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Vaina horrible de traducción

Statement by Mr Che Guevara (Cuba) before the United Nations General

Assembly on 11 December 1964

Mr. President and gentlemen delegates, the representation of Cuba before this
assembly is pleased to, first of all, extend a due welcome to the incorporation of
three new nations to the significant number which here discuss problems of the

We greet therefore, through their corresponding President and Prime Ministers, the
people of Zambia, Malawi and Malta and we vote so that these countries will be
incorporated from the first moment to the group of unaligned nations who fight
against imperialism, colonialism and neocolonialism.

We also –hicieron un corte en el video- the dominant clases of Latin American

countries against our revolution. In others, even more sadly, the product of
dazzling treasures of Mammon (Biblical reference to money, greed, wealth.
New Testament) As is well known, after the tremendous shock called the
"Caribbean Crisis", the United States contracted with the Soviet Union determined
commitments which culminated in the withdrawal of certain types of weapons that
the continued aggressions of that country- such as mercenary attack on Girón
Beach and the threats of invasion of our homeland- they forced us to call to action
in Cuba the act of a legitimate and irrevocable defense (refers to the Bay of

In addition, the americans expected the United Nations to inspect our territory to
which we emphatically refused, since Cuba does not recognize the right of the
United States nor anyone else in the world to determine what type of weapons we
are permitted to possess within our own borders. In this sense we are only in
agreement here with multilaterals with equal obligations to all parties.

As stated by Fidel Castro, "As long as the concept of sovereignty exists as

prerogative of independent nations and people, and as a right of all people, we will
not accept the exclusion of our people to that right. As long as the world is
governed by those principles, as long as the world is governed by those concepts
which are universally valid, because they are universally accepted and
consecrated by the people... we will not accept the deprivation of any of these
rights. We will not give up any of those rights."

Mr. Secretary General of the United Nations, U Thant, understood our reasons.
Nevertheless, the United States tried to establish a new arbitrary and illegal
prerogative, one that violates the airspace of any small country. That is the way
they have been encroaching upon the airspace of our homeland with U2 planes
and other types of spy apparatus with total impunity navigating in our airspace.

We have given all the necessary warnings for them to cease the airspace
violations as well as the provocations that the "Yankee" marines make against our
surveillance posts in the Guantanamo area. The low-flying planes over our vessels
or those of other nations in international waters, the pirate attacks on boats of
different flags, and the infiltration of saboteur spies and weapons on our island.

We want to construct socialism. We have declared ourselves supporters of those

who fight for peace. We have declared ourselves members of a group of unaligned
countries in spite of being Leninist Marxists, because the unaligned such as us,
fight against imperialism. We want peace.

This new disposition of an American continent is captured and condensed into the
cries which day after day is proclaimed by our masses as an irrefutable expression
of their determination to fight; paralyzing the armed hand of the invader. (The
masses) proclaim that they count on the support and understanding of all the
nations of the world, and especially the socialist forces lead by the Soviet Union.

That proclamation is, "Country or Death!"


(Continued applause interspersed with yells of support.)

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