

Most of slang word in England were derived from criminal lingo. Slang word

founded in informal situation that used with friend. Slang word gives expression

have come and gone ever the year

Slang indicates non-standard language, most of people often use slang on

certain in occasion. Word or phrases slang usually found because of habits or ideas

that appear in society. The using of slang usually in society as if a mode, slang

appears and mostly people choose to use it, and usually it can be found everywhere.

Generally, most of countries have their own slang term in their language. For

instance, in Indonesia slang can be founded in daily conversation and most of

teenagers use it. Slang word is often used by every people. Slang something become

inspiration for musician. The most of musician who write their song use slang word.

The are many kind of music such as : pop , rock , rap, melodic and jazz. In this

research, I analysis about slang word in song lyric by Bruno mars. Slang word in

Bruno mars song use informal language. Slang word in music does not use in

difficult vocabularies.

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By looking at the slang word lyric above, some people who use English as a

second of a foreign language usually get confused to have the specific meaning in

lyric of song. Because part of slang in the song it’s vocabulary not found in the

dictionary, so usually make people difficult to arrange the meaning of song. From

here the slang is very important to understand in song when someone reads lyric of

song. Firstly, to understand related the meaning the reader must be known all of

vocabulary and variation of language used in song. So if the reader understand the

means of song, they can find the meaning of Bruno mars song lyric.

The are many slang word used in song lyric, especially lyric of song by Bruno

mars. Bruno mars is American singer, songwriter, multi-instrument, record

producer, and choreographer. Bruno mars born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, by a

family musician. Mars began making music at young age and performed in venues

musician in his hometown. Mars began composing songs for other artist since the

Motown stint.

Mars, in 2009, co-founded the production team the smezingtons, which helped

him becoming recognized as a solo artist, responsible for the song ’’ nothin’ on

you’’ by B.O.B and billionaire. Mars has landed five number-one single on

billboard hot 100 since his career launched in 2010, faster than any male singer

since Elvis Presley.

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Bruno Mars has received many award and nomination, including for Grammy

Award and was named one time’s 100 most influential people in the world in 2011.

In December 2013, he ranked number one on the forbes 30 under 30 in 2011. Mars

is known for his stage performance and retro showmanship.

He is accompanied by his band, the hooligans, which beside playing variety

and also serve as dancer and background singer. On stage, mars is able to sing,

dance and play a wide range of musical style

At the slang word lyric above, some people who use English of a foreign

language usually get con fused to have the specific meaning in lyric of song.

Because part of slang in the song its vocabulary not found in the dictionary. From

here the slang is very important to understand in song when someone read the lyric

of song, and to understand related the meaning the reader must be known all of

vocabulary and variation of language used in song.

Slang in song lyric is also form of communication. Through a song, the singer can

deliver the message to the listener. Some example of slang found in song lyric are

Ain’t ( aim not). Is not, are not and do not , Y’all ( you all ), Nigga (a black person ),

I’ma ( I’am like).

By the example above, the writer can see that some slang term in the lyric of

song can be understood easily and directly, but some of them cannot, therefore, it is

needed a slang dictionary or other reference to look up the right meaning of the

slang term.

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1.2 Statement of the problems

From the statement background of study above the writer formulate the two

research questions:

1.2.1 What is the type of slang words used by Bruno mars’s in lyric ?

1.2.2 What is dominant slang words found in Bruno mars’s in lyric ?

1.3 The Objective of the purpose

In this research limits discussion by focusing on :

1.3.1 To find out the type of slang words used Bruno mars’s in lyric ?

1.3.2 To identity the dominant slang word found in Bruno mars’s in lyric?

1.4 Significant of the study

The writer hopes that this research is able to enrich the writers in

comprehending about slang. Beside that, to understand the dominant slang word

that used by Bruno mars lyric of song.

The research hopefully has some benefit for all students, especially at

English letters department student. Also in this research, the student are able to

apply their knowledge and comprehend slang word in appropriate daily

conversation, especially in informal situation.

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1.5 Scope and Limitation

This research is directed to analyze slang used by Bruno mars in his

lyrics of song. One song to another lyric of Bruno mars has different meaning

each other, and the song lyrics can be validity interpreted in different ways by

different reader. The are 36 song, but the writer analyze Bruno mars in lyrics 15

song. they are grenade, the lazy song, just the way you are, marry you , runaway

baby, talking to the moon, count on me, the other side, liquor store blues

1.6 Definition of key terms

To make the reader understand the term used in this study easily, the writer

would like to present several definition of the key terms as follow:

A. Slang Words : slang words is the use of informal word that are not

considered standard in the speaker dialect or language. Slang is often to be

found in areas of the lexicon that refer to thing considered taboo.

B. Bruno Mars : Bruno Mars is American singer, songwriter, multi-instrument,

record producer, and choreographer. Bruno mars born and raised in Honolulu,

Hawaii, by a family musician. Mars began making music at young age and

performed in venues musician in his hometown. Mars has landed five number-

one single on billboard hot 100 since his career launched in 2010, faster than any

male singer since Elvis Presley.

C. Song : A piece of music usually employing a verbal text, composed for the

voiced especially one intended for performance by soloist.

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D. Lyrics : lyric is song written for musical accompaniment by lyric . A lyric is

stanzanic. Now, in general lyric refers to the words of song designed a short

poems which is used to express the writer ‘s feeling expression.

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In conducting the research, the writer explain the theory that coherent with the

research problem. The writer uses the theory to be easily understanding about the

problem in this analysis.

2.1 Theoretical Framework

2.1.1 Sociolinguistics

Language cannot be separated from the society. It is because they have

relation each other. In linguistic the relation between language and society called

sociolinguistic. According Janet Holmes ( 1992:1) he said that sociolinguistic is

the study of relationship between language and society. It supported by Trudgill

(1974) argument who said that sociolinguistic is the part of linguistic which is

connected with language as a social and cultural phenomenon. It is showed that

language is not only the social phenomenon but also based on cultural


According to Wardaugh, Sociolingustics investigates the relationship

between language and society with the goal of a better understanding of the

structure of language function. It means that sociolinguistic people will learn

about the way social structure influence how people talk and how language

varieties and pattern of use correlate with social attributes such as class, sex and


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Based on the some proposed concept of sociolinguistic, it can be conclude

that sociolinguistic is the study of linguistic field that investigates the effect of

the aspect in society, such as cultural norms, expectation and situation (context) Language Variation

Some fact about language are that they are always changing over time,

different between one another, and have a lot varieties. language variation exist

because of the use single language which is different within a single community

, such as men do not speak like woman , and older people do not speak like

younger people each other The principle types of language variation manifested

in pronunciation (accent), grammar, and vocabulary are the regional variation (

regional dialect ) and the social variation( social dialect, sociolect , jargon , slang

and argot).

According to Trudgill in Mukhtar Abadi ( 1983:100) stated ’’language, in

other words varies not only according to social characteristic of the speaker (

such in social class, ethnic group , age and sex). The same speaker uses the

different linguistic varieties in different situation and different purposes’’.

Language variety can occur within communication depend on the aspect of

speaker , as the statement from Fishman in Muhammad Ismail (2014) says that

from the aspect of speaker, language variety is divided in five parts: Dialect,

register , jargon, style, and slang

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9 Dialect

Dialect is language varieties that are linguistically and generally and also

politically linked to a standardization language variety the term dialect has

generally been used to refer to a subordinate variety of language. Register

According to wardhaugh ( 2006:52) defines register as a set of language

items associated with discrete occupational or social group. it is made by an

individual or a group to fulfill the variety of language function that add up to

communication. The language of sport commentator , airline pilot, and soldier

are the example of register. Jargon

Allan and Burridge ( 2006:56) define jargon as the language weird to

particular context like a trade , professional or other group. One person’s jargon

seems to be another person technical vocabulary. Many jargon term pass into

standard language, jargon like slang , spread from narrow group until it is used

by other group. Style

People speak in different ways , formally or informally, according to the

situation and the circumstance. Ceremonial occasion require very formal speech,

public lectures , somewhat less formal and conversation friends may be

extremely informal and casual. Speech varies in the situation. different situation

require different style of speech.

