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For the following question, refer to the picture below. Which of the following
statements best describes the action of X? *

X can be released onto distant targets by neurons that have long axon
X acts diffusely by altering the electrical excitability of a few presynaptic cell
A substance that acts as X in the brain cannot act as hormone elsewhere
X must travel along bloodstream to act at a distance target cell
X acts locally by altering the electrical excitability of a small region of a single presynaptic cell

A 70-year-old man is transferred by his family to a health center with complaints of
insomnia at night and sleeps continuously during the day. On physical examination
no abnormalities were found. What is the most appropriate drug for this patient? *

A 1-week-old newborn develops meningitis. Short, gram-positive rods are isolated.
History reveals that the mother had eaten unpasteurized cheese from Mexico
during pregnancy, and she recalled having a flu-like illness. Which of the following
is the most likely etiologic microorganism? *
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Group B streptococci
Escherichia coli
Listeria monocytogenes
A 16-year-old girl with epilepsy has an electroencephalogram (EEG) recording
showed altered α-rhythm appearing. Which of the following characteristic that most
appropriate with this type of rhythm?
Associated with deep sleep
Disappears when patient’s eyes open
Produces 20 to 30 waves per second
Replaced by slower, larger waves during REM sleep
Represents activity that is most pronounced in the frontal region of the brain

Correct answer
Replaced by slower, larger waves during REM sleep

A 3-month-old baby is brought to her pediatrician for a check up. Stroking the
plantar surface of the foot produces a reflex extension of the large toe rather than
expected lesion. This reflex sign elicited by the physician indicate damages to
which of the following? *
Pyramidal tracts
Spinal cord
Basal ganglia

A 35-year-old man came to emergency department complaining tonic spasms. He
also had trismus and opistotonus since 2 days ago. About one week before, his
right foot accidentally stepped on rusty nail. Which of the following statements best
explains mechanism of the disease? *
Neurotoxin blocks excitatory neurotransmitter release by cleaving surface proteins of the
synaptic vesicles
Neurotoxin stimulates inhibitory neurotransmitter release from synaptic vesicles
Microbial toxin interferes with the function of inhibitory neurotransmitters at presynaptic sites
Neurotoxin spreads to spinal cord and brainstem causing hypersynchronous excitation of the
Microbial toxin upregulates inhibitory neurotransmitter at presynaptic sites
Which of fibers that transmit pain or subconscious visceral reflex sensations from
hollow organs and blood vessels to the CNS? *
General somatic afferent fibers
General visceral efferent fibers
General visceral afferent fibers
General somatic efferent fibers

Mrs.Tati, 65 years old had been diagnosed with cervical cancer and had back pain
for 4 weeks ago. She had radiating pain and tingling in her left leg. From
neurological exam: Laseque and Kernig of left leg limitation due to pain, normal
physiological reflex, and there is no pathological reflex. What is the problem of this
patient? *
Hernia Nucleous Pulposus
Cervical cancer
Vertebral metastasis
A 35-year-old man came to emergency department complaining tonic spasms. He
also had trismus and opistotonus since 2 days ago. About one week before, his
right foot accidentally stepped on rusty nail. Which of the following is characteristic
of the neurotransmitter disrupted in the disease? *
It is an inhibitory neurotransmitter
It is the endpoint of tryptophan metabolism in brain
It is a precursor of glutamine
It is deaminated by glutaminase
It is inactivated by glutamate decarboxylase

A 45-year-old man complains that he is always sleepy every day and all day,
especially during the day even though he has slept every night for 8-9 hours. The
complaint has been felt for 2 months. He was forced to take a nap repeatedly, often
at the wrong time, for example at work, when eating or in conversation. This made
him reprimanded by the boss where he worked. After a doctor's examination, no
neurological abnormalities and other medical conditions were found. There is no
history of substance abuse. What is the diagnosis of the patient? *
Sleep terror
Non-organic hypersomnia
Disruption of non-organic sleep schedule
Non-organic insomnia

