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OpenRAM: An Open-Source Memory Compiler

Invited Paper

Matthew R. Guthaus1 , James E. Stine2 , Samira Ataei2 ,

Brian Chen1 , Bin Wu1 , Mehedi Sarwar2
Department of Computer Engineering, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 95064
{mrg, bchen12, bwu8}
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078
{james.stine, ataei, mehedis}

ABSTRACT limited in customization of the memory sizes and specific

Computer systems research is often inhibited by the avail- components of the memory. PDKs may have the options to
ability of memory designs. Existing Process Design Kits request “black box” memory models, but these are also not
(PDKs) frequently lack memory compilers, while expensive modifiable and have limited available configurations. These
commercial solutions only provide memory models with im- restrictions and licensing issues make comparison and ex-
mutable cells, limited configurations, and restrictive licenses. perimentation with real world memories impossible.
Manually creating memories can be time consuming and te- Academic researchers are able to design their own custom
dious and the designs are usually inflexible. This paper in- memories, but this can be a tedious and time-consuming
troduces OpenRAM, an open-source memory compiler, that task and may not be the intended purpose of the research.
provides a platform for the generation, characterization, and Frequently, the memory design is the bare minimum that the
verification of fabricable memory designs across various tech- research project requires, and, because of this, the memory
nologies, sizes, and configurations. It enables research in designs are often inferior and are not optimized. In memory
computer architecture, system-on-chip design, memory cir- research, peripheral circuits are often not considered when
cuit and device research, and computer-aided design. comparing memory performance and density. The lack of
a customizable compiler makes it difficult for researchers to
prototype and verify circuits and methodologies beyond a
1. INTRODUCTION single row or column of memory cells.
Static Random Access Memories (SRAMs) have become a The OpenRAM project aims to provide an open-source
standard component embedded in all System-on-Chip (SoC), memory compiler development framework for memories. It
Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), and micro- provides reference circuit and physical implementations in
processor designs. Their wide application leads to a variety a generic 45nm technology and fabricable Scalable CMOS
of requirements in circuit design and memory configuration. (SCMOS), but it has also been ported to several commercial
However, manual design is too time consuming. The reg- technology nodes using a simple technology file. OpenRAM
ular structure of memories leads well to automation that also includes a characterization methodology so that it can
produces size and configuration variations quickly, but de- generate the timing and power characterization results in
veloping this with multiple technologies and tool method- addition to circuits and layout while remaining independent
ologies is challenging. In addition, memory designs play a of specific commercial tools. Most importantly, OpenRAM
significant role in overall system performance and costs, so is completely user-modifiable since all source code is open
optimization is important. Thus, a memory compiler is a source at:
critical tool.
Most academic ICs design methodologies are limited by
the availability of memories. Many standard-cell Process The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Sec-
Design Kits (PDKs) are available from foundries and ven- tion 2 provides a background on previous memory compil-
dors, but these PDKs frequently do not come with memory ers. Section 3 presents the reference memory architecture in
arrays or memory compilers. If a memory compiler is freely OpenRAM. Section 4 specifically introduces the implemen-
available, it often only supports a generic process technol- tation and main features of the OpenRAM memory com-
ogy that is not fabricable. Due to academic funding restric- piler. In Section 5, an analysis of the area, timing and power
tions, commercial industry solutions are often not feasible is shown for different sizes and technologies of memory. Fi-
for researchers. In addition, these commercial solutions are nally, the paper is summarized in Section 6.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the Memory compilers have been used in Electronic Design
author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or Automation (EDA) design flows to reduce the design time
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission
and/or a fee. Request permissions from long before contemporary compilers [2, 9]. However, these
ICCAD ’16, November 07 - 10, 2016, Austin, TX, USA compilers were generally not portable as they were noth-
c 2016 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.
ing more than quick scripts to aid designers. Porting to
ISBN 978-1-4503-4466-1/16/11. . . $15.00 a new technology essentially required rewriting the scripts.
DOI: However, the increase in design productivity when porting

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designs between technologies has led to more research on Bank Precharge Array
memory array compilers [3, 8, 14, 22].
As technology entered the Deep Sub-Micron (DSM) era,
memory designs became one of the most challenging parts of
circuit design due to decreasing static noise margins (SNM),

