6-55. If The Built-Up Beam Is Subjected To An Internal Moment of

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If the built-up beam is subjected to an internal moment of 150 mm

M = 75 kN # m, determine the amount of this internal moment
20 mm
resisted by plate A.
150 mm
150 mm
10 mm

Section Properties: The neutral axis passes through centroid C of the cross section M
as shown in Fig. a. The location of C is

10 mm
©y~A 0.15(0.3)(0.02) + 230.225(0.15)(0.01)] + 230.295(0.01)(0.14)4
y = = = 0.2035 m
©A 0.3(0.02) + 2(0.15)(0.01) + 2(0.01)(0.14) 300 mm

Thus, the moment of inertia of the cross section about the neutral axis is

I = I + Ad2
= (0.02)(0.33) + 0.02(0.3)(0.2035 - 0.15)2

+ 2 c (0.01)(0.153) + 0.01(0.15)(0.225 - 0.2035)2 d


(0.14)(0.013) + 0.14(0.01)(0.295 - 0.2035)2 d

+ 2c
= 92.6509(10 - 6) m4

Bending Stress: The distance from the neutral axis to the top and
bottom of plate A is yt = 0.3 - 0.2035 = 0.0965 m and
yb = 0.2035 m.

Myt 75(103)(0.0965)
st = = = 78.14 MPa (C)
I 92.6509(10 - 6)

Myb 75(103)(0.2035)
sb = = = 164.71 MPa (T)
I 92.6509(10 - 6)

The bending stress distribution across the cross section of

plate A is shown in Fig. b. The resultant forces of the tensile
and compressive triangular stress blocks are

(FR)t = (164.71)(106)(0.2035)(0.02) = 335 144.46 N
(FR)c = (78.14)(106)(0.0965)(0.02) = 75 421.50 N

Thus, the amount of internal moment resisted by plate A is

M = 335144.46c (0.2035) d + 75421.50 c (0.0965) d

2 2
3 3
= 50315.65 N # m = 50.3 kN # m Ans.

M = 50.3 kN # m

6–62. A box beam is constructed from four pieces of wood,
glued together as shown. If the moment acting on the cross 20 mm 160 mm 20 mm
section is 10 kN # m , determine the stress at points A and B
and show the results acting on volume elements located at 25 mm
these points. A

250 mm

25 mm B

The moment of inertia of the cross-section about the neutral axis is

M 10 kN?m
1 1
I = (0.2)(0.33) - (0.16)(0.253) = 0.2417(10 - 3) m4.
12 12
For point A, yA = C = 0.15 m.

MyA 10(103) (0.15)

sA = = = 6.207(106) Pa = 6.21 MPa (C) Ans.
I 0.2417(10 - 3)

For point B, yB = 0.125 m.

MyB 10(103)(0.125)
sB = = = 5.172(106) Pa = 5.17 MPa (T) Ans.
I 0.2417(10 - 3)

The state of stress at point A and B are represented by the volume element shown
in Figs. a and b, respectively.

sA = 6.21 MPa (C), sB = 5.17 MPa (T)

*6–120. The composite beam is made of steel (A) bonded A y
to brass (B) and has the cross section shown. If it is
subjected to a moment of M = 6.5 kN # m, determine the 50 mm
maximum bending stress in the brass and steel. Also, what is
the stress in each material at the seam where they are
200 mm
bonded together? Ebr = 100 GPa. Est = 200 GPa.

z x
175 mm

Est 200(109)
n = = = 2
Ebr 100(109)

(350)(50)(25) + (175)(200)(150)
y = = 108.33 mm
350(50) + 175(200)

1 1
I = (0.35)(0.053) + (0.35)(0.05)(0.083332) + (0.175)(0.23) +
12 12
(0.175)(0.2)(0.041672) = 0.3026042(10 - 3) m4
Maximum stress in brass:

Mc1 6.5(103)(0.14167)
(sbr)max = = = 3.04 MPa Ans.
I 0.3026042(10 - 3)

Maximum stress in steel:

nMc2 (2)(6.5)(103)(0.10833)
(sst)max = = = 4.65 MPa Ans.
I 0.3026042(10 - 3)

Stress at the junction:

Mr 6.5(103)(0.05833)
sbr = = = 1.25 MPa Ans.
I 0.3026042(10 - 3)

sst = nsbr = 2(1.25) = 2.51 MPa Ans.

6–121. The composite beam is made of steel (A) bonded A y
to brass (B) and has the cross section shown. If the
allowable bending stress for the steel is (sallow)st = 180 MPa, 50 mm
and for the brass (sallow)br = 60 MPa , determine the
maximum moment M that can be applied to the beam.
200 mm
Ebr = 100 GPa, Est = 200 GPa.

z x
175 mm

Est 200(109)
n = = = 2
Ebr 100(109)

(350)(50)(25) + (175)(200)(150)
y = = 108.33 mm
350(50) + 175(200)

1 1
I = (0.35)(0.053) + (0.35)(0.05)(0.083332) + (0.175)(0.23) +
12 12

(0.175)(0.2)(0.041672) = 0.3026042(10 - 3) m4

nMc2 (2) M(0.10833)

(sst)allow = ; 180(106) =
0.3026042(10 - 3)

M = 251 kN # m

Mc1 M(0.14167)
(sbr)allow = ; 60(106) =
I 0.3026042(10 - 3)

M = 128 kN # m (controls) Ans.

M = 128 kN # m

6–122. Segment A of the composite beam is made from w
2014-T6 aluminum alloy and segment B is A-36 steel. If
w = 0.9 kip> ft, determine the absolute maximum bending
stress developed in the aluminum and steel. Sketch the
stress distribution on the cross section.
15 ft

A 3 in.

B 3 in.

3 in.

Maximum Moment: For the simply supported beam subjected to the uniform
wL2 0.9 A 152 B
distributed load, the maximum moment in the beam is Mmax = =
8 8
= 25.3125 kip ft.

Section Properties: The cross section will be transformed into that of steel as
Eal 10.6
shown in Fig. a. Here, n = = = 0.3655.
Est 29

Then bst = nbal = 0.3655(3) = 1.0965 in. The location of the centroid of the
transformed section is

©yA 1.5(3)(3) + 4.5(3)(1.0965)

y = = = 2.3030 in.
©A 3(3) + 3(1.0965)

The moment of inertia of the transformed section about the neutral axis is

(3) A 33 B + 3(3)(2.3030 - 1.5)2

I = ©I + Ad2 =

(1.0965) A 33 B + 1.0965(3)(4.5 - 2.3030)2


= 30.8991 in4
Maximum Bending Stress: For the steel,

Mmaxcst 25.3125(12)(2.3030)
(smax)st = = = 22.6 ksi Ans.
I 30.8991
At the seam,

Mmaxy 25.3125(12)(0.6970)
sst)y = 0.6970 in. = = = 6.85 ksi
I 30.8991
For the aluminum,

d = 13.3 ksi
Mmaxcal 25.3125(12)(6 - 2.3030)
(smax)al = n = 0.3655c Ans.
I 30.8991

At the seam,

= 0.3655 c d = 2.50 ksi

Mmaxy 25.3125(12)(0.6970)
sal)y = 0.6970 in. = n
I 30.8991

The bending stress across the cross section of the composite beam is shown in Fig. b.

(smax)st = 22.6 ksi, (smax)al = 13.3 ksi


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