An 18-year-old man noticed tingling about his ankle 2 weeks after an upper
respiratory tract infection. Within 2 days, he had weakness in dorsiflexion of both
feet and within a week he had developed problems with walking. He had no loss of
bladder or bowel control. His weakness progressed rapidly over the ensuing week
and necessitated his being placed on a ventilator to support his breathing. What is
the possible diagnosis of this patient? *
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Which of the following is the most CORRECT about spinal nerve? *
Sacral segment pass through the lamina terminalis of spinal cord
Coccygeal segment contain Co1-Co3 exit from the vertebral foramina
Cervical segment contain C1-C8 nerves, pass through intervertebral foramina of vertebrae
Cervical segment contain C1-C7 nerves, pass through intervertebral foramina of vertebrae
Sacral segment contain S1-S5 exit from the intervertebral foramina

Which one is the artery that arise in the neck from common carotid artery entering
the cranial cavity through the carotid canal in the temporal bone? *
Female, 8 month old, came to pediatric emergency with seizure as chief complain
in 1 hour before admission. She had generalized seizure last in 3 minutes. She had
fever (38.5˚C) since 2 day ago. She looked allert, from physical examination we
found sign of URTI (upper respiratory tract infection), neurologic examination within
normal limit. Her father had seizure during fever when he was a child. What are the
risk factor of cerebral palsy? *
Spontaneous birth
Chronic cough
An 18-year-old man noticed tingling about his ankle 2 weeks after an upper
respiratory tract infection. Within 2 days, he had weakness in dorsiflexion of both
feet and within a week he had developed problems with walking. He had no loss of
bladder or bowel control. His weakness progressed rapidly over the ensuing week
and necessitated his being placed on a ventilator to support his breathing. Which of
the following is the main complication of this patient? *
Respiratory failure
High intracranial pressure
Cranial Nerve defisit
High cortical disfungtion
Correct answer
Respiratory failure

Female, 8 month old, came to pediatric emergency with seizure as chief complain
in 1 hour before admission. She had generalized seizure last in 3 minutes. She had
fever (38.5˚C) since 2 day ago. She looked allert, from physical examination we
found sign of URTI (upper respiratory tract infection), neurologic examination within
normal limit. Her father had seizure during fever when he was a child. What is the
mechanism of diazepam? *
Increasing dopamin level
Decreased serotonin level
Interfering GABA receptor
Inceasing adrenalin level
Interfering glutamate receptor

Female, 8 month old, came to pediatric emergency with seizure as chief complain
in 1 hour before admission. She had generalized seizure last in 3 minutes. She had
fever (38.5˚C) since 2 day ago. She looked allert, from physical examination we
found sign of URTI (upper respiratory tract infection), neurologic examination within
normal limit. Her father had seizure during fever when he was a child. What is the
most appropriate drug to prevent recurrent febrile seizure? *
Phenytoin 5 mg/BW/day
0,3 mg/BW each 8 hours
Carbamazepine 10 mg/BW/day
Valproic acid 20 mg/BW/day
Phenobarbital 4 mg/BW/day

Correct answer
0,3 mg/BW each 8 hours

A 17-year-old boy came to emergency department with recurrent seizures a day
ago. He had history of seizures since he was 10 years old, but not taking the
medicine regularly. Physical examination showed GCS E3M6V3, blood pressure
100/60mmHg, irregular pulse 96x/minute, respiratory rate 24x/minute, temperature
37.5°C, duration of seizures less than 10 minutes with EEG images showed
continuous abnormal electrical activity happens without stopping. Which of the
following best describes the characteristic of main excitatory transmitter involved in
the disease? *
The two types of ligand gated ion channel receptors are NMDA and non-NMDA
It has ligand gated ion channel receptor (NMDA) and G-protein coupled receptor (non-NMDA)
The two types of G-protein coupled receptors are AMPA and Kainate
It has ligand gated ion channel receptors (AMPA and Kainate), and G-protein coupled
receptors (NMDA and non-NMDA)
It has ligand gated ion channel receptors (NMDA and non-NMDA), and G-protein coupled
receptors (AMPA and Kainate)
Correct answer
The two types of ligand gated ion channel receptors are NMDA and non-NMDA

Female, 8 month old, came to pediatric emergency with seizure as chief complain
in 1 hour before admission. She had generalized seizure last in 3 minutes. She had
fever (38.5˚C) since 2 day ago. She looked allert, from physical examination we
found sign of URTI (upper respiratory tract infection), neurologic examination within
normal limit. Her father had seizure during fever when he was a child. What is the
most possible diagnosis in this patient? *
Epilepsy triggered by fever
Febrile seizure

A unilateral lesion in the dorsal columns or their nuclei, results in losses of the
tactile, vibration, and proprioception senses on the? *
Contralateral side, below the level of the lesion.
Bilateral side, below the level of the lesion.
Contralateral side, up to the level of the lesion.
Bilateral side, up to the level of the lesion.
Ipsilateral side, below the level of the lesion.