Wordline Driver
increasing fabrication variability, and increasing leakage power CLK Control
Bit Cell Array

consumption. This increased the complexity of memory CSb Logic

compilers dramatically as they had to adapt to the ever- OEb Replica
changing technologies. Simultaneously, design methodolo- WEb Bit-line
gies shifted from silicon compilers to standard cell place Column Mux

and route methods which required large optimized libraries. Address Bus
Sense Amp Array
During this time, industry began using third-party suppliers m Address
Write Driver Array
of standard cell libraries and memory compilers that allowed
Input Data MS-Flop Array
their reuse to amortize development costs. These next- AND
generation memory compilers provided silicon-verification Bank Select Array Tri Gate Array

that allowed designers to focus on their new design con- Bidirectional

tribution rather than time-consuming tasks such as memory Data Bus
Contemporary memory compilers have been widely used Figure 1: An OpenRAM SRAM consists of a bit-
by industry, but the internal operation is typically hidden. cell array along with decoder, reading and writing
Several prominent companies and foundries have provided circuitry and control logic timed with a replica bit-
memory compilers to their customers. These memory com- line.
pilers usually allow customers to view front-end simulation,
timing/power values, and pin locations after a license agree-
ment is signed. Back-end features such as layout are nor- gies and design flows for a memory compiler, but there are
mally supplied directly to the fab and are only given to the no public releases.
user for a licensing fee.
Specifically, Global Foundries offers front-end PDKs for 3. ARCHITECTURE
free, but not back-end detailed views [6]. Faraday Technolo-
The OpenRAM SRAM architecture is based on a bank of
gies provides a “black box” design kit where users do not
memory cells with peripheral circuits and control logic as
know the details of the internal memory design [5]. Dolphin
illustrated in Figure 1. These are further refined into eight
Technology offers closed-source compilers which can create
major blocks: the bit-cell array, the address decoder, the
RAMs, ROMs, and CAMs for a variety of technologies [4].
word-line drivers, the column multiplexer, the pre-charge
The majority of these commercial compilers do not allow the
circuitry, the sense amplifier, the write drivers, and the con-
customer to alter the base design, are restricted by the com-
trol logic.
pany’s license, and usually require a fee. This makes them
Bit-cell Array: In the initial release of OpenRAM, the
virtually unavailable and not useful for many academic re-
6T cell is the default memory cell because it is the most
search projects.
commonly used cell in SRAM devices. 6T cells are tiled
In addition to memory compilers provided by industry,
together with abutting word- and bit-lines to make up the
various research groups have released scripts to generate
memory array. The bit-cell array’s aspect ratio is made as
memories. However, these designs are not silicon verified
square as possible using multiple columns of data words.
and are usually only composed of simple structures. For ex-
The memory cell is a custom designed library cell for each
ample, FabMem is able to create small arrays, but it is highly
technology. Other types of memory cells, such as 7T, 8T,
dependent on the Cadence design tools [15]. The scripts do
and 10T cells, can be used as alternatives to the 6T cell.
not provide any characterization capability and cannot eas-
Address Decoder: The address decoder takes the row
ily integrate with commercial place and route tools.
address bits as inputs and asserts the appropriate word-line
Another recent, promising solution for academia is the
so that the correct memory cells can be read from or written
Synopsys Generic Memory Compiler (GMC) [7]. The soft-
to. The address decoder is placed to the left of the memory
ware is provided with sample generic libraries such as Synop-
array and spans the array’s vertical length. Different types
sys’ 32/28nm and 90nm abstract technologies and can gen-
of decoders can be used such as an included dynamic NAND
erate the entire SRAM for these technologies. The GMC
decoder, but OpenRAM’s default option is a hierarchical
generates GDSII layout data, SPICE netlists, Verilog and
CMOS decoder.
VHDL models, timing/power libraries, and DRC/LVS ver-
Word-Line Driver: Word-line drivers are inserted be-
ification reports. GMC, however, is not recommended for
tween the address decoder and the memory array as buffers.
fabrication since the technologies it supports are not real.
The word-line drivers are sized based on the width of the
Its sole purpose is to aid students in VLSI courses to learn
memory array so that they can drive the row select signal
about using memories in design flows.
across the bit-cell array.
There have been multiple attempts by academia to im-
Column Multiplexer: The column multiplexer is an
plement a memory compiler that is not restricted: the In-
optional block that uses the lower address bits to select the
stitute of Microelectronics’ SRAM IP Compiler [22], School
associated word in a row. The column mux is dynamically
of Electronic Science and Engineering at Southeast Univer-
generated and can be omitted or can have 2 or 4 inputs.
sity’s Memory IP Compiler [11], and Tsinghua University’s
Larger column muxes are possible, but are not frequently
Low Power SRAM Compiler [21]. These are all methodolo-
used in memories. There are options for a multi-level tree

