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180917 FM-BINUS-AA-FPT-66/R7

Practicum Case
Operating System
Computer Science O181-COMP6153-GA01-01

Valid on Odd Semester Year 2017/2018 Revision 00

Learning Outcomes
 Describe each of the components of the Operating Systems and their interrelationship

 Computer Systems Overview
Sub Topics
 Management of Files and Folders
 Introduction of Console in Linux
 Introduction init
 Understanding the Hierarchy of Files and Folders on Linux
 Use the Manual on Linux
 Search Files
 Copy, Rename, Delete, and File Sharing
 Using the vi editor
 Using du and df to see the use of Storage Space
 Changing Permissions of a File
 Compress and extract file

1. Use pwd to see your current active directory, then: [cd --help]
a. Use cd to change to Desktop directory: cd De[TAB] atau cd Desktop/
b. Use cd to change to parent directory: cd ..
c. Use cd to move directly to the home directory: cd atau cd ~
d. Use cd to move directly to the root directory: cd /

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2. Use ls to see the content of current directories. Then: [ls --help]

a. Display one file per line using ls: ls -1
b. Order files based on last modified time: ls –t –l atau ls –lt atau ls -tl
-l untuk : use a long listing format
-t untuk : sort by modification time, newest first

c. Order files based on last modified time (in reverse order): ls –tlr atau ls –l –t –r
-r untuk reverse order while sorting

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3. Create the directory hierarchy below and use command mkdir with once execution.
Then use command tree to see the directory hierarchy that created
<home directory>
`-- My Game
|-- Action
| |-- Dynasty Warrior
| `-- Tomb Raider
|-- Horror
| |-- Resident Evil
| `-- Amnesia
|-- FPS
| |-- Counter Strike
| `-- Sniper Elite
|-- Ragnarok
`-- Seal

: bisa kalau belum ada langsung buat ma isi”nya [mkdir Anjay/Bijay -p]
: mkdir "My Game/Action/Dynasty Warrior" "My Game/Action/Dynasty Warrior"
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘My Game/Action/Dynasty Warrior’: No such file or directory
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘My Game/Action/Dynasty Warrior’: No such file or directory
prk@UbuntuClient:~/Desktop$ mkdir "My Game/Action/Dynasty Warrior" "My
Game/Action/Tomb Raider" "My Game/Horror/Resident Evil" "My Game/Horror/Amnesia" "My
Game/FPS/Counter Strike" "My Game/FPS/Sniper Elite" "My Game/MMORPG/Ragnarok" "My
Game/MMORPG/Seal" –p

lanjut ketik command untuk nampilin tree : tree

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4. From home directory. Use cd to enter into “Ragnarok” directory. Then, create new file
with name “Knight.txt” and “Mage.txt” with command touch in a single execution. Then, change
modification time “Mage.txt” to June 29th, 2017 with time 06:29. Look the result with ls -l or with
stat to know status file!
1. cd My\ Game/MMORPG/Ragnarok/
2. touch Knight.txt Mage.txt >> ls -l
3. touch Mage.txt -mt 201706290629 >> ls -l

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5. Run command ls -l. Explain the meaning of r, w, and x!

Then, change the permission of file "Knight.txt" to rwxrw-r—
Read -> 4
Write -> 2
Execute -> 1
User group other(root) ditambahin per 3digit

Chmod 764 Knight.txt >> ls -l

6. From home directory, use command mv to move “Dynasty Warrior” directory and its
content to “Horror” directory and at the same time rename to “Samurai Warrior”. Then use
command tree to see the directory hierarchy that created
<home directory>
`-- My Game
|-- Action
| `-- Tomb Raider
|-- Horror
| |-- Resident Evil
| |-- Amnesia

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| `-- Samurai Warrior

|-- FPS
| |-- Counter Strike
| `-- Sniper Elite
|-- Ragnarok
| |-- Knight.txt
| `-- Mage.txt
`-- Seal

mv "My Game/Action/Dynasty Warrior" "My Game/Horror/Samurai Warrior"

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7. Use command cp to copy “Mage.txt” from “Ragnarok” directory to home directory and rename it to
”MageAsik.txt”. Then, use command rm to delete “My Game” directory and its contents. What
option should be added so can show message the directory was deleted successfully?
- cp "My Game/MMORPG/Ragnarok/Mage.txt" ~/MageAsik.txt
- rm "My Game/MMORPG/Ragnarok/Mage.txt" –rv atau rm My\ Game/ -rvf
nb: -r untuk apus ampe dalem”nya, v(verbose)untuk nampilin infonya, f untuk force

8. From home directory, use command vi to open editor to create and write into file “Evil
Fill the file with description below:

Bleed Blue!
~ Arteezy
~ UniVeRsE
~ Crlt-
~ SumaiL
~ Fear ~ cat

Then, quit from editor with press <ESC> <Shift>+Z<Shift>+Z and use cat to show the content of file
“Evil Geniuses”.

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Vi “Evil Geniuses”
Cat Evil Geniuses

9. Use du to display all size, files/folders, and total size below the current directory (up to 1
du ..
du --help
du –a >> untuk all
Du => memorintya sudah kepake brp %(GB)

10. Use df to display free disk space, then:

a. Display Information of all the File Systems
b. Display a grand total of every column
df untuk nampilin yg free

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If you do not understand, please ask your assistant!

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