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The Novice’s Guide to Scrying

By Robert Ing, DSc, DLitt, FAPSc

What is Scrying?

Scrying is a method of visualizing and sensing events relating

to the past, present and future by way of the subconscious
mind involving creative intuition. Scrying is the most difficult of
divination methods because it relies upon the individual to be
the active instrument of divination versus other methods where
the divinatory instrument may be tarot cards, runes, cowrie
shells, tea leaves, etc. With tarot cards, runes and the like it is
the individual who reads the physical and external symbols
presented to them via the cards, runes, etc. In scrying the
individual must internally create a space in their subconscious,
build the symbols intuitively, and then relate and interpret what
they have visualized. The majority of humans rely upon
external stimulus found in symbols whether words, music or
images to define their emotional state, their life, their
aspirations and the world. However, a minority of individuals
use their intuitive and natural internal sense of self to define
the world they live in and how they relate to what they
experience. The majority of people live their lives “outside-in”
while the minority live their lives “inside-out.” It is those who
live “inside-out” who excel at scrying. The qualities an
individual needs to be successful at scrying are, in order of
importance; patience, creativity, intuition, and patience. Yes, I
did put patience twice, as scrying is not necessarily an instant
Dr. Robert Ing is a forensic process, but to an experienced scryer and on some occasions,
scientist, broadcaster,
author and life strategies images may be formed much more quickly than normally
coach. An internationally
acclaimed forensic
intelligence specialist, he
has traveled the world
on behalf of the interests of
As with anything that takes a degree of skill, scrying may be
governments and major learned, though the time it will take to be master it will vary
corporations. Dr. Ing has
appeared on major North with the student and is dependent upon the time devoted to
American broadcast news practising the art; the degree and limits of creativity, intuition
and patience the student naturally possesses. Students who
For more articles by actively practice meditation or creative visualization may find
Dr. Robert Ing visit their ability to scry comes much more easily than those who
may have simply just studied these subjects.
The Instruments of Scrying

As I have mentioned, the actual art of scrying is an internal

process that is manifest solely by the individual and not the
result of an external object that may be interpreted as meaning
“this” or “that.” That being said, because concentration and
disconnection from the physical world of the scryer must be
established in order for them to begin this internal intuitive
visualization process, it is necessary that a gateway or portal
be utilized so their subconscious may intuitively manifest and
interpret the symbolic imagery before them. Such gateways or
portals may be crystal balls, bloodspheres (red crystal balls),
clear water in a silver or black bowl or a natural body of water,
the flame of a single candle or fireplace, a black mirror or black
ceramic tile (also referred to as a black or dark speculum), or
the flat polished surface of a dark stone mounted in a pendant
or ring. Any smooth, flawless surface if large enough, may be
used for scrying. The actual choice and effectiveness of the
instrument used as the portal or gateway is dependent upon
the scryer’s personal feelings and sensitivities to the object in
question. Another method of scrying does not involve an
external instrument at all, but has the scryer close their eyes
and focus on the black void they see within.


Depending on the belief system of the scryer, some may hold

that the article selected to be the scrying instrument be
Dr. Robert Ing is a forensic cleansed and consecrated, or blessed during an extensive
scientist, broadcaster,
author and life strategies ritual or a brief informal ceremony. It may also be held that the
coach. An internationally
acclaimed forensic
instrument selected, if an object such as crystal, bloodsphere,
intelligence specialist, he mirror or bowl, etc. be maintained and kept as a sacred object
has traveled the world
on behalf of the interests of
for the exclusive use of scrying by the scryer. On the
governments and major otherhand, there are some who simply use a black bowl from
corporations. Dr. Ing has
appeared on major North the kitchen, which by day is used for foodstuffs and at special
American broadcast news times for scrying.

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Dr. Robert Ing visit
Before scrying it is important that the scryer be relaxed, well
rested and disconnected from the mundane worries of the day.
Some people perform a pre-scrying ritual involving candles,
incense and the like. Others do a brief period of meditation.
Some individuals are capable of just switching modes and can
begin a scrying session from the get-go.