Correct answer
Ipsilateral side, below the level of the lesion.

An 18-year-old male patients come to the ER with rapid-onset muscle weakness.
The initial symptoms are typically changes in sensation or pain along with muscle
weakness, beginning in the feet and hands. The doctor diagnosed the patient as
Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS). What are the characteristics of normal cells that
are attacked in the case above? *
The axon carries electrical nerve impulses
It have the body that called dendrite
The sheath of Schwann cells contain nodes of Ranvier
It have long projection that called dendrite
The dendrites are wrapped in a sheath of Schwann cells

Correct answer
The axon carries electrical nerve impulses

Mrs. Siti, 54 years old, was brought to Hasan Sadikin Hospital with chief complaint
decreased level of consciousness. She has history of fever within these 2 days,
with headache and vomiting, but no significant complaints of increased intracranial
pressure. No seizure. On physical exam she was delirium, heart rate 110x/m,
respiration 30x/m, temperature 39,4oC. Neurological exam: neck stiffness,
Brudzinski I (+), no papiledema. Dermatological exam: purpura and ecchymosis in
her extremities. She has just come back from Saudi Arabia for an umrah pilgrimage
last 2 weeks. What is clinical diagnosis of the patient? *
Viral meningitis
Acute bacterial meningitis
Brain tumor

Correct answer
Acute bacterial meningitis

Mr. Jack 35-year-old accidentally stepped his right foot on a rusty nail. Two days
later he developed trismus. One day after that, he revealed a posture known as
opistotonus and experienced several tonic spasms in a day. He was brought to the
Emergency Department and was suggested to be treated in a special ward. He
was monitored for his tonic spasms. He didn’t have any previous dental problems.
Which nervous system is damaged in the case above? *
Peripheral nerve system
Terminal nerve of LMN
Central nervous system
Terminal nerve of UMN

An 18-year-old man noticed tingling about his ankle 2 weeks after an upper
respiratory tract infection. Within 2 days, he had weakness in dorsiflexion of both
feet and within a week he had developed problems with walking. He had no loss of
bladder or bowel control. His weakness progressed rapidly over the ensuing week
and necessitated his being placed on a ventilator to support his breathing. Which of
the following is the common precipitating factor of the disease? *
Metabolic disorders
Toxic injuries

Correct answer

Mr. B is a 20 year old man third year college student. He comes to clinic,
accompanies with his parents, for help of his compalint walking during sleep at
night. He always walking to outside his bedroom with closed eyes. As he was
awakened, he was wondering why he sleep at different room. What is the disorder
of Mr. B? *
32 of 50 points
A-50-year old man came to the Outpatient Clinic for a general check up. He is
noted as bronchial asthma patient. On physical examination her blood pressure
was 160/90-mmHg & pulse rate 124 BPM. What is the proper drug for the
patient? *
Prazosine/ Selective a1-adrenoceptor antagonist
Labetalol /b&a1 adrenoceptor antagonist
Propranolol/Non-selective adrenoceptorantagonist
Scopolamine /Central-peripheral antimuscarinic
Bisoprolol/b1-adrenoceptor antagonist

