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-HIRA- GODAWARI POWER & ISPAT STANDALONE UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDED ON 20TH JUNE 2015, STANDALONE “0 SHonths Ended Year Ended Sr.No. Particulars 30.06.2015 | 31.03.2016 | 30.06.2014 | 34.02.2015 Unaudited | Audited | Unaudited | Audited 1 [fa] Net Salesiincome trom operations 47278) 46443] 509.80) 1.995.05 0) Other operating income |__Frowar az7e| 46403] soso] _1,93605, [2 Expenditure 7 (2) Purchase of Stock in rade 017 250 4612 \()tncrease}isecrease in inventories 3.18 1333] 195] aan] ¢) Cost ot raw materials consumed seizz| 30482] zee0| 127119 lo) Employees benett expenses 1871 1622 1478 ora le) Depreciation & Amortisation Expenses 1743 1808 1581 6582 Kp Omer expenditure 7142 7163 or4e| 34186 ‘otal Expenditure aa213| a2as6 | aag2) 4,797.54 {3 [Profit rom operations before other incomes & exceptional Noms (4-2) 40.65 35.87 6ea8| 197.51 “4 [omer income 261 eo, 140 76.49 5__[Profit before finance cost & exceptional Noms (3+a ) 33.26 40.48 7026/7400 6 [Finance Cost 3629 3073 3280] 14488 7__ [Profit after finance cost but before exceptional tems (5) 497 076 37.48 632 [Exceptional imes T 9 _|[Profiv{Loss) from operating activity before tax (7-8) 437 0.76 37.48 | a2 10_[Taxexpenses 13 373 raf 701] 11 [Not Pront(+yiLoss () from odinary activities after tax (9-10) 3.66 (3033967 eat 12 [Paid-up equity sharo capital (face value of Rs.10/- each) 3275 22.75 3275 3275 1a_[fepees (chr evataion seve) 5 per Slane Sea oT reves aa 74 [Eaming per share (Not Annuaised) T [Basic EPS betore and ater entra-ordinary tems (in Rs) a2 woos) i211 18.96 Diuted EPS betore and after extra-orinary toms (in R&.) az oy] i214 18.98 18 [Public Shareholdings No.of shaves 11,500,394) 11,500,304 | 11,500,306 | 11,500,204 Percentage of shave hong 35a 35.1 3511 asa 56 [Promoters and Promotor Group Shareholding 1a) Pledgeaiencumborod No. of shaves 2,730,000] 2.730.000] 2,730,000) 2,730,000 Percentage of Snares (as 8% ofthe tla shareholding of promoter and a oe 12s dont promoter group) ‘Percentage of Shares (a a % of the total share capital of the Company) 839 833 633 833] |) Non-encumbered No.of shares 19,525,853 | 18525263] 18525853 | 18,525,053, Percentage of Shares (as a % ofthe total shareholding of promoter and 87.16 8716 ere 8716 Percentage of Shares (as a % of the total share capital of the Company) 56.56 56.58 6.56 55.56 8 [Particulars of investor grievances ‘months ended on 30.06.2015 Pending atthe Beginning ofthe quarter i Received dunng the quarter Ni Disposed ot during the quater i | _ Remaining unesoived atthe end of te quarter Ni Registered Office and Works: Plot No. 428/2, Phase I, Industrial Areo, Siltara, Raipur - 493111, Chhoti Corporate address: Hira Arcade, Near New Bus Stand, Pandri, Raipur - 492001, Chhattisgarh, India CIN No.- 27106CT1999PLC013756 Godawari ower & Ispat Limited ‘An 180 9001-2008, 180 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001-2007 ceri! compony P: +91 771 4082333, F: +91 771 4082334 P: +91 771 4082000, F: +91 771 4057601, GODAWARI POWER AND ISPAT LIMITED. STAND ALONE ee ‘suaczeis | stoaanss | sooszoie | st0sz0is + [Fou segmert Revenue Ponce seus] aon] aase ve2ee ota sast| —soooe|—ssts0 20868 Loca Sopnent Revense n| us| soo 7068 Its arama] aecas| sna 193505 2 [segment Resute Les Un Aloate Expenses Net of un-ocae income ho 150 an Les: ores & France Crsges saz| 073 200 saa het Pott Batre Tax sr 076 8 ca 3 |Netcaptat Empoyen laste erse| erase] arson ora loPomer venar] —verss|t7708 vars | ‘owt sr »| ssore ssa | 14. locale Capt aves] rz sry et Toa Capital Employed waa) 2028 70.28 The above unauiod facile have ben viewed by Star Ausosin ems of Clause fing arent. the same wore ao Avot Comte ne mong ton 10 Aug 5 an then approve y Boar of Dress nfs meee Non TE August TS 2 The nara Resowce Deparment, Govt of Cratiagar nat lev oat on Ot ming OMe Bao aes apa enh grades ton (fe The Comp a weve rowaed amount foray payabe on he Dax le pce oer fees Won Ore rosea and Gulch Purana ot ftton Ha by be company, ne hotrane Moh cout Cratnga faa uel te companys caren of arg oy aes se foresee sae and rene og data man Hes ase toy gaye Nowe he mig Spanner had prtres bee oe cs nr eh ting ga et ha eve en tae Gary Heb [Stu excess roa of Re 403 Crore aon 30.08 