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Course: EDU 430: ICT in Education

Semester: Spring 2020

Assignment No: 1

Total Marks: 20

Questions no.1

What is Information and Communication Technology (ICT)? How Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) can improve teaching learning in the classroom.
What are the possible disadvantages of using information technology in classroom? (10)

Information and communication technology (ICT). ICT is a modern technique, in which
information are shared with the help of telecommunications. There is no particular difference
b/w information technology and ICT. ICT consists of internet, cell phone, wireless network
and other communication instruments. Due to ICT the whole word becomes a “global
village”, in which people can communicate with others across the world.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can improve teaching learning in

the classroom: To improve the quality of education and the training, those are very difficult
task. It is notice that, with the help of ICT, we can improve the quality of education. ICT keep
many videos and multimedia computer software, computer software include combine text ,
sound and colour full moving images can be used to provide content that will engage the
student during learning process. Our educational system does not able to provide the practical
lab to the students to perform practical work. But with the help of ICT, we are able to provide
them those labs, and this method is not only cheap but there is no disadvantage and no loss.
In the old age, we use hand make pen and ink to improve the handwriting. But now we can
improve our handwriting with the help of ICT software and we can save our time and money.
In the past it is very difficult to provide feedback to the student, but now a day it is very
simply and also save the time of teacher. ICT can also be uses to improve the teaching
method and training.

What are the possible disadvantages of using information technology in classroom:

now we will see disadvantages of using information technology in classroom.

It can disconnect students from face-to-face relationships: There is too much difference
b/w to talk face- to- face and interacting online with people. There are many people who can
talk comfortably on the screen or at cell phone but they do not give the importance to talk
face to face, and they loss social interactions. So technology should be used only as a tool in
the classroom.
Waste of time: There are many students, who waste their time by using cell phone and
computer to watch movies and songs etc.
Medical issues: by using computer, smart phone and tablet screen can create many problems
such as eye strain and irritation of eyes.
Lack interest in studying: everything is now because data is already saved in mobile or
computer. So as a results students do not focuses on their study and they develop poor habit
of studying, they become lazy and inactive.
Privacy issue: Due to progress in the IT, your personal data is not saved in your mobile or
computer. It is very complex matter. So we need have no need to save our personal data in
computer and cell phone.
The role of teacher: To make a good society the role of teacher is very important. But due
to ICT student stay their homes. So as a result society becomes like a cattle house. Where is
no respected of their elders etc.
Conclusion: The use of ICT in education field has its advantage and disadvantage. To
achieve some certain goals, there must be a better planning. Otherwise it will be very poising
for the society.

Question no.2
Discuss the factors in detail which prevent teachers from implementing information
technology in classroom:
There are many reason which prevent to the teachers from implement information technology
in classroom.
Lack of knowledge:
Teachers do not know the knowledge about the computer, which prevent them.
In which teachers may be lack of computer and ICT knowledge.
Less no of system:
No of computer is less than the no of student in the class.
Expensive method:
This method is too much expensive teacher and student do not able to effort it.
Require extra time:
The duration of one period or lecture may be 40 or 50 mints, but the duration of 50 mints is
not enough to use ICT in the classroom, it demand extra time to get better results.
No fun:
The use of ICT in the classroom vanish the enjoyments and fun. As a result teacher and
students fells boring in the classroom and even they do not able to pay proper attention to
their lesson.
High quality education: The uses of ICT also prevent high quality education. The reason is
that learning is ware there is dialog, so we cannot able to provide proper education to the
learners by using ICT.
Development of society: The teacher plays a vital role to development of a good society. But
by using ICT, we cannot able to develop a civilize society.
These are the main factors, which prevent to the teacher to use ICT in the classroom.

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