Correct answer
Bisoprolol/b1-adrenoceptor antagonist

A 18 year old male came to your clinic with chief complaint of unable to see the
white board in his class room since 6 months ago. He sometime experience fatigue
on both of his eyes. Form the ophthalmological exam revealed visual acuity of the
right eye 6/12 ph 6/9 and on the left eye 6/9 ph 6/6. External examination, anterior
segment and posterior segment of the eye are within normal limit. Refractive
correction revealed RE 6/12 S-0,75 : 6/6 ; LE 6/9 C-0,50 x 90o : 6/6. What is the
most likely type of lens use for spectacles of the left eye? *
Combine lens
Minus lens
Plus lens
Bifocal lens
Cylindrical lens
A 16-year-old man consumed pills of Alprazolam sedation but for the following
weeks he did not experience sedation.What pharmacology phenomenon occur in
this case? *
It developed rebound phenomenon
It developed tolerance
It developed dependence
It develop addiction
It developed habituation
A 38-years-old man, came to the doctor. He said that he feel fever and cannot
concentrate to his work. He look not calm and tremor. He said that he regularly
took clonazepam 2 tablets daily. And he did not get the drug since 2 days ago
because he want to stop using that drug. In physichal examination doctor found he
was dhiaporesis, tremor and his pupil was midriasis. The correct diagnosis for this
patient is: *

Which of the following is most correct about hearing pathway? *
The neuroepithelial cell are classified as tectorial membrane
The paths conveying auditory impulses are organized that nerve impulses must pass through
at least two neurons in order to reach the cerebral cortex
The primary or first-order auditory neurons are located in the spiral ganglion
The superior olivary nucleus is located in the caudal medulla near the lateral border of the
trap- ezoid body
The cochlear nerve terminates on third- order neurons in the dorsal and ventral cochlear

A 3-year-old girl was diagnosed with altered development. She had positive sign of
deficit upper motor neuron but normal lower motor neuron. Which of the following
symptoms is most likely she had? *
Flaccid paralysis
Decreased deep tendon reflex
Severe muscle atrophy due to disuse

A-55-year old man came to the Outpatient Clinic due to severe headache. Based
on history taking and physical examination, he is diagnosed as hypertension and
migraine. What is the proper drug for this patient? *

Correct answer

A 58 years old man came to the surgeon with chief complaint of a mass in left for
arm without pain. Biopsy was perform and showed single encapsulated mass and
microscopically showed uniform proliferation of neoplastic cells in the dense areas,
bland spindle cells with buckled nuclei are arranged into intersecting fascicles.
These cells often align to produce nuclear palisading, resulting in alternating bands
of nuclear and anuclear areas called Verocay bodies. This tumors origin from… *
Mast cell
Fibrous cell
Schwann cell
Perineural-like cell
Muscle cell

In brain development, amount of neuron cell will decrease. This is self destruction
through mechanism: *
Apoptosis programmed
Neuronal migration

The pharmacological phenomenon happened to the drug affecting
neurotransmitter. Which of the following drug has a strong tolerance
phenomenon? *

No correct answers
The correct embryologic stage of brain development is : *
Neuronal proliferation-migration-organization-myelination
Neuronal proliferation-migration-myelination-organization
Migration-neuronal proliferation-organization-myelination
Neuronal proliferation-organization-migration-myelination
Organization-migration-neuronal proliferation-myelination
Correct answer
Neuronal proliferation-migration-organization-myelination

A 65-year-old male was diagnosed pituary tumor six months ago. Now the doctor
also find bitemporal hemianopsia in this patient. Destruction of what kind the
structure below involve in that condition : *
Optic tract
Optic radiation
Lateral geniculate body
Optic nerve
Optic chiasm
A 60-year-old patient who for 6 months was under care of Pulmonary clinic,
because of persistent productive cough, loss of body weight and weakness, was
admitted to the hospital. On admission the patient was confused and with body
temperature of 38.8˚C. From CSF examination result indicate a meningitis with
presence of acid fast bacteria in CSF. Which of following CSF parameter are
appropriate for case illustration above? *
Highly elevated white cell count, normal protein value,normal glucose level, predominant of
Elevated white cell count, elevated protein value,normal glucose level, predominant of
mononuclear cell
Elevated white cell count, highly elevated protein value,low glucose level, predominant of
mononuclear cell.
Highly elevated white cell count,highly elevated protein value,low glucose level, predominant
of PMN.
Elevated white cell count, normal protein value,normal glucose level, predominant of
mononuclear cell.
Correct answer
Elevated white cell count, elevated protein value,normal glucose level, predominant of
mononuclear cell
Mr. E, 25 years-old often take alprazolam 0,5mg daily to make him confidence, he
had use it for almost one year. Now he feel that the drug do not give the same
effect as before, so he begin to take 1 mg daily.The condition that person decided
to increase his drug dose because the drug did not give the same effect as before
called as.… *
A 5-year-old male presented to an emergency room with a 3-day history of left ear
pain. Three days before he started to have an upper respiratory infection. On
physical examination revealed an alert boy with a temperature of 39° C. Left
tympanic membrane is bulging with middle ear suppuration. The hearing test on left
ear for the boy above should revealed a: *
Sensorineural hearing loss
Mixed type hearing loss
Conductive hearing loss
No Hearing loss
Sudden hearing loss