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A0 A1
ADDR Setup
A0 A1 Setup Hold
CSb Setup Hold Setup Hold
Setup Hold
Setup Hold
Delay D0 D1 X Mem Cell
D0 D1
(a) Read operation timing (b) Write operation timing

Figure 2: OpenRAM uses a synchronous SRAM interface using a system clock (clk) along with control
signals: output enable (OEb), chip select (CSb) and write enable (WEb).

mux as well. 4. IMPLEMENTATION

Bit-line Precharge: This circuitry pre-charges the bit- OpenRAM’s methodology is implemented using an object-
lines during the first phase of the clock for read operations. oriented approach in the Python programming language.
The precharge circuit is placed on top of every column in Python is a simple, yet powerful language that is easy to
the memory array and equalizes the bit-line voltages so that learn and very human-readable. Moreover, Python enables
the sense amplifier can sense the voltage difference between portability to most operating systems. OpenRAM has no
the two bit-lines. additional dependencies except a DRC/LVS tool, but that
Sense Amplifier: A differential sense amplifier is used is disabled with a warning if the tools are unavailable.
to sense the voltage difference between the bit-lines of a In addition to system portability, OpenRAM is also trans-
memory cell while a read operation is performed. The sense latable across numerous process technologies. This is ac-
amplifier uses a bit-line isolation technique to increase per- complished by using generalized routines to generate the
formance. The sense amplifier circuitry is placed below the memory based on common features across all technologies.
column multiplexer or the memory array if no column mul- To facilitate user modification and technology interoperabil-
tiplexer is used. There is one sense amplifier for each output ity, OpenRAM provides a reference implementation in 45nm
bit. FreePDK45 [17] and a fabricable option using the MOSIS
Write Driver: The write drivers send the input data Scalable CMOS (SCMOS) design rules [13]. FreePDK45
signals onto the bit-lines for a write operation. The write uses many design rules found in modern technologies, but is
drivers are tri-stated so that they can be placed between the non-fabricable, while SCMOS enables fabrication of designs
column multiplexer/memory array and the sense amplifiers. using the MOSIS foundry services. SCMOS is not confiden-
There is one write driver for each input data bit. tial and an implementation using it is included, however, it
Control Logic: The OpenRAM SRAM architecture in- does not include many advanced DSM design rules. Open-
corporates a standard synchronous memory interface using a RAM has also been ported to other commercial technologies,
system clock (clk). The control logic uses an externally pro- but these are not directly included due to licensing issues.
vided, active-low output enable (OEb), chip select (CSb), OpenRAM’s framework is divided into “front-end” and
and write enable (WEb) to combine multiple SRAMs into “back-end” methodologies as shown in Figure 3. The front-
a larger structure. Internally, the OpenRAM compiler can end has the compiler and the characterizer. The compiler
have 1, 2, or 4 memory banks to amortize the area/power generates SPICE models and its GDSII layouts based on
cost of control logic and peripheral circuitry. user inputs. The characterizer calls a SPICE simulator to
All of the input control signals are stored using master- produce timing and power results. The back-end uses a spice
slave (MS) flip-flops (FF) to ensure that the signals are valid netlist extracted from the GDSII layout using to generate
for the entire clock cycle. During a read operation, data is annotated timing and power models.
available after the negative clock edge (second half of cy-
cle) as shown in Figure 2(a). To avoid dead cycles which 4.1 Base Data Structures
degrade performance, a Zero Bus Turn-around (ZBT) tech- The design modules in OpenRAM are derived from the
nique is used in OpenRAM timing. The ZBT enables higher design class ( The design class has a name, a
memory throughput since there are no wait states. During SPICE model (netlist), and a layout. Both the SPICE model
ZBT writes, data is set up before the negative clock edge and the layout inherit their capabilities from a hierarchical
and is captured on the negative edge. Figure 2(b) shows the class. The design class also provides inherited functions to
timing for input signals during the write operation. perform DRC and LVS verification of any sub-design for
The internal control signals are generated using a replica hierarchical debugging.
bit-line (RBL) structure for the timing of the sense ampli- The design class derives from the spice class (hierarchy
fier enable and output data storage [1]. The RBL turns on which has a data structure to maintain the circuit
the sense amplifiers at the exact time in presence of process hierarchy. This class maintains the design instances, their
variability in sub-100nm technologies. pins, and their connections as well as helper functions to
maintain the structure and connectivity of the circuit hier-