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10 Slang

The other language variation is called slang. According to Allan and

Burridg ( 2006:69), slang is language of a highly colloquial and contemporary

type. Slang is nonstandard use of word in a language of part social group. Slang

term are often particular to a certain subculture.

1. Definition of slang

Slang is new vocabulary that made by people in social community. It

is a specific word, phrase, or utterance , which is commonly used by people

in their communication. Every people speak differently in formal context

and informal context, especially when speaking informally. People often use

slang ; an informal but colorful word and expression.

According to Chaer, language has a system and subsystem that is

understood by all speaker of the language. while the idiom is a series of

word whose meaning of its constituent word. In this page slang language

often used at this time , usually by young people.

2. Definition of slang word

Slang word is the use of informal word that are not considered standard

in the speaker dialect or language. Slang is often to be found in areas of the

lexicon that refer to thing considered taboo. Most of slang word in England

were derived from criminal lingo. Slang word founded in informal situation.

that used with friend. Slang word give expression have come and gone ever

the year.

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According to Keraf (1994:108-109), slang word is a kind of a pure of

high conversation word. Slang is word that are nonstandard and informal

which is arranged in exclusively, sometimes slang is a result of accidental

mistake, or sometimes in the form of destructions of a common a word to fill

in other field meaning.

Slang word are in fact not only contained in the educated classes, but at

all the level of society. Each level or group of people can create a special

term, or use word that are common with specific notions, which only apply

to their group.

3) Slang Words Theory

According to Chapman (1988), there are two types or forms of slang,

the primary slang and secondary slang.

A. Primary Slang

Primary slang is the pristine speech of subculture members; it is so

natural to its speakers that it seems they might be mute without it. Of

course, they would not be, since we know that slang is by definition

always an alternative idiom, to be chosen rather than required. Much of

teenage talk and the speech of urban street gangs would be examples of

primary slang. Primary slang can be detected by contrast, their oral

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language is often rich, complex, and powerful, and they live by

using it effectively.

Chapman (1988) calls the specialized social vocabulary of subculture

primary slang. The primary slang of groups is often appropriated into

general slang. It strikes members of the mainstream as novels which are

rich in imaginative things. It suggests a way of life with greater fun and

excitement than the well-regulated lives of most.

Adopting the vocabulary is a way of sharing vicariously in the daring

while remaining apart from what is unsafe or objectionable about the

way of life in the subculture. From the sixteen samples of lyrics, fifteen

lyrics that consist of eight slang words and phrases are identified as

primary slang.

They are Yo, fuckin bitch, ain't, 'sposed, hoes, back, 'bout, dis, stole, I-L-

Y, fuck ya, Crib, cryin’ up a storm, hit, sleepin, tryna, and baby.

The slang words and phrases are identified as primary slang because

this kind of slang is used to express anger, as a general expression used

by English people on their daily communication, or it is an alternative

pronunciation used by a rapper or hip hop singer to shorten, alter, or

change the sound of a word. It is not related to someone’s attitude or

something secret.

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B. Secondary slang

Secondary slang is chosen not so much to fix one group to express

one’s attitudes and resourcefulness by pretending momentarily, in a little

stick of guerrilla theatre to be the member of street gang or criminal or

gambler or a drug user or a professional football player, and hence to

express someone’s contempt, superiority, cleverness by borrowing

someone’s verbal dress. It is also a matter of stylistic choice rather than

true identification.

It is the word bankroll. The word bankroll in data 10 is commonly

used to name money. This slang word is used to express something

secretly in which just restricted people who understand the meaning of

those words. It is the reason why the slang word ‘bankroll” is classified

as a secondary slang. Eventually, the users of slang are not only limited

to underworld people but spread out through certain groups of people in

the society.

Most slang words are metaphoric and cannot be directly found

through their literary meaning, for example, “what is the hell?” it is quite

far from our imaginary of a place for punishment by god but here the aim

of saying that expression is to show something which is surprising which

means “what is this?.

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4) Type of slang words formation

Based on Yule ( 1986 ), there are twelve type of slang word

formation, which of each part has its own definition:

A. Coinage

Coinage is the process of word formation in English ( that the

invention of totally term). Older example are aspirin , nylon, Vaselin etc.

new word based on the name of person is called eponym.

B. Borrowing

Borrowing is the talking over of words from other language.

Though its history, the English language has adopted a vast number of

word from other language. Other language , borrow terms from English ,

as in the Japanese use of suupua ( supermarket ). A special type of

borrowing is describe as Joan translation or calqued.

C. Compounding

Compounding is a joining of two words to produce a single form.

This combining process, tehnically known as compounding is very

common as language such as German and English. For example

bookcase , fingerprint.

D. Blending

Blending is the combination of two separate forms to produce a single new term.

Blending is typically accomplished by talking only the beginning of one new word

and joining it to the end of the other words. For example is blending are brunch (


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E. Clipping

The element of reduction that is noticeable in blending is even more

apparent in the process described as clipping. The term gasoline is still

used but most people talk about gas using the clipped form. Other

common example are ad ( advertisement ), fan ( fanatic), bus , plane.

F. Backformation

A very specialized type of reducing process is known as

backformation typically, a word of one type( usually a noun) is reduced

to form a word of another type( usually a verb ). For example is the

noun ( television ), and the verb( televise).

G. Conversation

A change in the function of a word, as for example when a

noun comes to be used a verb ( without any reduction ), is generally

known as conversion. A number of nouns, such as paper in sentence

he’s papering my bedroom walls.

H. Acronym

Acronym are new words formed from the initial letters of a set of other

words. These acronym often consist of capital letters , as in NATO , NASA ,

UNESCO but can lose their capitals to become everyday terms such as laser.

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I. Derivation

Derivation is a large number of small ’ bits’ of the English

language which is not usually given separating listing in dictionaries.

These small ‘bits’ are generally describe as affixes. Some familiar

example are the elements un-, mis-, pre-, ful-, less- which appear in

words like unhappy , misrepresent , prejudge and joyful.

J. Prefixes and suffixes

Some affixes have to be added to the beginning of the word (un-),

these are called prefixes. Other affixes have to be added to the end of

the word (-ish ) and are called suffixes. For example is mislead has a

prefix , disrespectful has both prefix and a suffix.

K. Infixes

There is a third type of affix, not normally used in English, but

found in some other language. It is possible to see the general principle

at work in certain expression. for example Hallebloodylujah ,


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L. Multiple Process

It is possible for a word undergo more than one process. This is

called multiple process, for example to the sentences problems with the

project have snowballed , the word snowballed can be noted as an

example ‘compunding’, whereby snow and ball have been combined to

form the noun snowball

5) lyrics

The definition lyric according Wikipedia (2011), Lyrics (in singular form

lyric) are a set of words that make up a song. According to Oxford pocket

Dictionary (2000:257), “Lyrics is a word of a song”.

From the definition of lyric above we can conclude that lyric is a song

written for musical accompaniment by lyre. A lyric is Stanzanic. Now , in

general lyric refers to the words of song designates a short poem which is used

to express the writer’s feeling and emotion.