Which of the following tract that responsible for indirect outgoing pathway from
motor cortex that go from cortex to red nucleus? *
Vesicoocular tract
Corticorubal rubrospinal tract
Corticovestibular tract
Option 1Corticospinal tract
Reticulospinal tract
Correct answer
Corticorubal rubrospinal tract

A 68-year-old woman had been diagnosed with hemorhagic stroke and had been
hospitalized for 14 days, 6 weeks ago. He still had communication disorder but still
understand what people said and weakness of left extremities as a sequele. She
had been diagnosed with hypertension, diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia for 5
years ago but he didn’t control regularly. She got anti hypertension, dislipidemia
and diabetes mellitus drugs from the doctor after hospitalized but she didn't take
the medication with compliance. Which of the following is the main management of
this patient? *
Hospitalization and antihypertension drugs
Rehabilitation program and risk factor modification
Physical activity
Analgetic drugs
Management of nutrition

Myelinization process in human brain development occurs in age: *
3-4 week of pregnancy
Since birth until 2 – 3 years old
3-5 week of pregnancy
2-3 month of pregnancy
3-5 month of pregnancy

Correct answer
Since birth until 2 – 3 years old

A 70-year-old male have to use bifocal glasses so he able to see far-seeing and
near-seeing due to presbiopia. Which of the following statement is most likely about
his lens of eyes? *
Loss elasticity
Decrease fovea capacity
Decrease visual acuity
Impairment due to decrease eye muscle
Loss lens clearness

A 18 year old male came to your clinic with chief complaint of unable to see the
white board in his class room since 6 months ago. He sometime experience fatigue
on both of his eyes. Form the ophthalmological exam revealed visual acuity of the
right eye 6/12 ph 6/9 and on the left eye 6/9 ph 6/6. External examination, anterior
segment and posterior segment of the eye are within normal limit. Refractive
correction revealed RE 6/12 S-0,75 : 6/6 ; LE 6/9 C-0,50 x 90o: 6/6. What is the
most likely type of visual acuity chart used ? *
Allen chart
Snellen chart
Logmar chart
Jaegger chart
E chart

Mrs. Y, 60-years old admitted to the emergency ward with decreased level of
consciousness. She was found in the bathroom by a family member. She was
conscious an hour before. She has a history of hypertension since more than 5
years ago, and did not regularly visit her doctor. Upon examination she was
soporous with blood pressure 170/100 mmHg. Her right extremities seemed
weaker than the left ones. Abnormal plantar response was found on the right
extremity. What is the most likely diagnosis for the patient? *
Infection of CNS
Hemorrhagic stroke
Head trauma
Guillain Barre Syndrome
Atherothrombotic stroke

You treated a 5-year-old girl 2 weeks ago with an obvious bilateral acute
suppurative otitis media. She improved immediately and was doing well; then her
mother called you today and said the child was having a little pain in the left ear
agin. You should suspect: *
Persistent otitis media
Recurrent otitis media
Sigmoid sinus thrombophlebitis
Extradural abscess

A 22-year-old musician visits an ENT due to ringing in his ear. An audiometry test
reveals a high frequency hearing loss. In this condition, which of the following
damage to the basilar membrane is closest to? *
Spiral Ganglion
Oval window

The advantages of brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry is: *
Allow localization of site of lesion along the auditory pathway
Diagnostic test for cerebellopontin angle tumor
Objective test which may be done in children and uncooperative patients
All of above statements are true
Allow testing a functional hearing loss

Correct answer
All of above statements are true

Which one is ‘disturbance of toileting due to right hemiparesis’ classified into,
according to WHO concept of ICIDH? *
Environtmental limitation
Medical condition

Correct answer
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