Scrying must be done in a quiet area where external physical

activity is minimal with regard to movement and noise levels.
The 13th, 14th and 15th days of the lunar month (day before,
upon and after a full moon) are considered the best days for
scrying, as is the night versus the day hours. However,
scrying may be done at anytime or may be done in conjunction
with some natural, astronomical or astrological event.

As one can see, the preparation here deals with getting the
individual into a receptive mood for scrying by interacting with
symbols of reaffirmation through ritual and external objects.

The Process of Scrying

The scyer sits comfortably at a table where the scrying

instrument (crystal, bloosphere, bowl, mirror or tile) is placed
on an uncluttered table. The scryer has in their mind the
specifics of questions or a situation they wish to scry. It is very
important that specific questions or a situation be determined
prior to a scrying session.

Dr. Robert Ing is a forensic The room or area used for scrying must be dark or have
scientist, broadcaster,
author and life strategies subdued lighting. Usually this is accomplished by turning off
coach. An internationally
acclaimed forensic
all the lights and using a single candle or small low-power
intelligence specialist, he battery powered camper’s lantern. If the room lighting has a
has traveled the world
on behalf of the interests of
dimmer switch, it can be turned down to the point where the
governments and major room is dark yet there is enough light to see the items in the
corporations. Dr. Ing has
appeared on major North room. If it is not practical to alter the lighting level of the room,
American broadcast news such as in the case of scrying from a booth at an indoor fair,
an opaque black cloth square may be used to partially inhibit
For more articles by light from reflecting on the smooth shiny surface of the
Dr. Robert Ing visit instrument.
Sitting comfortably, the scryer looks into the instrument. In
looking into the instrument, the scryer doesn’t stare or strain
their eyes in the process but rather they attempt to look beyond
into the blackness or darkness of the surface of the instrument.
It is as if they are attempting to look deep into and beyond the
object. In their mind’s eye they subconsciously “look through
and into” the object, and may even have a sense or feeling that
they may be standing in, or surrounded by the predominant
colour of the instrument surface. After a period of time the
scryer may begin to see symbols or images within the
instrument surface or they may have an idea or feeling come
upon them. Many people erroneously believe successful scrying
only involves visual symbols and images, but there are also
feelings and ideas that are communicated intuitively to the
subconscious of the scryer as the result of the scrying session
as well. Some scryers may experience one or all of these during
a session. As soon as the scrying session is completed it is
very important that the details of the symbols and images
revealed and their interpretation be entered in some form of
written journal along with the date, location, time the session
started and ended, and the questions or situation considered.
Afterward, entries may be reviewed, evaluated and interpreted

By understanding images and symbols; how we personally

interpret these, the emotions we attach to them and identifying
which symbols trigger the best, worst and mediocre in us, we
can use this information to improve our lives, achieve our goals
Dr. Robert Ing is a forensic and remove or manage negative symbolic influences.
scientist, broadcaster,
author and life strategies Subconscious Analysis and Reprogramming (S.A.R.) is a
coach. An internationally
acclaimed forensic
system that is dedicated to achieving this and assisting people
intelligence specialist, he in realizing their goals and achieving the life they want.
has traveled the world
on behalf of the interests of
As a Certified Subconscious Analysis and Reprogramming
governments and major (S.A.R.) Technician and Life Strategies Coach, my goal is to
corporations. Dr. Ing has
appeared on major North work with my clients so they can understand their present in
American broadcast news order for them to be the true authors of their future by identifying
their strengths and weaknesses in relation to their personal
For more articles by goals through their perception of symbols in their life.
Dr. Robert Ing visit If you are interested in learning more about my Life Strategies
Coaching practice, Subconscious Analysis & Reprogramming
(S.A.R.) or booking a private session in the Toronto or Ottawa
area, please visit my website at

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