6) Song

According The free dictionary (2011), “Song is a piece of music, usually

employing a verbal text, composed for the voice, example one intended for

performance by a soloist”. According Wikipedia (2011), In music, a song is a

composition for voice or voices, performed by singing. A song may be

accompanied by musical instruments, or it may be unaccompanied, as in the

case of a cappella songs. The lyrics (words) of songs are typically of a poetic,

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2.2) Previous Study

The first previous study is Sarah Mutiafatma Noviar (2011) Sastra Um”

Slang words formation process in avril lavigne song ”. this thesis focusing

process word formation slang in avril lavigne’s. one other hand, the process of

word-formation that are used in the lyrics are clipping there is 134 slang

(55.83%), blending there is 104 slang word ( 43.33%), borrowing there is 1

slang word (0.42%), and multiple process there is 1 slang word (0.42%). The

most common word formation process that appear in Avril Lavigne’s song is

clipping . Clipping occurs when a word or more than one syllable is reduced to a

shorter form. In this research , the clipping word that mostly appears in the lyrics

is word ” cause” or” cuz”, for example a lyrics ” cause you’re fucking crazy

rock’n’roll . the term ” cause” or”cuz” is considered as a clipped word because

originally it comes from word ” because” which is reduced to a shorter from”

cuz” or’’cause’’instead of ’’ because’’

The second previous study is Ni made lisa candra dewi ( 2014) in her

research entitled ” Meaning and Word Formation of Slang word in ‘ Gangster

Squad ‘movie script’ discusses about types of slang. She explain that there are

two types of slang occur; primary and secondary slang. from seven types of

meaning , the are only four types found in slang used in the movie script. This is

compounding which exists in nine slang (60%), the clipping type is four slang (

26%), the conversion types is one slang (7%), and the derivation type is one

slang (7%). The slang that exist in the dialogue above is” pig-sticker” which is

formed by compounding.

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This is compounded by two different words, they are ” pig” and “ sticker” but it is

noting to do with pig as animal. This slang refer to object, it is a cop. This slang formed to

describe a particular person or job that is being talked about among them

The third of previous study from Lestary ( 2006) in her research entitled ’’The

analysis of English slang in Dictionary , Internet and Magazine. which discussed four

problem, they are; the process of creating slang , the type of slang and the meaning of slang

and the reason of using slang . the writer found the slang was created unlimited sources;

there are two type of slang, the primary and secondary slang. The user of slang introduced

many new word into the language by recombining old word into new meaning and the

reason why people used slang is individual uniqueness. The weakness of this study is hard

to define the reason of people using slang if we can find the data a from magazine , internet ,

or newspaper. It will be more suitable if we can find the data directly

conversation. For this reason slang vocabulary is particularly rich in certain

dominant , such us violence , crime and drug. And then finally slang can grow out more

familiarly with the thing describe.

From this previous study is all explain about slang but different context , different

object and different problem to analyze. I just compare my thesis without another thesis that

I have ever read the previous study.

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In this part, the writer shows the step to make the data of analysis, it related to

the research design, instrument, data , data sources, data collection, and data analysis

3.1 Research Design

In conducting this study, the writer uses descriptive qualitative

method because it is analyzing the data in the form of word descriptively. The

writer choose descriptive qualitative to the point out about discussing, analyzing,

and finding the slang word in Bruno mars song. In descriptive qualitative

research, it is used word or phrase in analysis rather than numeral form.

The data of this study are analyzed descriptive based on transcript of

’’Bruno Mars”lyrics of song. This method can be used to answer the statement

of problem offered in the first chapter. Moreover, the data are interpreted

systematically deals with theoretical of slang word displayed in second chapter

3.2 Instrumentation

The instrumentation for this research, the writer who will collect the word

by word and analysis the data, text analysis and the research used dictionaries to

help the writer to identify the data accurately.


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3.3 Subject / participant population and sample

The subject of this research in Bruno mars song’s lyrics. It research in

slang words used by Bruno mars song lyrics. Furthermore, the writer chose of

slang word in Bruno mars song lyric’s because very interesting to analyze.

3.4 Data Source

Data is word form lyrics song are used by Bruno mars, which has been

observed by researcher to identify the type of slang words that used. The

researcher browsing the lyrics song by Bruno mars from internet and print out

the data.

The research got the data from transcript, which was from the internet. He

uses transcript of this song as his main sources, the sources of data are 15

transcript of the lyrics of the song by Bruno mars taken from http://


3.5 Data Collection

The techniques in collecting data were as follow:

a. Reading the lyrics of the song in Bruno Mars song of lyrics and

comprehending the lyrics.

b. Identifying the slang words used the lyrics

c. Marking the slang words found in the lyrics

d. Finding and classify the meaning of slang word

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3.6 Data Analysis

The techniques of data analysis were as follow;

a) Categorizing the collected words based on George yule type

The slang words that were found in Bruno Mars categorized based on

George yule type of slang word formation or process.

b) Finding the most dominant slang words

After categorize the slang words, the writer described the dominant slang

word found in those song.

Song The It Just Our Locke goril Run M gren trea Some Coun Nat Sh Liguor
and lazy will the first d out la away ar ade sur where t on alie ow store
type of song be way time of baby ry e in me me blues
slang rain you heaven yo brookl
are u yn





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After find total the data, the writer add up all the data to know the frequence. The way


= N x 100
= N: Total data every types
T: Total data Found from all types

c) Making conclusion about the dominant slang word that used by Bruno Mars’s


at the least, writer made a conclusion of slang word that were found in

Bruno Mars lyrics of song

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4.1 Finding

In this chapter, the writer found some slang word in the lyrics of song Bruno

Mars. The analysis of the song lyrics based on the problem in chapter 1. In the problem

chapter 1. I find type of slang word used in the lyric of song Bruno mars.

I analysis this lyric of song based on the George yule theory, there are twelve type

of slang words formation, which of each part has its own definition, from twelve type of

George yule I just find 5 types slang word in the lyrics of Bruno Mars among others

blending, coinage, clipping , borrowing and acronym.

4.1.1 What types of slang words that used by Bruno Mars’s in lyric Blending

In linguistics, a blend word or a blending is a word formed from part of two or

more other words.

George Yule says : Blending is the combination of two separate forms to produce

a single new term. Blending is typically accomplished by talking only the beginning of

one new word and joining it to the end of the other words. For example wanna, gonna,

gotta, imma and others.

The first song ’’the lazy song’’ from Bruno Mars ( line 1-3)


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Today I don’t feel like doing anything

I just wanna lay in my bed
Don’t feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone

In the lyrics above explain the conversation between Bruno mars talk to the girls

for become he’s lazy today, He doesn’t want to do a single productive thing and Bruno

just wants to lay in bed all day, and then Bruno doesn’t want to be bothered by anyone,

because he’s just going to ignore his phone all day, so people can just leave him a

message and he’ll deal with him later. The general meaning wanna has a short meaning

from want+ to

Wanna called blending because wanna has a combination word between want + to

The first song ”the lazy song” from Bruno Mars ( line 6-8)

I'm gonna kick my feet up, then stare at the fan

Turn the TV on, throw my hand in my pants
Nobody's gonna tell me I can't

In the lyrics above explain Bruno just just gonna relax and do absolutely nothing.

The mean gonna 1& gonna 2 is Bruno Mars Staring at the fan is not productive in any

way, but he just doesn’t give a shit. He’s just gonna screw around all day, and then

Bruno Mars known for coming home and putting his hands in his pants while he

watched TV, Bruno is likening his laziness to that of Bundy’s renown laziness. The

general meaning gonna has a short meaning from going+ to .

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Gonna called blending because gonna has a combination word between going +to.

The first song ”the lazy song” from Bruno Mars ( line 23-26 )

No, I ain't gonna comb my hair

Cause I ain't going anywhere
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

In this lyrics above explain the conversation between Bruno Mars to the girl friend

the daily plan is he isn’t going to do anything with himself because he doesn’t have

plans and isn’t going to make them. The general meaning ain’t has a short meaning are

+ not.

