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should always be done before scheduling. Planning is, for example, to get the right spare
parts, materials, permits, tools, and skills defined. Scheduling is deciding when and by whom the job
is done.

Schedule Plan

A schedule is the timetable for a project, programme or portfolio.

In project management, a schedule is a listing of a project's milestones, activities, and deliverables,

usually with intended start and finish dates. ... A schedule is commonly used in the
project planning and project portfolio management parts of project management.

The purpose of schedules is to accomplish recurrent tasks on a regular interval in order to free the

Coveo administrator from having to perform these basic operations manually. In other
words, schedules maintain the index in its optimal state and let the Coveo administrator focus on
more important duties.

A schedule, often called a rota or roster, is a list of employees, and associated information e.g.
location, working times, responsibilities for a given time period e.g. week, month or sports
season. ... In shift work, a schedule usually employs a recurring shift plan.

Scheduling techniques in Project Management. ... Techniques such as PERT (Program Evaluation

and Review Technique), CPM (Critical Path Method) and GANTT are the most used to plan into
details a project, prevent uncertainties and avoid risk.

Time required to make a base line program of proj worth 50 million

The project's baseline is used to measure how performance deviates from the plan. Your
performance measurement would only be meaningful if you had an accurate baseline. A
project's baseline is defined as the original scope, cost and schedule.

In project management there are three baselines – schedule baseline, cost baseline and

scope baseline. The combination of all three baselines is referred to as the performance
measurement baseline. A baseline is a fixed schedule, which represents the standard that is used to
measure the performance of the project.

The cost baseline is that part of the project baseline that handles the amount of money the project
is predicted to cost and on the other side when that money will be spent. It is an approved budget
usually in a time distribution format used to estimate, monitor, and control the
overall cost performance of the project.

Once you have your deliverables confirmed in your scope statement, they need to be developed into
a work breakdown structure. This will clearly show all of the deliverables for the project and will be
your ‘scope baseline.’ This identifies all the work to be done.
This is another part of the project which will be added to throughout. Some of the steps may even
be repeated.

TIP: When putting together your project baselines some things to consider:

 Start with schedule and cost baselines.

 Identify activities and tasks which will be needed to produce each of the deliverables
included on your scope baseline. The detail included in this task list will depend on the
experience of your team, the project’s risk and uncertainties, etc.

 For each task identify the resources needed, if known at this point.

 Make an estimation of how many hours it will take to complete each task.

 Estimate the cost of each task, by using an average hourly rate for each resource you may

 Make sure you consider resource constraints and how much time each resource can
realistically devote to your project.

 Develop a task path by figuring out which tasks are dependent on other tasks.

 Date develop your schedule by putting all tasks and estimates into a calendar showing how
much time each task will take from start date to end.

 Don’t forget to develop a cost baseline, which is a cost-by-time budget.

In this gallery you will find a six-step approach to creating the perfect project plan. Each slide will
take the project manager through how to build a clear roadmap for an IT project.

Activity loading

Prepare summary BOQ with all the required details (BOQ ref no, division no, Assign activity id,
activity name, BOQ description, qty, unit, rate, % , amount) – Assign the divisions and sub divisions
as per CSI International standards (creating WBS as per CSI for importing to p6) -

Then create an proj in P6 to export – create some wbs and at activity codes also add atleast one
activity before exporting it in spreadsheet format (Enterprise – activity codes – select proj – Modify –
add activity codes – add sub activities codes– this gives the break down structure) – Then add
Activities under WBS then export to spread sheet – then edit in excel by copying all the BOQ
activities (activity list) in the required column – import back to p6 – and edit in p6 if required.
Activity Codes – to show the WBS levels

Activity duration

Completion date will drive the activity duration & also the resources availability will drive the activity
duration – directly change the duration in Original duration or by changing the dates – Also
importing the start and finish dates will also give us the original duration.

Resource loading

Add the resource from enterprise – Assign the resources -

Activity linking and giving relationships

We add relation by both primavera and by importing the spread sheet. FS, SF, FF,

Cost loading

Before cost loading from excel - Add resource (say cost planning) as material (Enterprise then
resource) – Add resource to all activities - Export P6 file with activity & resource loading as
spreadsheet– Must consist of the budgeted total cost column – Leave the activity sheet and go to
the resource sheet for updating the budgeted coast – 1st sheet and 2nd sheet dates should be similar
before importing the updated budgets to p6.

