Max's Restaurants in Metro Manila" For The Partial Fulfillment of Our Thesis Writing Subject

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Inventory Management Practices of Selected

Max’s Restaurants in Metro Manila

Survey Questions

Dear Respondents,
We are currently conducting a study entitled “Inventory Management Practices of Selected
Max’s Restaurants in Metro Manila” for the partial fulfillment of our Thesis Writing subject.
Please respond to each questions honestly and accurately.
Your contribution by providing information regarding this specific research will be highly
appreciated. Rest assured that any information obtained in connection with this study that can
be identified with you will remain confidential.
Thank you for taking time to complete this survey.
The Researchers
1. Respondents Profile
Instruction: Please put a check in the boxes that corresponds to your answer.

1.1 Age 1.2 Sex

20 years old & below Male
21 – 30 years old Female
31 – 40 years old
41 years old and above

1.3 Civil Status 1.4 Highest Educational Attainment

Single High School
Married Diploma in Vocational Training
Legally Separated Bachelor’s Degree
Widowed/Widower Master’s Degree
Doctoral Degree

1.5 Number of Years of Experience in 1.6 Number of Trainings Attended

Inventory Management 3 and below
3 years and below 4–6
4 – 6 years 7–9
7 – 9 years 10 and above
10 years and above

1.7 Job Position Level

Top Level Management
Middle Level Management
Rank and File
2. The level of effectiveness of Inventory Management Practices of Selected Max’s
Restaurant in Metro Manila.
Instruction: Please put a mark on the box that corresponds to the level of effectiveness of
inventory management practices in your respective branch using the following scale:

5 - Very Effective
4 - Effective
3 - Somewhat Effective
2 - Less Effective
1 - Not Effective

5 4 3 2 1
2.1 Controlling and Overseeing Ordering Inventory:
1. Web ordering system
2. Forecasting model based on target sales
3. Computed lead time
4. Matrix used to determine amount of inventory to
5. Stock Requisition Log Sheet
2.2 Receiving of Inventory:
1. Store receiving checklist
2. Online/ Branch Complaint Form
3. Monthly Encoding to System of Orders
4. Physical Count upon Orders’ Arrival
5. Actual Item Receipt vs. Delivery Receipt
2.3 Storage and Maintenance of Inventory:
1. Quality Reference Guide
2. Averaging the usage of every items
3. Training and Engagement of Stock Clerks
4. Time Schedule Of Requisition
5. Stockroom Layout
6. Key Result Area stating the responsibility and
accountability of stock clerks
7. Consolidation of all items required
2.4 Tracking and Regulating of Inventory Usage:
1. Security Features ( Issuance Logbook, CCTV)
2. Use of Stock Cards
3. Inter-branch Transactions
4. FIFO Method
5. Templates to monitor variances
6. Manual Tally as a backup file

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