Ain’t called blending because use in writing or speaking to represent the sound of

phrase are+ not when it is spoken quickly.

The second song ’’it will rain ’’ from Bruno Mars ( line 11-14 )

Cause there'll be no sunlight

If I lose you, baby
There'll be no clear skies
If I lose you, Baby

In the lyrics above explain for Bruno Mars just say he is happiness will be blocked,

meaning that clouds will form, leading to the darkening of the sky, and then Bruno is

this darkness also symbolizes and to face, when he loses his girlfriend, and He will fall

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into depression and it will be very hard to recover for him. or even worse, as mentioned

at the beginning of the song, he might try to overdose. The general meaning there’ll has

a short meaning from there and will

There’ll called blending, because there’ll has the combination word between there

and will .

The third song “ grenade” from Bruno Mars ( line 4-6 )

Shoulda known you was trouble from the first kiss

Had your eyes wide open
Why were they open?

In the lyrics above explain the girls talk to the boy, If you kiss with your eyes open,

it implies that you are just going through the motions in a relationship. so This girl

kissed Bruno so that the relationship would continue, but she isn’t really enjoying her

time with him. the general meaning shoulda have a short meaning from should and


Shoulda called blending, because shoulda have combination between two word

between should and have.

The third song “ grenade” from Bruno Mars ( line 13-15 )

Mad woman, bad women

That's just what you are
Yeah, you'll smile in my face then rip the brakes out my car.

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In the lyrics above explain about the conversation between Bruno Mars says to

the girls, that this girl is evil, implying that she may even be from Hell. And so this girl

friend is two-faced enough to smile when she’s with Bruno then rip out his breaks once

he turns his back, knowing very well that could lead to a fatal car crash. The general

meaning you’ll is has a short meaning you +all.

You’ll called blending because you’ll have the combination between you +all.

The four song ”just the way you are ” from Bruno Mars

In the four song the lyrics there is no blending word

The five song ”our first time ” from Bruno Mars ( line 10-14 )

In this big old empty room, staring at each other

Who's gonna make the first move?
Been doing our thing for a minute
And now both our hearts are in it

In the lyrics above explain Bruno Mars are filled with desire and anticipation,

exchanging these looks and wondering who will make the first move. So Bruno mars

have been together for a while and they are both in a place where they are ready to give

each other their all what other way to give your all than to whole-heartedly give your

body to the person you love. The general meaning Gonna, has a short meaning from

going +to.

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Gonna called blending, because gonna has a combination word between gong+ to

The six song ”locked out of heaven” from Bruno Mars ( line 6-9 )

Never had much faith in love or miracles

Never wanna put my heart on the line
But swimming in your water is something spiritual
I'm born again every time you spend the night

In the lyric above explain that Bruno Mars not believe such blissful understandings

like Love and Miracles and he put his heart out there and something negative came out

of it. Maybe it’s because of the girl. So Bruno Mars Bruno isn’t actually talking about

some modest religious stuff, he’s just using the idea of spiritual awaken to describe how

renwed he feels by this lady’s sex. The mean born in the line 9 explain about Being

“born” (again) is a term in Christianity to signify a “spiritual rebirth”. The general

meaning wanna has a short meaning from want +to.

Wanna called blending because this word has combination between two word is

want+ to.

The seven song ”gorilla ” from Bruno Mars ( line 6-8 )

Look what you're doing, look what you've done

But in this jungle you can't run
Cause what I got for you, I promise it's a killa

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In lyrics above explain Bruno says to the girls He wants the girl to know how this

crazed night is changing him into a wild animal and she can make an attempt. Killa in

the lyrics refers to gorilla, and then this line explains be more suitable in a rapey or

horror movie context. However, the gorilla motif in this song creates a fantasy that he

represents to amp up his lover’s horniness. The general meaning you’re is has a short

meaning from you +are

You’re called blending because this word has a combination word between you+ are .

The eight song ”Runaway baby” from Bruno Mars ( line 6-8 )

I love you so
That's what you'll say
You'll tell me, "Baby, baby, please dont go away..."

In the lyrics above the girl will tell him that she loves him, and that she wants to be

with him, in attempt to get him to quit his promiscuous ways and be all hers, So Bruno

Mars says He only has one night stands with girls. He doesn’t stick with one girl. So no

matter what, he’ll move on to the next girl, and he tries to tell the girls that when he

meets them, but they don’t listen. The general meaning you’ll has a short meaning you

+ all

You’ll called blending because you’ll have the combination between you +all.

The eight song ”Runaway baby” from Bruno Mars ( line 26 -28 )

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So many eager young bunnies that I'd like to persue

Now even though they eatin' out the palm of my hand
There's only one carrot and they all gotta share it

In the lyrics above explain Bruno Mars talk to the girl friend that many young sexy

women who want to be with him, and he can’t decide between them so he just goes for

all of them one after the other. So and then the girls talk to the boy about the girls who

want him have to share him, because he’s not going to be tied down to one person. The

general meaning gotta has a short meaning from got+ to.

Gotta called blending because this word has the combination word between going +


The eight song ”Runaway baby” from Bruno Mars ( line 37- 38 )

See, I ain't trynna' hurt you, baby, no, no

No, I just wanna work you, baby, yup, yup
See, I ain't trynna' hurt you, baby, no, no
No, I just wanna work you, baby

In the lyrics above explain Bruno Mars says he is doesn’t do it to hurt the girl, he

just does it to have sex with them, because that’s what he wants from them. So Bruno

Mars says that he is pretty straight forward about it, so it seems okay to him. Bruno

doesn’t want to upset this girl all he wants is to have sex with her. The general meaning

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ain’t is has short meaning from are not, and the general meaning trynna is has short

term trying to, and the last the general meaning wanna is short meaning for want to.

Ain’t called blending because this word has combination between are + not.

Trynna called blending because this word has combination between trying +to. and

wanna is called blending because this word has combination between want+ to.

The nine song ”marry you ” from Bruno Mars

In the nine song the lyrics there is no blending word
The ten song ” somewhere in Brooklyn ” from Bruno Mars
In the ten song the lyrics there is no blending word

The eleven song ”treasure ” from Bruno Mars ( line 4- 7)

Gimme your, gimme your, gimme your attention, baby
I gotta tell you a little somethin' about yourself!
You're wonderful, flawless, ooh you're a sexy lady
But you walk around here like you wanna be someone else

The mean gimme in this lyric above explain Bruno Mars wants to the girls for the

give him attention, and the mean gotta in this lyrics above explain Bruno Mars give to

attention to the girls and give something, this is what he thinks of her, and the mean

wanna in the lyrics above explain Bruno Mars claims she still seems to be insecure and

not comfortable with herself and he wants to let her know that she is amazing the way

she is. The general meaning gimme, gimme have meaning give me, and then the general

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meaning gotta has a short meaning have to or got+to, and then the general meaning

wanna has short meaning want+to.

Gimme called blending because gimme has the combination word between give + me.

Gotta called blending because gotta has the combination word between got to, so wanna

called blending because wanna has the combination word between want+to.

The eleven song ”treasure ” from Bruno Mars ( line 10-11 )

I know that you don't know it, but you're fine, so fine
Oh girl I'm gonna show you when you're mine, oh mine

In the lyrics above explain the Bruno Mars to the girl friend says she is one of

those girls that doesn’t see her own beauty, so he gets he girl has gonna show her just

how amazing he is and he’s gonna treat her the way she should be treated. The general

meaning gonna has a short meaning going +to .

Gonna called blending because gonna has a combination word between going +to.

