Emop - Obe Assignment - F - Nahin Akhtar - 17-34113-1

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Faculty of Engineering

Course Name: Electrical Properties of Materials Section: F Term: FINAL

Assignment: OBE Total Marks: 30 Marks Submission Date:
Indicators ID: CO5 – P.a.1.C3 Faculty Name:

Student Name: NAHIN AKHTAR

Student ID: 1 7  3 4 1 1 3  1 Department: EEE

Problem 01:
Consider a two-dimensional electron gas in which the electrons are restricted to move freely within a square area a 2 in the xy
plane. Applying the theories from Section 4.5 (in the textbook), show that the density of states g(E) is constant (independent of

Problem 02:
a. Given that the Fermi energy for Cu is 7.0 eV at absolute zero, calculate the E F at 300 K. What is the percentage change in E F
and what is your conclusion?
b. Applying the Fermi energy for Cu at absolute zero, calculate the average energy and mean speed per conduction electron at
absolute zero and 300 K, and comment.

Problem 03:

From figure-1 shows the temperature dependence of ε 'r and

tanδ for a polyester film. Consider a 1 nF polyester
capacitor that has a polymer (PET) film thickness of 1 µ m.
Calculate the equivalent circuit of this capacitor at 50 °C
and at 120 °C for operation at 1 kHz. What is your

Figure:1: Real part of the dielectric constant, ε 'r and loss tangent,
tanδ at 1 kHz vs. temperature from dielectric for PET.
Problem 04:
Applying the concepts of de-bye equation, derive the equation of real and imaginary part of the dielectric constant and draw cole-
cole plots and their equivalent series circuit.

Problem 05:
Consider the one-dimensional potential function an electron with energy E is incident on a rectangular potential barrier as shown
in Figure 1.1. The potential barrier is of height Vo and height Vo >> E. (a) Write the form of the wave function and their solution
in each of the two regions. (b) For this geometry, determine what coefficient in the wave function solutions is zero according to
your understanding. (c) Derive the expression for the transmission and reflection coefficient for the electron (tunneling and
reflection probability) and explain what is happening for E>V 0 , E<V 0 , E=V 0condition (d) Sketch the wave function for the
electron in each region for E>V 0 , E<V 0 , E=V 0 condition.

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Figure 1.1: 1-D Potential Function
N: B: This is the sequences given how to solve the problem.

We should know that,

Condition 1. ψ ( x ) must be finite, single-valued, and continuous.
∂ψ ( x )
Condition 2. must be finite, single-valued, and continuous.

Marking Rubrics (to be filled by Faculty):

Proficient Good Acceptable Unacceptable No Response Secured
[6] [5-4] [2-3] [1] [0] Marks
Detail Response Response shows Partial problem is Unable to clarify
Problem 01 has been given that understanding of solved, response ability to apply No Response
demonstrates the the problem, but indicates part of theory-based

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ability to apply unable to apply
Problem 02 theory-based
systematic & theory-based
natural science was natural science to
theory-based understanding of
not understood resolve issues and
Problem 03 understanding of natural science
clearly, hence method of the
natural science to systematically to
resulting solution problem solving
Problem 04 resolve familiarity resolve the issues.
was partially was not correct.
of issues with no Answers has minor
Problem 05 apparent errors. errors.
Submitted after of Submitted after Submitted after two Submitted after
Submitted in Due
Timeliness Due Time but one week of Due weeks of Due Time three weeks of
within a week Time Due Time
Total Marks
(Out of 30):

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