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User Specification
(word size, memory size, aspect ratio, etc.)
Table 1: Dependencies required for sub-modules
Tech Library
Front-End Memory Compiler Variable Equation
Methodology (Python)
Simulator Total Bits word size ∗ num words
Logical Front-End Memory Characterizer (e.g. ngspice, p
Physical (Python) spectre) Words Per Row (num words)/word size
Num of Rows num words/words per row
Spice/LVS Verilog LEF/FRAM GDSII Liberty (.lib) Estimated
Num of Cols words per row ∗ word size
Col Addr Size log2 (words per row)
Simulator Memory Characterizer Extractor Row Addr Size log2 (num of rows)
(e.g. ngspice, spectre) (Python) (e.g. Calibre)
Total Addr Size row addr size + col addr size
Back-End Data Size word size
Methodology Annotated
Liberty (.lib) Spice Timing/Power
Num of Bank num banks

Figure 3: Overall Compilation and Characterization

Methodology reports and return the number of errors while also out-
putting debug information. These routines allow flexibility
of any DRC/LVS tool, but the default implementation calls
archy. Calibre nmDRC and nmLVS. In OpenRAM, both DRC and
The design class also derives from a layout class (hierar- LVS are performed at all levels of the design hierarchy to
chy This class has a list of physical instances of enhance bug tracking. DRC and LVS can be disabled for
sub-modules in the layout and a structure for simple objects improved run-time or if tool licenses are not available.
such as shapes and labels in the current hierarchy level. In 4.3 Class Hierarchy
addition, there are helper functions that maintain the phys-
ical layout structures. 4.3.1 High-Level Classes
OpenRAM has an integrated, custom GDSII library to
read, write, and manipulate GDSII files. The library, origi- The openram class ( organizes execution and
nally called GdsMill [20], has been modified, debugged, and instantiates a single memory design using the sram class.
extended for OpenRAM. Full rights were given to include It accepts user-provided parameters to generate the design,
the GdsMill source with OpenRAM, but to make the inter- performs the optional extraction, performs characterization,
facing easier and porting to other physical layout databases and saves the resulting design files.
possible, OpenRAM implements a geometry wrapper class The sram class ( decides the appropriate internal
( that abstracts the GdsMill library. parameter dependencies shown in Table 1. They are depen-
dent on the user-desired data word size, number of words,
4.2 Technology and Tool Portability and number of banks. It is responsible for instantiation of
the single control logic module which controls the SRAM
OpenRAM is technology-independent by using a technol- banks. The control logic ensures that only one bank is ac-
ogy directory that includes the technology’s specific informa- tive in a given address range.
tion, rules, and library cells. Technology parameters such as The bank class ( does the bulk of the non-control
the design rule check (DRC) rules and the GDS layer map memory layout. It instantiates 1, 2, or 4 bit-cell arrays and
are required to ensure that the dynamically generated de- coordinates the row and column address decoders along with
signs are DRC clean. Custom designed library cells such as their pre-charge, sense amplifiers, and input/output data
the memory cell and the sense amplifier are also placed in flops.
this directory. A very simple design rule parameter file has
the most important design rules for constructing basic in- 4.3.2 Block Classes
terconnect and transistor devices. FreePDK45 and SCMOS Every other block in the memory design has a class for its
reference technologies are provided. base cell (e.g., sense and an array class (e.g.,
OpenRAM uses some custom-designed library primitives sense amplifier that is responsible for tiling the
as technology input. Since density is extremely important, base cell. Each class is responsible for physically placing
the following cells are pre-designed in each technology: 6T and logically connecting its own sub-circuits while passing
cell, sense amplifier, master-slave flip-flop, tri-state gate, and its dimensions and port locations up to higher-level modules.
write driver. All other cells are generated on-the-fly using
parameterizable transistor and gate primitives. 4.3.3 Low-Level Classes
OpenRAM can be used for various technologies since it OpenRAM provides parameterized transistor and logic
creates the basic components of memory designs that are gate classes that help with technology portability. These
common over these technologies. For technologies that have classes generate a technology-specific transistor and simple
specific design requirements, such as specialized well con- logic gate layouts so that many modules do not rely on li-
tacts, the user can include call-back helper functions in the brary cells. It is also used when a module such as the write
technology directory. This is done so that the main compiler driver needs transistor sizing to optimize performance. The
remains free of dependencies to specific technologies. parameterized transistor ( generates a basic transis-
OpenRAM has two functions that provide a wrapper in- tor of specified type and size. The parameterized transistor
terface with DRC and LVS tools. These two functions per- class is used to provide several parameterized gates including
form DRC and LVS using the GDSII layout and SPICE,,, and
netlist files. Since each DRC and LVS tool has different out-
put, this routine is customized per tool to parse DRC/LVS 4.4 Characterization