The twelve song ”natalie ” from Bruno Mars ( line 1-3 )

Oh, I never done this before

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Never wanna do this again

Wrong turn on a dusty road

In the lyrics above explain the conversation Bruno Mars talk to the girlfriend that

Basically wanna introduce he met some bitch thought she was chill started dating her

and possibly fell for her hard. The general meaning wanna, wanna has short meaning

want +to.

Wanna called blending because wanna has combination word between want +to.

The twelve song ”natalie ” from Bruno Mars

Don't matter which way you go

Payback's gonna come your way
You'll be begging me, "Please, please, please"
And I'ma look at you and laugh, laugh, laugh.

In the lyric above explain the girlfriend explain to Bruno says that ,this girl clearly

is worth all the trouble of making sure she doens’t see any sucess. So that she’s going to

regret her actions and Bruno is not gonna change his ways until he sees her downfall.

All the begging in the world cannot prevent this girl from the inevitable. The general

meaning gonna , gonna has short meaning from going to.

Gonna called blending because this word has combination word between going +to.

The twelve song ”natalie ” from Bruno Mars ( line 30-32 )

Can't nobody save you now

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Sure there ain't no use in trying

Once I get my hands on you, I'ma ooh

In the lyrics above explain that Bruno Mars is on his search for revenge. She has no

chance of escaping his wrath, so the he says is meaning if he catches her he’s most

likely going to hurt her. The general meaning ain’t is has short meaning are+ not.

Ain’t called blending because this word has combination between are +not

The thirteen song ”count on me ” from Bruno Mars

In the thirteen song there is no blending word.

The fourteen song ” show me” from Bruno Mars ( line 1– 3)

I can see it in your eyes, you want a good time

You wanna put your body on mine
Alright but don't change your mind, don't you change it, oh no

In the lyrics above explain that Bruno says to girlfriend about he is can see in her

eyes that she wants him and badly and She wants to have a “good time” if you know

what I mean. The general meaning wanna is has short meaning from want +to.

Wanna called blending because this word has combination between want+ to

The fourteen song ” show me” from Bruno Mars ( line 16-19 )

But guess what darling? I've been waiting too

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So let's grind, we can get freaky tonight

Right is your ticket to ride
Tell me girl what you gonna do

In the lyrics above explain Bruno Mars talk to the girlfriend that he is gonna make

sure its good and freaky for the night, and so they both haven’t had sex and a while so

their gonna make sure its good and freaky for the night. The general meaning gonna is

has a short meaning from going+to.

Gonna called blending because this word has combination between going +to.

The fourteen song ” show me” from Bruno Mars ( line 24-26 )

Then show me, you gotta, you gotta show me

You tell me all day that you're lonely
But show me, show me, show me tonight, yeah

In the lyric explain about the girls This girl complains to the Bruno Mars about

being alone and Bruno is willing to sooth that, if he knows what he’s working with. The

general meaning gotta is has short meaning got+ to.

Gotta called blending because this word has combination between got+to

The fifteen song ( liquor store blues featuring damian marley ) , ( line 6-8 )

Lotto tickets, cheap beer

That's why you can catch me here

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Tryna scratch my way up to the top

In the lyrics above explain that Bruno Mars say is emphasizing on how poor he is

by buying cheap beer and trying to make his life, better by taking the extremely fast,

though it is very unlikely, the lottery. In fact, it is a one in a 175 million chance of

winning the lottery. The general meaning tryna is has some meaning trying to

Tryna called blending because this word has combination between trying to.

The fifteen song ( liquor store blues featuring damian marley), ( line 9-12 )

Cause my job got me going nowhere

So I ain't got a thing to lose
Take me to a place where I don't care
This is me and my liquor store blues

In the lyric above explain that Bruno Mars says he loses his money in gambling or

not, it isn’t going to make a big difference, and the next line explain about Bruno’s life

is figuratively in the gutter, he’s going to his personal shrink, the liquor store. The

general meaning ain’t has short meaning are not.

Ain’t called blending because this word has combination between are not.

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The fifteen song ( liquor store blues featuring damian marley),( line 9-12)

Tryna leave with more than what I got

Cause 68 cent just ain't gonna pay the rent
So I'll be out here 'til they call the cops

In the lyrics explain about Bruno Mars talk to the girlfriend tht he is says his guitar

to get some cash to live off of from passer-bys who like his music and want to give him

a small amount of compensation, so he’s broke. ‘Nough said. The general meaning

gonna is has short meaning going to.

gonna called blending this word has combination between going to.

4112 Clipping

Clipping is one of slang word formation which is formed by shortening the

word. Clipping may occur in front or back part a word.

George Yule says : Clipping is one of slang word formation which is formed by

shortening the word. Clipping may occur in front or back part a word. Besides, in

clipping process it may be replaced with certain new spelling. from the data, the writer

fined some slang word that used in clipping process.

The first song ’’the lazy song” from Bruno Mars ( line 8-10 )

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I'll be lounging on the couch

Just chillin' in my snuggie
Click to MTV, so they can teach me how to dougie

In the above explain about Bruno Mars usually lounging on the couch consists of

having the remote, some munchies, something to drink, and whatever else. So Bruno

says He’s going to be on his couch doing nothing in a snuggie. not a blanket, a snuggie.

In the line 10 the mean “Teach Me How to Dougie” is a dance popularized by the Cali

Swag District song launched (a big hit on MTV after its release in 2010).The general

meaning chilin’ has when something is really.

Chilin’ called clipping because it is the reduction of the word chilling.

The first song ’’the lazy song” from Bruno Mars ( line 3-5)

Don't feel like picking up my phone

So leave a message at the tone
Cause today, I swear, I'm not doing anything

In the lyrics above explain Bruno says he is just going to ignore his phone all

day. People can just leave him a message and he’ll deal with them later, so Bruno Mars

He promises himself that, no matter what, he’s just going to chill and have “me day.”

The general meaning phone is the device used to call somebody.

Phone called clipping because shortening from originally word telephone.

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The second song ” it will rain” from Bruno Mars ( line 8-10 )

So keep in mind all the sacrifices I'm makin’

To keep you by my side
To keep you from walkin’ out the door

In the lyrics above Bruno Mars become the relationship is something that is not

supposed to be. And walkin’ this word become things need to be changed not only to

keep the two together but to convince others of it as well. The general makin’ is make

something else. And the general meaning walkin’ is walk to the door.

Makin’ called clipping because this it is the reduction of the word making. And

walkin’ called clipping because it is the reduction of the word walking.

The second song ” it will rain” from Bruno Mars ( line 20-22)

Ooh if I was in their shoes, I'd be doing the same thing

Sayin’ there goes my little girl
Walking with that troublesome guy

In the lyrics above explain Bruno Mars talk if He understand her parents. If he

would be at their Position, he would try to protect his daughter, so There is always a

very strong bound between parents and their children, that can not so easily be broken,

and they always want to give their children the best life they can possibly imagine. The

general meaning sayin’ is what are you doing or what are you up to.

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Sayin’ called clipping because it is the reduction of the word saying.

The third song ”grenade” from Bruno Mars ( line 19-21 )

Black, black, black and blue

Beat me 'till I'm numb
Tell the devil I said, "hey" when you get back to where your from
In the lyrics above explain the girl says Black and blue are the colors of bruises.

While this girl probably isn’t physically beating him, so the emotional pain she is

causing him makes it feel like she is. Finally Bruno Mars know the girl friend is evil.

The general meaning ‘till has short meaning until.

‘till called clipping, because this word shortening from originally word until.