15 8 show as advnce yay and crs e Bane Sheet 2 income Tax Department haa concceseatch Ws 192 fhe came Tax At 191 in he fies an ator poss oe company andi subsidy ‘npanes andthe reader reme tome a hay manager pee conmcced ot 22,2018 The Company eng fa coperaan Sst pase dpm aay en ple ampay rt bday companes tong t 4 Nopronsin has be made in esc f a omar nso of R120 cots (Prev guar R 287 cles) en forex oan spect fev et actives, tay wb maa he yar end aspera chow ye conpany For and on benalf of Board of og IF Kerawat anf Orector -HIRA- GODAWARI POWER & ISPAT ‘CONSOLIDATED UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDED ON 30TH JUNE 2015, pan) ne crores ‘CONSOLIDATED. TMonths Ended [Year nae ‘Unausited | Aueited | Unaudited | Audited Sr.No, Poniculare 1 Net Saiesncome fom operators szssr] 56725] seces| 2.35450 toner cperatng income. rota wesi| savas] weese| 28008 2 [espenaire a) Pucnate of Stock in ase ox esr ssa tv) dncseaseysecrease in inventors zies] 200] on] essa \c) Cost of aw materials consuras sess7| —s6s01| sseou| 1496 59 |) Empiyees beef expenses vist) za7s| aa o18 le) Deprecaten & Amonisaton Expenses soa) a977| 2626/1018 In omer exsenaiure rones| 10590] s116| —_asaza Total Expenditure we005| sess) stara | 2n6a95 3 [Prot wom operations before ther incomes & exceptional tens (72) asac[ aur] eae | 24003 4 JOtner income: 437 615] 438 93 '5_|Prott before finance cost & exceptional ame (34) wurs|ars3| o6sa [26008 |e [France Cost s852[ soos] sazel 22a. 7 [Prot ater tnance cost but before exceptional lems (6) G79) eran] 926 364 3 [esoepionst nes (o95] ssn] 40.1] 9 [ProfiviLoss) rom operating acliviy below x17) 7a] gor] a7 7660 10 [Tox oxgenses sn 07] 9 387 11] NetPrtit)iCoss (Wom odinary atiios ater tax (3-107, (20 asa) 71 Toa 12 _[Extvacedinary tems (net of tx expenses) al 13 [Net Proti()iLoss() Before minory interest (1-12 emu ean] 7 Ts "4 [Less Minority Interest eas] eral 208 446 15 [Ade Share of protit in Associated Company (0.05) (W.06) 5 Net Profit #)/Loss() forthe period (13-1615) wale 75) saan] _6s.2t 17 [Paeup equity share capital (ace value of R10 each) 3275] 3275 [2275 BS a [Reserves (excluding revaluabon reserve) as per Galance Shee ol preva area facountng yoo a Ta [Earning cer share (Net Arnuained) asic EPS beore ana ater exa-ornary dams (in Rs) 2s] sin] 799 poz bisted EPS belore and ator exraordinay ems (in) 25] sr] 99 2022 TS [Public Sharenolsings Percentage of share hling ssu|_ ses] asa4 ssn 1 [Promoters and Promoter Group Shareholding 1s) Peaged/Encumbored No.of hares 2700000) 2730000} 2.730000) 2730000 Prcenage of Shares (as a % ofthe oa sharehling af prometer en eae ree] sae] rae 1208 Percentage of Stes (as of the total share capil fhe Company) on a0 aay ea} a) Non encumbered No hares sesasesa| 1aseseso| 19526059 | 10525,059 Percentage of Shes (a 2% ofthe oa sharealang of promerer and a eee eee ariel promote rour) Percentage of Sates (8 ofthe otal share capital of he Company) sses| sees] 66s] 5 sl [Particulars of investor grievances ‘S manihs ended on 30.08.2075 Penang at he Begining ofthe quater ‘cispose ot uring tne avant 0 [Remaning uresoved athe ond of he quarter 0 A Godawari Power & Ispat Limited ‘An 1S0 9001/2608, 1SO 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001-2007 cored company Registered Office and Works: Plot No. 428/2, Phase |, Industrial Area, Siltaro, Raipur - 493111, ChhOX P: +91 771 4082333, F: +91 771 4082334 Corporate address: Hira Arcade, Near New Bus Stand, Pandri, Raipur - 492001, Chhattisgarh, India CIN No.- P: +91 771 4082000, F: +91 771 4057601 L27106CT1999PLC013756 —, GODAWARI POWER AND ISPAT LIMITED CONSOLIDATED + et sepment Reverse 2 _[seamere esate eee Farce Cree saxo] saoel _saz0| ass Prot etre Tae 70) oro] oer 7681 |e Capa Emsoyes Tota Capit mn ‘oveor | 490089 | 99095 SSemaze ia mesengrason tan ages anton speoned oy atl acoso eden si Sons 2 Tetdrwra Resse Depannen Got ef Caughts ve jay a en ee eo et le seething recur ns tn anger sar Stace ie Oe pos Sate S nanan oan eh ener nn ne 9 sanoa eae roa posseamtosam der couve cies ‘evar tons a sine fy wt eae te yor eraser prac lowed te conga 5 Onysuteacry company acum ban corti 7 mosansoone raga! ests. he corgay a ato he ao lie cry en gauaraoure coma cate mb ie ssa

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