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16-bit word size
32-bit word size
64-bit word size
128-bit word size

Area (mm2 )


2 Kb (1 bank x 32 words x 64 bits) 4 Kb (4 banks x 32 words x 32 bits) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Total Size (Kbits)


Area (mm2 )



0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
16 Kb (2 banks x 128 words x 64 bits)
Total Size (Kbits)

Figure 4: Single bank and multi-bank SRAMs (not Freepdk45
to scale) use symmetrical bank placement to share

Access time (ns)

peripheral circuitry and equalize signal delays. 6

OpenRAM includes a memory characterizer that mea- 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Total Size (Kbits)
sures the timing and power characteristics through SPICE
simulation. The characterizer has four main stages: gener-
ating the SPICE stimulus, running the circuit simulations, SCMOS
Access time (ns)

parsing the simulator’s output, and producing the charac-
teristics in a Liberty (.lib) file.
The stimulus is written in standard SPICE format and 20

can be used with any simulator that supports this. The 10

stimulus only uses the interface of the memory (e.g., bi- 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
directional data bus, address bus, and control signals) to Total Size (Kbits)

perform “black box” timing measurements.

Results from simulations are used to produce the average
power, setup/hold times, and timing delay of the memory
design. Setup and hold times are obtained by analyzing the
flip-flop library cell because OpenRAM uses a completely Figure 5: OpenRAM provides high-density memo-
synchronous input interface. The setup time, hold time, ries in multiple technologies and sizes with corre-
and delay are found using a fast bisection search. sponding characterized delays.

4.5 Unit Tests

has lower total area overall but the trends are similar in both
Probably the most important feature of OpenRAM is the
set of thorough regression tests implemented with the Python
Figure 5 also shows the access time of different size and
unit test framework. These unit tests allow users to add fea-
data word width in FreePDK45 and SCMOS. Increasing the
tures and easily verifying if functionality is broken. The tests
memory size generally increases the access time; long bit-
also work in multiple technologies so they can guide users
lines and word-lines increase the access time by adding more
when porting to new technologies. Every module has its own
parasitic capacitance and resistance. Since OpenRAM uses
regression test and there are also regression tests for memory
multiple banks and column muxing, it is possible to have a
functionality, verifying library cells, timing characterization,
smaller access time for larger memory designs, but this will
and technology verification.
sacrifice density.
Comparison of power consumption and read access time
5. RESULTS of different memories is a bit more complicated to make a
Figure 4 shows several different SRAM layouts generated conclusion, because there are many trade-offs. Power and
by OpenRAM in FreePDK45. OpenRAM can generate sin- performance are highly dependent on circuit style (CMOS,
gle bank and multi-bank SRAM arrays. Banks are symmet- ECL, etc.), memory organization (more banks is faster but
rically placed to have the same delay for data and address sacrifices density), and the optimization goal: low-power
while sharing peripheral blocks such as decoders. or high-performance. In general, OpenRAM has reason-
Figure 5 shows the memory area of different total size able trade-off between the two and can be customized by
and data word width memories in both FreePDK45 and SC- using an alternate sense amplifiers, decoders, or overall di-
MOS. As expected, the smaller process technology (45nm) mensional organization. Table 2 compares the bit-density

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