The third song ”grenade” from Bruno Mars ( line 41-43)

You said you loved me, you're a liar

Cause you never, ever, ever did, baby
But darlin' I'd still.
In the lyrics above explain If she saw him burning to death, one of the most

miserable ways to die. she wouldn’t even care enough to try to say him or even call the

fire dept. and darlin’ in this lyrics explain Bruno says he is knows this, but would still

catch a grenade for her. The general meaning cause same has meaning because and the

general meaning darling’ nickname for somebody you care deeply for

Cause called clipping because shortening from originally word because and Darlin’

called clipping because it is the reduction of the word darling.

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The four song ” just the way you are” from Bruno Mars ( line 1-4 )

Oh, her eyes, her eyes

Make the stars look like they're not shinin'
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying

In the lyrics above explain This girlfriend has eyes that outshine stars (which

can be seen from millions upon billions of light years away). Her other characteristics

make her that much more desirable and Bruno isn’t afraid to be the one to tell her.The

general meaning shinin’ is to show of or to stand out.

Shinin’ called clipping because it is the reduction of the word shining.

The four song ” just the way you are” from Bruno Mars ( line 10-13 )

When I see your face

There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing just the way you are
And when you smile

In the lyrics explain about Bruno Mars says to the girlfriend he is probably

frustrated at her because of her insecurity. and wants to declare for her how he thinks,

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knows, about smile to her. The general meaning cause is has short meaning from


Cause called clipping because shortening from originally word because .

The five song ”our first time” from Bruno Mars

Don't it feel good, babe?

Don't it feel good, baby?
Cause it's so brand new, babe
It's so brand new, baby

In the lyrics above explain about Bruno says to the girls friend He’s showing his

girl a good time and knows that she likes the feeling of it. And it’s new to her, so he’ll

give her the best of him. The general meaning cause is has short meaning because.

Cause called clipping because shortening from originally word because

The six song ” locked out of heaven ” from Bruno Mars ( line 10-12 )

Cause your sex takes me to paradise

Yeah, your sex takes me to paradise
And it shows, yeah

In the lyrics above explain the mean of paradise in the line 10 and 11 paradise

by sacramental baptism, so by So by giving him sex (in other words, becoming born

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again), she is giving him paradise. It’s almost an exact comparison to a Christian

becoming born again and receiving paradise from God.so can be conclude The “sex”

takes him to land of happiness…paradise if you will. :) The general meaning cause is

has short meaning because

Cause called clipping because shortening from originally word because

The seven song ”gorilla ” from Bruno Mars ( line 19-21 )

You're just smiling, tell me "Daddy, it's yours"

Cause you know how I like it you's a dirty little love
If the neighbors call the cops

In the lyrics above explain about Bruno Mars say he is getting a little rough

with her, she’s encouraging him on, by smiling and calling him daddy, so Bruno Mars

claiming, but since there are no signs of him being an unreliable narrator like in

“Natalie”, we can safely take his word for it. On the other hand, some lovers are

probably dirtier than other. The general meaning cause is has a short meaning because

Cause called clipping because shortening from originally word because .

the eight song ” runaway baby” from Bruno Mars ( line 1-3 )

Well looky here, looks here

Ah, what do we have?
Another pretty thang ready for me to grab

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In the lyrics explain about says Bruno Mars takes a look across the room looking

for yet another girl to spend the night with. The general meaning thang, thang have

some meaning with thing

thang called clipping because thang have same meaning with thing.

the eight song ” runaway baby” from Bruno Mars ( line 13-15 )

You better get, get, get away, get away, darlin'

Cause everything you heard is true
Your poor little heart will end up alone

In the lyrics explain about the girlfriend says to the Bruno Mars she is says If she

wants more than a one night stand, she better just back off now, because that’s all it’s

going to be. Simply put, she won’t be any different than the rest. Everything about him

being a player is completely true. So Bruno Mars Bruno will dump you after he is done

and you will be alone. The general meaning cause has short meaning because.

Cause called clipping because shortening from originally word because

the eight song ” runaway baby” from Bruno Mars ( line 20-22)

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So many eager young bunnies that I'd like to persue

Now even though they eatin' out the palm of my hand
There's only one carrot and they all gotta share it

In the lyrics explain about the are many young sexy women who want to be

with him, and he can’t decide between them so he just goes for all of them one after the

other. What a man whore, All of the girls who want him have to share him, because he’s

not going to be tied down to one person. The general meaning eatin’ is getting money,

especially by hustling.

Eatin’ called clipping because it is the reduction of the word eating.

The nine song ”marry you” from Bruno Mars

In the eight song there is no clipping word
The ten song ” somewhere in Brooklyn” from Bruno Mars
In the nine song there is no clipping word
The eleven song ” treasure” from Bruno Mars
In the ten song there is no clipping word

The twelve song ”Natalie” from Bruno Mars ( line 6-8)

Good God, I must have been blind

Cause she got me for everything
Everything, everything, alright

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In the lyrics above explain that Bruno Mars found out she was a gold digging

bitch too late because she already ran out on him. cause here used to I don’t hear the

“cause” on the song. This “Natalie” stole everything and ran out on poor young Bruno

Mars. The general meaning cause is short meaning from because .

Cause called clipping because shortening from originally word because.

The thirteen song ” count on me ” from Bruno Mars ( line 7-12 )

You can count on me like 1, 2, 3

I'll be there
And I know when I need it
I can count on you like 4, 3, 2
And you'll be there
Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah

In the lyrics above explain When saying “You can count on me like 1, 2, 3” he is

stating how counting on him is like a basic rule, something that you learn at a young

age, sincerely something that you would never forget, so Bruno Mars says that he will

always be there for his friend, and in return he knows his friend will always be there for

him. The general meaning cause has a short meaning because.

Cause called clipping because shortening from originally word because.

The thirteen song ” count on me ” from Bruno Mars( line 13-15 )

If you're tossin' and you're turnin'

And you just can't fall asleep

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I'll sing a song beside you

The mean tossin’ in the lyrics explain about Bruno says that if she is ever having

trouble falling asleep. And turni’ in the lyrics explain about Bruno says he will always

be there to lull her. The general meaning tossin’ is throwing in back, and the general

meaning turnin’ is to go to sleep.

Turni’ called clipping because it is the reduction of the word turning. Tossin’ called

clipping because it is the reduction of the word tossing.

The fourteen song ” show me ” from Bruno Mars

In the fourteen song there is no clipping word.

The fifteen song ” liquor store blues featuring damian marley” from Bruno Mars (

line 46-48)

Becaw de whole ah de ah saps

All de talk dem a talk
And dem fly make nah drop

In the lyrics above explain Becaw is mean Because a whole lotta them is, so the

mean Saps is a weakling, loser. All they do is talk: Talk the talk, don’t walk the walk.

the people about decreasing the unemployment rate. But their promises are always

fruitless. The general meaning dem is short meaning from them.

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Dem called clipping because the word formation of slang process and the short meaning

from them Coinage

In linguistics, coinage is the invention of totally new word , the typically process

of coinage usually adopt the brand names as common word.

George Yule says : coinage is the process of word formation in English ( that the

invention of tatally term ). Older example are nylon, vaselin and other. New word based

on the name of person called eponym.

The first song ”the lazy song ” from Bruno Mars ( line 41-43 )

I'll just strut in my birthday suit

And let everything hang loose
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

In the lyrics explain about Bruno Mars when you where born, you clothes were

your skin and birthday suit ) and so when you let everything hang lose. The general

meaning birthday suit is person would not have any clothes on the minutes.

Birthday suit called coinage because this word refers to were clothes from birthday.

The second song ”it will rain” from Bruno Mars

In the second song there is no coinage word.
The third song ”grenade” from Bruno Mars
In the third song there is no coinage word

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The four song ”just the way you are” from Bruno Mars ( line 7-9 )

When I compliment her she won't believe me

And it's so, it's so
Sad to think that she don't see what I see

In the lyrics explain about Bruno knows this girl, town insecurity hinders her

from seeing how beautiful she really is, even after Bruno tries telling her, so Bruno

Mars says in the fact the only one who doesn’t find her awesome is her. The general

meaning sad is same has meaning unhappy.

