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Bali Province has agricultural and tourism potential, especially in Buleleng Regency.

But the lack of raw water supply to meet raw water needs is an obstacle. Provision of water
for various needs is a top priority in agriculture and tourism development. And the efforts
made by the government to be able to overcome these problems by developing Water
Resources (SDA). In this case the government will carry out the construction of the
Tamblang Dam.

Tamblang Dam is planned to be located in Buleleng Regency which has an effective

storage area of 5,585 million m3 with an inundation area of 385,585 km2. Tamblang Dam
will later be able to supply 510 lt / second of raw water needs. In addition, Tamblang Dam is
also used to meet the needs of irrigation, hydroelectric power (PLTA), and river maintenance.
Tamblang Dam will also indirectly become a new tourist attraction in Bali.

Dams are irrigation infrastructure that have a very high risk if they fail. In planning
construction work with high risk work, pre-feasibility studies, feasibility studies, general
planning and engineering planning must be carried out. One of the jobs in this activity is the
hydraulic physical model test. This physical hydraulic model test aims to test the physical
feasibility of the dam and the hydraulic operation of the dam for a certain period of time.
With the support of the physical hydraulic model test, it is hoped that it can confirm the
results of the planning, so that the safety of the dam can be fulfilled.

The physical model test is to study the hydraulic behavior (speed, pressure, water
level, cavitation, and flow conditions) with discharge variations of Q2th, Q5th, Q10th, Q25th,
Q50th, Q100th, Q1000th, and QPMF in overflow buildings. The spillway building being
modeled is an ogee type side spillway.

Tamblang Dam is a very high risk irrigation infrastructure. Therefore, a physical

hydraulic model test was conducted to test the physical feasibility of the dam and the
hydraulic operation of the dam for a certain period of time.

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