Adding Shop drawing and Materials submittals and linking to activities

1st create wbs – Engineering Works – Shop drawings – shop drawing submittal & approval – Add all
the main divisions in wbs – add all the sub divisions / each shop drawings to activities – Add
relationships – check the float and adjust the duration –

1st create wbs – Procurement – Civil & MEP - Long lead & Domestic – Procurement submittal –
approval & PO – fabricate or Manufacture – delivery to the site – Add all the main divisions in wbs –
add all the sub divisions / each shop drawings to activities – Add relationships - send to procurement
team for confirmation for the dates – SF relation is for procurement which is very rare- Use filter for
easy linking of relationship.

Manpower Estimate & Productivity

Productivity / Unit (for one labor) = (Manhours / no. of workers or labor) * workhour / day (say 8h/d)

Ie. 4 productivity means 4 units(mtr,nmbr,etc) per day for 1 person(labor)

Man days = Total quantity / productivity divide by 8hrs/d or 1ohrs/d

Manhours required = (QUANTITY OR UNITS / PRODUCTIVITY ) as given in productivity

Budgeted Quantity or units = Total Man days required to complete an activity

(ex: An activity like concrete consist of 1. Mat foundation, 2. Isolated footing and 3. Grade beams, So
the budgeted unit of Concrete is the total man days required for 3 sub activities.)
90 % case duration is fixed and want to manage the resources and manpower accordingly – 1 st we
want to add resources in p6 and define it (Enterprise – resources – add resources like mason,
electrician, plumber, helper etc.) – don’t add any price to the labor as it will change the project price
– give default time 8hrs/day – Now select the activities and assign the resources (say electrician and
helper) – provide the budgeted units as per our calculations from the productivity & units for the
particular activity – Export the spread sheet with resources assignment - Filter and find the resources
assigned for each activities in excel and update in the exported file from P6 – after updating the
spreadsheet import it back to the p6.

Review & Approve Primavera Time Schedule (Relationships and floats)

1st verify the same activities in different floor or buildings are connected – Then Verify all the
predecessor and successor activities are connected –

To find open ends - Schedule – check log to the file – then run the program – Open the notepad file
and find all the details to be solved.

Resource leveling & Manpower chart

Before you submit or approve a time schedule, be sure it is reasonable, it does not make any
sense to have 100 workers in one week and next week a jump of 300 workers needed then one
week after you reduce the workers to 50 for example, try to make the manpower chart (this will
affect the cost as well) smooth as possible by moving the activities within their free float.

Go to Resource usage profile – Check the level and manage all the resources level within limit for a
smooth project progress - Moving the activities within the float to level the resources or to level it
within the limit.


FLOW - click on the bottom wizard icon on the right- Report wizard window will open – From
configure selected subject area under activities click columns - from available options on the left
under earned value group select planned value cost and earned value cost (double click to move
items from available option on the the left to the selected options in the right) Then click apply
Then OK - from the date options click time interval fields -from available options on the left
under earned value group select earned value cost, cum earned value cost, planned value cost
and cum planned value cost then click OK - click next - put your report title then click next -
Congratulations !! report generated click run report - choose HTML file and from output file
select the location the report will be saved then click OK - now the internet explorer should
open and this step is tricky one , if your internet explorer not your default browser like if you are
using Firefox or Google chrome, go to the location the report saved and right click the open with
internet explorer, otherwise the copy and paste will not work probably - Copy values of Earned
Value, Cum. Earned Value, Planned Value and Cum Planned Value from internet explorer to any
excel sheet and create cashflow easily, Or download the attached sample and it will create the
cashflow based on the values from primavera - Copy values from internet explorer to the excel
sheet - You will get the cash flow chart based on your inputs.

Create a time schedule, Gantt chart, Bar chart and cash flow using the attached excel sheet.

Update the values like start date and planned finish date, planned value, earned value and the
variation (which will be calculated automatically) the graph and bar chart will be produced from
these values.


Simply click on the Resource usage profile icon and select one or more resource to see the
Manpower histogram – then go to file and select page setup – select only profile to print the

Method no. 2 Create Man Power Histogram using primavera and Excel: From Project
menu open resource assignment tab – select the layout and click on group & sort -
Group the resources by WBS - Right click on the spread sheet area then from
spreadsheet field select budget units - Then right click on resource area and select
copy - Then simply past the values to any excel sheet and use the same form for cash
flow to create Man power histogram.

Earned value analysis

Cumulative EV is the sum of the budget for the activities accomplished to date. Current EV is the
sum of the budget for the activities accomplished in a given period. Earned Value is also called
Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP). Planned Value (PV) is determined by the cost and
schedule baseline.

Important things to remember in exporting and importing primavera

- with (*) can’t be modified.

- In cost loading 1st sheet and 2nd sheet dates should be similar before importing the updated
budgets to p6.

Problems faced as a planner or as a scheduler and the solution provided

How to catch and fix open ends in p6

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