Sad called coinage because sad is refers to unhappy .

The four song ”just the way you are” from Bruno Mars ( line 25-28 )

If perfect's what you're searching for

Then just stay the same
So don't even bother asking if you look okay
You know I'll say

In the lyrics above explain that Bruno Mars As she is already perfect, it’s habit of

girls asking Do I Look Beautiful. Bruno said don’t ask me anytime that if you ok

because you already know you’re perfect just the way you are. The general meaning

bother is represent the male represent your mother or father.

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Bother called coinage because bother refers to male or represent your mother

or father.

The five song ” our first time” from Bruno Mars ( line 1-4 )

Don't it feel good, babe?

Don't it feel good, baby?
Cause it's so brand new, babe
It's so brand new, baby

In the lyrics has a meaning about Bruno Mars showing his girl a good time and

knows that she like the feeling. the general meaning babe it is what todays boyfriend

and girlfriend call each other.

Babe called coinage because this word refers to baby

The six song ”locked out of heaven” from Bruno Mars ( line 9-11 )

Cause your sex takes me to paradise

Yeah, your sex takes me to paradise
And it shows, yeah

In the lyrics above explain sex takes is sex” is just the amazing feeling he gets

when he’s under the influence, when he’s soaking in the glory the freedom of drugs.

The “sex” takes him to land of happiness…paradise if you will, and giving him sex (in

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other words, becoming born again), she is giving him paradise. The general meaning

sex takes is in other word becoming born again.

Sex takes called coinage because refers to land or happiness.

The seven song ”gorilla” from Bruno Mars ( line 10-12 )

Cause what I got for you, I promise it's a killa

You'll be banging on my chest
Bang bang, gorilla

In the lyrics above the gorilla motif in this song creates a fantasy that he represents

to amp up his lover’s horniness, And for bang, bang, that’s just what’s happening up

above. The download action is not suitable for pop radio. Is he banging his chest or

rubbing his nipples? The answer may surprise you!. The general meaning banging is

something that is good or great.

Banging called coinage because this word refers to the other name of good or great.

The seven song ”gorilla” from Bruno Mars ( line 25-27 )

We keep rocking while they knocking on our door

And you're screaming, "give it to me, baby
Give it to me, motherfucker!"

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In the lyrics above explain the girl friend Bruno Mars, She’s ignoring everything,

and just wants Bruno to keep giving it (the D) to her, regardless of what’s happening in

the background. in the censored version, “fucker” is replaced by a suitably placed

primate screech. The general meaning motherfucker refers to my father.

Motherfucker called coine because this word refers to baby.

The seven song ”gorilla” from Bruno Mars ( line 40-42 )

Girl, let me take my time, take my time, take my time, babe

I just want one smile, want one smile, want one smile, babe
Once I lay besides you, girl, I will make you scream, "yeah, yeah"

In the lyrics above explain Bruno says I just want what’s mine, want what’s mine,

want what’s mine, babe. And he’s saying he wants her and wants to make love with her

because she’s his. When they’re having sex it’s going to be so good that it’s going to

have her screaming in pleasure. The general meaning babe is refer to baby.

Babe called coinage because this word refers to baby.

The seven song ”gorilla” from Bruno Mars ( line 35-38 )

I bet you never ever felt so good, so good

I got your body trembling like it should, it should
You'll never be the same, baby, once I'm done with
Yoo-oo-oo-oo-oou, yeah

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In the lyrics above explain that the girls says she’s probably never felt this good

before, and The girl he is having sex with is trembling. So Bruno Mars is saying she

will never be the same after he’s showed her some good sex that no one else can show

her. In the nex line Todd in the Shadows‘ review of this song, Todd explains that Bruno

Mars is imitating Prince and associated. The general meaning bet is refers same has

meaning yes or I agree.

Bet called coinage because this word refers to the meaning yes or I agree.

The eight song ” runaway baby” from Bruno Mars ( line 20-22 )

So many eager young bunnies that I'd like to persue

Now even though they eatin' out the palm of my hand
There's only one carrot and they all gotta share it

In the lyrics above explain that carrot” is him (or his dick, whichever way you prefer

to think of it), and there is only one of him. All of the girls who want him have to share

him, because he’s not going to be tied down to one person. And they all still get with

him anyways, because they want him so badly. The general meaning carrot has

meaning fans of one direction.

Carrot called coinage because this word refers to the fans of one direction.

The nine song ” marry you” from Bruno Mars ( line 3-4 )

Hey baby, I think I want to marry you

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Is it the look in your eyes, or is it this dancing juice?

Who cares baby, I think I want to marry you

In the lyrics explain about Bruno Mars want to marry the girls is it because he is

drunk, because her wedding even though they’re not dressed for a wedding he has

money and dancing juice. The general meaning dancing juice is another name for


Dancing juice called coinage because this word refers to another name for alcohol.

The nine song ” marry you” from Bruno Mars ( line 20-22 )

I'll go get a ring, let the choir bells sing, like ooh
So what you want to do?
Let's just run girl

In the lyrics explain about Bruno says to the girl He is planning his wedding at a

church, after consulting with his friend. The general meaning choir a group of people

who sing together.

Choir called coinage because this word refers to a group of people who sing together.

The ten song ”somewhere in Brooklyn” from Bruno Mars

Oh, oh
Next stop Brooklyn
Oh, oh
Now I'm looking

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In the lyrics above explain hopefully in Brooklyn, and this is where they first met

and meeting at the same place again, so Bruno’s calling is evident throughout the song.

The train approaches Brooklyn – as it would signal that it’s the next stop. Day after day

he looks for this girl. The general meaning Brooklyn is a place where all the people


Brooklyn called coinage because this word refers to the name of place where people


The eleven song ”treasure” from Bruno Mars

Treasure, that is what you are Line 7-9 Honey you're my golden star

You know you can make my wish come true

The mean golden star in the lyrics explain about Tresure that is what you are. Is

that she is beautyfull and the same goes for golden star, but when it comes to You know

you can make my wish come true if you let me tresure you. When i read it i thinks he

wants to put his Tresure (Dick) in her, Bruno Mars finds that she is beautiful like

precious gems or gold. The general meaning golden star is the another name of lesbian (

who has never been penetrated by a man ).

Golden star called coinage because this word refers to the name of lesbian .

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The twelve song ”natalie ” from Bruno Mars ( line 9-12 )

Never been afraid to roll the dice

But when I put my bet on her
Little Miss Snake Eyes ruined my life
Better make sure to lock her doors

In the lyrics above explain Bruno Mars taking a chance with Natalie and betting

that she’s a winner, Also in a game of dice getting snake eyes typically results in a loss

and has become a term referring to bad luck, and we can conclude that Snake eyes have

also been associated with people who possess traits of dishonesty, betrayal and

treachery. The general meaning snakes eyes is the outcome of rolling the dice in the


Snakes eyes called coinage this word refers one part a game of dice.

The twelve song ”natalie ” from Bruno Mars ( line 31-34 )

I'll spend a life time in jail

( Yeah, that's what I'll do)
I'll be smiling in my cell
(Yeah, thinking 'bout you)

In the lyrics above explain about Bruno mars says he is admitting that he doesn’t

care about the consequence of murdering Natalie. As long as he can get his revenge on

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her, he’ll be happy to spend the rest of his in jail knowing she’s long gone. The general

meaning jail is refers to school.

Jail called coinage because this word refers to the school.

The thirteen song “count on me” from Bruno Mars

In the song thirteen song there is no coinage word.

