House Budget Republicans' Biden Bailout Bill State Funding Impact

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On page 287 of the House Democrats $1.9 trillion bailout package is a funding formula for how the
legislation would allocate direct funding to states. Previous, bipartisan, COVID-19 packages allocated
funding based on population. In their partisan $1.9 trillion bailout package, Democrats have changed
that formula by adding unemployment as a factor. The impact: those states run by the Democrat
majority’s political allies disproportionately benefit from an increase in funding.

The following chart displays how much each state is expected to gain or lose from adding unemployment
as a factor, instead of basing allocations purely on the share of U.S. population.

(in millions of dollars)

State Loss/Gain

Georgia -1,274

Florida -1,243

Virginia -1,098

South Carolina -1,038

Alabama -887

Indiana -881

Ohio -834

Missouri -820

Minnesota -805

Iowa -734

Utah -622

North Carolina -581

Nebraska -512

Kansas -401
Arkansas -390

Oklahoma -345

Kentucky -340

Wisconsin -265

New Hampshire -233

Idaho -222

Mississippi -213

South Dakota -211

Vermont -167

Tennessee -164

West Virginia -163

Montana -159

Maine -155

Washington -133

North Dakota -114

Delaware -102

Wyoming -61

Alaska -49

Oregon -42

New Mexico 52

Michigan 59

Rhode Island 88

Pennsylvania 261

Maryland 288

Connecticut 333

Louisiana 341

Hawaii 416
Massachusetts 500

Colorado 520

Illinois 528

Arizona 591

Nevada 884

Texas 1,403

New Jersey 1,412

New York 2,154

California 5,431

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