The fourteen song ” show me” from Bruno Mars ( line 4-7 )

Don't you change it, oh no

Oh yeah, you called me today
Drove all this way, so don't let this buzz go to waste, oh no
Your pleasure, pleasure island is where we can go

In the lyrics above explain Bruno says he is not going to think she’s an easy girl

just want to have sex, He doesn’t want her to have to hold back her desires, to him she’s

just a woman that knows what she wants and he’s down with that. The general meaning

buzz is refers the name of gossip.

Buzz called coinage because this word refers to the name of gossip.

The fifteen song ( liquor store blues featuring damian marley )by Bruno Mars line


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All de talk dem a talk

And dem fly make nah drop
Nuff ghetto youth cannot escape de trap

In the lyrics above explain that Bruno says that it should refers this line be

“Unemploymennuh drop” Meaning. the government continually makes promises to the

people about decreasing the unemployment rate. But their promises are always fruitless,

so He is not just referring to men raised in the ghetto but all children raised there and

how it is a difficult cycle to escape living in.the general meaning nuff is refers to the

word enough.

Nuff called coinage because this word refers to the word enough. Borrowing

In linguistics Borrowing is the most common sources of new words in English.

Borrowing is the taking over of words from other languages.

George Yule says : Borrowing is the taking over of words From other language,

though its history , the English language has adopted a vast number of word from other

language. Forexample : suuupua In the borrowing I just find slang word in the lyrics of

song somewhere in Brooklyn.

The ten song ”Somewhere in Brooklyn” from Bruno Mars ( line 17-20 )

On the street kicking rocks

Circling the same block
Green point to Flatbush
Checking every corner shop

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In the lyrics above explain that Green Point and Flatbush are neighborhoods in

Brooklyn. The general meaning green point is an interesting section in Brooklyn ,

where mush population it. And the general meaning Flatbush is a good weed spot in


Green point called borrowing because this word used usually be used speak in

Brooklyn , new York. And Flatbush called borrowing because this word usually be

used speak by indian people. Acronym

In linguistics Acronym are new word formed from the initial letter other word

George yule says : Acronyms are new words formed from the initial letters of a set of

other words. These can be forms such as CD (“compact disk”) or VCR (“video cassette

recorder”) where the pronunciation consists of saying each separate letter. In the

acronym word I just found slang word in the lyrics of song the lazy song

The first song ” the lazy song” from Bruno Mars ( line 9-11)

Just chillin' in my snuggie

Click to MTV, so they can teach me how to dougie
Cause in my castle I'm the freaking man
In the lyrics above that on MTV after its release song in 2010. The general meaning

MTV is the reason modern music is dead, and here dougie here is The Dougie is named

after legendary rapper/beatboxer Doug E Fresh. Way Bruno Mars say that

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because Bruno is saying is castle is his home. The general meaning MTV is music

television song release in 2010.

MTV called acronym because this word has an extension from Music television.

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Table 1: slang word found in Bruno Mars in lyrics of song

Song The it Gre- Just Our Locked G Run Marry treasure Some Count N Show Liquor
lazy will nade the first out of O away you where in on A me store
song be way time heaven R baby Brooklyn me T blues
rain you I A
are L L

Blend 3 1 2 0 1 1 1 5 0 0 0 2 1 0 1

Clipp 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 2 1 0 2

Acro 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0

Coin 1 0 0 0 1 0 4 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 2

Borro 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Blending : 18/15 x 100= 120% Borrowing : 1/15 x 100 = 6,7%

Clipping : 21/15 x100 = 140% Acronym : 1/15 x 100 = 6,7 %

Coinage : 17/15 x 100 = 113,4%

4.1.2 The Most Dominant slang word used by Bruno Mars lyrics of song

The most dominat song I found in runaway baby song, and the most dominant

slang word in Bruno Mars lyrics is clipping, because clipping occur when a word or

more than one syllable is reduced to a shorter from. In the research, the clipping word

that mostly appear in the lyrics is word ”cause” or ”cuz”. For example a lyrics cause is

cause she got me for everything. This research also found that Bruno Mars often use

slang word and clip the ”g” alphabet in the last word. The term ”cause” or ”cuz” is

considered as a clipped word because originally is comes from word ”because” which is

reduced to shorter from”cuz”, nowdays young people prefer to use the clipped from

“cuz”or ”cause” instead of ” because”. I found cause in the all lyrics of song Bruno

Mars there is twenty five slang words in all lyrics. In all lyrics there is all cause slang

words I found.

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5.1 Conclusion

After analyzing the data which have been discussed in previous chapter, the writer

attempts to explain the conclusion of this study. In the ‘’Bruno Mars’’ lyrics of song.

’’Bruno Mars’’ lyrics of song represent the slang word above, from here the slang is

very important to understand in song when someone reads lyrics of song. Slang in song

lyrics is also form of communication. Through of song , the singer can deliver the

message to the listeners. My research that slang word found in every lyrics of Bruno

Mars song, especially in Album ” Doo-Woops & Hooligans” ( 2010). Five teen song of

Bruno Mars lyrics of song is the lazy of song, it will rain, grenade, just the way you are,

our first time, locked out of heaven, gorilla, runaway baby, marry you, treasure,

somewhere in brooklyn, count on me, natalie, show me, liquor store blues.

5.1.1 types of slang words that use by Bruno Mars lyrics of song

In the type of slang words I can conclude that I have analyzing is, based on George

Yule book 1998 type of slang words there is twelve type. But in Bruno Mars lyrics of song I

found five slang words in the lyrics is, Blending, clipping, borrowing, coinage and

acronym. And the example slang word that I found in Bruno Mars lyrics of song is Ain’t (

are not ), Gonna ( going to ), Motherfucker ( it’s means refers to father), cause ( the short

meaning from cause) , eatin’ ( eating), and others. This thesis used descriptive qualitative

analysis, the writer choose descriptive qualitative analysis because this


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method used about discussing, analyzing, and finding the slang words. In descriptive

qualitative research, because it is used word or phrase in analysis rather than numeral

form. This method can be used the answer the statement problem number one. The

totally of borrowing ( 12o%), clipping ( 140 %), coinage ( 113,4%), borrowing ( 6,7%)

and acronym ( 6,7% ).

5.1.2 Dominat slang word used of Bruno Mars lyrics of song

The most dominat song I found in runaway baby song, and the most dominant slang

word in Bruno Mars lyrics is clipping, because clipping occur when a word or more

than one syllable is reduced to a shorter from. In the research, the clipping word that

mostly appear in the lyrics is word ”cause” or ”cuz”. For example a lyrics cause is

cause she got me for everything. This research also found that Bruno Mars often use

slang word and clip the ”g” alphabet in the last word. The term ”cause” or ”cuz” is

considered as a clipped word because originally is comes from word ”because” which is

reduced to shorter from”cuz”, nowdays young people prefer to use the clipped from

“cuz”or ”cause” instead of ” because”. I found cause in the all lyrics of song Bruno

Mars there is twenty five slang words in all lyrics. In all lyrics there is all cause slang

words I found.

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5.2 Suggestion

The use of slang word in the lyrics of Bruno Mars song is really useful. The purpose

of slang word in the lyrics of slang word in the lyrics of song is to help the reader of the

lyrics or even the listeners of the song understood well about the meaning of slang word

with their types. The writer suggest the song writer who used the slang word to select

slang word because seeing the meaning of slang word really rude and impolite meaning.

So the writer hopes this study give benefit to the other research , especially to the

student in English department faculty of letter and humanities state Islamic university of

Islamic Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

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Htttp://free.dictionary.org/freedictionary 2011

Http://oxfort.dictionary.com/an Online Dictionary.

Http://en.wikipedia.org/digital encyclopedia website

urban dictionary dictionary slang words.

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